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Mechanics that you want


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Eh, I wouldn't mind losing stats and making something really cheap. Though might be a bit bad when you're at max level, at that point you only kind of need the stats from a weapon, or so I felt. But money is almost always a problem.

As for the FE crossover... hmm... that's a tough one to pull off. The main issue is that there is little that differentiates people stat-wise as it is. Maybe could pull it off with the unique weapons, but if it's when they're just starting out, you wind up with a bunch of walking units with swords, and maybe a spear/axe thrown in there somewhere. I do think implementing skills for this would be the best way to do it. Could give each character a unique skill, it's really the only way Eliwood and Eirika could be in the same game and still be unique. Alternatively, have only one Lord rep per continent, which means you could pull Hector, Ephraim, and Micaiah, and then you only have two (I think, could be missing a game) Lords left, but that's a bit less exciting.

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Eh, I wouldn't mind losing stats and making something really cheap. Though might be a bit bad when you're at max level, at that point you only kind of need the stats from a weapon, or so I felt. But money is almost always a problem.

The main reason I mentioned that is because you can sometimes end up with someone with more Strength than they could feasibly need to wield most things, and that would give you a reason to care: cheap forges from increasing the weight loads! Alternatively, you could do things like taking away a crit bonus if the character who wants the weapon couldn't make use of it.

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That seems kind of... broken. A weapon with -15% crit, +5wt, +5atk, and +15 hit costs... zero gold, despite being a very good weapon. You'd probably have to change AS calculation back to GBA style since it's so easy to be able to ignore weight in FE10.

And besides, strength is already basically the most important stat in FE9/10 without making it even more important.

It would be even worse under FE11/12 rules. Who cares about weight or crit when you can stack more +ATK/HIT on your Ridersbane/Hammer/Rapier/Shaver/Steel Bow/Wyrmslayer and OHKO with it?

Edited by Anouleth
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But, why? Retrofitting something seems to be something specialised-fans really endorse... but a lot of the time, "nerfing" is nit-picking on details. Proportions are mis-scaled, likely because the fan is already approaching the nerf with a specific, controlled instance in mind.

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The net effect of forges is typically to unbalance the game. In theory, you could forge a weapon to help a weak character catch up. But it's usually better to forge a weapon to make a strong character even stronger. This is especially true in FE11 where the good characters with lots of weapon rank benefited most from being able to forge Ridersbanes, Hammers, and so on.

Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. In basically every case where you have a big pile of resources to distribute, the best recipients are typically the stronger characters. That doesn't mean that resource distribution should be cut from the game entirely. The issue is that forges should not be so cheap and abusable that you can use maxed out "perfect" forges 100% of the time for zero money cost.

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Just tweak the mechanics of forging. Either make things like Ridersbane unforgable, or make the forge a boost that's added at the end. Instead of making a 12mt weapon with 36 effectiveness, make it 6mt, 18 effectiveness + 6 extra might, making it 24.

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Could give each character a unique skill, it's really the only way Eliwood and Eirika could be in the same game and still be unique. Alternatively, have only one Lord rep per continent, which means you could pull Hector, Ephraim, and Micaiah, and then you only have two (I think, could be missing a game) Lords left, but that's a bit less exciting.

...Eliwood and Lyndis are in the same game and they are quite different and would still be pretty different even if Lyn got a Rapier. Manni Katti is just a better Rapier anyways.

Edited by Refa
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Well... my comment was about including all Lords, which is... kind of a large problem. Since they don't have that much variance, really. As for number of playable characters... not sure, a decent number. Probably somewhere in the vicinity of 50? I guess that's... maybe that's not enough. Hope there is a bunch of them though.

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Hmm, I want a lot of characters. Like RD.

Though I think if they include a lot of characters they have to find some way to balance it out so there aren't some who are just completely useless. Like in RD there was third tier, tons of chapters, the split up sections which allowed you to focus on different characters at different times, bexp, and paragon and blossom. You could pretty much use any character and not have to be bogged down to only use certain ones.

FE11 is a little worse at this because many characters are just plain not good or not as good as others.

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Hmmm. . .whatever fits the following:

- Good class variety

- Decent variety within growths (so a team full of Lyns would really suck)

- Personality. . .but I'm kinda lax on this, because I could figure out some personality in SD, FFS

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I would like to see the My Unit feature again .

But with a less bland personality and not as overpowered .

And i would have it, as in FE4 where a Mage could use a Sword, no Strength and Magic split and that Bows have 2-3 and 2-4 rangeor give them better might

so that Bows arent completely inferior to Magic .

Reclassing.....I dont know about that one though...I would like to see it again but different .

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I would prefer fewer characters- 30ish. Half of SD's cast may as well not exist period, let alone in any given playthrough. 30 characters also makes it easier to develop them and make them into interesting characters, rather than a slew of people with one semiunique trait that is discussed in their supports.

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I would prefer fewer characters- 30ish. Half of SD's cast may as well not exist period, let alone in any given playthrough. 30 characters also makes it easier to develop them and make them into interesting characters, rather than a slew of people with one semiunique trait that is discussed in their supports.

Why do people bitch about Shadow Dragon having this problem, then turn around and praise FE12 like it's the messiah of game design when it does the same thing but multiplies it by 50? Not saying you specifically would say that about FE12 (don'tknow your opinion on the game after all), but I don't like seeing that pattern.

I'd agree with a bit of a smaller cast though. Not FE2 small, but at this point it seems going the quantity route is just a lazy way out.

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Why do people bitch about Shadow Dragon having this problem, then turn around and praise FE12 like it's the messiah of game design when it does the same thing but multiplies it by 50? Not saying you specifically would say that about FE12 (don'tknow your opinion on the game after all), but I don't like seeing that pattern.

I'd agree with a bit of a smaller cast though. Not FE2 small, but at this point it seems going the quantity route is just a lazy way out.

FE12 has support conversations, though, so the characters aren't completely bland.

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