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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

What the fuck, that's a thing? Where can i get it?

It's a reward you get for completing the quest "Memories of Days Long Past", which asks you to get an item called "Past Memories", which drops from the optional boss at the end of Senmuu Labyrinth in Heart Dimension (you unlock this dungeon through the Scout system). There is another one in the same location which gives "Memory of That Day", which you need for another quest that gives you a flag item called "White Orb", which prevents enemies from noticing you and battle only happens when you attack them, thus allowing you to cheese the "Make X successful Symbol Attacks in a row" requirements for the hidden treasures. You need to use the Scout ability Enemy Change to make one or the other appear; I don't remember which boss gives which item, unfortunately.
Both quests also give you bonus outfits for the CPU Candidates.
To unlock them, you need to first unlock S-rank requests, which is done by completing the relevant promotion quest that lets you advance to the next quest rank.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Next Black is definitly the best looking of the Next Forms.

I agree 100%.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

After her, i think i'd put Next White in 2nd place, if only because the giant cannon she pulls out during her EXE Drive is absolutely a stand-in for the Wii U Gamepad and the thought of using the Gamepad as a weapon of mass destruction is hilarious to me.

Oh yes, it is.
The Next Forms in general are pretty awesome. I hope the next mainline game incorporates them somehow, though I'd be surprised if it didn't.

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14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Image result for ironic palpatine

The game itself does make wordplays with her name. Her 1st/recruitment Affinity Mission is called "Hope Springs Eternal", and her 2nd Affinity Mission is "A False Hope".


14 hours ago, Armagon said:

I know there was a manual but there's a reason why everyone says the game teaches you jack shit.

How about you quit complaining and read the damn manual yourself! *Chucks it at you*

Thanks Nintendo of Europe for having a PDF of the purely digital manual online.😀

-But speaking truthfully, it is almost as if the game assumes you played XC1 beforehand and know the basics. Never assume prior experience on the player's part, unless you're a very niche hardcore game which no novice should walk into. You needn't tell us how to walk or talk to someone, but in-game tutorials are always useful, ideally when they have tutorial battles to teach you the stuff. Being able to reread it all later is a big plus. 

The XCX manual is okay, but it isn't easy to just read the massive amount of text (which still has faults) and suddenly understand it all. Showing in gameplay is so much better for so many, including myself.


14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Kinda dumb how learning how to use Overdrive is a lot easier in Xenoblade 2 than it is in X, despite only being a DLC mechanic in the former. Though am i correct in assuming that X Overdrive and 2 Overdrive function differently? And i don't just mean the TP/Party Gauge differences.

What XCX and XC2's Overdrives share (going over the basics) in:

  • Being timed. (Maybe 20 seconds by default in XCX? Not quite sure.)
  • Having Wir Fliegen play (but, I wish XCX gave an option to stop having this override whatever was playing beforehand).
  • Relying on a gauge otherwise used for revival (and in XCX, TP Arts, which are mostly offensive, but some are supportive).
  • Having an Overdrive Counter, which increases with damaging hits (that don't miss/get blocked by barrier/decoys/invincibility in XCX) dealt to the enemy.
  • As the Overdrive Counter goes up the following effects occur:
    • Damage dealt is increased. (In XCX it starts at no boost with 0 on the Overdrive Counter, and at MAX, the damage boost is 6.00 for Arts that primarily deal damage. I think it is an additive +500% of the base value, not a multiplicative "damage*6". Because maths, if it was multiplicative, it could potentially have a much stronger effect.)
    • Art and Auto-Attacks cooldowns are accelerated. (In XCX, at 0 the acceleration *2.50 is at MAX the acceleration is *5.00. So at MAX everything reaches primary cooldown in 1/5th the time- an Art that'd take 30 seconds to cooldown normally, now takes only 6, and that means it would take 18 seconds to reach Tertiary Cooldown. An Art needing normally 18 seconds to cooldown, now needs only 3.6, or 10.8 total for Tertiary.)
    • Enemy resistance to debuffs is decreased, but immunities are not affected. (Or it is an increase in the chance of landing the debuff, not sure which. In XCX, the chance starts at nothing at 0 on the Counter, and increases to 100% at MAX, which means I guess either the chance of debuff infliction is doubled, or enemy debuff resistance is cut in half -or there is slim chance it goes right to zero.)

All effects as they presently stand in an ongoing Overdrive are listed above and to the right of the Overdrive Counter in XCX.


As for differences:

In XCX MAX on the Overdrive Count is a mere 100 hits, compared to XC2's 999. But as everyone Overdrives separately in XCX, provided they have the TP to do so, setting a lower bar is therefore necessary. More details on Overdrives and individuals...


The player can command allies stop using their TP, and via a separate command go into Overdrive, so this can be managed if you want. You can even do it on an individual-by-individual basis. If you trigger a Soul Voice Challenge (XCX's QTEs) when you go into Overdrive and succeed in it though, any ally who can OD will do so to answer your call. Left on their own without you going into Overdrive or sending a command, your AI allies won't use it.

You can't tell if the allies are in Overdrive from the User Interface unfortunately. Well maybe you could because Overdrive applies a certain... aura* around a person, though that'd mean having to pay attention to them wherever they are instead of yourself, the enemy, and very likely your own Overdrive (not to mention Overdrive blurs the screen a bit). But having multiple characters in Overdrive adds bonus effects to everyone involved.


*Not an actual Aura. Auras have their own, separate visual effects which can coexist with Overdrive's (as do the gameplay effects of course). For instance, while I could tell the "cyber-ish" light blue "aurora" around Cross was from Overdrive, I knew the fire burning around their feet like they were destined for Hell had to be from something else. In this case, Cross's painless self-immolation was caused by Offensive Stance.

In XCX, Tertiary Cooldown is unlocked on all Arts regardless of weapon being wielded at the moment, and Secondary Cooldown no longer occurs with only Arts of the weapon you've swapped to (which is no big deal at all). Tertiary Cooldown usual effects are:

  • +1 Rank (strengthening its effects) and +40 seconds to duration on Auras (secondary cooldown is +1 Rank and +20 seconds)
  • +400% damage on most damaging Arts (compared to +250% at secondary)
  • Immediate reuse on arts that apply buffs or debuffs (so you can "store" up to 3 uses of Primer or Side Slash at any time).

Those Tertiary effects are listed in their description in Arts section of the menu.

But the biggest difference between Overdrive X.0 and Overdrive 2.0 is the color of Arts is a huge shenanigan they don't quite fully explain even in the manual.

Remember how XC1's Chain Attacks have a damage multiplier that goes up as you use consecutive Arts of the same color? XCX weaves that idea more intricately into its Overdrive system.

There are five colors of Arts, which help serve as a visual identifier about what each Art does even outside of Overdrive:

  • Yellow is for Ranged Arts focused on dealing damage, with non-damage effects being less important.
  • Orange is for Melee Arts focused on dealing damage, with non-damage effects being less important.
  • Blue is for Auras.
  • Green is for Buffs (and healing).
  • Purple is for Debuffs, they might deal damage, but their primary purpose is inflicting a negative condition on the enemy.

Activating/Extending Overdrive technically counts as an Art, and its color is White. But the main purpose to giving Overdrive a color is for Soul Voices, because the text boxes for when a Soul Voice is uttered always matches what color of Art will answer it. So Elma voicing "Engaging! Lay down some fire for me!" will be colored Yellow.

In Overdrive, since the only difference between Yellow and Orange is which weapon they come from, they were made to be always interchangeable. So, Overdrive only has four colors to actually work with.

Used themselves, Yellow/Orange does nothing. Blue, Green, and Purple however do have effects whenever they're used.:

  • Blue increases Overdrive duration. The amount is equal to 1/10 of the Overdrive Counter. So at MAX, its 100/10, so 10 seconds of Overdrive.
  • Green increases Overdrive duration. The amount is equal to 1/20 of the Overdrive Counter. So at MAX, its 100/20, so 5 seconds of Overdrives.
    • Why is Green's duration increase shorter than Blue's? Because all Auras already cost 1000 TP, which runs counter to extending Overdrive via using Overdrive again for another 3000 TP (but using Auras and Overdrive is absolutely possible- once you get the Counter high enough). Most Greens are TP cost-free, while you should keep only keep one, maybe two, Auras on anyone's palette, there are no issues to having multiple Greens.
  • Purple gives TP on each hit they deal. The amount of TP earned is equal to Overdrive Counter times 10. So at MAX, its 100*10, so 1000 TP per hit.

The game will tell you whenever you've triggered a color effect in Overdrive, and exactly how large the effect is. So use a Green with the Counter at 50, and you'll see a message pop up saying "+2.5 Overdrive Duration!".

But, Overdrive's colors apply to more than just each of them individually. Playing certain colors in a certain order gives their own bonuses. While the manual lists the list of possible effects, it doesn't say what the color combos actually are.:

  • Green directly followed by a Yellow/Orange or Purple doubles the Art's contribution to the Overdrive Counter. So 5 hits now boosts the Counter by 10. This is by far the most important combo.
  • Blue followed by Green heals the OD character for 10% of their maximum health.
  • Blue followed by Purple increases Debuff duration by 25%.
  • Purple followed by Yellow/Orange increases the damage dealt to enemy appendages by that Yellow/Orange Art by 50%.
  • Yellow followed by Yellow followed by Yellow increases Class EXP earned when the battle ends by 10%. The bonus can be stacked up to 200% in one fight.
  • Orange followed by Orange followed by Orange increases Class EXP earned when the battle ends by 10%. the bonus can be stacked up to 200% in one fight. (I'm unaware if the EXP bonuses apply to just the OD user or everyone, I'd guess the former, but you shouldn't be using Overdrive just to get EXP. You shouldn't really worry about getting that.)
  • Yellow/Orange followed by another Yellow or Orange will not increase the Overdrive Counter! Do not do this right away in Overdrive!


Why did they invent this four-five color paradigm? I don't know exactly. But, it does heavily encourage you actually use Arts of all kinds, and not just stack the palette with 7 Yellow and Oranges + 1 Blue. Greens are muy importante to getting Overdrive to last, and Purples are necessary to regen the TP for extensions, auto-attacks aren't enough to go on, and skills/other Arts/augments to get it from are: rare/few/needing a grind respectively.


So, let me outline, roughly, what an "infinite" Overdrive, the ideal of Overdrive, would look like, using good old Elma.



  1. Get 3000 TP, or more if desired/necessary, before you starting the battle where you want to Overdrive. Find weaker enemies and accrue the TP fighting them. Please note that exiting (as in quitting, not hitting the Home button and momentarily going to the Wii U's main menu) and reloading the game resets TP to zero, a tad annoying this is.
  2. Begin battle with the enemy on whom you wish to initiate Overdrive.
  3. If you want to, do not use Arts and wait for those with immediate reuse on secondary cooldown to achieve that second cooldown first. If you have the TP and want to, go ahead and apply an Aura and in Elma's case the Ghost Factory buff (it has a lengthy animation you would otherwise want to wait on using in OD until later) before starting Overdrive.



  • "Follow me! Overdrive!" *Initiates Overdrive, Wir Fliegen starts, the countdown begins*😠
  • Primer-Sliding Slinger! *12 on the Overdrive Counter* Upper Hand-Violent Streak! *22 on the Counter* (Both Sliding Slinger and Violent Streak hit multiple times- 6/5, you want that for the Counter.)
    • Repeat as much as you can before the timer starts running low.
  • *Time is starting to run low, you see you have less than 3000 TP* Side Slash! Side Slash! *Gets 3000 TP*
  • Spend 3000 TP to extend Overdrive before time runs out.
  • Primer-Sliding Slinger! Upper Hand-Violent Streak! *Counter hits MAX or gets really high.*


Once the Counter reaches a certain point high enough, the Green Arts should cooldown fast enough and generate enough time that you can spam them back and forth or between other Arts, and the Overdrive will not end. You will not need needing to spend 3000 TP extend it. Even if you did need to extend things eventually, at this point your Purple Arts should generate enough TP that you could easily hit the 3000.

  • Congratulations, if you've reached this point, because your Overdrive is now effectively endless!


What do you do now with your unending Overdrive?

  • Since the Counter is near or at MAX, you can stop using the Yellow/Orange Arts you used to raise the Counter if they aren't dealing that much damage. Instead, you can invest entirely in using Arts that bring on the massive pain between your uses of self-sustaining Greens.
  • And because you don't worry about desperately needing TP anymore for Overdrive extensions, you can use freely use Auras and Tension Arts. Elma can go ahead and strut some Ghost Factory, and raise her damage with Shadowrunner, and then Shadowstrike or even Executioner or Hundred Shells (these two both being Tension Arts). You can afford all of this, because Side Slash will generate enough TP to every bit of it, and Shadowrunner is going to last for like a whole minute with Tertiary Cooldown.


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Edit, triple Orange in that massive post isn't Class EXP, it's ordinary EXP. -But the post is much too large to go back and edit it for that or anything else.

Aaand it looked like the manual lied about using a yellow right after another yellow, the Overdrive Counter still counted the hits. I should have known better, but I didn't double check earlier.😅

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

To unlock them, you need to first unlock S-rank requests, which is done by completing the relevant promotion quest that lets you advance to the next quest rank.

I haven't even gone past D-rank quests haha.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But speaking truthfully, it is almost as if the game assumes you played XC1 beforehand and know the basics.

It's because of this that Xenoblade X is the one Xenoblade i wouldn't recommend to newcomers (though once XenoblaDE, there won't really be a reason to play the original Xenoblade either).

And reading what you've described about XCX Overdrive, it looks like the XC2 version is just an extremely simplifed version of the mechanic but with relatively the same benefits. Pretty interesting.


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I find that comment amusing considering XCX is my first Xeno game... and the only one; but that's an aside.

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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I find that comment amusing considering XCX is my first Xeno game... and the only one; but that's an aside.

Well it's not a bad idea to start with X but it's arguably the hardest Xenoblade game and also the most different Xeno game (the only one in the series where story intentionally isn't a focus). That said, for someone looking to get into Xeno, Xenoblade X is still a better starting point than Xenogears or the Xenosaga Trilogy, even if Xenogears has the best story in the entire JRPG genre imo. 


In fact, i'm gonna go a bit deeper into it. If i had to rank each game from how accesible they are to newcomers, from best starting point to worst:

  1. Torna ~ The Golden Country: Now this could be swapped with the next one but the reason for Torna being the best starting point is that it's short. Only 15-20 hours of story, making it the shortest Xeno game since Saga Episode II. And when compared to other Blade games, it's no contest given that other Blade games are 80-100+ hour JRPGs and that's not counting the side-content. The combat is the best in the series (haven't played X) and it's short length allows for newcomers to not get overwhelmed. It's a bite-sized Xenoblade adventure with enough side content to keep players engaged for a reasonable time (sidequests are really good in this, they are basically mini-stories). It's only downside is that the story, while great, is one of those prequels where it's better played after the sequel. But it's totally fine to play Torna before Xenoblade 2. @Interdimensional Observer can vouch for that. It's also the cheapest Blade game at $40 ($30 if you buy the XC2 Expansion Pass but you obviously need XC2 first for that). $40 gets you not only Torna but all of the XC2 DLC (and it's really good DLC) which you can use in XC2.
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: This was the first Xeno game for a lot of people (let the fact that it's the best selling in the entire series be proof of that). I don't really think i need to go into a whole lot of detail. I will say though, as an overall package, i consider this game to be the best in the series,
  3. Xenoblade Chronicles: The game that introduced me to this wonderful series. This one's absolutely gonna be rendered obsolete once DE (DE will no doubt be a better starting point than the original) comes out but while Xenoblade Chronicles is considered to have a masterpiece of a story (with a really good hook, probably the best in the series), it's combat is kinda archaic. Of course, it's rather kinda outdated combat ironically makes it a good enough starting point as going from a newer, more refined system to this might be a bit awkard.
  4. Xenoblade Chronicles X: As i've said before, it's the most different Xenoblade game and also the hardest. However, while i haven't played it myself, i hear a lot of praise for it's combat system and it's not a lie to say that this game has the most content out of any Xeno game. Like Torna, the side-quests are really good in this, and thanks to their emphasis in this game, each one is essentially it's own short story. Unfortunatly, this game is trapped in Wii U purgatory and if you don't have one, welp.
  5. Xenogears: Best story out of any JRPG? Check. Best protagonist out of any JRPG? Check. Dated gameplay because it's a PS1 JRPG? Also check. Xenogears is a masterpiece of a JRPG but because of it's age, i wouldn't really recommend starting with this. For reference, it has aged better than Final Fantasy 7 but definitly save this game for later. Playing though any of the Xenoblade games (especially the Alrest games) and then Xenogears will give you a ton of appreication for the series. If you do want to start here though, the PS3 and PSVita PSN's have it for $20 iirc. However, it's better to emulate it so you can make some of the more dated parts more bearable.
  6. Xenosaga I: First game of a trilogy. Kinda makes sense. It's combat is kinda worse than Xenogears though. Definitly emulate this one unless you wanna shell out like $80.
  7. Xenosaga III: Let me explain. Episode III does have a built-in database that covers past events extensively. You could technically start with this, despite being the final game of the Saga trilogy. Gameplay-wise, it's the best of the pre-Blade games. But it's better to see the events actually play out than simply reading them. And like Episode I, finding a copy of this game is expensive so just emulate.
  8. Xenosaga II: Don't. Just watch the cutscenes. The gameplay is suffering.

On a side note, once XenoblaDE comes out next year, there will be three Xenoblade games on the Switch for newcomers to choose from: XenoblaDE, Xenoblade 2 and Torna. And more starting options is always a good thing.

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Just now, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

I just have had a hair cut, but I have experienced no character development. I am still the person as I am.......at least I hope so. 


Anyways aside of Luke from Tales of the Abyss I cannot think of anyone right mow this would apply to. 

There should be some examples listed in there.


Been playing some Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, too. I think I broke my own record for how many mooks I've killed in a single battle.
That guy on the left didn't make it, btw.

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20 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

I just have had a hair cut, but I have experienced no character development. I am still the person as I am.......at least I hope so. 

Time for you to act more Matur, to go with the tropes and all



23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Precisely. My characters are now at level 150+.

O.o. My characters in MegaNep are at lvl50-70

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Oh I see, thanks! 

Well, at least for videogames I do not know any of these examples except Lucia, but I never considered her haircut as part of character development as I do not consider Mia improved overwide.

My knowledge about movies and TV (anime) series is non existent, so cannot really talk about it. 



Honestly the opposite. 

If I had a ponytail, then I could say to myself, I would have experienced character development. That said I would not exclude it will not happen. Ponytails look supercute, but on the other hand long hair feels uncomfortable for me. Wearing a woman's wig for six hours was already enough for me. 

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4 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

My knowledge about movies and TV (anime) series is non existent, so cannot really talk about it. 

Ask me anything about any popular modern movie or TV series and my answer will probably be "I dunno", so I'm kind of in the same boat, really.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

O.o. My characters in MegaNep are at lvl50-70

That's what a few days in the Colosseum and a few Giant Metal Dogoo kills do to you. Hooray for that item that immediately respawns every enemy in the area.
Also the fact that you need to kill every single enemy in the Senmuu Labyrinth twice over if you want to get all the hidden treasure there.

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That's what a few days in the Colosseum

that's what got some characters from lvl50 (Endgame lvl) to 70 xD

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ask me anything about any popular modern movie or TV series and my answer will probably be "I dunno", so I'm kind of in the same boat, really.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


3 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

TV of today is dead for me. 

Same same.

I only watch TV stuff for Football competitions and sometimes Heute Show/Die Anstalt

And i view them all online anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Same same.

I only watch TV stuff for Football competitions and Heute Show/Die Anstalt

And i view them all online anyway.

I only watch online too because I technically have no TV because I was too lazy to get a receiver which is required to watch. Only use it for videogames (of course). 

The only good show of 21st century Schlag den Raab has been dead a long time ago. 

I kinda watch sports, mainly basketball and earlier formula 1, but latter not anymore because the TV station does not offer a free live stream. 

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2 hours ago, Hekselka said:

I really dislike the "x character cutting her hair shows that he/she is going through development" trope.

It's so overused >_>

I only like it if the character looks cooler after the haircut.


35 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Precisely. My characters are now at level 150+.

Jesus Christ, my Neptunia characters are still in standard level terriotry. I haven't played too much of MegaNep's post-game outside of a few events and getting destroyed by Million Arthur's surprise attack.

Not counting Trails games (because levels purposely get higher as each arc progresses), i think the only time i've ever gotten characters to that high of a level (where it's allowed) is in Rune Factory 4.

8 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

TV of today is dead for me. 

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Same same.

I only watch TV stuff for Football competitions and Heute Show/Die Anstalt

And i view them all online anyway.

Yeah, online pretty much kills the need to watch TV. As of this point in time, the only TV stuff i watch at the moment is Doctor Who but i just watch it online.

And speaking of watching stuff online, i always pirate the stuff i watch because everyone is wants their own subscription service. Netflix just isn't enough now, there has to be like 50 more subscription services. Like, i'm really glad Clone Wars is coming back but it's being locked to Disney+. Yeah, i'm pirating lmao.

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3 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

TV of today is dead for me.

Yup. But regardless if you watch or not, the government wants you to pay up on the grounds that you could do so.
F***ing hell.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's what got some characters from lvl50 (Endgame lvl) to 70 xD


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Jesus Christ, my Neptunia characters are still in standard level terriotry. I haven't played too much of MegaNep's post-game outside of a few events and getting destroyed by Million Arthur's surprise attack.

Not counting Trails games (because levels purposely get higher as each arc progresses), i think the only time i've ever gotten characters to that high of a level (where it's allowed) is in Rune Factory 4.

Yeah, I actually only intended to get to 99 for the relevant trophy, but after seeing how quick it was to get over 100, I just rolled with it.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, I've always considered that trope as falling to "show, don't tell". No need to change appearance teling it, just act showing it.

"Show, don't tell". The writing device everyone asks for but nearly no one understands when it is there.
At least from my experience.

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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yup. But regardless if you watch or not, the government wants you to pay up on the grounds that you could do so.

17.5€/Month for the 2 shows i watch semi-regularly and the football competition every 2 years :'D

Premium service right there.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, I actually only intended to get to 99 for the relevant trophy, but after seeing how quick it was to get over 100, I just rolled with it.

23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That reminds me, in Fairy Fencer F i got my Party to lvl 101 during the game (3rd Route starts at you being lvl60 and ends by facing lvl90-100 Monsters in final dungeon). It was pretty easy to be that high because you get world shaping items that can increase EXP gain by up to 250%+ 😄

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Well, the marketing is definitly on point here.


7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

"Show, don't tell". The writing device everyone asks for but nearly no one understands when it is there.
At least from my experience.

Mmmm, i do think there is a bit of an unhealthy obssesion with "show, don't tell". Showing is definitly good but not everything has to be shown. Sometimes it's ok to simply tell. It all depends on context and execution. 

There are exceptions of course. Like in books, it's just text so you can't really show. But then you have to be really descriptive with your words.

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