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Would anyone else like to see a musket or some such in these games? I remember some talk about this a couple of years ago, but I never heard of anything like that again.

Bows coexisting with muskets is not uncommon, and it would make even more sense in a fictional game.

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Stop the argument! NOW!

Crash, it's really not your place to go making demands like this. I'm sure you know by now that we have a rule that forbids mini-modding.

Would anyone else like to see a musket or some such in these games? I remember some talk about this a couple of years ago, but I never heard of anything like that again.

Bows coexisting with muskets is not uncommon, and it would make even more sense in a fictional game.

Personally, I wouldn't be opposed if IS introduced simple firearms to the series. They could work similarly to crossbows in Radiant Dawn. From what I've seen, most people tend to dislike the idea, though.

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Crash, it's really not your place to go making demands like this. I'm sure you know by now that we have a rule that forbids mini-modding.

Other people wanted it to stop too, and it's just getting tired now. And that wasn't even remotely like minimodding, I never mentioned the rules at all.

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Early guns were nothing too special, from what I've heard of them. I can't imagine them doing too much that crossbows couldn't.

And yeah, I was getting tired of that particular dispute, too. The two sides on the reclassing issue take such completely different standpoints that it seems to be pretty much impossible for either side to respect any argument from the other.

Edited by Othin
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Other people wanted it to stop too, and it's just getting tired now. And that wasn't even remotely like minimodding, I never mentioned the rules at all.

It doesn't matter if you mention the rules or not. That's just an example. Telling others how to behave instead of reporting the perceived problem counts as mini-modding as well.

Please don't respond to this here (and that goes for everyone else). PM if you have any further questions or concerns.

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Most weapons have some sort of risk like that. Just imagine how difficult it would realistically be to catch a returning hand axe without slicing your fingers off. :\

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I think Muskets could probably be like special bows with effectiveness against unarmored enemies. Or even armor piercing ones that are good against Generals. Either way, if they existed I'd prefer them being a very minor thing, as opposed to ushering in more modern technology.

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IIRC, weren't longbows often able to pierce heavy armor? I read about that in the Hundred Years' War; the English had the upper hand for much of it because English archers using longbows caused massive French casualties--mainly armored knights and cavalry--from afar.

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Eh, I'm not a big fan of guns being added in to fantasy games that use swords, axes, bows, etc, myself. Games seem to be doing this more, like Fable 2-3 and Guildwars 2, and I'd prefer if they kept firearms out of it.

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Eh, I'm not a big fan of guns being added in to fantasy games that use swords, axes, bows, etc, myself. Games seem to be doing this more, like Fable 2-3 and Guildwars 2, and I'd prefer if they kept firearms out of it.

I agree. They emphasize a somewhat different, more typical atmosphere compared to FE's fantasy setting, and it doesn't seem like the series would get much out of it.

Edited by Othin
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I defiantly think they shouldn't include guns. Especially since, if you wanted to be realistic, they could be only used every other turn. I hate how a lot of RPG's that were traditionally fantasy are starting to include guns as well. They never seem to actually add anything to the game that couldn't have been done before and tend to ruin the general feel of the game. Sides, why would a world in which magic is a constant desire guns in the first place? You have swords that can conjure storms and cut the very air and tomes that can call down meteor strikes. A flintlock pistol that can't even pierce armor (seriously. Older guns can't do that except for the blunderbuss, which is basically a old-timey shotgun), so why bother pouring effort into gun research instead of magic?

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Actually, what you said about only using them every other turn could be interesting. So much power it could one-shot anything (other than the significant bosses who aren't even human anyways) but only once every other turn.

I wouldn't have a problem with early guns showing up. The problem would be balancing. If you went very realistic with them, really anyone could use them, but they would be inaccurate, only useable like once every other turn, AND have a chance of blowing up on you. Given how units generally end up ORKOing stuff anyways...

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The problem with them having high MT, but having a 1 turn CD, is that you could be faced with a hard boss and then just wait for everyone's gun CD to finish then go 'By the power of guns combined, I AM CAPTAIN SHOOT-YOU-TO-DEATH' and just unload on him for a easy win.

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Isn't that essentially how most difficult bosses are handled as it is? I really can't think of too many bosses in the series that can't be taken down by attacking them with your most powerful character (or characters if possible) armed with your best weapons. :\

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I defiantly think they shouldn't include guns. Especially since, if you wanted to be realistic, they could be only used every other turn. I hate how a lot of RPG's that were traditionally fantasy are starting to include guns as well. They never seem to actually add anything to the game that couldn't have been done before and tend to ruin the general feel of the game. Sides, why would a world in which magic is a constant desire guns in the first place? You have swords that can conjure storms and cut the very air and tomes that can call down meteor strikes. A flintlock pistol that can't even pierce armor (seriously. Older guns can't do that except for the blunderbuss, which is basically a old-timey shotgun), so why bother pouring effort into gun research instead of magic?

I had an idea more along the line of muskets, which could be used 1-2 range like a Crossbow as well as 1-range like a Rapier (depending on how you equip it and how many musket balls you have). Edited by Mercenary Raven
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The problem with them having high MT, but having a 1 turn CD, is that you could be faced with a hard boss and then just wait for everyone's gun CD to finish then go 'By the power of guns combined, I AM CAPTAIN SHOOT-YOU-TO-DEATH' and just unload on him for a easy win.

I think you accidentally made the idea sound more appealing.

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I defiantly think they shouldn't include guns. Especially since, if you wanted to be realistic, they could be only used every other turn. I hate how a lot of RPG's that were traditionally fantasy are starting to include guns as well. They never seem to actually add anything to the game that couldn't have been done before and tend to ruin the general feel of the game. Sides, why would a world in which magic is a constant desire guns in the first place? You have swords that can conjure storms and cut the very air and tomes that can call down meteor strikes. A flintlock pistol that can't even pierce armor (seriously. Older guns can't do that except for the blunderbuss, which is basically a old-timey shotgun), so why bother pouring effort into gun research instead of magic?

Yes, yes, yes! I agree 100%!

Please, please no guns in Fire Emblem. One of the big reasons I love Fire Emblem so much is because of the "pure" fantasy setting. It doesn't have any robots, guns, flying machines or any of that crap. I'd be fine more RPGs (and I guess I could live with a few Fire Emblem games like this) if the had an actual steampunk setting, or somewhat realistic setting, but I cannot put up with this sci-fi mixed with fantasy crap. Why the **** am I using swords and armor if that guy right over there is shooting me with his laser gun and attacking me with his army of robots?? The Tales series is one of my favorite RPG series, but I would give so much for just one Tales game set in a Fire Emblem like setting.

Although I do have to admit, from what some of the other posters mentioned above, guns certainly sound like an interesting game play mechanic if balanced properly.

Edited by Jediabiwan
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The guns we were discussing are old-as-crap ineffective muskets that has been in existence since the 14th century, anyway. I don't think anyone wants modern guns in FE.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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The guns we were discussing are old-as-crap ineffective muskets that has been in existence since the 14th century, anyway. I don't think anyone wants modern guns in FE.

There goes my dream of a Sniper with a PSG-1 sniping bosses from across the map. :(

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Honestly, I'd kind of like to see guns in a Fire Emblem game. I'm thinking basically a 1-2 range crossbow with the type of shot determining the might, but the 1-range attack would be a melee attack. Probably strength/2 or something else totally wimpy, so that you're still expected to use them as ranged attackers. Then again, I guess equipping different bullets would be too much like Berwick Saga and make things overly complicated.

I can see how someone would be against the idea and I know it will never happen because "guns = evil," but I think it'd be fun.

Why the **** am I using swords and armor if that guy right over there is shooting me with his laser gun and attacking me with his army of robots??

Dude, a Fire Emblem game where your medieval army fights against robots? I'd buy it. That is, as long as there's a mode where you can play as the robots and step on puny humans. Giant metal foot: 255 might, 100% hit. o/

Also, this topic reminds me of that old Notepad document I cooked up a long time ago. I fanboy'd all kinds of new skills and mechanics that will never happen, but I don't know if I have the document anymore. Stuff like armors being able to set up shield/spear walls, but becoming vulnerable from the sides/rear while doing so. And there was something like a fatigue/wound system in there somewhere.

So yeah, the ultimate Fire Emblem would be the standard gameplay + Langrisser III/IV/V type interaction + giant robots stepping on people. I'd prefer Godzilla stepping on people, but I'll take what I can get. (Now Godzilla versus giant robots versus silly sword/magic users? Take my money, please.)

P.S. Rambling is fun when it's borderline incoherent!

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Then again, I guess equipping different bullets would be too much like Berwick Saga and make things overly complicated.

The bow/arrow split was brilliant. In particular, it made crossbows actually do something rather than just have their fixed Mt designed for a specific point in the game. As complicated as it may be, it should really be in any FE game.

That, and it allows for enemy archers like this guy to exist.

Edited by Othin
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