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Silly mistakes you've made in FE?


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First time playing FEDS: I did all my promotions at level 10.

I also mistook Noish for Eltshan once in FE4.

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In my very first playthrough of an FE game (FE3 Book 1) I made numerous mistakes:

-overabusing Jagen

-letting Cain, Abel, Draug, Gordin, and other various people die

-not recruiting Navarre, Castor, Merric, Wendell, Minerva, and other various people because I didn't know about getting characters by talking to them as enemies/visiting villages until it was too late

-not training a magic user that can defeat Gharnef with Starlight

The last I recall on that file, I was on the chapter with Michalis with a team so bad and unevenly levelled that it was impossible for me to go any further on that file.

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The hell?

Hmmm. . .

- My first FE7 team was so bad that the final chapter was The Rath and Athos show.

- My first FE7 HHM run went on with Isadora dead, because that was the best I could do.

- In my latest RD run, I managed to kill Skrimir, Leo, and Sanaki.

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In my first FE game, which was 7, I tried to use every unit equally. No one went unused. Because of this, I had a ton of horribly underleveled characters. And I restart whenever a character died, so it was extremely frustrating. I actually managed to get to Lloyd's chapter (the first one) before restarting and playing correctly.

These days, my biggest mistakes have all been selecting "wait" when I actually wanted the unit to attack. IT KEEPS HAPPENING

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Using Garcia :facepalm:

And not restarting when people died in my first go at FE8, had like 12 people :facepalm:

Well, using Garcia isn't actually a bad thing if you are going fast enough. Guys like Ross don't stand a chance.

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When I first started playing FE (FE8), I never touched prepromotes. So no Seth, Duessel, Saleh, Innes or Syrene. I also thought that Tethys was complete crap.

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in my first PT of FE8 I didn't know colm could use swords until he said something like; "and my sword is no joke either" when hey were going to capture that castle to save Ephraim.

that same PT, I dropped Tethys after trying to attack with her with every weapon type. only at my second PT I finally figured out what she was for, since at that point I also had played FE7.

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This happened recently, I put Saul in range of a Killing Edge Mercenary with Dorothy in Support range thinking he won't get critted because the hit was low.

The Merc crits and Savestate for backup.

Sometimes, so much things happen on one turn that I forget about the other areas of the map where my other units are and they get nearly killed because I forgot about them.

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I paired Hector with Florina once.

Mainly sometimes selecting wait when wanting a unit to attack, heal, or, in the case of GBA FEs, support with another unit.

Also forgetting about a few units on one side of the map.

I forget the details of anything else however.

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This happened recently, I put Saul in range of a Killing Edge Mercenary with Dorothy in Support range thinking he won't get critted because the hit was low.

The Merc crits and Savestate for backup.

Sometimes, so much things happen on one turn that I forget about the other areas of the map where my other units are and they get nearly killed because I forgot about them.

Bold: I sometimes tend to forget about some of my units if they're on one end of a map, too.

The rest: As if I wasn't paranoid enough about critical hits...

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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My first normal mode playthrough on RD, I really overused Tauroneo on 1-6, letting him get most of the kills. I REALLY regretted it come Part 3, when the armies of Laguz nearly overwhelmed me.

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My first normal mode playthrough on RD, I really overused Tauroneo on 1-6, letting him get most of the kills. I REALLY regretted it come Part 3, when the armies of Laguz nearly CONSUMED ME.


I could've recruited Harken with Oswin on my very first FE PT but didn't think talking would do any good.

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I've done the wait-instead-of-heal thing before, too. Or was it wait-instead-of-attack?

Well, once, durring the 2nd part of FE9's CH17, I moved Tormod (who had 5HP) within range of an enemy soldier who had a javelin. Tormod lived.

Also in FE9, killed most the guys leading up to a boss then had Kieran tank 2 mages and the boss. Kieran died and I had to redo the chapter.

FE8, tower floor 2: put Marissa out to tank the trvos reinforcements. Didn't see the swordriever.

FE8 Erika route CH13: tanked with Gerrik, didn't see the swordriever.

First FE8 playthrough (which I never completed due to cartrage having cartRAGE): Thought you had to go directly to the next point that appeared on the map; didn't know how to use the tower/manage items on the map/overused Seth and killed Cormag.

Got the weapon triagnle backwards a few times.

In FE9, thought talk conversations were the same as support conversations so I missed outm on talks in CH7.

Edit: Also, foolishly thought that save data in FE10 wouldn't erase my epilogue data.

Edit again: Oh yeah, once I had Meric attack an enemy (archer?) and thought the enemy's numbers were Meric's. So Meric was killed and I reset.

Edited by Mercakete
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Most of mine are minor miscalculations, resulting in an enemy surviving with a little health or one of my units dying. Others are leaving weak units just in range of enemies so my planned defense formation fails.

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Just today. FE10, part 1-3. The one with all the laguz and treasure and beastfoe and the twin bosses.

The chapter was going quite swimmingly for the most part. All my strategies were working, and everyone was getting some nice level ups. Micaiah even got two points of speed! Fast forward to the very end - there's only a boss tiger and his crony left on the right side, by a chest, and a cat on the left side. All my guys are at the top in between them. I finish off the tiger crony with Micaiah and someone else, letting Sothe get the chest. Edward attacks the boss and survives with only two HP.

I sent Leonardo to go to the left and hunt down that cat (who had only 6hp), who had mysteriously untransformed, so I figured he'd be safe, and could finish him off on the next turn. The only move I can make now is to get Nolan to hit the boss with his hand axe, which he has a displayed 68% chance of making. I battle save just in case he misses, so Edward will be safe. He makes the hit, the turn ends. The cat shifts back to laguz form and 1RKOs Leonardo.

Now I'm trapped in my battlesave. No one can move to go rescue him. I don't want give him up because he's been strangely reliable, and I just don't want anyone to die. I don't want to redo the chapter because I will lose those wonderful levelups. So I decide to keep restarting the game until the cat misses one of his attacks... which has a 1.2% chance of happening, according to the real hit guide. I'll let you know how it turns out....

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First PT of POR, I missed Jill. Yes, the character who recruits herself. I had a very defensive formation.

I also missed Zihark, Stefan, and Shinon. Although, I don't know how anyone was supposed to figure how to recruit the last two.

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Most of my mistakes involve stupid positioning, forgetting I left other units behind, or unwise choice of weapons, stuff that makes me reload my save state/press (L+R+start+select) more often than not.

Here are some examples:

In Chapter 8 of a Shadow Dragon playthrough(first time playing on a non-NM difficulty). I did not pay attention to the fact that reinforcements spawned at the end of the enemy turn, and I happened to leave Rena in the vicinity of two forts that spawned armor knights, and she got raped as a result, forcing me to restart the chapter. Not to mention the four or so times I accidentally(or deliberately) killed Machis before I could get Rena to speak to him(On my first play, at least Draug appreciated the free level up and lance WEXP when Machis walked into a javelin crit and he[Doga] got everything except mag/spd/res(and hit B lances))

In Chapter 21 of my first FE9 run, I accidentally put Mia into the combined ranges of Taur and two short spear dudes. She survived only because she dodged one of the spear strikes. In that same playthrough, I accidentally put my 20/20 Gatrie into the ranges of two siege tome guys, not knowing that the Bolting dude had crit on him. Guess what the Bolting dude did.

In Chapter 7 of my first FE6 run, I rescue-dropped Bors next to the boss area with Thany, only to find out next turn that the reinforcements included two steel-bow archers. I had to spend over 5 minutes wasting RN's just to keep the fuckers from hitting her(they had around 50 displayed, not too hard to force a miss). Also, the bolting dudes in C14 caused Roy to die like a little red pussy, twice.

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