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Is getting Final Fantasy XIII worth it?

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I would like a console Final Fantasy. I've only got a Xbox 360 thats not Nintendo, is it even worth buying it? I heard from my brother and his friend that owned but sold it because you only press the "X" button and the game plays for you is that right? I don't mind cutscenes and I heard that there were a lot of them. And please don't say "if you want to," or anything like that. Thanks.

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I almost beat it twice. I only didn't because I had new games to play.

I loved it and if you get it and think it's "just mash X" it's because you're bad at it, not because the game "has no depth". It has plenty.

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I keep on hearing things about the button mashing. As you can tell, I would like to have a console Final Fantasy instead of playing it on my DS all the time. Is there any bad scenes that a young teen like me shouldn't see?

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Uh... not that I can recall, no. And I found it worth the time and money I spent on it (well, not money since it was a gift, but I think it would have been worth it if I had bought it). Unfortunately if you're a "fan" of something, you're usually really aggressive when it isn't like your favorite in the series.

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Oh, thanks! I'll buy it then! Good, no "perv scenes" then? I'll look for it on ebay and amazon. Oh, my brother is going to think its a very bad idea, but I think not since everyone so far said its better than I thought it was. Thanks again!

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Well, I won't say it'll be a game you'll absolutely like. So who knows, he could be correct. But I think it was worth it, and hopefully you will to.

And yeah, I don't recall anything really... sexual at all.

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Unless you count Fang lifting up Vanille's skirt to check her tattoo, which isn't shown from behind anyway

Don't forget about Lightning unzipping so Fang could check her tattoo.

I liked FF13, but there's an equal amount of hate for it as there is love. I recommend buying it used and returning it if you don't like it based on the first week -- honestly it only really picks up (and has side quests) after Chapter 11, but before then it's extremely linear. Bearing in mind, it's chapter 11 out of 13; also bearing in mind that post-chapter 11 has far more gameplay than pre-chapter 11. It's still a hassle getting there, though.

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Button mashing what

your friends must be very dumb


The game is pretty damn linear up to like, Disc 3. But the combat system is like awesome.

Young teen? What. How old are you.


Edited by Barioth
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If you want to play a FF game, play an actually good one. FFXIII was so terrible, I couldn't even get through the entire game. The music was lack luster, the battle system was dull compared to other FF games, and it was too linear. And let's not forget Hope, the most annoying character in the game, who is also one of the best characters to use, which just makes him more annoying.

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The game is pretty damn linear up to like, Disc 3. But the combat system is like awesome.

Young teen? What. How old are you.



I have taken us into an age of repression.

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Its not always button smashing if you want to have battles won quickly and in a fun way just master paridgram system, summoning use different abilities and so on the only time I really just button smashed was at the first few chapters of the game and I love the plot to it all it is really worth the money

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So Blademaster do you want me to copy and paste the humongous walls of text I posted on SoS that explained clearly how baseless your opinions are or should I just tell FE fan over here he'll have the easiest time deciding if he ignores your post and goes back to having real feedback?

Oh look, SeverIan just said he wasn't going to give a review for a game he never played and politely left. Why can't you do the same? What if he gets FF XIII and enjoys it?

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Oh look, SeverIan just said he wasn't going to give a review for a game he never played and politely left.

I mean, I will say that my opinions based on what I have seen about the game convince me it may not be very good, which is why I haven't pllayed it, but I am sure there are good things about it and that a true gamer is going to get a lot of mileage even out of a pretty bad game anyway.

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I got XIII, and I liked it. My mom watched most of it, and she had no problems with it. I know there were some people who didn't like the fact that you can't roam around a la the other FF series (for example, you could run from Figaro Castle to Narshen as many times as you wanted in FFVI; you can't go back and visit most of the areas in FFXIII), but my sense of direction is awful, so I didn't feel that "loss". The music is awesome, the graphics are great, and the mini maps are godly. I hope you enjoy~!

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If you want to play a FF game, play an actually good one. FFXIII was so terrible, I couldn't even get through the entire game. The music was lack luster, the battle system was dull compared to other FF games, and it was too linear. And let's not forget Hope, the most annoying character in the game, who is also one of the best characters to use, which just makes him more annoying.

I liked Hope... someone will probably make fun of me for this but I'm fairly sure I have good backup when I say that FF handles its teenage characters extremely well and more realistically than most other RPGs tend to.

As for the battle system, I like it and it's nice and innovative, but it's extremely puzzle-esque -- in the sense that once you fuck around enough with paradigms you can come up with a good strategy for a couple of groups of enemies then when you hit an entirely new group it's either the same trial&error (which I like) or spamming a previous paradigm. I loved it, but I feel like it's a one-playthrough type of game as a result.

The plot was okay, I don't remember it being too memorable but I'm going to try and play it again for plot. I generally liked Fang and Lightning's foil, Hope&Sazh, I thought Snow was okay, and I hated Vanille a lot. The plot is also sorta confusing but it makes sense if you take a bunch of time to think about it or read a tvtropes or something. It's very strange, it seems like an idiot plot on the surface but reading between the lines gets rid of like 95% of the idiocy. The other 5% consists of Snow showing his l'Cie brand sometime in disc 3 LOL

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I enjoyed the plot, and I liked hope. Also played every FF game in the series when it comes to the numerical ones, and beaten or nearly beaten all of them (barring XI, XII, and XIV). So no, I don't see anything wrong with your opinion. XIII just doesn't agree with everything, how life goes.

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Young teen? What. How old are you.


Yes I'm fourteen, I'm no perv and I have a younger brother thats 9 years old and shouldn't be seeing things like that. I'm just watching out for him and myself.

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Hope ends up being one of the coolest characters in the game if not the coolest; this was something I pointed out to Blademaster on SoS several times citing the reason he didn't realize this as "because you didn't even play the game".

Simply playing it would make it incredibly obvious. I mean, chapter12!Hope, that dude is a BAMF.

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You will just have to play it and find out.

And by that I mean play until you've actually experienced enough of the game to know what it even becomes.

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