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Actually, there's a special place for Freohr, Raven and Em. They've been doing it consistently since long before I even got here, so they get a pass from me for seniority.

Anybody else, though? Nah.

Compromise isn't acceptable.

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I have over 1000 fonts on my computer. Most of them are not supported by this forum.

I mean fuck loading fonts takes so long on PS and MSWord now there's at least like 4GB of them

This is my favourite font. That this site doesn't work with :<

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Insufficiently readable, Hika, and you know it.

I can't even read cursive consistently and I can read it fine. I guess you're just illiterate.

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I can't even read cursive consistently and I can read it fine. I guess you're just illiterate.

I can read it, you ass, it's a nice enough font for titles or ads or anywhere that isn't a small, cramped, onscreen conversational context. Shit font for forums though.

You wouldn't typeset a book in half the fonts that people switch to around here. Maybe you'd be gimmicky, and switch to a different font for a character's handwriting for very short segments, or switch fonts for a certain character's bubbles in a comic to imply that they're, like, an eldritch abomination or whatever. I'm pretty sure we haven't actually got any eldritch abominations here other than maybe Hika, so nobody else has any excuse for different typefaces. (Hika I only said that because I know you're incurably terrible/gr9/adjective goes here.) The default font is the default for a reason and that is that it looks decent and uncramped in a forum setting. Times New Roman boldfaced and Impact can go die in a hole, or at least slink back to title text on printed documents and image macros where they respectively belong.

Sans serif fonts look decent on a screen, serif fonts look nicer on paper, cursive fonts look good on titles maybe sometimes I guess, Comic Sans looks good on a fourth grader's powerpoint presentation, bolds and italics are for specific instances of emphasis only, can we all go home now.[/font grouch]

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I'm pretty sure we haven't actually got any eldritch abominations here other than maybe Hika, so nobody else has any excuse for different typefaces. (Hika I only said that because I know you're incurably terrible/gr9/adjective goes here.)

This forum would be a better place if it were filled with eldritch abominations.

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yeah kiryn stop insulting bal he's definitely one as well

also I have all text on irc show up as segoe script, it works fine. Unf though I can't make it all show up italicized

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This forum would be a better place if it were filled with eldritch abominations.

Come, my other half, let us spread strife and torment throughout the cowering souls of these mortal fools, and bring our judgment down upon them for their worthless wandering about, blind to the truths that we represent.

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Come, my other half, let us spread strife and torment throughout the cowering souls of these mortal fools, and bring our judgment down upon them for their worthless wandering about, blind to the truths that we represent.

You're SO cute when you're feisty, Ether dearest~!

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You're SO cute when you're feisty, Ether dearest~!

Oh you~ Come here so I can 'break' you, dearie~

No need to fear, I shall be gentle as can be, 'Clipsey dearest~ Though such is still not very gentle at all, but alas~

okay, you two can be Eldritch abominations too, just be the cool kind that breaks minds via legitimate methods, not via inappropriate fonts

Oh but I've already begun, CS Major-San~ Turn around and see~

Edited by Ether
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Oh you~ Come here so I can 'break' you, dearie~

No need to fear, I shall be gentle as can be, 'Clipsey dearest~ Though such is still not very gentle at all, but alas~

*headlocks and noogies Ether*

SOOO cute~!

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*headlocks and noogies Ether*

SOOO cute~!

Heehee~ Oh, looking for some excitement, are we, 'Clipsey dearest? Thou certainly know the path to follow, my dear~ Why don't you come a little closer~?

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Heehee~ Oh, looking for some excitement, are we, 'Clipsey dearest? Thou certainly know the path to follow, my dear~ Why don't you come a little closer~?

I think your neck near my ribs is plenty close, don't you think? Tee-hee~!

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