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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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You guys should cool it with the games.

(in any case, for my next game I'm not going to respect the lists because if I do I'll end up hosting 5 years after signing it up)

You're going to wait in line like everybody else. Being Excellen doesn't give you any privileges and other people want to host their stuff as well.

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Okay. We have 16 large games and 17 medium games. As you might have noticed, this is a problem. There are a couple solutions- ignoring the queue is not one of them, Excellen. I need everyone to inform me of if your game is ready or not. I do not care how many role PMs, I need a "ready" or "not ready". It is ready if you could host it right now if you had to. This so I can revamp the queue and make this less of a problem. If you do not tell me anything within a week from now, I am going to assume you are not ready and list you as such. Additionally I would like to enforce a hosting cooldown for these large and medium games of 3 to 5 games (as in you have you wait that much time between hosting games)- I want your opinions on how long this is. I'm not doing this for minis because we don't have a lot of minis, but for large/medium games this is sort of a huge problem.

the 3-5 games things also means not hosting two games at once. Co-hosts are not included in this or the 3-5 thing to streamline things.

Edited by Strider
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And unfortunately for EVERYONE, the queue was never meant to be anything more than a guideline of sorts. Now it's a standard procedure? Now you see a new guy posting signups and shout him down and tell him to wait in line? I think various peoples here are overstepping their bounds.

Also a general request to goddamn everyone: limit yourself in your excitement. As it stands, you'll have to wait for about a year before you can actually get to play your game (if you don't skip in "line" that is).

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Confirming, Shining Force 2 Mafia. Ready to go. Mind Screw w/ Lite Bastard Mod. 20 Players.

It's time to Duel Mafia. Not Ready.

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I think another problem we have is a bunch of delayed games up here and stuff.

We should put them in their own queue or something, as that will at least help more games. Waiting forever because of a few games isn't very fun.

And I also think we should have more smaller games up or something. Like I remember when we had a lot of small games with like 7-9 people. They'd go super fast and were pretty fun and I think that they could help since we seem to really only focus on games with a lot of roles now.

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Waiting a year is a pretty blatant exaggeration. This is where the request for Schoolteacher Mafia went in. Look at where it is in the queue ATM.

Speaking of, is it really That Big Of A Deal if it straddles the border of Medium and Large? I think it'll end sooner at 17 people than 16, if it helps.

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Speaking of, is it really That Big Of A Deal if it straddles the border of Medium and Large? I think it'll end sooner at 17 people than 16, if it helps.

I don't care too much if you ask. It's a weird border anyway.

Would you prefer about 10 games at once, Excellen? The queue is necessary to keeping any sort of order within the community. It's worked fine in the past, we just need some adjustments in order to fit the sudden influx of people wanting to make a ton of games. Lots of things require lines because people want to do that. If there weren't lines, there would just be a whole lot of fighting to get in. That's how things work. People don't get to skip through lines for no reason, and you don't get to skip through the queue for no reason. What part of that is hard to understand?

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Waiting a year is a pretty blatant exaggeration. This is where the request for Schoolteacher Mafia went in. Look at where it is in the queue ATM.

Speaking of, is it really That Big Of A Deal if it straddles the border of Medium and Large? I think it'll end sooner at 17 people than 16, if it helps.

average day phase lasts 72 hours, average night phase 48. 5 days per cycle(medium and large games). Most games have 3 to 5 of these cycles, so 15 to 25 days, averaged at 20. And then always a couple of days for post game, getting signups for the following game up, and then starting the game. This usually takes 3-7 days, but I'll average it at 4 because it seems to be faster rather than slower. So we could say that on average a medium mafia game lasts 24 days. This will be longer for large games.

There's currently 18 games in the medium game line up. 18 * 24 = 432 days, or one year, two months and 5 days. That's how long I'd expect I'd have to wait if I signup my game up now. There is of course a list of variations in this, but I'll remind you phases ends shorter than planned is counter balanced by phase extensions and moderators starting their games up at a later time, which is convenient for them. Furthermore you might argue that one or two of these games is gonna get pulled, but this still won't move the waiting time to under 1 year.

I also won't commend you for using an example from before the surge in game signups.

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And unfortunately for EVERYONE, the queue was never meant to be anything more than a guideline of sorts. Now it's a standard procedure? Now you see a new guy posting signups and shout him down and tell him to wait in line? I think various peoples here are overstepping their bounds.

Adding to what Rein said, you're just flat-out wrong here, it's been a standard procedure since forever.

4. Once those steps are done, I will put your game on the Game Listing. Your game doesn't have to be completely finished at this point, but make sure you will be before it's time for your game to start.

5. When you are allowed, post the sign-ups. I will sometimes remind people that they can do this but often won't. Keep an eye on this thread and check your game's progress. Signups should be opened when you are one of the top 3 games on the list.

And I also think we should have more smaller games up or something. Like I remember when we had a lot of small games with like 7-9 people. They'd go super fast and were pretty fun and I think that they could help since we seem to really only focus on games with a lot of roles now.

Wouldn't mind seeing more smaller games since they theoretically provide an overall greater playtime. On that note, if you have more sign-ups than player slots, I would encourage hosts to give players that are alive in less currently running games priority.

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I need everyone to inform me of if your game is ready or not.

Mine is already listed as ready and still is, but the emphasis seems to be on everyone, so I'll re-confirm just in case. It's ready.

Edited by Scarlet
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Also in reply to Rein: I'm not going to argue with you if you assume from start to finish that the humans who host mafia games are idiots. 10 games starting at the same time or really any amount of games that's obviously beyond the size of the community assumes first and foremost that humans can't think(poor assumption on your part) and secondly assumes this will cause unsolvable problems, which is an outright lie.

If such a number of games open their signups at the same time, one of two things will happen. Some fill up and others remain empty(in which case the problem solves itself), or all or most of them end up half filled. In this case no games start, players and hosts will get frustrated and although it can go by various roads from there, the end result will be the same. The community itself will establish an order in which the games will be played, or some games are dropped and others are played, or a mix of both.

In both of these scenarios the community itself solves it's problems, which makes a governing body, such as the one that shouted down esaka, useless and constricting.

I'll also remind you BS mafia totally ignored any sort of queue. And I'm quite sure some other games have also ignored or significantly cut in the game listings line. And that this was fine.

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You are assuming people are good judges of their own abilities, which is questionable. People overcommit even under the current system. Sure they might not over commit to all 10 games, but I could certainly see them over-committing happening without a queue.

Also, the queue has been a rule since I started playing here. BS Mafia was an exception because Life was leaving for the army soon and wanted to host that game before he left. Every other time I can think of, people were annoyed.

Edited by Paperblade
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You are assuming people are good judges of their own abilities, which is questionable. People overcommit even under the current system. Sure they might not over commit to all 10 games, but I could certainly see them over-committing happening without a queue.

I anticipated this and all I have to say about it is that in case of this community, the people who know their limit form a very significant part of the community, which limits the damage the others can cause.

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I anticipated this and all I have to say about it is that in case of this community, the people who know their limit form a very significant part of the community, which limits the damage the others can cause.

I would argue this based on the fact that we had that problem in the past if memory serves.

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People overcommit even under the current system.

i wish people would stop doing this shit

i don't give a fuck if excellen skips the queue since i don't think he's a bad mod but it'd be kinda lame if he did while he's currently quit mafia (i think?)

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I need everyone to inform me of if your game is ready or not.

Folgore Rangers mafia is NOT ready, although if there were better communication with the hosts we might actually be ready by the end of the week.

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Okay, confirming the following:

Etrian Odyssey Mafia (12) is completely ready and could be run anytime

Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia (16) is not ready (needs role PM's)

Shakespeare Mafia (?) is most definitely not ready

Mystery Mafia (10) is not ready (needs role PM's and rules)

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i wish people would stop doing this shit

i don't give a fuck if excellen skips the queue since i don't think he's a bad mod but it'd be kinda lame if he did while he's currently quit mafia (i think?)

I didn't quit permanently, I'm just extremely apathic about it right now. I've had too many games in the same style. I'll probably join the first big proper OC multifaction that posts signups (that seems like fun), or I'll host one myself.

EDIT: What is you humie's stance on me starting up a great big OC multifaction somewhere in september if we haven't had one of those by then?

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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i had a great big multifaction oc set-up but didn't bother reserving a hosting slot for it because i'm bad at oc and the balance would probably be shit

i would definitely be willing to /in for one though

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