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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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Part of the reason for subbing out of Rein's game was that I couldn't be assed to log into another forum and because I fucking hate that forum software. SF's is much better.

Main reason I'd like to see if I can break the "no alting" rules whenever I host my anon game.

Plus keeping everything on the main forum is just more convenient for everyone, aside from the risk of posting with the wrong account (should be a non-issue if people use seperate browsers).

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I would find having 2 accounts on this forum more annoying to keep track of than having 2 accounts on 2 different forums

but that's just like my opinion man

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Maybe make a special subforum with limited access where everyone who posts appears as anonymous.

Might miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight just be possible if we suck VASM's dick.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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if everyone appeared as anonymous that wouldn't work since you would have no way of differentiating between players unless the host was given a special member level or something

also I'm not sure if that's actually possible with IP.Board but I'm not an expert

Edited by Paperblade
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just make 15 or so anon dupes and have them change password/username/avatar to save space every time there's a new game. most sites i've seen play anon games do that

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I... don't think you should get your hopes up on the alt rule guys.

I guess I'll raise a discussion in the staff board, but...

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what's objectively wrong with it in this context?


Who holds the passwords to the accounts between games? If an account violates policy and needs to be banned, how can we be sure they changed the password so that the actual infractor wasn't the person most recently playing in that account? If someone changes the password during a game and refuses to give the account back to the keeper of the keys, then what?

etc. as I'm sure there are a good half dozen other possible kinks and issues I haven't thought about deeply, these just being ones that come to mind at the surface.

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Who holds the passwords to the accounts between games? If an account violates policy and needs to be banned, how can we be sure they changed the password so that the actual infractor wasn't the person most recently playing in that account?

... IP check? :V

The way I usually see it done is that the host of the last game keeps the passwords, as well as an admin involved in the mafia scene.

If someone changes the password during a game and refuses to give the account back to the keeper of the keys, then what?

I imagine the mods would be called in if this happened, as well as in-game punishment. I also like to generally assume people are mature enough to not do this. Like, I can't think of anybody here who I'd expect to do that.

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Some valid points. Actually depending on how well you want to make the presentation, it may be better for you to raise the issue via the ticket system, than for me to try to defend it on the staff board without your input.

Like, I can't think of anybody here who I'd expect to do that.

I never would have expected Vrykan or DLV to account suicide with pornography.

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Fair enough. I'm not familiar with the ticket system, but I'll propose something whenever my anon game's next on the queue (or earlier if somebody else has an anon game that they want accounts for).

I was not around for either of those people (or maybe I was but just not in the areas of the site where they happened), so I can't comment on the latter part of your post. That said, it's the internet and people are dicks. As long as it's not a common occurance, it shouldn't be a big deal if somebody decides to be a jerk and messes around with an account like... once. I don't think the anonymous accounts could be fucked up beyond repair.

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I am seriously going to do this.

put me down for chilean musicians mafia.

fifteen players.

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I am seriously going to do this.

put me down for chilean musicians mafia.

fifteen players.

That sounds cool and i want in now

even if I don't know any chilean musicians

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Dear Reinfleche,

Stop being lazy. Update the completed games list. Here, I even did it for you.

Agent Minimafia - Paperblade/Reinfleche - Military

Sugar Minimafia - Psych - Cult

Tales of Vesperia Mafia - Snike/Reinfleche - Misfits

FE4 Mafia - JBCWK/eclipse - Mafia

MtG Mafia - Paperblade/Kay - Green

Choral Mafia IV - Levity/Reinfleche - Band/Spies & Lorena

Touhou Mafia - Raymond - Mafia & Core (Reimu Hakurei)

PMD Mafia - Kay/eclipse - The Guild & Team Skull

Kamen Rider Ryuuki Mafia - Naglfar - Town

Homestuck Mafia - Balcerzak - Trolls & Kids & Snike (Doc Scratch)

OC Training Mafia - Kay - Town

Golden Sun Mafia - Proto/13th - ???

Schoolgirl Mafia - eclipse - Mafia & Prims

Haphazard Mafia - Reinfleche - Town & Snike (Jade Harley) & Kay (Vriska Serket)



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