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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 78


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What's so genuine about a greedy mook looking out for himself

Um...sounds basically the right thing to do In Event Of Daemonic Incursion. Fuck the prince, I'm looking out for Numero Uno.

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Best: Schaeffer (Path of Radiance): Death quote is epic. Plus when you engage him and he taunts you on how many priests you've killed, if you've been cautious enough you can just smirk in his face with "None, now you die and I get this sweet staff."

Badass Mention to Hyman (Shadow Dragon Ch. 3): On the harder modes, if you want to keep your guys alive without risk, you are pretty much forced to use Julian and Navarre to take on this speedy guy who's way too strong for the chapter he's in. Good because more difficult = more memorable. Bad because, it's only chapter 3! Unless you've been lucky in levels, the two new guys will be the only ones who can last a single round against his Hand Axe.

Worst: Novala (Sacred Stones Ch.6) - Stone-faced unsubtle prick. When you have hostages and are planning to kill the lord anyways, at least start attacking them or kick away their swords before you decide to waste time gloating in their faces. Even Colm succeeded in your mission to steal the bracelet better than you did, and he's on their side!

Dishonorable Mention to Zagan (Blazing Sword Ch. 12): For forever instilling a fear in me that bosses could move from their position at any time if they're not on a throne. Further supported by some other bosses in the same game (Oleg, Lloyd, Linus) doing the same thing (Though I've now learned that they only really move if the condition is "Defeat Enemy/Boss," not "Seize") Also, if he gets on a mountain he's annoying to hit.

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Best: Harold. Because he's the leader of the Harolds.

Worst: Gomez. Having a boss that is nigh-invincible to anyone that can survive him who kills anyone that can hurt him in a game where you can't even realistically abuse rescue/drops inside and fatigue can erase the one character who merely has to pray for a crit against him instead of praying for multiple misses/hits/crits is NOT pleasant.

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Worst: Gomez. Having a boss that is nigh-invincible to anyone that can survive him who kills anyone that can hurt him in a game where you can't even realistically abuse rescue/drops inside and fatigue can erase the one character who merely has to pray for a crit against him instead of praying for multiple misses/hits/crits is NOT pleasant.

At least he doesn't have 1-2 range. Just don't bring Asvel to chapter 8 (he's probably exhausted from being in 4x to 7 anyway) and then use a character to pick him up each time the boss lives through his Calibur attack (and another to drop so that you don't lose a player phase). Gomes even starts with the Steel Axe equipped instead of the Steel Bow, so Asvel should never need to take a counter. Gomes only has 3 mag/res. Even at base that's 17 atk for 14 damage a shot. Not sure how much he recovers, though, but 31 on a crit. Also, +5 magic on promo, so even if he never gains any mag up to level 10, you still get 22 atk, 19 damage, and 41 on a crit. Against 46 hp, 1 hit + 1 crit should do it, if not 1 crit alone.

Don't get me wrong, Gomes is one of the most annoying bosses ever. But his fatal flaw is no 1-2 range, really, since you can chip him down slowly with Asvel easily.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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And how the latter got fans is beyond me.

Simple. They're usually even fatter and uglier than he is, and what he tries to do to Tana is representative of what they wish they could to to girls.

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Gheb just looks funny. I remember there used to be a time when I couldn't look at him without laughing. Now I look at him with unrelenting hate thanks to that dumb fad.

Didn't vote for him as worst though, because he isn't. He just has annoying fans.

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How? I just explained how they aren't genuine. Really. There's nothing neither special nor likeable about those two. And how the latter got fans is beyond me.

Binks is a tragic character, duped by Pablo in fighting to the death for far less than he would of normally asked. But hey, being a mercenary is a tough job; you'd take any amount to get enough food to avoid starvation. Think of it that way the next time you send Seth to murder poor, hungry, Binks.

And Gheb is Gheb. ^_^

I actually really like the generic bosses in the series. Harold, Baldak, Zagan, etc. They're the best.

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Best: Bernard, for making me feel bad.

Worst: Zharov, for having stats that make generics feel good. Honorable mention to Kannival the failure Knight that broke a string of Generals.

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Best: Any General the enemy plops on a castle in FE4

Worst: idk I'll just pick Ashnard so that my vote counts

..Ashnard is the final boss, how is he generic?

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Also, he didn't specify who he wanted for best either...

I was clearly voting for all of those generals. When the most distinguishing feature between them is "What you drop," I think that its safe to lump them all together.

As for Ashnard, its not my fault you didn't specify at the start what constitutes "generic." Furthermore, an argument could be made for Ashnard being generic anyways.

Edited by General Spoon
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I was clearly voting for all of those generals. When the most distinguishing feature between them is "What you drop," I think that its safe to lump them all together.

Given that you did this before me. you should know the rules by now. And the rules state that if your vote isn't for one person/thing then your vote will not be counted.

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