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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 87


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Please vote for what YOU think is the best AND worst in the series for this round. Failure to vote for both will result in your vote not being counted. The round will last for about a week or so, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round. You may nominate for idea that have already been nominated.

Please remember to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out. Your vote will also be thrown out if the FE game it is from is not stated if it is needed. This is mainly to avoid confusion.

If you excessively complain about the results of previous rounds, you will not be allowed to vote in these topics for a period of time that will be determined later. A list will be kept of those who will not be allowed to vote, and how many rounds until they can vote again.

Previous winners (Best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Best Non-Final Boss: 1st- Black Knight ; 2nd- Alvis and Trabant (tie)

Best Thief: 1st- Pahn ; 2nd- Matthew ; 3rd- Lifis, Volke, and Sothe (tie, FE10 Sothe can only be assumed)

Best Personal Weapon: 1st- Graphcalibur and Pugi (tie) ; 3rd - Wolf Beil

Best Chapter: 1st- FE10 2-E and FE5 chapter 14 (tie) ; 3rd- FE6 Chapter 21, FE5 chapter 24x, FE5 chapter 13, FE4 chapter 5, FE5 chapter 22, FE9 chapter 13, FE9 chapter 26, FE8 Ephraim's Route chapter 11, FE10 4-5, FE9 chapter 17, and FE10 3-E (tie)

Best Final Chapter- 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE4 ; 3rd- FE5

Best Final Boss Weapon- 1st- Judge ; 2nd- Flametongue and Loputousu (tie)

Best Personality: 1st- Levin and Kieran (tie) ; 3rd- Wallace

Best Rapist or Attempted Rapist: 1st- Narshen ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- FE10 opening movie soldiers

Best Tactician: 1st- Mark ; 2nd- Soren ; 3rd- Jeigan Book 2

Best Est Archetype: 1st- Nino ; 2nd- Sara ; 3rd- Zeiss and Pelleas (tie)

Best GBA Critical animation- 1st- Lyn (Sol Katti) ; 2nd- Warrior (Axe) ; 3rd- Hector (Armads)

Best Console Critical animation- 1st- Celice 1st attack ; 2nd- FE4 Swordmaster/FE10 Black Knight (tie)

Best Epilogue- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE9

Best Gato Archetype- 1st- Athos/FE5 Sety (tie) ; 3rd- Galzus

Best DS critical animation- 1st- Hero (2nd attack), Swordmaster (2nd attack), Mage, Lord, Berserker (1st attack) (tie)

Best Form of Abuse- 1st-Favoritism; 2nd-FE9 BEXP Abuse; 3rd-Arena Abuse

Best FE- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE5 ; 3rd- FE7 and 10 (tie)

Best Ruler: 1st- Alvis ; 2nd- Ashnard, Naesala, Caineghis, Dheginsea, Sanaki (tie)

Best Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE7 19x(HM) and FE5 21x (tie); 3rd- FE7 19xx(HM)

Best Unit: 1st- Levin!Arthur; 2nd- Ike (O_O); 3rd- Seth

Best Merc/Hero: 1st- Dieck ; 2nd- FE3 Oguma ; 3rd- Skasaher

Best Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Seth and Aless (tie) ; 3rd- Titania

Best Peg Knight: 1st- FE10 Elincia ; 2nd- FE4 Fee and FE3 Book 2 Paola (tie)

Best Defense Chapter: 1st- FE10 3-13 ; 2nd- FE9 C8, FE10 2-E (tie)

Best Archer/Sniper/Marksmen: 1st- FE10 Shinon ; 2nd- FE4 Jamka, FE7 Rebecca (O_O) (tie)

Best Desert Chapter: 1st FE8 Scorched Sand ; 2nd FE10 4-3 ; 3rd FE7 Living Legend

Most Hyped: 1st Lilina ; 2nd FE10 Haar ; 3rd Nino

Best Addition to the Game Series: 1st Capture ; 2nd Weapon Triangle ; 3rd Rescue and Skills (tie)

Best Lord Unit: 1st Sigurd ; 2nd FE10 Ike ; 3rd Arum and FE9 Ike (tie)

Most Generic Playable Character: 1st Ralph ; 2nd Aran ; 3rd Vika (she got exactly 1 vote)

Best Castle: 1st Crimea Castle and Grado Keep (tie) ; 2nd Daein Keep

Best Dragonkid: 1st Fa ; 2nd Chiki ; 3rd Al

Best Staff: 1st Again ; 2nd Physic and Warp (tie)

Best Knight/General: 1st FE10 Gatrie ; 2nd Oswin ; 3rd Wallace and Amelia (tie)

Best Priest/Cleric/Bishop: 1st Sapy ; 2nd Moulder, Natasha and Serra (tie)

Best Glass Cannon: 1st Sara ; 2nd Micaiah ; 3rd Lucius

Best Wyvernrider: 1st FE10!Haar ; 2nd Miledy ; 3rd FE3Book2!Paola and Altenna (tie)

Best Chapter Goal: 1st Rout ; 2nd Escape and Defend (tie)

Best First Boss: 1st Lawrence ; 2nd O'Neill ; 3rd Greil

Most Important Stat: 1st Speed ; 2nd Defence ; 3rd Strength

Best Red/Green Knight: 1st Sain ; 2nd Abel ; 3rd FE9!Kieran and Lance (tie)

Best Healer (primary use is healing): 1st Priscilla and Saphy (tie) ; 3rd Laura

Best Prologue Chapter: 1st FE4 Prologue ; 2nd FEDS Prologue ; 3rd FE10 2-P

Best Weapon Type: 1st Swords ; 2nd Axes and Wind Magic (tie)

Best Generic Weapon: 1st Javelin ; 2nd Killing Edge ; 3rd FE10!Hand Axe and Steel Sword (tie)

Best Female Physical Fighting Unit: 1st Paola (FE3 Book 2) ; FE9!Titania ; 3rd Lakche

Best Jeigen (Seth and FE9!Titania excluded): 1st FE7!Marcus ; 2nd Sothe ; 3rd FE6!Marcus

Best Player Phase Battle Music: 1st The Devoted ; 2nd FE5!Attack, On Glory's Wings (tie)

Best Support Unit: 1st Saphy and FE10!Reyson (tie) ; 3rd FEDS!Lena

Best Terrain Type: 1st Forest ; 2nd FE4!Road ; 3rd Wardwood tile, FE10!Heal Hedge and FE5!Mountain (tie)

Best Facial Hair: 1st Nolan ; 2nd Tauroneo ; 3rd Oifaye

Best Skill: 1st Pursuit ; 2nd Galdrar ; 3rd FE5!Wrath

Best Unlockable Character: 1st Ashnard ; 2nd Lyon ; 3rd Farina

Best Non-recruitable Female Boss (Excluding Ashera): 1st Ishtar ; 2nd Selena ; 3rd Brenya

Best Green-haired Archer: 1st Rebecca ; 2nd FE12!Ryan ; FE10!Rolf

Best Offense: 1st Levin!Sety ; 2nd FE10!Ike ; 3rd Othin

Best Recruitment Theme: 1st FE10 ; 2nd FE4 and FE8 (tie)

Best Character Name: 1st Sirius ; 2nd Skasasher; 3rd L'Arachel

Best Support Coversation: Volke/Bastian C (FE9); 2nd Kieran/Rhys A (FE9) and Bartre/Renault A (tie)

Best Enemy Recruit: 1st FE9!Jill and Ayra (tie) ; 3rd Rutger

Best Weapon Name: 1st Tyrfing ; 2nd Alondite and Florete (tie)

Best Artwork: 1st FE11!Minerva ; 2nd FE10!Boyd and FE12!Sirius (tie)

Best Canon Couple: 1st HectorXLyn; 2nd SigurdXDiadora ; 3rd SethXEirika

Best Crack Pairing: 1st SigurdXAyra ; 2nd SainXFlorina ; 3rd JillXMist

Best Japanese Name: 1st Soanvalcke ; 2nd Tiamat ; 3rd Zaggaro

Best Princess: 1st Ayra ; 2nd Minerva ; 3rd FE9!Elincia

Best Prince: 1st Joshua ; 2nd Marth ; 3rd Jamka

Best FE Soundtrack: 1st FE4 ; 2nd FE10 ; 3rd FE8

Best Fighter or Warrior: 1st FE9!Boyd and Othin (tie) ; 3rd Nolan

Best Country Name: 1st Crimea and Thracia (tie) ; 3rd Agustria

Best Twins: 1st Lakche/Shasaher ; 2nd Jorge/Daniel, Briggid/Aideen and Ephraim/Eirika (tie)

Best Story: 1st FE4 ; 2nd FE10 ; 3rd FE7

Best Legendary Hero: 1st Sety ; 2nd Iote and Anri (tie)

Best Quote: 1st Sylvia: "Good little gi-- You ever see a little girl with THESE before?" ; 2nd Micaiah: "Right. Lord Ike, hero of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children... " ; 3rd Schaeffer: Gwaar... Haaaarr... Haaaaaa... Shoulda brought... more priests... Or some...babies... Dang...", Haar: "The world could flip upside down and you'd be trying to boss around gravity.", Wil: "Huh? W-Why? Nonsense. I'm normal! I might as well be Normal Archer number three!" (tie)

Best Generic Boss: 1st Gomez ; 2nd Schaeffer ; 3rd Denning and Carlyle (tie)

Most Depressing Ending: 1st FE4 Gen 1 ; 2nd FE8 ; 3rd FE7, FE9, FE11 and FE12 (tie)

Best reference to plant life: 1st Shinon: "You'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt. Tell me I'm wrong!" ; 2nd Soren: "What do you say, rose of Tellius? O goddess of desire?" ; 3rd Dandelion Gang

Best Red-haired Unit: 1st FE9!Titania; 2nd Seth ; 3rd FE11!Cain

Best Map Theme: 1st Light and Dark ; 2nd Eternal Bond ; 3rd Bearer of Hope

Best Non-Jeigan Prepromote: 1st Pent ; 2nd FE12!Sirius and Levin!Sety (tie)

Best Brother: 1st Sigurd ; 2nd Oscar ; 3rd Ike, Uther, marth and Eltoshan (tie)

Best In-game Nickname: 1st Fireman ; 2nd Pookums ; 3rd The Shield of Thracia and Hurricane (tie)

Best Bro: 1st Nolan ; 2nd Hector, Seth, Cuan, Gerik and Levail (tie)

Previous winners (Worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

Worst Non-Final Boss: 1st- Aion ; 2nd- Toras ; 3rd Batta the Beast

Worst Thief: 1st- Cath ; 2nd- Daisy ; 3rd- Ricardo

Worst Personal Weapon: 1st- FE9 Rolf's Bow ; 2nd- Sol Katti ; 3rd- Daim Thunder, Ettard, Amiti of FE9, and Caldabolg (tied)

Worst Chapter: 1st- Lyn's prologue normal mode ; 2nd- FE6 chapter 14 ; 3rd- FE7 Chapter 11 (Eliwood's tale), FE10 4-1, FE10 1-5, FE4 chapter 7, and FE7 16x/17x (tie)

Worst Final chapter: 1st- FE6 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE8

Worst Final Boss Weapon: 1st- Dark breath ; 2nd- Nightmare ; 3rd- Ravager

Worst Personality: 1st- Aran and Vika (tie) ; 3rd- Soren, Florina, Horace and Clarine (tie)

Worst Rapist or Attempted Rapist: 1st- Gheb ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- General Lang, Eliot, Garnef, and Narshen (tie)

Worst Tactician: 1st- Malledus ; 2nd- Mark ; 3rd- Soren

Worst Est archetype: 1st- Sophia ; 2nd- Est and Fiona (Tie)

Worst GBA critical animation: 1st- Great Knight ; 2nd- Thief ; 3rd- Mage, Bishop, Pirate, Soldier, and Ewan (tie)

Worst Console critical animation; 1st- FE10 Sword Armor ; 2nd- FE4 Mage Knight ; 3rd- FE4 Bow Users

Worst Epilogue: 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE11 ; 3rd- FE8 and FE4 (tie)

Worst Gato Archetype: 1st- Karel ; 2nd- Gato/Gotoh ; 3rd- Lehran

Worst DS critical animation: 1st- Sorceror, General (Bow), Mage (tie)

Worst Form of Abuse: 1st-Battle Save Abuse; 2nd-Arena Abuse; 3rd-RNG Stat Abuse

Worst FE: 1st- FE1 ; 2nd- FE7 and 8 (tie)

Worst Ruler: 1st- Desmond; 2nd- Dheginsea; 3rd- Mordred, Alvis, Darin, Talis, Nailah, Micaiah, Victor (7 way tie )

Worst Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE5 24x; 2nd- FE7 19xx(HM); 3rd- FE5 14x, FE6 22x, FE7 31x(HM), FE11 16x (tie)

Worst Unit: 1st- Bantu; 2nd- Yuno and Lyre (tie)

Worst Merc/Hero: 1st- FEDS Samson ; 2nd- Oujay ; 3rd- FE3 Samson

Worst Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Arran ; 2nd- Zealot ; 3rd- Vyland

Worst Peg Knight: 1st- FEDS Est ; 2nd- FE6 Yuno ; 3rd- Sigrun, FE9 Elincia, Florina and Syrene (tie)

Worst Defense Chapter: 1st- FE7 C15 ; 2nd- FE9 C13 ; 3rd- FE7 C18 (HM), FE7 C28 (HM), FE9 C8, FE10 1-5, FE10 3-5 (tie)

Worst Archer/Sniper/Marksmen: FE6 Wolt ; 2nd- FE5 Ronan, FE9 Rolf (tie)

Worst Desert Chapter: 1st FE6 Arcadia ; 2nd FE9 Chapter 15 ; 3rd FE10 4-3

Least Hyped: 1st Thomas ; 2nd FE10 Aran ; 3rd Eliwood ; Arum and Syrene (Tied)

Worst Addition to the Game Series: 1st Reclass ; 2nd GBA support system ; 3rd Fatigue

Worst Lord Unit: 1st Lyn ; 2nd Roy ; 3rd Micaiah

Least Generic Playable Character: 1st Levin ; 2nd Oliver ; 3rd Ardan

Worst Castle: 1st Nados Castle ; 2nd Laus (yes, a territory was voted as the second worst castle) ; 3rd Araphen Castle, Jehanna Hall, Castle Nox and Castle Goldoa

Worst Dragonkid: 1st Al ; 2nd Myrrh ; 3rd Chiki

Worst Staff: 1st Silence ; 2nd Berserk ; 3rd Again

Worst Knight/General: 1st Wendy ; 2nd Meg ; 3rd Ardan

Worst Priest/Cleric/Bishop: 1st Corple ; 2nd Wrys ; 3rd Renault

Worst Glass Cannon: 1st Lilina ; 2nd Diadora, Micaiah, Sophia (3 way tie)

Worst Wyvernrider: 1st Eda ; 2nd FEDS!Est ; 3rd Zeiss

Worst Chapter Goal: 1st Seize ; 2nd Rout ; 3rd Survive and Escape (tie)

Worst First Boss: 1st O'Neill ; 2nd Greil ; 3rd Lawrence

Least Important Stat: 1st Resistance ; 2nd Luck ; 3rd Skill

Worst Red/Green Knight: 1st Alec ; 2nd Noish ; 3rd Alva

Worst Healer (primary use is healing): 1st Renault ; 2nd FE10!Oliver and Wrys (tie)

Worst Prologue Chapter: 1st FE7 (Lyn's Mode) ; 2nd FE8 Prologue ; 3rd FE9 Prologue and FE10 3-P (tie)

Worst Weapon Type: 1st Knives ; 2nd Dark Magic ; 3rd Axes

Worst Generic Weapon: 1st FE10!Longbows ; 2nd Slim Sword ; 3rd Hammer

Worst Female Physical Fighting Unit: 1st Wendy ; 2nd Lyre ; 3rd Yunno

Worst Jeigen (Seth and FE9!Titania excluded): 1st Arran; 2nd Eyevel ; FEDS!Jeigan

Worst Player Phase Battle Music: 1st FE8 Attack ; 2nd Clash, March, FE6!Attack and FE7!Strike (four way tie)

Worst Support Unit: 1st FEDS!Rickard ; 2nd Cath ; 3rd FE9!Sothe

Worst Terrain Type: 1st Desert, 2nd Peak ; 3rd FE5!Throne

Worst Facial Hair: 1st FE9!Lekain ; 2nd FE6!Bartre ; 3rd Dozla

Worst Skill: 1st Shriek ; 2nd Sure Strike ; 3rd Mercy

Worst Unlockable Character: 1st FE9!Oliver ; 2nd Valter and Lyon (tie)

Worst Non-recruitable Female Boss (Excluding Ashera): 1st Hilda ; 2nd Sonia ; 3rd Petrine

Worst Green-haired Archer: 1st FE11!Tomas ; 2nd Wolt ; 3rd FE9!Rolf

Worst Offense: 1st FE9!Sothe ; 2nd Sylvia ; 3rd Lara

Worst Recruitment Theme: 1st FE2 ; 2nd FE6 ; 3rd FE8

Worst Character Name: 1st Dorcas ; 2nd Erk ; 3rd Carrion

Worst Support Conversation: 1st Hector/Florina C ; 2nd Lance/Alan C ; 3rd Vaida/Dorcas C

Worst Enemy Recruit: 1st Oliver; 2nd Cath ; 3rd FE11!Rickard

Worst Weapon Name: 1st Double Bow ; 2nd Lughnasdh ; 3rd Laundry Pole

Worst Artwork: FE1!Dolph ; 2nd Lance ; 3rd FE9!Tormod

Worst Canon Couple: 1st MicaiahXSothe and AstridXMakalov (tie) ; 3rd AbelXEst

Worst Crack pairing: 1st IkeXMia ; 2nd MarcusXMerlinus and IkeXSoren (tie)

Worst Japanese Name: 1st Tomth, Asseray and Xyst (tie)

Worst Princess: 1st Almedha ; 2nd Eirika ; 3rd Clarine

Worst Prince: 1st Zephiel ; 2nd Marth ; 3rd Levin

Worst Soundtrack: 1st FE6 ; 2nd FE7 ; 3rd FE8

Worst Fighter or Warrior: 1st FE7!Bartre ; 2nd FE11!Cord ; 3rd Wade

Worst Country Name: 1st Gra ; 2nd Carcino ; 3rd Dolhr

Worst Twins: 1st Lethe/Lyre ; 2nd Yumina/Yubello ; 3rd Ephraim/Eirika

Worst Story: 1st FE6 ; 2nd FE11 ; 3rd FE8

Worst Legendary Hero: 1st Dheginsea ; 2nd Bramimond and St. Elimine (tie)

Worst Quote: 1st Ranulf: "It's General Zelgius. Next time you see him, Ike, use caution. He's your enemy. He's the one. He's the Black Knight.", Soldier: "Altea and Aurelis and Akaneia...The League of A's, you might say!" (tie) ; 3rd Greil: "Ike? Stay back!", Pelleas: You're going to pay! You're going to BLARGHHHH! (tie)

Worst Generic Boss: 1st Gheb ; 2nd Norris ; 3rd Batta

Least Depressing Ending: 1st FE10 ; 2nd FE6 ; 3rd FE9 and FE11 (tie)

Worst reference to Plant life: 1st Lyn's "Ocean of grass" ; 2nd Dandelion Gang ; 3rd Sue's "Sound of the wind, smell of the grass"

Worst Red-haired Unit: 1st Ewan ; 2nd FE11!Vyland ; 3rd Roy

Worst Map Theme: 1st Wind Across the Plains ; 2nd Change of Scenery ; 3rd A Gathering of Storms

Worst Non-Jeigan Prepromote: 1st Wallace and Shanam (tie) ; 3rd Hannibal

Worst Brother: 1st Makalov ; 2nd Matthis ; 3rd Michalis and Karel (tie)

Worst In-game Nickname: 1st Rave ; 2nd Pookums and Raven (tie)

Worst Bro: 1st Lekain ; 2nd Eltshan, Karel, Leonardo and Izuka (tie)


Best/Worst Boss Quote

Best/Worst Pet

Most/Least Badass Unit

Best/Worst Healing Items (inc. staves)

Most/Least Attractive

Best/Worst Dodge Animation (2)

Best Worst Mount Name

Best/Worst Hardcore Character

Most/Least Interesting Character

Best/Worst Protective Item

Best/Worst Recruit Convo

Most Easy/Difficult Boss (4)

Most Easy/Difficult Chapter

Best/Worst Mount

Best/Worst Chapter Map

Bets/Worst End Credits Theme

Best/Worst Verbal Tic

Least/Most Ugliest Generic Boss (2)

Best/Worst Death Theme

Best/Worst Enemy Phase Battle Theme

Best/Worst Special Battle Theme (4)

Best/Worst Character Theme (3)

Best/Worst World Map Theme

Best/Worst FE Theme (3)

Best/Worst Headgear

Best/Worst Unit with realistic hair colour

Best/Worst Sister

Best/Worst Ogma Archetype

Best/Worst Plot Twist (2)

Most Underrated/Overrated FE (3)

Best/Worst Sound Effect

Best/Worst Feminine-looking Male except Lucius (4)

Best/Worst Holy/Legendary Weapon (2)

Best/Worst Version of Wrath

Best/Worst Flying Unit

Best/Worst Member Badge

Best/Worst Fog of War Map (5)

Best/Worst Late Non-Final Boss (2)

Best/Worst Preparation Screen Music (3)

Best/Worst Skills Combo (2)

Best/Worst Bald Unit

Best/Worst Boss theme (2)

Best/Worst Manakete/Laguz

Best/Worst Defence (2)

Best/Worst Character Design (3)

Best/Worst Text Sound

Best/Worst Triangle Attack

Best/Worst Looking Male Unit

Best/Worst Fog of War map

Best: FE10 Chapter 4-1

Worst: FE10 Chapter 1-9

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Best: Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken, Chapter 26E/28H: Battle Before Dawn. Aside from the fact that it's a luck-based mission, it was well-executed and (like Red Fox said) thrilling. (Oh, and haters are gonna hate, but I don't care.)

Worst: Fire Emblem: Füin no Tsurugi, Chapter 14: Arcadia. Fog of war, enemies coming at you from all angles, desert map, and the fact that you have to clear it in 25 turns WHILE protecting one of the game's worst units to be able to reach Chapter 14x: The Purest Fire, eh... Just hope your fliers, mages, and thieves are healthily leveled up. That's all I can say.

Edited by LittleAl
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Worst: FE6 chapter 14. That map can go to hell. I say, that map has WAY too many gimmicks.

Best: ...Let me think on this.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Best: FE7 Battle Before Dawn. Obvious design flaws aside, I find the midnight rescue thing pretty thrilling here.

Worst: FE9 chapter 14, Training(?). It's just too easy and the fog is kind of pointless.

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Best: FE10 3-6 is interesting in that it's a rout map (kind of) that you kind of have to play as a defend map for the first turns.

Worst: FE6 Chapter 14. Although keeping Sophia safe isn't too difficult if you keep her near Roy (thanks to lord priority), FoW + Desert is not a fun combination.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Best: I hate FoW. . .fine, fine. Four-Fanged Offense, Hector Style, because I didn't have to deal with the fog.

Worst: Battle Before Dawn, HHM, because I think any map where you pull a Game Over on turn 1 for something that isn't your fault is stupid.

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Best: Sword of Seal's Arcadia (Ch14). FoW in a desert, a character I like to use joins, is timed if you want the gaiden chapter, and where the pair of bandits with odd choice of names make an appearance? I'm in! :awesome:

Worst: Blazing Sword's Battle Before Dawn (Ch26E/28H). There are just so many variables I don't like of this chapter... protecting Zephiel is one of them (time paradox or his truly-pitiful-no-one-should-deserve-it life be dammed, Zephiel should've died right there and then :angry: ), especially when it comes to a race to reach him before enemies do. And that goes for Nino and Jaffar as well, if at least they've both have started together in the map... :dry:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Best: I hate FoW. . .fine, fine. Four-Fanged Offense, Hector Style, because I didn't have to deal with the fog.

Worst: Battle Before Dawn, HHM, because I think any map where you pull a Game Over on turn 1 for something that isn't your fault is stupid.

Hector style? Do you mean Wallace? Nothing FoW related changes in Hector's modes.

I am pretty certain you don't get a Game Over if Jaffar dies, and Zephiel definitely can't be killed that fast.

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Best: Blazing Sword, Battle Before Dawn (Zephiel Map). The story and map design actually gives you a sense of urgency, even if Zephiel dies faster than paper on Hard, (hope you brought falcoknights/paladins/promoted Priscilla)

Honorable Mention to Sacred Stones, Chapter 19 (The first Riev fight,) for being the most difficult map (IMHO) in the game thanks to all the promoted reinforcements, and DS Wi-Fi maps for making things interesting.

Worst: Radiant Dawn, Chapter 1-9. It's here not because the enemies can either 1-2 hit KO Micaiah and that she refuses to be rescued, but more since all you have is her and the BK, it's basically a glorified cut-scene that takes up a chapter you need to make the Dawn Brigade stronger.

Dishonorable Mention to Radiant Dawn 4-1 for teleporting reinforcements. Yeah, it makes it more challenging, but having reinforcements port inside the camp border is not a fun time (at least it wasn't going by Hard Mode Marth and Roy reinforcement rules where they move immediately after porting in.)

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Hector style? Do you mean Wallace? Nothing FoW related changes in Hector's modes.

I am pretty certain you don't get a Game Over if Jaffar dies, and Zephiel definitely can't be killed that fast.

Not sure if Lloyd is nice enough to end the map on turn 2 in Eliwood mode. . .and Jaffar dying on me is grounds for a reset on Battle Before Dawn, because once he dies, Zephiel is not far behind.

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Hector style? Do you mean Wallace? Nothing FoW related changes in Hector's modes.

I am pretty certain you don't get a Game Over if Jaffar dies, and Zephiel definitely can't be killed that fast.

Uh, Zephiel can easily be killed long before there is anything you can do about it.

And if Jaffar dies you can't go to Night of Farewells.

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Uh, Zephiel can easily be killed long before there is anything you can do about it.

The post I responded to said turn 1. I am pretty sure that can't happen. Even aside from that, although it is technically possible for him to die before you can get to him, I am pretty sure it isn't "long" by any means since you can probably grab the Rescue staff and take him by turn 5 or 6. But that's just an estimate since I've never actually tried that method.

And if Jaffar dies you can't go to Night of Farewells.

But it isn't Game Over.

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Best: FE8: Chapter 19. The only FoW map I found fun.

Honourable mention to FE5's 2x due to not being stupidly hard, but not being easy as hell.

Worst: All the rest FE10 4-1. Seriously? Warping reinforcements and a frigging hard map that drove me insane? No thanks.

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Best: FE5 chapter 24x. I'm surprised that this has been voted for twice already considering that everyone hates this map.

Worst: FE7 chapter 28. Aside from the fact that sometimes Zephiel and Jaffar die and there's nothing you can do about it, once you kill Ursula on turn 6, you end up waiting around for 7 turns. What a waste of time.

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