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What do you find weird about the game?

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Plus, as we all know, there are no female Hawks.


I cant seem to find the CG art but there was one in the ending sequence of female hawks in Phoenicis.

From the dialogue in part 4, it looks more like IS forgot about Tormod and co. and threw them in at the last minute.

Yeah. Its like "Oh yeah..those guys...whoops..anyway here they are...too late to train...."

I never got why Astrid wanted to get with Makalov. That was just weird.

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Yeah. Its like "Oh yeah..those guys...whoops..anyway here they are...too late to train...."

I never got why Astrid wanted to get with Makalov. That was just weird.

Ugh that got annoying how they threw them in there and I'm like "wait didn't they used to be strong??"

......... Maybe she likes pink?

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But why? They should help the alliance... =/

I find it reasonable actually. I think that their reasons was simialr to Elincia's (Pre-apostle appearing)

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I think it's because the developers forgot to put them in earlier.

Couldn't they have gone back and add them on some chapter, and have them say nothing like Nephenee/Brom part 3?

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I still find it weird how a light magic could be effective against infantry. Why not just make Thunder magic effective against units that wear armor on the way, at least that makes sense.

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It heats the armour up?

If that were the case, we should be seeing every magic (barring dark and wind) "heat up the armor". Especially in Thunder's case, where it conducts electricity through metal.

that fact that every enemy unit has the same stats

warrior 19 spd, sniper 19 spd, sage 19 spd, general 19 spd, pfffffffffffffff

(Ike 23 spd)

Sages actually have lower stats. Generals have slightly lower Spd. But yes, there isn't much variety in their stats. =/

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If that were the case, we should be seeing every magic (barring dark and wind) "heat up the armor". Especially in Thunder's case, where it conducts electricity through metal.

Well thunder could just pass right through the armour and kill the guy. Not necessesarily because it heats up, but good point.

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that fact that every enemy unit has the same stats

warrior 19 spd, sniper 19 spd, sage 19 spd, general 19 spd, pfffffffffffffff

(Ike 23 spd)

Wow... I actually never paid attention to that.

When is Light magic effective against infantry? :o:

Yeah I thought it was just Thani...

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When is Light magic effective against infantry? :o:

Thani is Light magic. I'm just saying how silly it is for a magic based on light to be effective to infantry. Then again, this is FE.

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Because it's a prf weapon. Infantry hate prf weapons, they die of envy because it reminds them of how generic they are in comparison to the fabulous main characters.

I lol'd.

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I lol'd.

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Because it's a prf weapon. Infantry hate prf weapons, they die of envy because it reminds them of how generic they are in comparison to the fabulous main characters.

Weeee maybe siggable (heehee)? Hmmm.... I'd have to get the rest of the context too =o

Thani is Light magic. I'm just saying how silly it is for a magic based on light to be effective to infantry. Then again, this is FE.

Ok I was thinking that was what you meant too lol but not as much as I thought you were thinking all light magic was effective =b But yeah I suppose it's just special.... just how...

EDIT: Or maybe I should say siggable not quotable

Edited by Agnaktor
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that fact that every enemy unit has the same stats

warrior 19 spd, sniper 19 spd, sage 19 spd, general 19 spd, pfffffffffffffff

(Ike 23 spd)

It's a bit iffy, but that army did not build itself, and didn't build like Ike and our main protagonists do. The Begnion northern forces, daein army, central army, they all have been trained, some got higher, some were mediocre, they have different positions and different ranks, and that is the deciding factor for where you are stationed. That's why they get stronger towards Sienne etc, protect the capital with the strongest.

Gallians and other laguz like to fight, so they probably have tons of potent warriors.

That's my theory.

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I find it weird how Thani has more MT than Shine, while it's available since chapter 2. and you get 2 of them and they have 45 uses!

why would the enemy keep that in a chest on that location? and how did Fiona get that über powerful tome?

and prf makes no sense to me either...

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  • Honestly, did nobody check to see if Oliver was dead?
  • Geoffery going missing for almost all of Part 4 (I know the plot explains it, but it just seems kind of random)
  • If Yume was a goddess the whole time, why does she start chirping and get Micaiah caught in the opening cutscene? Is she just trolling?
  • Duke Renning being that crazy Daein general from the last game. That was kinda...uh...out of nowhere.
  • Quite a few characters are rendered nearly useless to due availability by the plot (I was ok with Nephenee, Heather, and Brom coming back out of nowhere in Part 3, but Tormod's crew?)

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Duke Renning being that crazy Daein general from the last game. That was kinda...uh...out of nowhere.

when you have played the games in the wrong order like I did, it does make a lot of sense.

But really, they didn't kill him either in FE9? Ike seems like quite a bad general, leaving the enemy general alive to fight them another day...

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Actually, the Bertram = Renning connection was kind of foreshadowed (Bertram has an exclusive conversation with Elincia, the same stats as Renning, and it fits with what we know about Ashnard).

It's also hinted that when Bertram was defeated, Bastian arranged for him to be secretly captured rather than killed. That's the purpose of his support conversation with Volke. I think it's a shame Renning didn't get to keep his Runesword, though! I think it would have been pretty cool for him to get it as a Prf weapon.

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Actually, the Bertram = Renning connection was kind of foreshadowed (Bertram has an exclusive conversation with Elincia, the same stats as Renning, and it fits with what we know about Ashnard).

It's also hinted that when Bertram was defeated, Bastian arranged for him to be secretly captured rather than killed. That's the purpose of his support conversation with Volke. I think it's a shame Renning didn't get to keep his Runesword, though! I think it would have been pretty cool for him to get it as a Prf weapon.

Whoa, I never knew that. That's very interesting, IS was planning ahead.

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