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Religion could become extinct in up to nine Countries "within years".


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Meh, I don't see it going extinct. Just less people follow it.

People that are really anti-religion confuse me. I feel like they hate it because they don't really understand what a given religion is actually supposed to be.

But of course when everybody starts hatin on Christianity, it is supposed to kind of signal the second coming... :P So it would make since if religion starts going away.

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Meh, I don't see it going extinct. Just less people follow it.

People that are really anti-religion confuse me. I feel like they hate it because they don't really understand what a given religion is actually supposed to be.

But of course when everybody starts hatin on Christianity, it is supposed to kind of signal the second coming... :P So it would make since if religion starts going away.

As it says under the picture in the link in the OP: In the UK, Wales has the highest number of people unaffiliated with any religion, one being myself.

Looking at it from my own perspective, the need for religion is simply not there any more. In my own home town of Maesteg, I know of at least four Christian churches. Two of which have been converted into flats for people to live in, one looks like it's still in use, and the other simply abandoned and locked up.

Everyone can easily live a life without following some set values and rules written into a book that's thousands of years old, or believing in some god/s. It's much simpler to do so, in my opinion, following the rules of your laws only.

As far as I'm aware, in some countries the religion is written into the law, and so they may see it as "normal" to pray and believe in something like a god or gods.

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Good riddance. If only it could happen sooner across the whole World.[/color]


I'm probably more like definitely one of the people that hate religion. Being a former religious follower in my past for several years, I understand what it offers, and I understand that it's not "evil" or anything bad, but I do see it as unnecessary.

You're free to believe in whatever you believe in, but I'm free to voice my qualms and issues with the religious practice. What I will agree on though is that people "hate" on religion because they don't understand it. Even a devout follower doesn't "truly understand" it, since a significant portion simply doesn't make sense. (Religious people will usually use some religious jargon for "God has his own plans, which we mere mortals can't even begin to comprehend."


I was listening to some religious "fools" today at college, claiming that all the natural disasters/wars/etc were a sign that God was pissed off since the world wasn't worshipping anymore. In which case I have to say God has the mentality of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum because people won't give him his favorite toy :P

Hopefully, the rest of religious people aren't that stupid.... though God did wipe out the world... several times.... for similar reasons :/

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Oh look, it's this thread again.

Religion, yeah I know. But it's on a certain subtopic of religion, so it's a little different at the very least.

What do you think about the declining interest in it?

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Religion, yeah I know. But it's on a certain subtopic of religion, so it's a little different at the very least.

It's equally inflammable, though.

What do you think about the declining interest in it?

It's relative. I'm actually watching the opposite around here (Brazil), in a sense: many so-called catholics (as in, catholics in name only, not really caring about religion at all) becoming ardent devotees of pentecostal churches. Their political influence is also growing steadily.

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People that are really anti-religion confuse me. I feel like they hate it because they don't really understand what a given religion is actually supposed to be.

Yeah, this. I mean, I'm not religious, and neither is this friend of mine, but he hates it like it killed his babies or something and I just don't get why. As long as people don't try to shove their beliefs on me (which happens at times but has slowed in recent years) I have no problems with religion existing. And if it goes? Okay. Nothing of personal importance lost.

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People that are really anti-religion confuse me. I feel like they hate it because they don't really understand what a given religion is actually supposed to be.

Let me put it like this: I don't like religion. I don't like AIDs Denialism. I don't like homeopathy. I don't like astrology.

I don't like these things because they are beliefs that people hold that aren't rooted in reality or fact, and yet can lead to very real consequences. This is also part of the reason why I'd be glad to see a lot of current religions fade away. Of course, I don't know if it's really that accurate. The problem is, a lot of the people who are religious are becoming more and more extreme, so religious influence may well grow. I mean, the sheer number of people that don't accept evolution should say something on this matter.

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People that are really anti-religion confuse me. I feel like they hate it because they don't really understand what a given religion is actually supposed to be.

I actually hate it because my parents are very irritating when it comes to it. I've told them many times my beliefs (or atleast try) when they ask, and when i touch on the subject about God which usually is the start, they get all pissy and tell me to be quite. Why did they ask on the first place? There is also the fact that they seem to leave everything to "God's will" but didn't this God give them free will? It makes no sense and makes me mad when they say such. As well as me trying to make them see that sometimes their ideas about how things came to be are quite outdated and have no proof, but yet they deny it and are very stubborn about it. They deny everything that goes against their beliefs even if they are looking at it and know its real. Its maddening really. Plus this goes for many other people I know that are religious. Thats the reason I hate religion. Plus the fact that when you say something with moral difference in front of a religious person they just go ballistic and start to tell you a bunch of bs to change your views on it. <_<

Getting rid of religion is a good thing to be honest.

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This topic should be moved to Serious Discussion.

Religion will never be lost. Devotion to religion is too widespread. Yes, there will be more people denying religion, as more begin to see the "faults" of religion. But too those devoted to their religion, such as myself, we will never stop believing. There will always be those devoted to Jesus Christ, Muhammad, or Buddha. Some say that religion is old, that it's outdated. And I say to them that yes, it is outdated. That is why we are seeing more and more of the "rules" set by our beliefs go out the window. There was a time when homosexuality was punishable by death; when woman were not allowed to preach the Christian Gospel; when a woman showing more than the skin on her hands and face was considered offensive just because the Bible said so. But times are changing, and so is religion. Homosexuality is now(for the most part) widely accepted. Woman have the same rights as men in all aspects. Woman wearing shorts and tank tops is now just an everyday thing. Religion will not be lost. But it's teaching will be more lenient. The morals of love and acceptance will always withstand, even if the little things are being thrown out the window because it is for the betterment of society.

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This topic should be moved to Serious Discussion.

Religion will never be lost. Devotion to religion is too widespread. Yes, there will be more people denying religion, as more begin to see the "faults" of religion. But too those devoted to their religion, such as myself, we will never stop believing. There will always be those devoted to Jesus Christ, Muhammad, or Buddha.

I agree that religion won't truly 'die' but I'm not sure your logic here works. Unfortunately, sooner or later you'll be dead. And the dead don't really count when counting religious people in the world. You could pass it on to your children, but like in SlayerX's case, a good portion of modern day kids don't accept religion as a tenant of their lives. I think that's what's contributing to the "religion dying" idea. Followers growing old and dying away, and not being replaced by a younger generation.

But as I said, I agree that religion probably won't truly die. They'll forever exist as a minority if they fade out. White supremacy still does, as do several other 'wrong' ideas. If religion fell out of favor and became 'wrong' in our eyes. There'd still be people following it, somewhere....

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I didn't place this in Sirius Discussion because I initially didn't have much to say on the subject, as you can see by my original post.

For the record, my mindset is the same as Kanami's and Revan's on this matter. I partially agree with Red Fox, but I can't agree with the existence of religion when it's responsible for terrorist acts. I know they are extremists carrying out their "duty", but it's all down to religion.

Most religions are peaceful and that's all well and good. But when I think a religion infringes on what I believe should be solely the choice the individual (for example, a person who wants to have sex before marriage but can't because of his/her strong religious teachings), that just rubs me the wrong way.

Edited by VanguardRaven
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I partially agree with Red Fox, but I can't agree with the existence of religion when it's responsible for terrorist acts. I know they are extremists carrying out their "duty", but it's all down to religion.

Stuff like that would be the extreme version of what I mentioned about people "shoving their beliefs on others," since I believe that's what the terrorist acts based in religion are. Perhaps I should have expanded it to "As long as people don't try to shove their beliefs on others" so that it's all-inclusive. I'm fine with people being religious, and I'm even fine with certain methods of "spreading the word," but there's a line to cross.

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People, largely, hate on religion for selfish reasons. People, largely, participate in religion for selfish reasons.

There's nothing wrong with religion. More, there's something wrong in the way people participate and embrace it. Mostly, it's the lack of clear, outside thought and critical assessment which develops crazies out of religion. I mean, looking through the Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible or the Quran, even in its opening statements, should be enough to unsettle an active mind.

It is what people do with religion, and any other concept, that makes it undesirable. Weaponizing anything isn't something often looked well upon (at least, unless it is in your benefit).

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I actually hate it because my parents are very irritating when it comes to it. I've told them many times my beliefs (or atleast try) when they ask, and when i touch on the subject about God which usually is the start, they get all pissy and tell me to be quite. Why did they ask on the first place? There is also the fact that they seem to leave everything to "God's will" but didn't this God give them free will? It makes no sense and makes me mad when they say such. As well as me trying to make them see that sometimes their ideas about how things came to be are quite outdated and have no proof, but yet they deny it and are very stubborn about it. They deny everything that goes against their beliefs even if they are looking at it and know its real. Its maddening really. Plus this goes for many other people I know that are religious. Thats the reason I hate religion. Plus the fact that when you say something with moral difference in front of a religious person they just go ballistic and start to tell you a bunch of bs to change your views on it. <_<

Getting rid of religion is a good thing to be honest.

I see what you mean but I think that still goes back to what I said. The religious people you know probably don't represent what that religion actually is(or should be). Like most Christians probably don't actually act how they should according to the Bible/Jesus. Therefore when people mis-represent a religion or belief or whatever, other people see it as wrong/annoying/judgmental or whatever. So religion in the constitutional sense is probably wrong because religions and people that follow them never stay true to the base beliefs of that religion. And it maybe good if religions like that go away. But religion in the sense of having faith in something like a moral code or whatever is a good thing to have imo.

And of course there are always those crazy religions that are just way out there.

But then again if someone says they don't like religion because it forces certain beliefs on others. Then they say religion should go away. Wouldn't that make then somewhat of a hypocrite? Because basically theyd be saying religion shouldn't exist to tell people what to do, but anti religious people can tell religion what they can and can't do.

But of course not everyone thinks like that.

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It'd be nice if our space program wasn't such utter shit because it'd be interesting to see if intelligent life goes through cycles of this shit or something.

On the other hand "intelligent life" gives each other enough problems as it is so it's probably good there isn't any other species fucking with us.

But yeah I'm thinking about thousands of years from now and wondering what religion would be like and whether it was "just a phase". Humanity is kind of in its infancy I'd say.

that was unintentionally deep

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But then again if someone says they don't like religion because it forces certain beliefs on others. Then they say religion should go away. Wouldn't that make then somewhat of a hypocrite? Because basically theyd be saying religion shouldn't exist to tell people what to do, but anti religious people can tell religion what they can and can't do.

But of course not everyone thinks like that.

That's all makes sense, but most religions at it's root are imposing. The concept of hell for example is that non-believers will burn in hell (or some rubbish). Unfortunately, people usually don't react too nicely to "you'll suffer for eternity for not worshiping something you couldn't even be sure existed"

In such cases, I really fail to see the difference between the fear tactics used in dictatorships, and religion. Both have an absolute ruler, both demand obedience, and both will punish you in some horrible way if you fail to accept the rulers decisions/rules.

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Stuff like that would be the extreme version of what I mentioned about people "shoving their beliefs on others," since I believe that's what the terrorist acts based in religion are. Perhaps I should have expanded it to "As long as people don't try to shove their beliefs on others" so that it's all-inclusive. I'm fine with people being religious, and I'm even fine with certain methods of "spreading the word," but there's a line to cross.

I see now. I should have earlier, but I'm just fuck-tired I guess.

I also believe that humans are evolving very quickly, leaving religion for dust by the advances in science.

I believe that the more advanced a Country is, the less they give a shit about religion, meaning that there are more people religionless compared to those with a religion and beliefs. They probably think that religion is unnecessary for the continuation of mankind, which is rational thinking, because it's true.

I'm not sure if that really made sense. Again, I state that I'm fuck-tired and am now going to sleep.

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I also believe that humans are evolving very quickly, leaving religion for dust by the advances in science.

Do you have any evidence to account for your claims? Mainly, that evolution in humans within the past couple millenia has accounted for a gradual change in religious leanings?

I believe that the more advanced a Country is, the less they give a shit about religion, meaning that there are more people religionless compared to those with a religion and beliefs.

So the United States of America, wherein over 80% of the country identifies with some form of religion, is a third-world country? Compared to Madagascar, which has like half that.

Though I think TheEnd said it best:

Oh look, it's this thread again.
Edited by Esau of Isaac
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My goodness, I'm agreeing wholeheartedly with Esau. The world really WILL end!

Look, we get it, there's a bunch of people here that are anti-religion. There's also those that do follow some sort of religion. To lump people into some category or other due to their religious beliefs only leads to stupid assumptions and name-calling. Can't we strive to be better than that, and Just Get Along, religious affiliation be damned?

(THANK YOU for not linking to The Daily Mail)

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Do you have any evidence to account for your claims? Mainly, that evolution in humans within the past couple millenia has accounted for a gradual change in religious leanings?

So the United States of America, wherein over 80% of the country identifies with some form of religion, is a third-world country? Compared to Madagascar, which has like half that.

Though I think TheEnd said it best:

I said "I believe", didn't I? I was wrong, oh fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-

My goodness, I'm agreeing wholeheartedly with Esau. The world really WILL end!

Look, we get it, there's a bunch of people here that are anti-religion. There's also those that do follow some sort of religion. To lump people into some category or other due to their religious beliefs only leads to stupid assumptions and name-calling. Can't we strive to be better than that, and Just Get Along, religious affiliation be damned?

(THANK YOU for not linking to The Daily Mail)


(And no problem.)

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That's all makes sense, but most religions at it's root are imposing. The concept of hell for example is that non-believers will burn in hell (or some rubbish). Unfortunately, people usually don't react too nicely to "you'll suffer for eternity for not worshiping something you couldn't even be sure existed"

Almost any semblance of suffering, especially involving flames, aren't from the bible. Those images of devils and flames are romantic versions and images which were brought up in poems and in paintings. The Bible says virtually nothing about what hell is, other than, essentially, in a short sentence, it's somewhere you don't want to be. Everything else has been made up, and then people accept it, forgetting it's not even in any version of the Bible.

Angels are the same way--what people envision angels to be is nothing like what they are described as in the books themselves. Present-day images of almost everything having to do with the three western religions did not come from the religion, but an outside source.

In such cases, I really fail to see the difference between the fear tactics used in dictatorships, and religion. Both have an absolute ruler, both demand obedience, and both will punish you in some horrible way if you fail to accept the rulers decisions/rules.

Your beef is with the institutionalization of religion then, not religion itself.

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