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I need to choose a book...


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I want something with a lot to write about. You know, something i can talk about alot and take stuff from the book and real life and other sources. This is for english class. I had already chosen a book, The chronicles of a death foretold, but i realised i didn't have much to read about. I found it a fairly good book and all, but i just can't talk alot about it. I need to write an essay on some idea around it but i can't find any idea in that book i can sustain for more than a page... Certainly i couldn't do it for 5-8 pages as i'm required to...

I would like a short book... Somnething i could read in a weekend or so...

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Just shoot books my way.

although something dramatic perhaps, maybe something with some investigation or something or obscure or somthing.

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Animal Farm by George Orwell is short, and extremely good.

thats part of the grade 10 curriculum... never read it...but doubt she'd let me do that.

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I'll just say this, because not many of the books I've read fit the 'short' criteria; not many books that take two/three days to read will fill 5 pages. Just a thought.

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As of recent the only books I can think of are the ones that... well are probably aren't too entertaining, are kinda long, probably don't have much of a "meaning" to them, but are depressing (imo at least)

I can't really think of anything. xD

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Yeah i figure :<... Well whats a book that would?

Oh and for a list, we do, its just long and i'd rather not put it here... but i might as well....

Things fall apart

Hitchhiker's guide (gone from library although maybe they sent it back)

House of spirts

How garcia girls lost their accents

In the time of butterflies

I know why the caged bird sings

Pride and prejudice

Emire of the sun

Sweet thereafter

Seize the day

More joy in heaven

ender's game

my antonia

the awakening

heart of darkness (sounds very interesting might pick up)

last of mohicans

red badge of courage

robinson crusoe

great expectations


out of africa

crime and punishment

sister carrie

invisble man

likewater like chocolate

the sound and the fury

the wars

fried green tomatoes at the whislte top cafe

a passage to india

july's people

the mayor of casterbridge

the return of the native

test d'ubervilles

scarlett letter

catch 22

a farewell to arms

the old man and the sea

the sun also rises

les miserables

the world according to garp

a portrait of the artist as a young man

the trial

one flew over the cuckoos nest

flowers for algernon


a separate peace

sons and lovers

the call of the wild

the naked and the dead

the fixer

the natural

Love in the time of cholera

in country

billy budd

angela's ashes

the heart is a lonely hunter

all my sons

a fine balance

such a long journey


the blues eye

song of solomon


tar baby


wise blood

long day's journey into night

the accidental tourist

breathing lessons

dinner at the homesick restaurant

atlas shrugged

on the beach

the jungle

the grapes of wrath

guilliver's travels

breakfast of champions

slaugther house five

the colour purple

ethan frome

the picture of dorian gray

native son

a lesson before dying.

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Yeah i figure :<... Well whats a book that would?

Oh and for a list, we do, its just long and i'd rather not put it here... but i might as well....

Hitchhiker's guide (gone from library although maybe they sent it back)

Pride and prejudice

last of mohicans

robinson crusoe

invisble man

scarlett letter

les miserables

one flew over the cuckoos nest

atlas shrugged

the picture of dorian gray

I've read those among the list, and the bolded are ones I'd reccomend.

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Hmm I actually haven't read any of those books xD And I did something related to Scarlet Letter, but I don't think I actually read it... idk...

But personally, can't judge the book by the title, but Catch 22 sounds kinda interesting to me... Maybe I can look up what it's about.

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Pride and prejudice

Do it or else you're a faggot.

But yeah, there's a number of good books on there. I'm wondering though, what grade are you in? A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man isn't exactly easy to read for most people.

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Do it or else you're a faggot.

But yeah, there's a number of good books on there. I'm wondering though, what grade are you in? A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man isn't exactly easy to read for most people.

Grade 12

although my reading skills aren't really that great... i tend to take most things to literal apparently...

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Also anyone read heart of darkness? I hear its a good short book, and has an interesting topic, the duality of human nature. Something i could definately talk about i think.

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Also anyone read heart of darkness? I hear its a good short book, and has an interesting topic, the duality of human nature. Something i could definately talk about i think.

I read it when I was your age, and I wasn't impressed.

I think I only wrote one book report that any of my high school teachers liked. The book we had to write about was Anthem by Ayn Rand. It's a fairly short book, and was written before she became politically active.

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I saw Angela's Ashes (the movie) in social studies when I was in 9th grade, and it has something related to the sufferings of Angela and her friends or brothers, I don't remember clearly.

Of what I perceive, you've mentioned Garcia Marquez's novels, and they have many things to talk about, especially in realism (Cien años de Soledad is an example of magical realism, but, lol, it's an eternity). The thing of doing an analysis of a book is to go to the depths of it, mainly, through their characters (behavior, actions in a determined space/time). Go specifically to the psychological, social and philosophical aspect of them, and relate it to concrete facts.

Heart of darkness may be suitable for such analysis.

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I read it when I was your age, and I wasn't impressed.

I think I only wrote one book report that any of my high school teachers liked. The book we had to write about was Anthem by Ayn Rand. It's a fairly short book, and was written before she became politically active.

I'm not very sure on heart of darkness... It seems like something i could go on about and ramble for hours on end (the duality of human nature seems an interesting topic)... But i have read online its a boring book :<

I'd wholeheartedly recommend this. Beautiful book. It's also written in a journal format, so your taking things too literally shouldn't affect your reading much.

I have seen the movie... I believe its about the guy that gets smarter with an operation.. it was indeed a good movie... I might get it...

Didn't read other replies...

Catcher in the rye was short. and there is a lot of controversial crap that you can draw out and elaborate on. if you BS enough, you can make the five pages.

Grade eleven curriculum, read it, hated it. Plus i went all literal over it. Who takes the ducks in winter (You idiot they fly away, its called migration).

Do The Stranger by Albert Camus! Or Crime and Punishment by Fyodor (that's his first name right?) Dostoevsky! I love existentialist murder-fiction!

Sounds interesting...

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I'd also suggest Camus's 'The Stranger.' Make sure you get a good translated edition.

Also, you could do something like 'The Lais of Marie de France.' Again, get a good translation.

You could also check out some of Samuel Beckett's works. They're all relatively short but incredibly insightful, if you put the work into them.

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