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14 hours ago, Tuvy said:

I was looking up fire emblem stuff. Kinda boring I guess.


Why do you like Katarina?

Because she is a nice girl stuck way in over her head, and I'll be damned if I didn't want to protect her from that stuff.

Also If i where to learn a magic spell it would have to be a teleport because that just sounds convinient

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7 hours ago, Clarine said:

Forgive me, for I have disabled the viewing of signatures and I possess no plans on altering such settings.

What do you deem to be Fire Emblem Fates' worst aspect?

To be perfectly honest there is more than one aspect about Fates that I don't like and it is the numerous factors together that make me dislike the game to the degree that I do.  Firstly, Corrin/Kamui.  I don't think I have to explain that one all that much but it boils down to the writers clearly not having a clue about what it's like to be raised by one family (blood related or not) then being forced to choose between those families.  Secondly I would have to say that I take great offense to the fact that there are no female Grandmasters even though Grandmaster is not one specific gender, it carries over to both.  And they nerfered useful skills just like Pokemon does.  (Super annoying)


7 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

@TheSilentChloey your interests state you enjoy making things for other people. what would you make for your favourite fire emblem character

@Clarine my signature is better than yours and you should alter your settings. who is the quote in your signature attributed to, and what made you choose it

Well likely I would make something that said character would like me to make.  I've got a crafty streak that can and does result in a few different things.  Although I most certainly would be likely to make a scarf or a blanket for winter :D: I have a knack for knitting and crochet.  Also funnily enough I have a knack for painting and drawing as well as playing music.  So really it does depend mostly on the person and what they would like :D:


My question is thus:

Is there one game that you like to play most of if not all the time that you have the chance?

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12 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

@Clarine my signature is better than yours and you should alter your settings. who is the quote in your signature attributed to, and what made you choose it

My word, I am not impressed—need I truly say more?

As for the question, this source may be most curious. The quote originates from a video game known as "WarioWare: Touched!": a series featuring fast-paced and peculiar "microgames", mini-games which are played in a so-called "rapid-fire fashion" for a few seconds each. In this video game franchise is a character known as Ashley, a young isolated witch that is truly interested in dark magic. To elaborate further, the quote is from her theme known merely as "Ashley's Song" which is featured in the aforementioned video game alongside new renditions for the Super Smash Bros. series. The quoted section is as followed in this verse:

I don't have as many friends as you.
But I think you're nice, and maybe we could be friends.
And if you say no, you're toast.

If one must know, I selected this quote as it perfectly summarises my social position in regards to friendship—excepting that I technically lack said power stated in the third line due to legal reasons. And of course, I do possess witch-esque tones in my personality, desires and possibly even attire choice which justifies my reason to use this quote. And of course, if one would excuse me, I shall also quote:

"Don't let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanour."
"I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet."

In regards to the theme of dilemmas, just how easily do you find making such decisions?

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What quote inspires you the most?

On 9/18/2017 at 9:09 PM, Clarine said:

Just what do you deem to be the most interesting aspect of yourself?

I'm good at listening to people and understanding them. As in I know how to relate to their problems and offer advice to them. Giving wisdom to others is one of the best things I can do to help people

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18 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

My question is thus:

Is there one game that you like to play most of if not all the time that you have the chance?

the one game that i've been on and off with the most my life is DotA 2

@Slade kill, marry, spend a night with: catwoman, wonder woman, mystique

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2 hours ago, Slade said:

What quote inspires you the most?

I do not believe quotes inspires me in any way.

Just what are you sentiments regarding the power known as "mind control" and if you would to ever possess such abilities, what might you use it for?

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22 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:


@Jingle Jangle what's the best ride you've ever been on

That would be Cheetah Hunt in Bush Gardens, the gimmick is that is is starts at 60 mph soon as the ride begins. With several loops and corkscrews, it's quite fun.

@Clarine What word is a lot of fun to say?

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14 minutes ago, Clarine said:

I do not believe quotes inspires me in any way.

Just what are you sentiments regarding the power known as "mind control" and if you would to ever possess such abilities, what might you use it for?

not a fan. the best part is knowing they wanted to do it, and i just gave them a little help in deciding; forcing them to do it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth

if i had a mind control ability, i wouldn't use it in everyday life. emergencies only, if things got out of order and lives were in danger

@Clarine fleeing from the empire with your butler, you happen upon an abandoned war mill and decide to rest for teatime. upon leaving, do you take the forgotten dagger, crossbow or light armour?

@Jingle Jangle ever been to disneyland on the 4th of july?

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15 hours ago, Clarine said:


In regards to the theme of dilemmas, just how easily do you find making such decisions?

Not very easily at all.  I tend to take a while and when I am sure that the situation calls for it I go with my gut mostly.


To be or not be?

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both, if you're referring to the hamlet soliloquy. at times i acknowledge that some things in life are outside my influence, and other times i will take a decisive stand

gotta pick and choose your battles

what's your favourite shakespeare play

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What's the most useless talent you have?

20 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

@Slade kill, marry, spend a night with: catwoman, wonder woman, mystique

Kill Mystique, marry Wonder Woman, spend a night with Catwoman

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On 9/22/2017 at 4:24 AM, Jingle Jangle said:

@Clarine What word is a lot of fun to say?

Goodness, I do not believe any words come to mind. If such an answer is disappointing then I shall state that I do place a lot of emphasis on the word, for perhaps letter, of "I".

On 9/22/2017 at 4:28 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

not a fan. the best part is knowing they wanted to do it, and i just gave them a little help in deciding; forcing them to do it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth

if i had a mind control ability, i wouldn't use it in everyday life. emergencies only, if things got out of order and lives were in danger

@Clarine fleeing from the empire with your butler, you happen upon an abandoned war mill and decide to rest for teatime. upon leaving, do you take the forgotten dagger, crossbow or light armour?

It appears you do possess a strong moral code. How... decent of you.

As for my choice, I would prefer to take and use the crossbow. I confess, I possess a curious affinity with the concept of crossbows.

Might there be any Fire Emblem characters you could perchance "relate to" in any way?

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What are some of your favorite songs that you'll never get sick of listening to?

13 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

opinions on the new kingsman movie

It was phenomenal! If you loved the first Kingsman movie, you're going to really enjoy the sequel, that being said, you need to watch the first one to understand the second one

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45 minutes ago, Slade said:

What are some of your favorite songs that you'll never get sick of listening to?

Such songs do not exist, for I can grow bored of anything. If such is to be the case, I am to listen to many other musical pieces before listening to a particular one once more. Might I say, such is why my collection of music scores easily exceeds the number of ten-thousand and it is also why I can listen to compositions of the classical variant to those featuring modern electric guitars. On the contrary, modern rap "music" is not normally to my taste, for such noise without a melody of any kind is simply abhorrent!

Just what are your sentiments in regards to overused or perhaps "cliché" humour or jokes?

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45 minutes ago, Slade said:

What are some of your favorite songs that you'll never get sick of listening to?

Such songs do not exist, for I can grow bored of anything. If such is to be the case, I am to listen to many other musical pieces before listening to a particular one once more. Might I say, such is why my collection of music scores easily exceeds the number of ten-thousand and it is also why I can listen to compositions of the classical variant to those featuring modern electric guitars. On the contrary, modern rap "music" is not normally to my taste, for such noise without a melody of any kind is simply abhorrent!

Just what are your sentiments in regards to overused or perhaps "cliché" humour or jokes?

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21 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

both, if you're referring to the hamlet soliloquy. at times i acknowledge that some things in life are outside my influence, and other times i will take a decisive stand

gotta pick and choose your battles

what's your favourite shakespeare play

A Mid Summer Night's Dream (I think that is what it is called).


What is your favourite reference?

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If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

2 hours ago, Clarine said:

Just what are your sentiments in regards to overused or perhaps "cliché" humour or jokes?

If I hear a joke that is tossed around by a lot people, it's in my category of "buzzkill". There are only so many times I can hear it before it loses it ability to urge a laugh out of myself

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What is your strongest attribute?

6 minutes ago, Randoman said:

If you could rid yourself of one of the seven capital sins (Eg: pride, anger, lust), which one would you pick?

Envy, it doesn't pose a threat to myself but I would like any sign of it to cease within me. Jealousy prevents people from being content and especially grateful for what they have. At a psychological aspect, humans want what they don't have and that always leads to self-burden and other issues

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What is your favourite reference?

How... uninteresting. Such a thing does not exist and one ought to know this.

What are you sentiments regarding individuals known as "chuunibyou" and do you believe I might be one?

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I know you prefer magic, but given the choice between other Fire Emblem weapons (sword, bow, staff, etc.) which do you choose?

On 9/20/2017 at 0:38 AM, Gemma said:

Do you feel you have a deep purpose to live for?

Yes... and no? It's slightly complicated. I know I have a purpose, because I know everything in this world has a purpose. But I don't know what my exact purpose is.

Er, but you are referring to a "deep purpose," which I assume goes beyond who I marry or what job I might have. In that sense, yes. I follow my religion as the reasoning for all that I do, and as the very reason for my existence.

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If you could be best friends with one character from Gravity Falls, who would it be and why?

3 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

tell me your favourite joke

 How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus 


Ten-tickles *ba-dum tiss*


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3 hours ago, Clarine said:

How... uninteresting. Such a thing does not exist and one ought to know this.

What are you sentiments regarding individuals known as "chuunibyou" and do you believe I might be one?

1. I have no idea what a "chuunibyou" is

2. I suppose that I would essentially be indifferent to it?  Not sure though.


If you have a choice between living in a fantasy and living a normal life which would you choose on principal and why?

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