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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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Randomly killing people tends to screw over the town, and generally doesn't strike me as an elegant solution to this problem. Also, Psych's game had a majority rule, and look at how many majorities that game's town got. Granted, Psych only mentioned the existence of this rule towards the end of D1, but IIRC, the game had a grand total of zero lynches.

The problem is activity, and forcing people to be active by means of killing them via the rules if they're deemed to inactive just doesn't work. Subs are a better way of handling that problem. To really solve the problem, we need to attack its root, and ask the players why they're so fucking inactive, and whether the hosts can do anything to combat this.

Maybe there have just been too many games lately. Any game can get boring after a while if you play it over and over again, even if it's not entirely the same each time. Personally, I just take a break for a few games when this happens, but some people don't recognize when this happens, join the games anyway, and then notice that "oh, I don't actually care about this game, too bad" and go inactive. Maybe it'd be best to have no games running at all for a while, so that everyone is forced to take a "break" for like a week or two.

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Lorddomu was lynched

Kay would also have been lynched if she hadn't been modkilled for the other important rule Psych didn't mention

edit: Also, the problem with inactivity isn't with people joining every game. I have never seen you, Kay, eclipse, Proto, Rein, etc. join your 6th game in a row and then never pay attention without saying "Sorry guys I need a sub."

Edited by Paperblade
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I agree with Raymond (and Paperblade) that that rule hurts more than it helps. A simple solution would be to have smaller games, which allows for a larger list of subs, which in return means that inactive players can simply be subbed out.

If you want to have larger games, restricting the currently running games to that one game could also be helpful.

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Lorddomu was lynched

Ok, so that game had one lynch. Awesome. Given how people can't even reliably get to majority in a mini mafia, I just can't see this working.

edit: Also, the problem with inactivity isn't with people joining every game. I have never seen you, Kay, eclipse, Proto, Rein, etc. join your 6th game in a row and then never pay attention without saying "Sorry guys I need a sub."

Maybe. Maybe not. Who actually knows, other than the people who actually aren't paying attention to the games the join? That's why I'd like to know from the very people we're talking about what reasons they have for being inactive.

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I'm thinking of making three game size tiers

a 10 and below, 11-16, and 17+

we can have like 2 11-16 and 1 17+ running at the same time, or something?

If nobody else has a better idea I think we should implement this to see if it helps improve activity.

Edited by Dave Strider
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Another reason I can think of could be that the current games are too complicated, and people would like simpler (possibly also smaller) games again. With the recent priority shenanigans and what-not, I could kinda see why.

11-16 for middle size sounds a bit much. Maybe 11-15 instead, and 16+ counts as a big game?

If we really do three game sizes, I'd also restrict it to one game per size running at once. Smaller games (usually) don't take as long as larger ones do, so I don't think that'd be a problem.

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I guess it depends how many 16 player games we have.

For everyone running a game currently, please post the number of players your game will be. We'll decide from there.

Also, 1 at a time seems good enough to me... unless there's nobody running a large game, then maybe there could be 2 mid sized?

Edited by Dave Strider
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For everyone running a game currently, please post the number of players your game will be.

Touhou mafia will have 17 players, and was planned as a large-size game.

Also, 1 at a time seems good enough to me... unless there's nobody running a large game, then maybe there could be 2 mid sized?

Sounds fair enough. Two smaller-sized games if there aren't any larger-sized ones, just not the other way around.

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My game's for 14. It's also called Kamen Rider Ryuuki Minimafia except I suppose it's not mini anymore. Not sure why I haven't bothered to mention the name.

Since the ideas pile doesnt stop from getting taller, add Raocow Mafia to whichever queue is the biggest. I'll figure out the details as I go.

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Randomly killing people tends to screw over the town, and generally doesn't strike me as an elegant solution to this problem. Also, Psych's game had a majority rule, and look at how many majorities that game's town got. Granted, Psych only mentioned the existence of this rule towards the end of D1, but IIRC, the game had a grand total of zero lynches.

The problem is activity, and forcing people to be active by means of killing them via the rules if they're deemed to inactive just doesn't work. Subs are a better way of handling that problem. To really solve the problem, we need to attack its root, and ask the players why they're so fucking inactive, and whether the hosts can do anything to combat this.

Maybe there have just been too many games lately. Any game can get boring after a while if you play it over and over again, even if it's not entirely the same each time. Personally, I just take a break for a few games when this happens, but some people don't recognize when this happens, join the games anyway, and then notice that "oh, I don't actually care about this game, too bad" and go inactive. Maybe it'd be best to have no games running at all for a while, so that everyone is forced to take a "break" for like a week or two.

That happens with every game, sadly. There comes a time in which it makes a really huge success, only to lose interest later because of repetitiveness. The same happened with another game I play on another forum, so I tried to introduce the Mafia to them (I could introduce that game to you, but I doubt it'd have a good start since it's so different from Mafia, focusing more on investigation and definitive votes)... I suggest playing something else than Mafia for a time.

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The problem is activity, and forcing people to be active by means of killing them via the rules if they're deemed to inactive just doesn't work. Subs are a better way of handling that problem. To really solve the problem, we need to attack its root, and ask the players why they're so fucking inactive, and whether the hosts can do anything to combat this.

I play/host mafia over on another forum (not CARA, in case people wonder) where most people frequently come off as totally apathetic toward actually playing the game, though I've never actually been aware of why (perhaps it's just laziness, though the biggest problem seems to often be nobody is posting = everyone else doesn't feel like posting or being pro-active for whatever reason).

From my modding experience over there, the best way to get everybody's ass into gear is commiting to a "no posts for 24 hours = prod, no posts for 24 hours after prod = modkill" rule and actively enforcing it. 24 hour night phases are also a better way to keep up interest, since a longer break between actual days leads to more apathy when they happen. Of course, I usually host with 72 hour days instead of 48, so. I still basically end up having to rage-rant about people for not committing to the game they signed up for at least once per game (even when I'm playing instead of hosting), but they've been making progress, at least. <_<

It helps if the bar for content is set higher than posting one-liners / sheeping instead of actually talking about why you have the opinions you have, which I guess seems to be a slight problem here from what I've seen, but there's not much you can do about that.

It should be noted that everything in this post is strictly for NOC, since I suck at OC. So... yeah.

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I don't think the problem is with the day phase length, as I yelled at the people in my mafia for screwing around during half of a 48-hour day phase.

Anyway. . .uh, Schoolgirl Mafia currently at 16.

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