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Father's Dayyy

Original Alear

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So, did neone do anything for dad day besides call their dad if you're not in the area to actually celebrate it with him?

Me and mom did some walking while dad asleep. Get back, give gifts. Think mom made breakfast. Go to nursery, get plants. Go re-register at local YMCA (whole nuclear family besides bro, who's in DC). Get lunch at awesome place (mid east). Plant some plants. Roughly 55 sq feet of de-sodding done (made sure not to remove too much dirt, naturally, when you de-sod you want to keep the dirt) by me and dad. Lots of planting too. Conversation seemed to dance around the collapse of meaning but that could just be me. A lot of reference to youth VS experience in gardening, I actually have lots of experience but its sparse and not reinforced (i.e. lack training). Not sure what exactly mom was doing for the most part but I think she was being productive since she usually is.

Would have done more, but I ended up taking 2 hr powernap. I think it's because we are missing my bro, and going from 4 to 3 in my core family group saps my spirits hardcore.

Also, one of my neighbors had the nerve to say something like "it's nice to see you working outside." LOL. Besides the fact that I do outdoors work pretty often, and walk her dog a lot when she's away, I actually shoveled her sidewalk and driveway several times over the course of my winter break. Let she who has not sinned.....

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I swam in our pool with my dad and grandpa, and had a nice steak dinner cooked by my mom and grandma. I personally got my dad a present and a card. The handmade card (from my sister and I), being quite possibly the greatest card ever, read: "It is Father's Day, so I made you this card. Do you like it?" He laughed. Success.

On another note, I downloaded Pale Moon today to replace Firefox, and I jokingly said that was a second Father's Day present. It certainly will cut back on the complaints he gets, since Firefox has been buggy on my home computer.

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We had breakfast as a family.

He was watching NASCAR most of the day, I helped out around the house and studied math. >_<

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Me and my family went to eat dinner with all (not literally) our other relatives. It was fun and the food was yummy. =] But I got very full and didn't feel as good afterward D=

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My dad got a new computer, a card, wine, and a can of peanuts. Not much else happened. I did my review work for bio and religion.

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He worked all day. I worked all day. He was gone when I woke up and he was asleep when I got back from work.

Happy Father's Day, Dad.


Not meant as a joke. I thought that was beautiful, even if to you it's just the norm.

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I worked, and learned that I shouldn't work on Father's Day, because I get very angry, and people who go shopping suck~

Ugh, it is time to commiserate with a 4th of July story.

The Friday before 4th of July, I get to work only to find that no one bothered to tell me in any way whatsoever but email - which I can only read at work - that the office is closing early the friday before the 4th. Everything is closed, there is nothing I can do, I have commuted an hour and a half only to find out that I have wasted money for nothing at all.

And I do not complain to anyone.

EDIT-I mean I don't complain to anyone internal to the firm. I do complain.

Edited by SeverIan
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Basically, we ate at Olive Garden after church. Then we drove to Greencastle to go to the DePauw On-Campus Information Session. Not too big a celebration, but hey, he loves Olive Garden!

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Mine worked and just took the next day off. We had some standard "family time" but otherwise, yeah.

When an incest fan puts quotes around "family time" in a Father's Day thread it becomes a little dirty all of a sudden.

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And you call me the pervert.

Well naturally I did not just rub off on you - you have rubbed off on me as well.

I blame all perverted comments I have made since and will continue to make after September 2010 entirely on you.

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