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Your worst fears?


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Who doesn't have a fear of dying.

(Well, the Creeper hasn't died in the official timeline in DC, so I might be safe for a little while>>>)

Edited by The Creeper
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Venomous creatures(because I have very little faith in anti-venin and the speed of application...as well as the need to identify the culprit) and elastic stuff like rubber bands...I go on a frenzy if such things are used against me.

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I'm very squeamish about bugs. Yeah, I'm a pussy, wuss, wimp, etc. I've heard it all.

I also have a weird fear of skulls. Not the rest of the skeleton, just skulls. Maybe I've been playing too many video games.

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Who doesn't have a fear of dying.

I don't.

I don't really have any fears. However, I am widely aware when immeasurable acts occur. I've watched a plane plummet out of the sky and burn into the floor. There's a numb, deafening feeling that happens when you see that, and know what it all means. It's a strange silence. I'm not scared--but everything... erases.

I think it's the largeness of the scale, or the impossibility of survival, which triggers it. It doesn't happen when I see someone shot or tortured. Probably because the numbers are quite smaller. I didn't feel it watching bombs go off over soldiers, probably because a lack of empathy to be established. But something involving the quickness and deftness of a falling plane just... warps me. It was quite a trip in one of the Left 4 Dead games when that same thing happens right in front of the player.

I'm not afraid of riding on a plane.

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Losing etc. a nail. Also I have unnormally big fear of losing one or 2 eyes. Death on the other hand don't scare me the lightest. Fear of going to hell is btw one of the most pathetic things I know. It literally makes no fucking sense in the consept of religions and I don't think there are unreligious versions.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJCWYQ7KZIU this piece of cartoon creeps the shit out of me

Edited by Princess K
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Blood, sharp objects, heights, enclosed spaces, dark/unlit areas, people, insects in general especially those crawling ones that like to crawl on you, being underwater, other stuff.

Interestingly enough I still like blood and sharp objects even though they scare the hell out of me.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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As strange as it may sound, I am afraid of climbing ladders. One day my boss asked me to clean some of our lights out. I managed to get a few done, but I couldn't finish because I was starting to feel nauseous.

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I fear violence? I suppose it's fear. The idea of violence is horrid to me, just thinking of anybody getting hurt is horrible for me. I wish that it didn't have to be a form of persuasion and I especially hate it when people use it when it's not even necessary. Of course in my mind it's never necessary since I don't like the idea of it.

And sort of linked to that (I guess), I fear death of myself and especially death of loved ones. I don't care that it's inevitable, just having something torn away is something that I am not okay with. And it's even scarier because I can't do anything about it.

And then on some occasions (not all), I fear trust. Trust has gotten me nowhere and I don't believe it ever will and I've got to be as cautious as possible =b And I'm crossing this out because it is exaggeration

The only time I fear heights is if I'm in a very precarious position but I guess that could be quite normal, huh?

And as for animals, I only fear them if I think they're going to hurt me. Again, I'm pretty sure that's the same for anybody. XD But the most common fears (imo) are snakes and insects and I know I have neither. And very recently I've been able to prove it to myself and I can now claim that I've held a baby boa, touched a huge boa, and held this big foreign cockroach thingy from Australia in my hand and I even tried petting it (but it kept trying to get off my hand so I couldn't pet it that much XD)

Pretty much for me, though, as long as it's not trying to harm/kill me, I can look at pretty much any animal at all and I could say "SOOOOO CUTE!!!" X3

Soooooo half of this post is a discussion of fears that I don't have that others commonly have =D

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The dark.

Burglars and Murderers breaking into my house.

Bees and all other flying stinging insects.


Crossing the street.




Also I'm really afraid that whenever I ride with someone they are going to rear end someone. Like If they don't start slowing down as soon as I think they should I start to freak out, but I don't have this problem when I'm driving.

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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I discovered last evening that I'm afraid of rape scenes. I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and there's a rape scene in it. I kinda involuntarily started turning away and thought about leaving the theater but I watched the whole thing.

It probably wasn't even that bad by most standards these days, but it creeped me out.

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Spiders, and spiders only, in my defence though, I can recall why I am scared of those awful things.

Something about your sister puking partially, twitching living spiders all over you is bound to freak you out!

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Anything that can creep up on me without me noticing.

Darkness (to some extent, sometimes i get scared and end up running from living room - bedroom, other times i walk relaxed from living room to bedroom at night. It depends how much i think about something jumping at me or something).

Death, mostly the losing every single thought part.

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