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ITT: Integrity tells you which FE character you are.

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Holy sweet loving Jesus.

Okay, let's get on it.

do me

With pleasure.

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Musashi: Tangerine is forcing me to call you Latooni for some reason.

I am disappointed.

What? Me? I am not involved in this at all I swear.

One of these days... Vengeance shall be MINE! Mark my words.

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crashman_alpha: You're Louise, proudly breaking my attempts to segregate genders. You're intelligent, but you're also very possessive (eyes only for Lord Pent) - but you're aware that you're both of these things.

Proto: I call you Merric. Very smart and very friendly - but you have a tendency to get flustered and make bad situations worse when things start to fall apart.

GO: You are Unil. You are Dua. You are Jiminez. You are Pinkley. You are all these, and more yet. You are Anonymous. You are Legion.

But no, actually. You are Eliwood. Polite and very well-spoken, but with a barely suppressed whimsy lurking just beneath the surface.

Josef: You are nothing I can come up with. You are stubborn and utterly whimsical to the point of nonsense at times. I can't find a character to even mostly mesh with that like I did Nightmare.

Niharu: After a quick perusal of your post history, I actually have something for you.

You are Mia. Carefree, friendly, and very expressive. There's no dark day for Mia!

JB: You are Johalva. Angry, yes - but a tense, seething sort of angry rather than the shouting match inspired by Ross. You are also intensely devoted to and protective of anybody you consider "yours".

Fenrir: Loud, expressive, open, honest. You are Kieran.

Raven: Oddly, Raven was a consideration for you. You're named well. Unfortunately, I rather feel you take the place of Dieck better. Rude and crude, rough and tumble - and above it all, abrasive as a badly-fit shoe made of sandpaper.

Case: You are Stefan. Enthusiastic, in all things you do. You follow your heart wherever it leads you - and totally irrespective of wherever your heart just led you.

Ein: You are Forde. Straight and honest, but more than a little playful in thought and action.

Ether, CPP, ASL, Clipsety, Haze, Donna, Ro, everybody since: You get to wait. I'm burnt out.

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Ether, CPP, ASL, Clipsety, Haze, Donna, Ro, everybody since: You get to wait. I'm burnt out.

everybody since... that means everyone after that, right?

does that mean you're not getting one for me? since I was first and all... :unsure:

oh wait, OP changed, nominated on what? how do I get nominated?

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crashman_alpha: You're Louise, proudly breaking my attempts to segregate genders. You're intelligent, but you're also very possessive (eyes only for Lord Pent) - but you're aware that you're both of these things.

Huh... Never thought about it like that...

Good call, nonetheless.

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everybody since... that means everyone after that, right?

does that mean you're not getting one for me? since I was first and all... :unsure:

oh wait, OP changed, nominated on what? how do I get nominated?

No, you're on my backlog. Once I'm caught up, I'll go back and do further thinking on the ones I got stuck on - starting with you.

EDIT: The "nominated" bit has been there since first draft. All I meant was I won't do people unless either they say "do one for me" or somebody else says "do one for whase".

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I'd say I most resemble Matthew, light hearted and laughs at insults, but has a serious side.

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Added some provisional lines to the OP so I can keep track of who I haven't done.

Ether: You're getting skipped. I'm stumped on coming up with defining characteristics for you, so you're going at the end with whase.

CPP: You too.

After that, lemme put something out here:

Most of you, I do some customary research into your post history and that's how I formulate an opinion for those I don't know particularly well. Some of you (JB, Raven) I can just freeball, but most often I have to snoop a little bit.

What's this mean? If your recent topic history is nothing but Forum Games (CPP) or your post history is nothing but Forum Games (CPP) you give me absolutely nothing to work with. It's nothing personal when I skip you.

Special notice to Ether: your post history is fine, I'm just having issues formulating a solid thesis on you.


ASL: You are Skrimir. Balls to the wind, dead-out confident. Brash at times, certainly, and always very animated in speech and action.

Clipsety: You are Rebecca. Playful - teasing, even - but always cheerful.

Haze: You are Skasaher. Frankly, you don't have any defining characteristics beyond simply being a swell dude. And you know? That's totally okay.

Donna: You get shunted for now.

I'd say I most resemble Matthew, light hearted and laughs at insults, but has a serious side.

I'd say you need to learn the rules of this here thread or fuck off.

EDIT: I won't do Holmes until he stops posting in fucking stupid fonts. That's a mandate. Not even for you, Lu.

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