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Yeah, as nice as traps would be, there's just no room. Focus on your advantage engine and boss monsters. The sheer amount of bosses and how easily accessible they are means even if you get hit hard, so long as you're still kicking, you can explode on them again with ease.

As a note, Rota has 7 targets. 2 D.Dude, 2 Mali, Plasma, Stratos, BLS

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RotA only fetches Level 4 and under Warriors. >_>


Chaotic Destiny Agents ver. 1.something

Deck Total - 40

Monsters - 28

3 - Master Hyperion

2 - Archlord Krystia

1 - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

3 - The Agent of Mystery - Earth

3 - The Agent of Creation - Venus

1 - Honest

3 - Herald of Orange Light

3 - Mystical Shine Ball

1 - Gorz, Emissary of Darkness

2 - Chaos Sorcerer

1 - Destiny HERO Plasma

2 - Destiny HERO Malicious

2 - Destiny HERO Diamond Dude

1 - Elemental HERO Stratos

Spells - 12

2 - Pot of Duality

2 - Destiny Draw

2 - Trade-In

2 - Mystical Space Typhoon

1 - Heavy Storm

1 - Dark Hole

1 - Monster Reborn

1 - Book of Moon

I kinda want to remove a Hyperion for Tragoedia or two to have access to more Xyz monsters.

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Monsters 27

The Agent of Creation - Venus x3

Mystical Shine Ball x3

The Agent of Mystery - Earth x3

Master Hyperion x2

Archlord Kristya x2

Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x2

Destiny Hero Malicious x2

Destiny Hero Plasma x1

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1

Chaos Sorceror x2

Herald of Orange Light x2

Dark Armed Dragon x1

Honest x1

Spells 13

Pot of Duality x2

Destiny Draw x2

Trade-In x2

Cards from the Sky x2

Monster Reborn x1

Dark Hole x1

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

What I've got currently. Differences right now is(using my build as the base)

-2 Cards from the Sky

-1 Dark Armed Dragon

+1 Master Hyperion

+1 Herald of Orange Light

+1 Book of Moon

And yeah, I messed up on RotA. Dropped.

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Hm... I didn't change the build very much it seems.

I like three Hyperion because he manipulates the Graveyard allowing for Krystia to be summoned a little easier.

Three Herald of Orange Light I feel is necessary especially in this format. Stopping your opponents plays and ridding the field of that monster is great. It also provides Krystia with the Fairies you need to bring him out.

I don't like Dark Armed Dragon in this build. You have enough boss monsters as it is that using it seems superfluous despite how devastating it is.

Cards from the Sky is nice and all but I don't like giving up the Battle Phase.

I REALLY want to add Tragoedia though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Another horrid Absolute Zero build, nothing interesting here to see" Deck

Monsters: 20

E-Hero Stratos

D-Hero Diamond Dude x2

D-Hero Malicious x2

D-Hero Dasher

Cryomancer of the I-B x2

Dewdark of the I-B

Caravan of the I-B

Samurai of the I-B

Spellbreaker of the I-B

Mother Grizzly x3

Deep Sea Diva x2

Spined Gillman x2

Reese the Ice Mistress

Spells: 17

Destiny Draw x2

Magic Triangle oh the I-B

Medallion of the I-B

Miracle Fusion x2

Foolish Burial

Moray of Greed x2

Reinforcement of the Army

Salvage x2


Mind Control

Monster Reborn


Pot of Avarice

Traps: 3

Dark Bribe

Royal Decree x2

Extra: 15

Wind-Up Zenmaister

N. 39: Utopia

T.G. Hyper Libarian

Ally of J Catastor

Gaia Knight, the Force of Bro


Flamvell Uruquizas

Black Rose

Scrap D

Colossal Fighter


Mist W


E-Hero AZ x2

Side: 0


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One day, Sangan decided to go on a trip. But not just any trip. He has gone to many different places. The Underworld, the Heavens, dense forests, and many more. But this time he wanted to go somewhere different. He's heard of the fabled Scrap monsters and their ability to recycle themselves and reform into new and different creatures. In particular he wanted to see the elusive Scrap Dragon with his own three eyes. Luckily Sangan has made a good living selling shiny portraits of himself. Once again, Sangan hired his favorite Tour Guide and invited some good friends. An elderly Tengu, an angelic Veiler, an elderly Monk, and the legendary warrior who defeated the Envoy of the End.

Tour to the Scrapheap, aka I just came up with this when I was bored in my Philosophy class and I kinda want to use a Scrap deck again but I need moneyz for ALL of this shiny cardboard.

Deck Total - 40

Monsters - 20

3 - Scrap Chimera

3 - Scrap Beast

1 - Scrap Goblin

3 - Reborn Tengu

3 - Tour Guide from the Underworld

3 - Effect Veiler

2 - Summoner Monk

1 - Sangan

1 - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Spells - 13

3 - Mystical Space Typhoon

3 - Scrapstorm

2 - Pot of Duality

1 - Monster Reincarnation

1 - Monster Reborn

1 - Dark Hole

1 - Heavy Storm

1 - Book of Moon

Traps - 7

2 - Solemn Warning

2 - Mind Crush

1 - Solemn Judgment

1 - Torrential Tribute

1 - Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck - 15

3 - Scrap Dragon

1 - Stardust Dragon

1 - Black Rose Dragon

1 - T. G. Hyper Librarian

1 - Ally of Justice Catastor

1 - Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1 - Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

3 - Steelswarm Roach

1 - Number 39: Utopia

1 - Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1 - Leviair the Sea Dragon

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This is the deck Im running atm:

Chaos Monarchs

Monsters: 28

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Light and Darkness Dragon

2 Vanity's Fiend

2 Raiza the Storm Monarch

1 Dark Dust Spirit

1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2 Tragoedia

1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

3 Battle Fader

3 Swap Frog

2 Treeborn Frog

3 Effect Veiler

1 Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning

2 Genex Ally Birdman

Spells: 12

3 Soul Exchange

3 Enemy Controller

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Foolish Burial

Traps: 0

Extra Deck: 15

1 Formula Synchron

2 Armory Arm

1 Ally of Justice Catastor

1 Magical Android

1 T.G. Hyper Librarian

1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Stardust Dragon

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Mist Wurm

1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15 obv

2 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Burial from a Different Dimmension

1 Dark Hole

2 Mind Crush

2 Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Cyber Dragon

2 D.D. Crow

2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

You might think the S/T destruction in my deck and side deck combined is overkill but I prefer being overprepared against zombie world, mask of restrict, dimmensional fissure and macro cosmos than being caught off guard :p. What do you think?

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I like it. I would replace a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon for Shooting Star Dragon on the off chance you can summon it. Unless you face plenty of machine decks.

Treacherous Trap Hole is always nice in this deck.

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I might replace Thestalos with Mobius. It gives you the option of switching out some backrow hate, because Mobius. As well, Mobius is the only monarch that is an instant +1(provided opponent has 2 s/t) In addition, if it gets hit by chainables, it is also an Aoi target. That and Thestalos is kinda mediocre, IMO.

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Mobius, I found is mediocre this format since Heavy's back. I used to have one last format and it worked great. Now? not so much. I personally dont like Treacherous Trap Hole that much. I forgot Shooting Star. Its kinda hard to summon in froggy now with formula at 1 but I might consider him. ^^

EDIT- I CAN still summon shooting though. Treeborn + enemy controller an opponents lv 4 + genex ally birdman = stardust then next turn treeborn + veiler = formula into shooting.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Monsters 28

The Agent of Creation - Venus x3

Mystical Shine Ball x3

The Agent of Mystery - Earth x3

Master Hyperion x2

Archlord Kristya x2

Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x2

Destiny Hero Malicious x2

Destiny Hero Plasma x1

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1

Chaos Sorceror x2

Herald of Orange Light x2

Honest x1

Tragoedia x2

Spells 12

Pot of Duality x3

Destiny Draw x2

Trade-In x2

Monster Reborn x1

Dark Hole x1

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2


Gachi Gachi Gantetsu x1

Leviair x1

No 17 Leviathan x1

Utopia x1

Armory Arm x1


Catastor x1

Gaia Knight x1

Brionac x1

BRD x1

Scrap Archfiend x1

Stardusr x1

Scrap Dragon x1

Trishula x1

Current state of the build. I'm not sure if I want to go for the second Utopia, or the second Gachi Gachi(I don't have Roach, and can't afford them)

Now, the side is a bit of an issue. I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it. So far I have:

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Solemn Warning

1x Solemn Judgment

2x Mind Crush

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Orange Herald

2x Effect Veiler

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Doomcalibur Knight

2x Thunder King Rai-Oh

Does that look like an alright side?

Edited by TourGuideFromTheUnderworld
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+2 Daigusto Phoenix

Where's your Ancient Sacred Wyvern?

I don't own a Wyvern. Even if I did, it's not really something I ever see myself going into. I suppose I could add it instead of the extra XYZ if I got my hands on one.

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Are there any XYZ that are good in monarchs?

There aren't really any you can bring out. I guess you could use one of the Rank 1's coming out in Photon Shockwave, but you don't really have any need for them. Atleast, until we get a legal Rank 6.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, I've got a question that I hope can get answered in here.

What does resolve mean? For example, a player has General Raiho of the Ice Barrier in the field and attacks a face-down Man-Eater Bug. Now, Raiho's effect is to cancel out (if the opponent doesn't discard a card) Man-Eater Bug's effect, avoiding the destruction of a monster.

That's how I picture it, not really sure how it works out in the end and I have troubles with the rulings of a few cards. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

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The resolution of effects is when those effects happen, so to speak. It involves the chain.

For your specific example, Man-Eater bug is flipped face up. Man-Eater Bug's effect becomes link 1 in the chain. If nothing else is chained to it(activated in response) then Man-Eater bug resolves right after. The resolution is when the effect occurs, and conditions are double-checked. At this point, if your opponent discards 1 card from their hand, then Man-Eater will destroy a monster. If they do not discard a card, then Man-Eater bug resolves without effect, and nothing dies.

Now, for example, were you to activate the effect of Effect Veiler when Man-Eater bug is flipped, then Veiler becomes chain link 2. The chain resolves in reverse order, so:

-Effect Veiler activates, negating Man-Eater Bug's effect.

-Man-Eater Bug resolves without effect.

On the other hand, you cannot activate Effect Veiler once Man-Eater Bug has resolved. If they flip Man-Eater, and you do nothing, and then they discard a card to allow Man-Eater to resolve fully, it is too late to use Effect Veiler, since Man-Eater bug has already resolved.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since I posted here and I would like you guys to critique my three in-game decks in YGOC 2011. I'm using the Up to One Forbidden Card ban list so if you see anything that shouldn't be there normally, the ban list is the reason. Any suggestions are welcome. However, please explain why the suggestions are better than the cards I have now.

Also please keep in mind that this game does not have new cards like Reborn Tengu and Tour Guide from the Underworld.

Six Samurai, Total Cards :41


2x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

1x Great Shogun Shien

3x Kagemusha of the Six Samurai

2x Legendary Six Samurai - Enshi

3x Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki

3x Legendary Six Samurai - Kizen

3x Legendary Six Samurai - Mizhuho

2x Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai

2x The Six Samurai - Zanji


2x Gateway of the Six

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

2x MST

1x Reinforcement from the Army

2x Shien's Smoke Signal

1x Six Samurai United


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Dimensional Prion

2x Double-Edged Sword Technique

1x Mirror Force

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit

Extra Deck:15

2x Ally of Justice Catasor

1x Black Rose Dragon

1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1x Colossal Fighter

2x Driven Daredevil

1x Goyo Guardian

3x Lengendary Six Samurai - Shi En

1x Mist Wurm

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Should I keep Shogun? It's easy for me to summon 2 monsters in one turn but if I have a bad draw and wind up with him, he's just sitting there in my hand. But when I do draw him while I have 2 or more Six Samurais on the field, an instant 2500 Atk is greatly appreciated.

Fabled, Total Cards: 41


2x Fabled Grimo

2x Fabled Krus

2x Fabled Kushano

2x Fabled Raven

2x Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World

2x Honest

1x Morphing Jar

1 Sangan

2x The Fabled Catsith

2x The Fabled Cerburrel

3x The Fabled Ganashia

3x The Fabled Nozhoochee


1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn

2x MST

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Pot of Greed


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Dimensional Prison

1x Mirror Force

2x Raigeki Break

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Solemn Judgement

Extra Deck:15

1x Ally of Justice Catasor

1x Avenging Knight Parashath

1x Black Rose Dragon

1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1x Chaos King Archfiend

2x Fabled Ragin

1x Fabled Valkyrus

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Styglan Sergeants

2 The Fabled Unicore

1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

I was thinking of replacing Goldd with The Tricky. Similar to the Six Samurai deck, Goldd sometimes just sits there in my hand and does nothing until I draw a Raven. But when I draw them together or get a Raven through Grimro or through Krus from the graveyard, an instant Level 8 Synchro is not bad. But If I do replace him with The Tricky, Raven will remain a Lv. 2 and I can only summon 2 Synchros from my Extra Deck and they're both ok as opposed to the better Lv 8 Synchros.

Blackwing, Total Cards: 41

Monsters: 22

3x Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

3x Blackwing - Bora the Spear

1x Blackwing - Elphin The Ravin

1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

3x Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

2x Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak

2x Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield

3x Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

2x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

2x Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor


1x Black Whirlwind

1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn

2x MST

1x Pot of Greed

1x Solidarity

Traps: 12

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

3x Dimensional Prison

2x Dust Tornado

2x Icarus Attack

1x Mirror Force

Extra Deck: 15

1x Ally of Justice Catasor

1x Black Rose Dragon

3x Blackwing Armed Wing

2x Blackwing Armor Master

1x Black-Winged Dragon

1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1x Dark End Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Scrap Dragon

2x Stardust Dragon

1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

You might have notice that my deck has a lot of cards that will destroy my opponent's Spells/Traps. Maybe too much. Any suggestions for this? Also, I feel as though that this deck has lost its swarming abilities. Can someone identify the problem?

Edited by UberLughFTW
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