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Fire Emblem: A Sacred Dawn DX

Mage Knight 404

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Still on Chapter 5x, and it's going to stay that way until my help decides to pull through.

so you're waiting on someone else or looking for someone else to wait on? XP

also didn't Rey make an FE8 instrument patch? And it should fundamentally work the same as FE7 anyhow, they share the same music format so it's just a matter of copying/pasting the data and well, making sure you have the space to copy/paste into, right? O_o

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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See the last page

As has been mentioned before, the tracks in the video showcase(s) (such as Jenna's Battle Theme from Golden Sun: The Lost Age as the standard player battle music) are generally what Ray has envisioned for music; unless the status changed while I was away, the last I heard, Ray was waiting for an instrument patch for FE8, similar to the FE7 one so that the songs didn't sound atrocious when imported.

that's the point of what I said :\

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Huh. I don't think that's not why he's stuck on Ch 5x, though :P I seem to recall it having something to do with 5x loading different units (like in FE8 how it loads Orson, Forde, Kyle, and Eph) and screwing up the RAM somehow. Like it wouldn't keep the right characters or switch who's the leader or something like that. Idk, Cam and Rey have been trying to figure it out :S

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Cam's better at figuring out ASM routines than me.

Especially considering how he reworked my original solution into a better one. [/totally not passing off the blame]

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is he actually still waiting for an FE8 instrument patch? Like, didn't you make one, Rey?

What I believe he's waiting for is the FE8 equivalent of this.

But, yes, this isn't the issue holding Ch. 5x's progress up, as was mentioned above. This is "extra," if you will.

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What I believe he's waiting for is the FE8 equivalent of this.

But, yes, this isn't the issue holding Ch. 5x's progress up, as was mentioned above. This is "extra," if you will.


A little searching here might come up with a list, if no one's looking into it for themselves. If not there, perhaps follow the 2ch link or one of the other links nested in the site.

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Still on Chapter 5x, and it's going to stay that way until my help decides to pull through.

didn't i already send you the thing?

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didn't i already send you the thing?

You did, Cam, but didn't you tell me that you still needed to iron out some kinks with the end of chapter variant or something?

If you did, then I guess I just have a very bad memory..

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what is trolling????

Oh, you're good. REALLY good.

And if you're being serious here:

"Posting messages specifically designed to enrage, confuse, and/or infuriate as many people as possible.

Truly "talented" trolls may even enter the realm of Stealth Parody. The very nature of the internet (from newsgroups to wiki sites) is such that if you try to preach to opponents outright or otherwise offend them, you'll probably be ignored and/or banned. A combination of parody and provocation is more likely to inveigle others and thus become a more effective method of quarreling."

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what is trolling????

Trolling is the equivalent of posting on a forum site, just like you're doing. You are posting on a forum site so you're trolling which makes you a troll.

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what is trolling????

Ask Stephen Colbert. He's been doing it for 7 years (on his own show) and people STILL think he's an honest to God conservative.

Other examples (in anime) include Kyubey of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Izaya Orihara from Durarararararara and (possibly?) Gendo Ikari from Evangelion.

Edited by ISRMMBV
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in other news i can finish your thing like tuesday or wednesday since astra and arch have (graciously) allowed me to take a break from all the asm requests they've shoved on my lap

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Oh, you're good. REALLY good.

And if you're being serious here:

"Posting messages specifically designed to enrage, confuse, and/or infuriate as many people as possible.

Truly "talented" trolls may even enter the realm of Stealth Parody. The very nature of the internet (from newsgroups to wiki sites) is such that if you try to preach to opponents outright or otherwise offend them, you'll probably be ignored and/or banned. A combination of parody and provocation is more likely to inveigle others and thus become a more effective method of quarreling."

thank you for telling me i did not know what trolling is since i am truly 11 years old

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I moderated a forum when I was like eleven.

Now the forum is dead, and the main site throws about eighty viruses at you as a red carpet.

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