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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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I'm only reading what people are typing in English, since I'm no where near good enough at Japanese to read that quickly (nor the patience to figure it out), but to me it's sounding like a school girl having a crush on a teacher and fantasizing about it despite the fact she knows society would think poorly of it and shouldn't.

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I just thought... sounded better in context than something like... BTW, this translation hasn't been proof-read and might not make it into the final product.

I agree with you; the only problem here is that Arch took the interpretation from schoolgirl crush to future prostitute.

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The issue is that though it might only be fleshing out a script subjectively, you're going to be making a character for players to accept and believe to be actual. Just look at Arch--he didn't read it any other way. You're going to have droves of people the same. The level of influence this project has is standable.

And there comes a responsibility in willingly changing what is actual into something not, and whether it's worth it, knowing the consequences. Those who see the script may not know any better, but that in no way changes whether one should or should not emphasis or create traits which are nonexistent.

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I saw the "my and Marth's love" line as somewhat more naughty, since she's already been made aware of Marth's engagement. Since she's aware of this, continuing this love could be considered an affair, the fact that Marth is engaged doesn't stop Malicia's plans. That's how I interpreted it. We aren't outright "emphasizing or creating" non-existent character traits (unlike, say, NoA giving Athena a German accent), it's all subject to the interpretation of the dialogue.

That was the way I read it upon first seeing the translation (and taking into account FE3's somewhat random "bad girl" ending). However, the schoolgirl-teacher love comparison is quite an interesting angle that I hadn't considered.

Edited by Arch
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Maliessa: Say, aren't you one of the knights accompanying Lord Marth?

Chris: Yes, I am.

My name is Chris.

And you are?

Maliessa: I am Maliessa.

There's something I'd like you to tell me about.

About my dear Prince...

About Lord Marth.

Chris: "My dear Prince"?

Certainly, Marth is the Prince but...

Maliessa: Lord Marth is, well...

He's completely different from all of the other

animalistic men out there.

He has very kind eyes, and with such gentle hands

he did aid me.

And he even promised to marry me in front of my Grandma...

Chris: I-is that so?

That's totally different from the story I heard...

Maliessa: Ah, if I close my eyes I can remember it now.

One day, when it seemed as if I would be attacked by

some nearby Mountain Bandits, Lord Marth galloped over atop a white steed...

Chris: No, Lord Marth does not ride a white horse.

Maliessa: Don't sweat the small details.

Ah, now where would be the best place for us to be wed?

Lord Marth would likely prefer to be married in Altaea, but

I would like for Grandma to see her Maliessa dressed in a wedding gown...

And then after the wedding, the two of us would be alone,

staring at the night sky from the castle window.

I would say "The sky is very pretty, isn't it?", and Lord Marth

would say things like "You're far more beautiful than the sky"...

And then, and then we would softly kiss...

(Note: She's pretending to be Marth at this point, so I'm putting it in quotes) "Oh! Oh! Maliessa!"

Chris: Uhh... I'm sorry to bother you when you're so excited about all this, but...

Maliessa: But Lord Marth, I told you I just possibly couldn't...! I'm too embarassed!

Chris: ...Lord Marth was betrothed to another, just the other day...

Maliessa: But, but if Lord Marth desires it, I could... Oh!

Chris: She isn't listening to me at all, is she?

I'm going to just slip away quietly now.

Another outside translation, this time from DarknessSavior. Sadly, this team working on this project probably doesn't have the manpower to verify translations from more than one source though... It's interesting that Maliessa was the name he got out of it. He and Tomato have a good amount of experience by the way.

(and taking into account FE3's somewhat random "bad girl" ending)

The accurate thing to do would have been to verify the translation, not interpret an interpretation. That's two steps away from what's actually said. Three when you're compounding it into this characterization of the girl.

Edited by Celice
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First of: Great job guys! c-D

I installed it on my CycloDs, and got the prologue glitch with firmware 1.58, but 2.3 was perfect!

i just noted a small fault in chapter 18 iirc. When you visit the village where the Aurelian King is. Since the names are cut short and only display the capital letter, the A is in the right place, the "name box" in the dialogue of the visit. But the K of King is on the side of the screen, outside of the "name box". ;)

I do not know if it has been mentioned already, and it's only a really minor thing, but it's good to know anyway right?

(And this is ofcourse not something I demand fixed, because in comparison, this is a really minor detail. :) )

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@Vicious Sal

That's a bug that's fixed by implementing the complete English font, which will happen in the final release. I'll need to check if "Aurelian King" fits with the new font though.


Yeah, I think it will be too time-consuming and difficult to request another source to check everything. What we'll probably do is have Snow translate the text (he's much more skilled than me), Arch and I (and maybe somebody else) will edit the text, then Snow will check if everything is still accurate.

BTW, since you posted Chris and Malicia's 1st support, here's my version:

Malicia: Hey, are you Lord Marth's personal guard?

Chris: Yeah, that's right. The name's Chris. What's yours?

Malicia: My name's Malicia. I have something I want to ask you. It's about my dear prince Lord Marth.

Chris: "My dear prince"? You're right that Lord Marth's the prince, but...

Malicia: Lord Marth... Oh, he's so different from those unrefined men. He looked at me with those passionate and gentle eyes of his, before extending his kindness to me. My grandmother had not yet accepted his proposal, but he still proceeded to swear an oath of marriage to me...

Chris: Is... is this true? How comes these events sound different to what I heard...

Malicia: Hee hee... As I close my eyes, I can see the events of that day clear in my mind. As I shouted out "please save me!"... Lord Marth rode across on his white horse, heroically racing to my side...

Chris: That can't be right, Lord Marth doesn't have a white horse.

Malicia: Never mind the minor details. Hee hee... I wonder where we should hold our wedding? I guess Lord Marth would prefer it to be at Altea, but I want my grandmother to see Malicia wearing her bride dress... After the wedding, the two of us will stand before the castle windows, gazing at the beautiful starry sky... I'll exclaim "it's so beautiful", and Lord Marth will gently whisper into my ear "you're more dazzling than any star"... Then the two of us will slowly move together and kiss... Eeek... Malicia's so naughty!

Chris: Ahem... I don't want to be disturbing you at such an important moment, but...

Malicia: No, Lord Marth's a bad boy, you're making Malicia so embarrassed!

Chris: You do know that Lord Marth was engaged recently...

Malicia: But-but, if Lord Marth wants to, then Malicia will... Ohhh...

Chris: She's not listening at all... I think I'll sit over here for a while.

Like that excerpt I posted, this has the same disclaimer -not proof-read yet and may not be used in the final game. I'm pretty happy with most of it, although I can spot a number of major differences, where I might have misinterpreted the text. Although, I still think Malicia is referring to herself here:

And then, and then we would softly kiss...

(Note: She's pretending to be Marth at this point, so I'm putting it in quotes) "Oh! Oh! Maliessa!"

All her other dialogue is for herself and I have a feeling "kyaakyaa" (the "Oh! Oh!" part) is a cry that girls mainly use. I'll admit sounds aren't something I'm very familiar with though.

Edited by VincentASM
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I kinda like how Malliesia sounds in Celice's version. Chris sounds a little clunky in both versions.

/end unasked-for critique

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Mmm, I thought Chris sounded decent in both, although he seems to switch from straightforward and direct, to polite and methodical in how he spoke, in both versions, and I have issue with "Marth, you naughty boy" in Vincent's version, and "those animalistic men" in Celice's version. The first brings an image that contradicts the nature of Malicia's crush on Marth, and the second is too heavyhanded for my taste. Of course "those other unrefined men" also sounds sort of haughty, but not really THAT bad. Overall, I'd change some minor bits here and there, but there's nothing that really jumps out at me.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Hmm, do the supports change based on character background (past mostly I would think)? It seems like a noble's child and an orphan might respond differently to things.

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I haven't seen anywhere that they do. I don't think the gender difference matters so much either, excepting when a character refers to Chris as he or she. I never played extensively with a female Chris however :/

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Hmm, do the supports change based on character background (past mostly I would think)? It seems like a noble's child and an orphan might respond differently to things.

Not really. MU constantly references his grandfather, but from the translations I've read of his supports, he never mentions his parents.

It would be cool if character background did affect the supports though.

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I haven't seen anywhere that they do. I don't think the gender difference matters so much either, excepting when a character refers to Chris as he or she. I never played extensively with a female Chris however :/

The FE wiki seems to indicate that a few characters are romantic partners for a female MU (Warren, Jeorge, and Wolf), and I would guess that a few female characters show interest of that sort in male MU. I would imagine most conversations are the same though, easier to write one set than two.

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There's some portions that are different (such as how he or she takes Elleraen's "So you're ----? Pfeh. Sounds more man than you look" comment), and some are noticeably different (I believe Raiden's is one of those romantic touch differences mentioned for female. Same with Feena for male MU).

Didn't know female MU had some romance with Wolf...

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Can we take some serious liberties with the script, and make the romantic Wolfgard member Sedgar? NO?! WHY?!!!!

IIRC, the flirtier of the Altean trio hits on a female MU.

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Not really. MU constantly references his grandfather, but from the translations I've read of his supports, he never mentions his parents.

It would be cool if character background did affect the supports though.

Seems unfeasible. With the amount of dialogue in this game, having to write 5 different versions of all MU's conversations seems a bit much.

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Or it could just be subtleties, such as an accent, slightly different acknowledgements. Look at Chrono Cross--they just allowed the text system to replace specifically-oriented phrases where necessary. There's not a different script for each character, but different words are drawn up and used in place of others depending on who's speaking. It's a more elaborate system which will call up a name as an ID, basically--which is something that a good chunk of games have been doing for years.

It wouldn't have taken much effort. But, it wasn't really worth it either. That's the kicker.

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Seems unfeasible. With the amount of dialogue in this game, having to write 5 different versions of all MU's conversations seems a bit much.

It doesn't have to be all of his conversations, just a few of them. But considering how much dialogue there already is I can understand not doing it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, here's my attempt at rewriting this...

Malicia: Sir? Sir? Hi, you wouldn't happen to be one of Lord Marth's guards would you?

Chris: Yep, that's right. So what's up? You can just call me Chris by the way.

Malicia: Ah, why thank you. My name is Malicia. It's so nice to see that my dear prince Marth's retainers are so polite as well. So, I have a question...

Chris: Whoa wait, hold on, back up for a bit. Sorry, but, when did Marth become "yours" exactly?

Malicia: Haven't you heard? I still remember it like it was yesterday, how Lord Marth so passionately swore an oath of marriage to me on that night. Sigh...it's funny, Grandma hadn't even accepted his proposal, and yet, the moment I saw those kind, gentle eyes, I knew how different he really was from all those other men I had ever seen.

Chris: ...um...ok? Interesting.

Malicia: Hee hee... As I close my eyes, I can see the events of that day clear in my mind, the way Lord Marth heard my cries and raced across the fields to my side, his horse shining white as snow against the battlements!

Chris: Uh, it's...brown actually...

Malicia: Oh, details, details! Hee hee...so anyway, where do you think Lord Marth would like to have our wedding? I'm guessing Altea, but I want Grandma to see Malicia wearing her wedding dress! What's a girl to do? I suppose it doesn't really matter though, because when I think of what our night under the starry sky will be like...hee, hee, won't it be just magical? Sitting on the castle balcony, Lord Marth caressing my cheeks as he whispers into my ear "you're more dazzling than any star"...his hands will slowly inch their way down my back and...Eek!

Chris: Hey, not to rain on your parade, but before you get too wrapped up in this...

Malicia: Oh, my Lord, you musn't! It's too much for me, please, give me time to breath, please...

Chris: You know, Marth's kind of already engaged right now, so...hey! Are you...

Malicia: But-but, if it should so please you, then Malicia will... Ohhh...Ohh

Chris: ...Ok, well, I kind of have to get going now, so uh...uh, see you around...bye.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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