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Gods... I hate myrmidons


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Never really liked Myrms all that much. They were just nothing special with mediocre strength and swordlock and terrible defense. They also didn't have great move or any extra utility, so naturally I was not impressed.

Swordmasters are pretty cool, but they have the unfortunate flaws of having foot movement and swordlock. In some games though, like in FE4, 6, 10, and 12, swordmasters are an awesome class (with the FE12 version being the best one).

As for classes I hate, I hate armor knights. They're slow and have terribad stats in speed and skill and they have horrid move. I also dislike Monks for no reason whatsoever.

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I forget Shiva exists ^^' I think most of them are like "I want to be the best" personality. Navarre I think is like that? Marisa, Fir, Guy, Karel, Karla?, Eddie, Mia, Marisa, and whoever else I did not mention. Some of them are completely unique in terms of personality like Ayra, Zihark, and Lucia who fight for someone they love/their beliefs. My favorite one is Eddie anyways because he's so different to the rest, all of them are serious-aggressive but he's cute-and childish ;w;.

I dunno, I think Guy is pretty cute in his Priscilla support (he acts like you'd expect a 15 year old to act around girls), but you're right that he's kind of boring in his other supports.

I think thats part of the reason why Furet likes Joshua more than Guy? Guy is another slash slash enemy iirc, and iirc Joshua is a lout (he should of been a cavalier to fit tradition). BTW is Karla really that bad? I used her once in a NM pt and she was decent ^^' very fast and skillful good at dealing criticals, but its been far too long I can't remember I should get started on the NM draft I picked her

She's like Karel but with 2 less in every stat and joins like six chapters later.

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If we're going off of personal bias, I'm not a big fan of FE10 non-royal laguz. I'm too lazy to count enemy density most of the time, and becoming something that barely hits back and probably is ORKOd is undesirable. Wasting Player Phases huffing grass is also annoying.

Navarre isn't really "I want to be the best", he's more stoic like Rutger (FE6 and FE 11/12 have a lot of similar characters).

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I had a lot more difficulty on Phantom Ship, Father and Son, and Last Hope. Duessel's chapter was kind of easy, even on my first try!

Still, even if the chapter set up is easier or tougher, does that make Joshua better than Guy?

Yeah, I think I'm remembering Gheb FE, because every time I think of Duessel's chapter I think of invisible killer axe warriors >_>.

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If we're going off of personal bias, I'm not a big fan of FE10 non-royal laguz. I'm too lazy to count enemy density most of the time, and becoming something that barely hits back and probably is ORKOd is undesirable. Wasting Player Phases huffing grass is also annoying.

I feel the same way. I just can't stand it.

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Personally, my view on myrmidons is split. On one hand, we have Rutgar who is awesome because he is among the few units in FE6 who can easily kill bosses thanks to his ability to double almost anything and his +30 crit bonus as a swordmaster. On the other hand, we have Guy who is fairly underwhelming without his supports, and is basically usurped by Raven is usefulness only 5 chapters after he joins. Sure, he doubles, but so does 3/4 of the cast in FE7. As for Hat, I've mixed feelings for him. He's better than Guy, but he's less useful in his game than Rutgar is in FE6. That and Gerik has better HP/str/def forever, while still retaining having an ability to double and joins 6-9 maps after Hat.

Overall, I really don't like myrms because while they can double like everything, they generally do about as much damage in 2 hits as my armor/wyvern/fighter is doing in 1, and can't take a hit to save themselves(they may have high avoid, but avoid is obviously unreliable.) This is why I prefer high str/def units like armors and wyverns. Also, the sword lock is really a problem since enemies love using javelins and what not, and swords lack a 1-2 range option unless you count magic swords, which fail in comparison to javs and hand axes(also, wind edges in FE10, but they have terrible hit in comparison to javs and hand axes.)

As for some other classes I hate, I really don't like pegasus knights not named Caeda, Tana, or Marcia, and even those three have issues. Something to do with piss poor str and durability(At least Caeda has that wing spear to work around her abysmal str.) And while I can acknowledge the fact that armors are bad, I like them as a class because I value defense over avoid and I can easily work around an armor's weaknesses.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Classes? There are none I hate. I do dislike Armor Knights though. Slow in general, and the most of the playable ones tend to range from meh to just outright suck. The exeptions include Oswin, FE10!Gatrie, FE11!Draug, and FE12!Draug (but Draug's best class in FE12 isn't Armor Knight). I haven't played FE12 though.

Non-Royal FE10 Laguz also count towards dislikes. Transformations are too Olivi Grass reliant, and resources that CAN help that are too limited.

Hunters/Horsemen/Bow Knights/Bow Paladins/Nomads/Nomadic Troopers I like, but the classs happen to house some of the characters whose best well known line is "..." (Wolf, Sedgar, Rath, Sue, Shin, Dayan, and that's AFAIK) much to the dismay of those said characters that I happen to like. Anyone else, I'm pretty much alright with. (Except for FE10!Astrid.)

Archers are admittedly painful to train. I've heard Ryan was good, but outside of him, basically Jamuka, Bridget, Faval, FE10!Shinon are pretty much it. I like Rolf and Rebecca, but not as units.

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If we're going off of personal bias, I'm not a big fan of FE10 non-royal laguz. I'm too lazy to count enemy density most of the time, and becoming something that barely hits back and probably is ORKOd is undesirable. Wasting Player Phases huffing grass is also annoying.

Hmm, I really enjoy using Volug, Mordecai, Ulki, Janaff, and especially Skrimir. The transformation gauge adds a nice element of strategy when combined with plentiful gauge boosting items. It's too bad they're so hard to train in combat.

My least favorite class would probably be Priests/Bishops. Their healing can be useful but they're worthless otherwise. And I just don't like them... Second might be Pegasus/Falcon Knights. They have great movement, but it's frustrating that they're so frail.

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The only thing in FE that I hate is Midayle, and it ain't because of his class.

I don't hate any certain classes in particular.

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Ok, so you don't actually think that any of that is true?

Well, it's not that they're bad, but they merely don't fit within my playstyle

I never said you had to use them.

and later
I don't think I've ever claimed you weren't entitled to use other classes.

I know, but you seem to believe that I'm questioning their effectiveness when I'm mostly just against their statspread and animation.

It's one thing to have exceptions to a rule, but when there are only five myrmidons to begin with and you make sweeping generalisations about all of them only to admit that Rutger, Guy, and Joshua are okay, it somewhat weakens your argument.

Again, no argument, just a rant. This is 'I hate Myrmidons', primarily class over character, not 'Myrmidons are bad'.

I think that's true of almost any unpromoted character, that switching them to Cavalier or even Nomad or Troubadour would improve them considerably. I'm not sure if it's necessarily true for Rutger, though. Rutger's strength is in his high speed that makes him an excellent bosskiller. Cutting his speed by 5 hampers that capability and just turns him into Lance 2.0. Not that it's a bad thing, but I'd rather a bosskiller rather than another mounted unit, since after all, I already have multiple good mounted units. [...] Right, but complaining about Myrmidons because they're not as good as Cavaliers misses the point: very few classes are as good as Cavaliers.

...I've forgotten what I was actually trying to prove by those examples.

Gerik is barely a footsword when you consider that the reason he's good is because you can immediately give him Axes.

True. I did promote him at level 16 in my first ever FE8 run, though... one of the few characters I promoted past level 10.

I would prefer not to insult you at all. I mean, I don't think I insulted you. If I did, I apologise.

Meh, you seemed to imply I was trying to actually make this in a tier-based sense. The tone of ... whatever it was you said about only just realising the blatantly OP cavaliers were vastly better than any other first tier didn't help. But yes, I'm calmer now. And perhaps more coherent.


That was more of a gentle chiding, moron.

Anyway, to put it in context, it was a reaction to a perceived insult.

Guy's an unattractive sorta-shota whose only only redeeming physical attribute is his hair. I mean, for god sakes, this kid's as big as Fir! How's that supposed to be attractive?

Fir's a mediocre-looking sorta-loli whose only only redeeming physical attribute is the length of those legs. I mean, for god sakes, this chick's as big as Guy! How's that supposed to be attractive?

Oh, and another thing I hate; THE STATSPREAD OF ENEMY MERCENARIES. More Con/HP/Str, less Skl/Spd, kthx

Edited by Furetchen
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I forgot to mention, as much as I like healers, I do wish leveling them was easier from time to time. I have no trouble with units that can fight in addition to heal because of this. (Like for example, Sety, Pent, Athos, Saleh, Lucius after promotion.) Some FEs do have some ways of fixing the EXP gain non promoted healers commonly have. Like Bonus EXP in FEs 9 & 10. (And maybe part of it's because some FEs have a less reasonable EXP gain on staves in comparison to other FEs.)

With Pegasus Knights it varies for me. Generally, I like them. But in games where that class and the Dracoknight class are split, with the exceptions of FEs 7 & 8, the Dracoknights tend to be better than the Pegasus Knights. But that doesn't often mean I won't have both on my team. Although, I did feel like the FE6 Pegasus Knights fell short of my expectations. But that may be because I have been using them wrong. I also felt they were redundant in FE10 during my first few playthroughs. Est and Florina are the only ones I dislike.

Edited by Cybernetic Ghost
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Well, it's not that they're bad, but they merely don't fit within my playstyle

and later

I know, but you seem to believe that I'm questioning their effectiveness when I'm mostly just against their statspread and animation.

Well, when you use phrases like "no offense" and "fragile" that aren't really true, I can take issue with that. I freely admit that their statspread isn't great, especially in FE7 and FE8 where enemies are pretty slow and STR is more important than SKL/SPD. And I don't recall any mention of animations in the opening post, either. I quite like the myrmidon animation, actually, although I hate the swordmaster one! I prefer Assassin over Swordmaster for almost entirely that reason.

Meh, you seemed to imply I was trying to actually make this in a tier-based sense. The tone of ... whatever it was you said about only just realising the blatantly OP cavaliers were vastly better than any other first tier didn't help. But yes, I'm calmer now. And perhaps more coherent.

It's more that I'm pointing out that it's pretty obvious. 7 move, a horse and two weapon types against 5 move and single weapon types for other unpromoted units. And their bases aren't too shabby either.

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Emerald, that doesn't make characters with bland personalities any less bland. :/:

What you add to the table is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is what's there in the actual media.

What you add to the table is irrelevant. And what? Is it wrong to use my imagination and insert personalities into characters that don't have them? Pfffft.

Uhh, to stay on topic, I seem to be in the minority here when it comes to liking Knights/Generals(/Marshalls). With them being my favorite class.

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I personally hate axe-units. Often slow and... honestly... it sucks to have the game suck-up to them so much with enemy units that often use lances (negating axes 'weakness') or are so weak it doesn't matter. Not to mention axes getting throwing weapons (WTF?!) as well as lances and swords and bows getting hung out to fester until FE10 (and even then, kinda weak). Kind of ruins the point of a weapon triangle when axes tend to outright dominate or the enemy is so weak that it doesn't matter.

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What you add to the table is irrelevant. And what? Is it wrong to use my imagination and insert personalities into characters that don't have them? Pfffft.

No, it's not wrong but it doesn't make the character you do it to any less bland.

Anyone could "insert" a personality into some bland dork with no lines to make him a hilarious badass but it doesn't matter because -get this!- HE'S STILL SOME BLAND DORK WITH NO PERSONALITY! Nobody besides the people who write him can ever change that for real.

So yes, "inserting" personalities can be fun but it doesn't matter because YOU'RE NOT THE PERSON WRITING THE REAL STORY!

Do you understand this Emerald?

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Myrmidons are quite the mixed bag. One one hand, they're extremely fast, and double many, many enemies. That combined with an SM's crit makes them pretty deadly unless the enemy is, say, a general. On the other hand, STR is very likely to get screwed, which greatly reduces their damage output. For example, my first complete FE6 playthrough (on a cart, no less) had a Rutger who decided to just not gain any STR, keeping that 7 STR even into around Lv. 13. He was still useful for doubling, but he mainly did chip damage. Unfortunately, they tend to be outclassed by mercenaries, with the exception of Rutger, of course, mainly due to his competiton's growths.

Personally, I think the worst type of myrmidon is the Lyn-style myrm- forced, with suspect bases and the durability of glass, though Eirika has turned out very unusal for me before. Since they're forced, you have to keep on trucking even if you get a 20/-- Lyn with 2 DEF.

Even ROM hacks are no stranger to this problem, as in Decay of the Fang I saw Mikhail's bases and immediately dismissed him (4 DEF?!), as I already had a better Jonas.

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