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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 75


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Oh, and for honorable mention, I'll pick FE9. That's a plot. A well-written that at, too. With more than 10 characters with a personality!

I actually found FE9 rather generic. "My name is Ike. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

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I actually found FE9 rather generic. "My name is Ike. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

That was just his confrontation with BK. The story doesn't center itself on that.

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Best: FE8. Honorable mention to FE11.

Worst: FE7. Dishonorable mention to FE9.

Nomination: Best/Worst Legendary Hero.

Edited by Pariah
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Best: If youve played FE4 and dont vote for it you're an idiot.

Blow me, motherfucker.

Best is...I guess FE9? FE4 comes close, and I'm getting the feeling FE5 would win my vote if I got off my ass and finished it. Worst is FE10. They could've made it that good, but...they fucked up. Bad. Honourable mentions to FE6 (Oh joy, it's Roy, and I still don't give a shit even after 21 chapters) FE7 (MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND YOU FORGETTABLE PRICKS) and FE8 (JUST GO EAST AND FINISH IT YOU FUCkING COWARDS)

Edited by Furetchen
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Best: FE5. I also like FE4 gen 1 a lot. Like, nearly as much as FE5's plot.

Worst: FE10. Part 1 is rehash of FE9 plot to an extent and cut down into 12 chapters. Part 2 might as well not exist, Part 3 is actually interesting and mostly well done, sans the Dawn Brigade Chapters which have the Blood Pacts of Plot Convenience to make Micaiah and her side look better. Part 4 is just...I don't like it.

Dishonorable mentions include FE1/3/11 (No character development there whatsoever), FE6 (Some good characters and the plot is very generic and doesn't get interesting till the end), and FE4 Gen 2 (Boring, cliche, and your playable characters there barely have personality sadly. Yulius is also Generic Evil Villain of Evil to me but eh. I like some of the other villains there).

I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this or told how much of an idiot I am but eh :/

Edited by Dark Sage
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Best: FE7

Yeah it was the first one I played, but it still pulls off the main game nicely with some decent sub-plots added in (Zephiel, Black Fang, and I actually enjoyed Lyn mode.) Honorable mention for FE9 for doing great too... up until it tripped into an anticlimax ending and needed a whole sequel just to set up the climactic battle everyone (especially those who only played the US games at this point) was expecting. (Didn't know about Super Ashnard until another playthrough, and even then the ending felt lacking.)

Worst: FEDS (Shadow Dragon)

Only the remade prologue felt like an actual Fire Emblem. Everything else was, well... bare bones and super predictable. e.g. Nyna talks to you out of the blue about Miloah and his daughter Linde (despite coming completely out of left field after having just gotten Minerva and Maria on your side without giving them a single mention.) Sure enough next chapter, hey! It's Linde! Also, it doesn't help how the Gaiden chapters praise Marth for taking some time to be extra-heroic when you only got there because you actively turned your troops into ground meat just like Michalis the Tyrant (according to Matthis anyway...) Come on, New Mystery localization! I know you want to happen and make me like Archanea for more than gameplay purposes!

To its credit, despite all my problems with Radiant Dawn, It did engage me long enough to finish the game and want to do another playthrough to see the events of saving Pelleas/Lehran for myself; even if the epilogue was more or less everyone goes back to their lives doing whatever they did beforehand, possibly with a partner, except for Ike who went traveling and was never seen again went to fight in Super Smash Bros.

Nomination for Best/Worst Map Theme

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You mean preparations music?

No, I don't mean the theme that plays before the battle begins, but when they're showing the map and narrating and all that jazz.

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