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Poll: The Rainbow Potion's name

Feedback for the FE12 fan translation  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What name do you prefer for the 77 use DLC potion?

    • Rainbow Ptn
    • Rainbow Pot.
    • Rnbw Potion
    • Star Potion
    • Prism Potion
    • Other (please state)
    • Rainbow Vial
  2. 2. Did you vote in the FE12 project blog's very similar poll

    • Yes
    • No
    • Unsure/Rather not say

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Adapted from Blazer's original poll on the FE12 project blog.

This is just a quick poll on which item name you think would be better, the results of which *may* influence some decisions for the FE12 fan translation.

Rainbow Potion is, I believe, the best translation for the item in question, which is literally "Seven-coloured Potion" in Japanese; "seven-coloured" is synonymous with "rainbow". Additionally, this potion has 77 uses, 7 colours and boosts 7 stats, so there's a strong "7" theme going on here.


Nooo... Why do names have to be so short?

Unfortunately, "Rainbow Potion" just doesn't fit. So I've included 3 shortened-down variations.

"Star Potion", which is the in-game codename, fits fine, but it has connotations with the number 5 and not 7. Although there are 7 (and other number) sided stars.

"Prism Potion" is just a random idea, which somebody else also brought up, keeping with the rainbow theme. I don't think it has any relationship to the number 7, but it does with rainbows.

Edited by VincentASM
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...Doesn't a Rainbow only have 6 colors?

Rainbows are supposed to have 7, but people are trying to shorten it to six.

Edited by crashman_alpha
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I didn't realise some people think rainbows have 6 colours, that's pretty interesting. Is this kind of like people thinking there are 8 or 9 planets in the solar system?

Anyway, I also added "Rainbow Vial", as suggested by Celice. I'll try and stop adding suggestions unless I get a eureka moment or something.

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'Rainbow' is supposed to be associated with the many stats it raises. That's an important point to include, I think, for those who didn't know.

Also, beans. C'est tout.

Edited by Celice
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That's part of the bargain of localization--whether one should try to accurately translate what's transcribed, or what is trying to be expressed. If it's the liquid within that's necessarily important, moreso than the potion, even the likes of 'Rainbow Dew' are applicable. Or 'Prism Dew' :3

god I wish I was back into this stuff sometimes, so fun

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I was happy with Star Potion, the people in the blog were as well, but honestly, coming from my perspective, I don't think that changing Rainbow to Star (i.e: an item one can otherwise not get main game) will cause mass tsunamis and change lives forever. I just want the translators to be happy and not have to do a Crimson Nocturnal ragequit because people were riding their asses about little things until they couldn't take it anymore.

Anyway, I'll leave on a positive note: although I voted for Star Potion because it was originally decided, I'll be happy either way as a player to know that FE12 is being translated and will give my input when needed..

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Call it Roygbiv Mix

Or maybe Rain Potion.

Or "7s Potion".

Perhaps "7by2 Potion".

Imo, anything is better than calling it Rainbow (abbreviation of potion), so I'll vote for "Star Potion".

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I voted for Star Potion

I don't like Star Potion, but it's better than Prism, or any shortenings, since neither Rainbow, or Potion have an abbreviation. I like the idea of R. Potion.

Honestly when I think of prism, I think 4. Mainly since the first thing that comes to mind is a rectangular prism, which for a long time was taught to me as just a prism.

And there's definately 7 colors of the rainbow.

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Rainbow Drug

Rainbow Vial sounds like a good idea to me. It's both faithful and similar to what the fandom is already used to.

If it's the liquid within that's necessarily important, moreso than the potion, even the likes of 'Rainbow Dew' are applicable.

Rainbow Dew sounds fine, too.

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I actually quite like the sound of Rainbow Dew. I would have added it to the poll, but I realised "dew" implies that there's not much of the substance and this potion probably has the most uses of any FE item : P

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I actually quite like the sound of Rainbow Dew. I would have added it to the poll, but I realised "dew" implies that there's not much of the substance and this potion probably has the most uses of any FE item : P

You shouldn't try applying logic to something that defies it, Vincent.

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Localization is a topic that can easily drive me nuts if it involves changes that I can't comprehend.

Take for example the altering of Lyn's age. I can think of reasons why you would want to raise the age of a character but none of them apply there. So what was the point?

But if it's just about names, well it's just there to label something. Just use something that fits and pay attention to consistency.

And as far as I see, well something with rainbow seems to come the closest to it's original intent.

Either way, I don't see what a multicolored potion has to do with stars. I wish I knew there was a poll on that matter.

Edit: Some typos because my english sucks just as much as it did when I joined.

Edited by BrightBow
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Names aren't always run-aways.

The fact that the Rainbow Potion is reflective of what it does should be enough to show that. Name's are usually a tad more important than fillers. Part of the charm is recognizing connections between a chosen name and the story behind it. Part of what many gamers like about their games is revealing a hidden mythos behind their entertainment. Soanevalcke being changed to 'Stefan' really reduces the allusion to Soan, for example, in FE9/FE10.

As simple as Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.

Edited by Celice
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Rainbow 'Roids

I voted Star Potion. Hell, I'm already used to it, and the blasted thing DOES make people...a star...for a chapter?

...I didn't really think this through. I'm still content with my answer.

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Call it Roygbiv Mix

Hmm... I bet Rainbow Mix would fit... :o:

I also personally prefer non-abbreviated names, and I agree that "Rainbow" is very representative of this 7-ful potion, so I voted for Other- Rainbow Mix!

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I chose Rainbow Vial for the following reasons:

1: The Rainbow Potion increases 7 stats (str, mag, skl, spe, lck, def, res) by 2 for 1 mission.

2: It has 77 uses.

3: Rainbow has been in the name since it was first talked about.

I was displeased with Star Potion as the name, and I'm glad to see it's being reconsidered. I wasn't even aware there was a poll.

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