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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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i discovered that i enjoy creating mini set-ups, so put me down on the queue for Revenge of Randomlynch Minimafia

sorry if I'm basically hogging the queue though :<

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Someone should start a large game, but I don't think anyone here is ready except for Levity.

SFMM2 is Medium and Resistance is small, so we should have a large game going on.

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17 players is considered large, not medium

SFMM2 is medium because it was going to be medium and they increased it 1 player and I decided to not make them put up with queue bullshit

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Anyway, I'm going to be posting signups once I have the final tweaks done and all the Role PM's written. If there is a huge demand for it, I can start it while SFNM2 is still running, I suppose...

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Someone should start a large game, but I don't think anyone here is ready except for Levity.

SFMM2 is Medium and Resistance is small, so we should have a large game going on.

Large games requires more players, and more attention. It's kinda hard to do it when we have two ongoing games, imo.

Also, where is that Umineko Mafia thing? That was one of the best ideas I've seen so far. :3 I wanna see how we're going to use the Blue, Red and Golden truths

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So... still waiting for Bal to give the final okay on Carnival Phantasm. If we get an all clear, signups will be up once it happens. Since I'm not participating in any other games ATM, if there is enough demand, I can start early, though the planned start time is the conclusion of SFMM2.

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There is now a compulsory 5 game ban for getting yourself modkilled for malicious intent because as demonstrated, it keeps happening. You may not host a game during this period, either.

AMENDMENT: If you can argue that it was unintentional or strategic (though I don't agree with that personally), and it is a reasonable case, then you will be exempt from the ban.

Slayer has also been blacklisted (apparently we need one of those now, too) from future games due to the downright spiteful intent of it. A round of fucking applause.

Edited by apocalypseArisen
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intentional modkill to screw the side he was on (far worse than ANYTHING I have ever done) simply because he wasn't believed by some people.He could have just subbed out if he was that pissed (the queue still has 5 subs remaining iirc)

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intentional modkill to screw the side he was on (far worse than ANYTHING I have ever done) simply because he wasn't believed by some people.

Not entirely the reason, but sure.

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There is now a compulsory 5 game ban for getting yourself modkilled for malicious intent because as demonstrated, it keeps happening. You may not host a game during this period, either.

AMENDMENT: If you can argue that it was unintentional or strategic (though I don't agree with that personally), and it is a reasonable case, then you will be exempt from the ban.

Slayer has also been blacklisted (apparently we need one of those now, too) from future games due to the downright spiteful intent of it. A round of fucking applause.

You're overreacting and you're assuming I and others will care about your ban and blacklist. And at the very least I don't.

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I'd simply leave it up to the game's Mod to deal with Slayer, but more or less put him up for a "Warning, Slayer has committed X" in this thread.

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You're overreacting and you're assuming I and others will care about your ban and blacklist. And at the very least I don't.

u mad

I can't force you to, in the same way I can't actually enforce the queue but it's not something I decided on a whim, it was something that was discussed, and regardless the ban certainly stays. It's a formality.

Edited by apocalypseArisen
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You're overreacting

Slayer was the one who overreacted.

IMO, at least. He wasn't even going to be lynched and was offered a sub. And, Slayer, don't start that bullshit after what Haze posted.

If you can't handle the game, just get out. Don't ruin it for the rest of your side; it's bad play and poor sportsmanship.

I don't agree, by the way, with strategic modkills; a modkill is a modkill, and it's unfair to the moderator as well as your side. You play a game, you abide by the rules.

Edited by Levantamos
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He wasn't even going to be lynched and was offered a sub.

Umm, i broke the rule then that convo happened. So i was only told about the sub after that (not like i would have taken it anyway at that moment).

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