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Mechanics that you want


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Then what happens when flying units rescue?

Hell how does mounted units rescuing other mounted units in the GBA games make any sense?

The mount descends and sort of chicken-hops around to be a defensive shield. Rather than go anywhere at a moment, it's forced to stay as close to the rescued unit as possible. This restricts both movement and ability to fight--the movement isn't fluid, but jagged. It's not an offensive move.

And therefor the person helping the other unit has decreased skill? Given how combat has traditionally worked in FE (one on one dueling, although that IS changing now) it just doesn't make sense to me that they would be worse at fighting, which is why I like the idea of a movement penalty.

It forces dynamic combat into a static one. Rather than respond to attack however a person would, they're stuck dealing with anticipating an attack so that the rescued unit isn't harmed. Mounted units are compounded in that they have beasts to tame around and keep in check--not just the rescued character.

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I don't think mounted units being able to carry anyone without penalties is a good idea. Even though the mount is stronger than a character, I can't imagine Duessel with his heavy armor, taking Gilliam, and his heavier armor, for a ride with the horse as good as new. Sure he's supposed to have a great mount, one of the best, but even a horse has it's limits. In the GBA games they were given 25 Con and they could carry up to two characters (their rider plus the rescued). I think that should be kept, maybe modifying the mount's Con to be somewhat higher but getting some movement reduction if they carried more than a fraction of it.

For example, let's give Duessel's horse 40 Con, and movement reduction starts at 25 Con. If Duessel (15 Con) rides alone, there's no penalty. If he carries someone like Eirika, Tana or even Ephraim umpromoted, the mount would resist that much weight, but rescuing Gilliam, Dozla or Garcia would get the mount more tired than normally, getting penalties. It's like when you're carrying things, up to a limit of weight, you have no problem, but there's a limit where you can't go at the same speed, but you can still carry that weight.

I like this idea. It makes the most sense in terms of rescuing units.

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I'd say that I'd personally prefer to have Rescue stay the same way really, the penalty is quite strong without further rubbing it in using an OTT Movement penalty. And trying to go for realism in a game series with stuff like impossible hair colors, magic and skimpy "armor" is just fighting a pointless losing battle to be honest.

Most of all though, none of these ideas sound fun to me, more strategy is cool and all but I (and I'd venture to say most other people who play these games) play games for fun, and overly complex penalty mechanics could seriously detract from this fun. This is especially important because Rescue is generally utilised most by beginning players, the sort of people who could work around these penalties would also be the sort who would probably only ever utilise it for ferrying (which doesn't need to be crippled).

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I almost never used rescue when I started, and certainly not to move people places faster. Maybe this is just me, but I feel movement penalties would affect current me far more than me when I first discovered FE.

Edited by Rewjeo
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Thieves being able to steal ANYTHING.

Thieves having Canto.

Canto existing in the game.

Splitting promotion paths.

Third Tier splitting propmotion paths. (Yeah, I went there.)

More customisable characters. (Maybe not to the depth of "My Unit", just a little weapon choice, sort of like the Paladins in FE9)

Soldier class.

Ally and Other units.

Any sort of "Move again". (i.e. Dancer, Heron)

Fist Fighter or Wrestler class. (Has a weapon rank in "Strike")

A Dark Magic and Knife user who is important to the story that, upon promotion, gains both "Axe" a Horse and facial hair.

That's about it.

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-Generics only be allowed in multiplayer modes. Iron weapons allowed but steel or silvers could be scattered across the maps to use. I could just jump into wi-fi on the first day without playing the main story and not seeiny any overpowered units

-Bonus Experience so scrubs like Rolf and Est can be trainable


-Strength and weight affecting attack speed

-Three way battles. We could see red, blue, green, purple guys going at it against each other instead of the usual red vs. blue. Could be a mechanic for the single player story and multiplayer modes



-An unlockable reverse weapon triangle mode


-Skills. Transferable like FE10 but balanced like in FE9. Any "soldier skills" would not take up space and are not transferable. "Citizen" skills would be transferable but take up space

-Trial Maps. I would also like to see cameos in trial maps as well. For example in one of the trial maps you could face Sigurds army or the Greil Mercenaries

-Avoid Formula where ASx2+1 luck

Edited by thetiger39
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-Three way battles. We could see red, blue, green, purple guys going at it against each other instead of the usual red vs. blue. Could be a mechanic for the single player story and multiplayer modes

This would be a total shitstorm. Though, in Advance Wars, it works out pretty well. I'd be willing to give it a try, but only in a few chapters out of the story (three at the most, and only if there's more than 20 chapters).

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-Three way battles. We could see red, blue, green, purple guys going at it against each other instead of the usual red vs. blue. Could be a mechanic for the single player story and multiplayer modes

This would be a total shitstorm. Though, in Advance Wars, it works out pretty well. I'd be willing to give it a try, but only in a few chapters out of the story (three at the most, and only if there's more than 20 chapters).

In Berwick Saga it happens in some chapters, and it works pretty well, since you're fighting the imperial army and bandits, each being their own color (red for the primery target, yellow for the secondary). Each of them would have their own IA (attack on sight, assault, or stay their ground), and it coud be set for them to face each other or not. This would be more interesting when you assault a castle, where the enemy is not supposed to let an incoming thief take all their treasures (maybe attacking the thieves after they have stolen the treasures and are about to leave).

It would be like in SS when you face Valter and Caellach, each of them has a different color, but are allies (like you and the greenies), and when you defeat one of them, their remaining army disbands (like you were going to allow that, but still, in HM if one army was pressing to hard, it would be useful, and you wouldn't have ended the chapter yet).

EDIT: What I stated above is an example, not the actual game.

Edited by paladin21
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In Berwick Saga it happens in some chapters, and it works pretty well, since you're fighting the imperial army and bandits, each being their own color (red for the primery target, yellow for the secondary). Each of them would have their own IA (attack on sight, assault, or stay their ground), and it coud be set for them to face each other or not. This would be more interesting when you assault a castle, where the enemy is not supposed to let an incoming thief take all their treasures (maybe attacking the thieves after they have stolen the treasures and are about to leave).

It would be like in SS when you face Valter and Caellach, each of them has a different color, but are allies (like you and the greenies), and when you defeat one of them, their remaining army disbands (like you were going to allow that, but still, in HM if one army was pressing to hard, it would be useful, and you wouldn't have ended the chapter yet).

EDIT: What I stated above is an example, not the actual game.

Are there any times when the yellow units attack both the enemies and your own units? I always remember them acting either as a separate group of green units or as a separate group of red units.

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Are there any times when the yellow units attack both the enemies and your own units? I always remember them acting either as a separate group of green units or as a separate group of red units.

There's one chapter where the yellow army is just a dragon and attacks both sides. However, I've seen some maps where the armies could be in conflict if the bandits would go to the imperial zone or something alike, but I don't think the wanted to give the player that advantage (luring some enemies into the other group and let them destroy each other to later take on the remnants). Usually one of the armies is set to hold their ground till you enter their zone, and the other one is to far to lure them to the other side (too much effort for little benefit).

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Thieves being able to steal ANYTHING.

Thieves having Canto.

Canto existing in the game.

Splitting promotion paths.

Third Tier splitting propmotion paths. (Yeah, I went there.)

More customisable characters. (Maybe not to the depth of "My Unit", just a little weapon choice, sort of like the Paladins in FE9)

Soldier class.

Ally and Other units.

Any sort of "Move again". (i.e. Dancer, Heron)

Fist Fighter or Wrestler class. (Has a weapon rank in "Strike")

A Dark Magic and Knife user who is important to the story that, upon promotion, gains both "Axe" a Horse and facial hair.

That's about it.


Oh, and the rest sounds like a mash of FE10 and FE2/8 with split promotions.

Edited by Kitty of Time
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I think that different enemy armies is a bad idea. I hated in FE10 the way that they'd make you sit through tons of yellow and green unit phases, and the red units that fight them. Making enemy armies that fight each other is just as bad.

FE4 did it too, and technically FE5, though rather than a neutral and allied army both suddenly became green and you couldn't tell a difference until it's too late.

I found it fine and nice. It fit for what the game was doing; were it out of place it would be a bit more strange, but where it is, it is not.

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FE4 did it too, and technically FE5, though rather than a neutral and allied army both suddenly became green and you couldn't tell a difference until it's too late.

I found it fine and nice. It fit for what the game was doing; were it out of place it would be a bit more strange, but where it is, it is not.

I'm willing to tolerate cutscenes if I retain the option to skip them.

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I think that different enemy armies is a bad idea. I hated in FE10 the way that they'd make you sit through tons of yellow and green unit phases, and the red units that fight them. Making enemy armies that fight each other is just as bad.

I'd sort of like it better if they did it like FE:5 did for the chapter with Glade and the Lenster Knights you could control, letting the player use them temporarily(maybe keep them green or another colour to mark that they aren't permament) would be better than another AI phase(especially given the nature of the vast majority of green units in the games).

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One thing I actually quite liked about FE11 was being able to skip phases completely.

Granted that game was so boring that I can't imagine having had to sit through all the phases. Even boss battles weren't really interesting in that game (barring like, Camus, 'cuz he had cool music, and Michalis, and a couple other exceptions).

Point being, the more features the better. People can't (or at least they shouldn't) complain about the game having *optional* features. Cuz you can just turn them on or off. *shrug*

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Let's see... Bonus EXP, Canto, third tier, branched promotion, maybe trainees. I like all of those ideas, really, but it's hard to tell how well the last three would work out in a game. Oh, skills, like skills, those are a lot of fun too. :P Not sure I can think of anything else, barring, I guess, more splits in the story like FE8, or just things in general to make replaying worth while.

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