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Gods... I hate myrmidons


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I heard Zihark was good in FE9. Or at least decent.

I haven't played it myself, though, so I can't really comment on FE9 myrms. But out of all the myrms I have used, Guy is easily worst at killing shit. The ones who are worse than Guy I don't even bother try using. :P

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I heard Zihark was good in FE9. Or at least decent.

I haven't played it myself, though, so I can't really comment on FE9 myrms. But out of all the myrms I have used, Guy is easily worst at killing shit. The ones who are worse than Guy I don't even bother try using. :P


And then there's Samto and Shanam, who you don't even use because you hate impersonators.

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That and their stats suck ass. Guy at least has passable bases. They...don't.

I mean


Single digit in every non-HP stat

Swordmaster without double digit speed

what is this bs

Both base Shiva and Mareeta has more speed than this guy

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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That and their stats suck ass. Guy at least has passable bases. They...don't.

I mean


Single digit in every non-HP stat

Swordmaster without double digit speed

what is this bs

Both base Shiva and Mareeta has more speed than this guy

You're telling me! I actually went to look up his bases just now, and just threw up (figuratively).

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I used to hate Myrms until I played FE10. Edward was basically my favorite character after the first run. Their defense is supplemented by their avoid, and they can kill armors with an armor slayer. Then they became indifferent to me. They seem meh at first, then amazing, and then meh once again due to the enemy having defense endgame.

Archers are by far the dumbest class. Yay, a unit that can't attack for half of the game, has no personality, can't do damage, and gets ORKOd. FE10 is a bit better because of Marksmen having +1 range as well as the Double Bow and Crossbows being able to attack at 1 range. Nomads/Rangers are still dumb because you won't use the bow part at all, and at that point you might as well have a Cav, who will still have better stats even though it's a tier down.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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I heard Zihark was good in FE9. Or at least decent.

I haven't played it myself, though, so I can't really comment on FE9 myrms. But out of all the myrms I have used, Guy is easily worst at killing shit. The ones who are worse than Guy I don't even bother try using. :P

Since Guy has the same strength as Joshua with a 5% lower growth and at level 3 instead of level 5, I don't really "get" why people love Joshua and hate Guy. Even at max level, Joshua has only 1 more strength. Joshua also has 3 more CON, I guess, but that's partly balanced by Guy's naturally better speed.

So yeah, I don't really grasp why people think Joshua is good and Guy is bad when they're basically the same character.

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Because it's FE8, enemies have no stats, and Joshie's at least interesting.

Joshie's competition also doesn't join like, three chapters right after him. I mean, you get Guy, and then Raven comes out of nowhere with his superior bases and axes on promotion. Gerik's good, but at least he joins a bit later than Raven vs Guy comparison.

I haven't used Josh in the longest time, tbh. I'd rather just charge the hell out of FE8 with Seth and only Seth now.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Since Guy has the same strength as Joshua with a 5% lower growth and at level 3 instead of level 5, I don't really "get" why people love Joshua and hate Guy. Even at max level, Joshua has only 1 more strength. Joshua also has 3 more CON, I guess, but that's partly balanced by Guy's naturally better speed.

So yeah, I don't really grasp why people think Joshua is good and Guy is bad when they're basically the same character.

Joshua doesn't have Raven to compete with, and faces more Axes than Guy. Sure, Gerik comes later on, but by that time Joshua is already trained if you were using him. Raven makes Guy obsolete far too quickly. Plus, Guy has modes other than HHM that can be looked at, where he has a 6 Str base. Joshua always has 8 base str, and faces easier enemies to boot.

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Because it's FE8, enemies have no stats,

Why is that relevant? Surely, if enemies have better stats in FE7, then you'd need a myrmidon much more because regular units don't double. And if FE8 is soooooo much easier, then surely you wouldn't bother with a 5 move unit locked to 1-range.

and Joshie's at least interesting.

I don't understand why people like Joshua and dislike Makalov's personality. Both have a gambling addiction, but Joshua avoids the consequences of being obsessed by gambling by continually cheating. Makalov actually has to deal with the consequences of his actions, on the other hand.

Joshie's competition also doesn't join like, three chapters right after him.

I don't understand this sentence. Every single combat unit is competing with Joshua.

In addition, even if Joshua's competition joins later, so does Joshua. Guy joins in your third chapter. Joshua joins in your fifth. Joshua does not exist for five and a half chapters of a ~22 chapter game. Guy does not exist for three and a half chapters of a 31 chapter game.

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The gap between Joshie and Gerik's jointime, however, is greater than that of Guy and Raven's.

And honestly, While in debates, it should be PEMN, in personal preference of units, averages don't mean crap if RNG fucks them over consistently. In the tier lists, Lilina is shitty and Lugh is okay. Yet due to lack of mag proc on a consistent basis, I developed a dislike for Lugh. Same case with Guy. If a myrm won't gain str, I drop him/her. Simple. Especially in a lancefest. Preferences for units stem from people's experiences with them, not the standards set by a tier list. Averages can only tell how a unit will end up on average from a selection of a massive sample of the same units at given levels, but you'll always get the oddball like capped def Rutger at 20/15, and as one person's game is only a small sample in the see of the massive sample of all Fire Emblem players, personal experience dictating preference seems justified as long as they don't take it to the debates.

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How cute, another argument between hardcore tierists and casuals/regulars. Definitely worth following.

On-topic: I hate the majority of Armor Knights. Their damage output needs to frequently surpass that of the more mobile units to compensate for their pathetic speed and perhaps a Knight specific item that boosts Movement because regular boots just won't do.

Edited by Sirius
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I'm for more dismounting if mounted knights still get to keep their lances or axes. Indoors is such a swordfest in Thracia when I want to use a lot of the mounted guys I trained in those castle chapters. Mounting to GK would make Dalshin a lot easier to train outdoors, too.

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The gap between Joshie and Gerik's jointime, however, is greater than that of Guy and Raven's.

And honestly, While in debates, it should be PEMN, in personal preference of units, averages don't mean crap if RNG fucks them over consistently. In the tier lists, Lilina is shitty and Lugh is okay. Yet due to lack of mag proc on a consistent basis, I developed a dislike for Lugh. Same case with Guy. If a myrm won't gain str, I drop him/her. Simple. Especially in a lancefest. Preferences for units stem from people's experiences with them, not the standards set by a tier list. Averages can only tell how a unit will end up on average from a selection of a massive sample of the same units at given levels, but you'll always get the oddball like capped def Rutger at 20/15, and as one person's game is only a small sample in the see of the massive sample of all Fire Emblem players, personal experience dictating preference seems justified as long as they don't take it to the debates.

Well, of course. I think that if Guy is strength screwed, you shouldn't try to shove a square peg into a round hole. But in general, I see far more people express a dislike for Guy based on his strength rather than Joshua even though in the most popular FE7 mode, HHM, they are basically identical (if anything, Guy is slightly better due to superior durability and a much better support list). For example, Furetchen made assertions that Guy has "no defense" and "no offense" and "no personality", when really that's nothing you couldn't say about Joshua. And it's pretty clear that Furetchen is talking about Myrmidons in general rather than "his" myrmidons.

In addition, you said that "Guy is worst at killing shit". That implies that it's always true about him. If you had said "Guy was worst" or "for me, Guy is worst", then that would have gotten your intended message across better.

If they brought back the dismounting mechanic and let knights and generals mount into great knights, that would be a good step towards balancing them.

That would be pretty cool, but that would just be like turning armour knights into regular mounted units.

Edited by Anouleth
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Knights. Zero utility and geared towards mixed role stats. I don't want an Str + Def focus with nothing else, it usually just leads to a sub-par offensive unit with good physically defensive capabilities who doesn't have enough mov to reach a choke point without slowing everyone down.

Depending on map size anyway, Knights in the GBA games are a lot less gimped than ones in the SNES games, but that doesn't make the class itself any less awful.

Edit: Well, not zero utility, Knight con is good for rescues if they are needed.

You're an idiot.

Come on slowpoke, you just got warned for this stuff not long ago :P:.

Edited by Tangerine
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Myrm usefulness depends on the game IMO. If it's an easier game where I can just rush ahead with mounted units and double and kill things at 1-2 range (FE7, 8, 9), then yeah they're not so good. But if accuracy and/or doubling are issues (FE6, 10,12) they're a pretty useful class.

Armor Knights, on the other hand, are rarely useful. Oswin is sort of useful due to how earlygame FE7 is structured and FE10 Gatrie has good growths/bases, but the combination of poor Mov with relatively bad offense makes them subpar in most games. I guess FE10 Brom and Tauroneo have a good chapter or two as well.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I don't like pirates, myrmidons, swordmasters, sword using lords, thieves, paladins(Cavaliers are cool though), berserkers who aren't largo, warriors, and fighters.

I just don't find them to be appealing classes and I usually don't find the characters who are those classes very appealing.

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In addition, you said that "Guy is worst at killing shit". That implies that it's always true about him. If you had said "Guy was worst" or "for me, Guy is worst", then that would have gotten your intended message across better.

Sorry man, English is not my first language despite that I seem fluent in it. I can barely get the grammar right, let alone handle the implications of whatever I say. Having to deal with tenses is probably the reason why I do so poorly on the grammatical section of any essay.

To be fair, Myrmidons in FE7, 8, and 11, especially are pretty mediocre as a class in genera. Swordlock forever in lanceland and less than stellar offenses on average isn't still something too desirable, coupled with low durability (would not be nearly as much of an issue if weren't for aforementioned WTD issues) and very limited range options. I tend to reclass Myrms to cavs in 11 for that reason (beyond having a team full of 10 move Paladins is awesome). And well, most myrms do have kind of an overly serious attitude to them that doesn't generate much interest, while Joshua's is a nice break from the norm of the deadpan serious (or in Karel's case, "ImmakillyoubecauseIcanlulz"), and the "I wanna be the very best that no one every was".

for the record, Furet likes Makalov.

I don't think he actually referred to Joshie's offenses. I know Furet well enough that as long as he likes a character for their personality and if their stats are not too terrible, he'll use them. Optimal stats was never a thing with him. And since FE8 is a easy game where mostly any unit save like, three can become viable without any form of abuse, I'd think Joshie passes the "passable statlines" requirement.

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I guess I'll throw in another vote for armor knights. The concept is fine, but the execution generally is not. I really don't see any reason to have both bad movement and mediocre to poor offense. It doesn't help that all but a select few bore me.

I'm not a big fan of Great Knights, either (and to be specific, I mean the great knights you would find on Jugdral). Lex is pretty good with the Hero Axe, but none of the others seemed very good to me.

There are plenty of other things that I "hate"--Sigurd, Celice, Sety, and a decent chunk of the Odo clan come to mind--but I won't get delve too deeply into that since it deals soley with my own silly likes and dislikes.

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Brighton and Hicks would like to have a word with you.

Come to think of it, Brighton isn't too bad either on account of Wrath, though he doesn't have much else going for him from what I remember.

Edited by Charlie
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