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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It can though 😄

Ehhh... Nope!
Mostly because I don't even have one. I was just randomly dropping victory quotes from Dynasty Warriors.

Like this one:
Victory on the [Last to Post Wins thread] is worth any cost!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Being localized by Nintendo of Europe will do that. Though Xenoblade 2 has a ton of different accents. You got British, you got Scottish, Welsh, Aussie. The accents are smartly intergrated into the world because each nation in the game has one. So for example, using the H2H i posted, Morag has a Scottish accent but it's not just her. Anyone who's from Mor Ardain has one. It's a really nice touch that adds a lot to the world of Xenoblade 2. There's also American accents too and while they aren't assigned to a nation, every character that has one happens to be a Blade.

So they made that part of the world-building? Nice!
That's actually one of the things I enjoy about Final Fantasy XII's world.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Hope you find your phone though and not have to buy a new one like i did.

Honestly it would be even better if it fell into the sewers because buying a new phone would be less painful than having the fear someone else (mis) uses my phone.

Mobile phones are not too expensive. Got mine for 100 € and it fulfilled its purpose. 

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7 minutes ago, Zemuria said:


The problem is not the saved data (there was not too much on it), but the inserted flatrate Sim card. It would mean free calls and Internet at my costs, if someone else really should have taken it. 

Sim card can easily be disabled though (especially if you have a contract) and you can get a replacement for ~25€. If you don't have an online account at your provider, just go to the nearest provider shop and diable asap (or track if possible)!

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the rest of the gameplay seems solid.

It is, but puzzles still make up like 50% of the game 😕


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sim card can easily be disabled though (especially if you have a contract) and you can get a replacement for ~25€. If you don't have an online account at your provider, just go to the nearest provider shop!

Thanks for the tip! 

I have a contract with all the documents (never read it through though) and will let the Sim card disable if I do not find the phone until tomorrow. 

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4 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

Thanks for the tip! 

I have a contract with all the documents (never read it through though) and will let the Sim card disable if I do not find the phone until tomorrow. 

You could also try to track it if it's an android mobile connected to a google account. Other mobiles could've a tracking service, too!

Waiting until tomorrow might also be a bit much imo.

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Well, it was expected. He's now a married man with responsibilities that keep him away from Serenes.

I bet the next time he shows up, it'll be to announce he'll be a father or something...

Could be wrong, though.

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50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ooof. Though is Telethia actually the strongest superboss or does it appear that way? I know it's the highest leveled superboss but Kurodil is the highest leveled superboss in Xenoblade 2 but Ophion, Orion and Dagmara are all harder than it (Dagmara's a fucking bitch, i only won cause i cheesed).

I'm not quite sure, since I haven't fought Telethia myself yet.

Lore-wise, they share in being worthy of being the absolute strongest enemies in the game.: 

  • Telethia and Pharsis, a Yggralith, both belong in the Megafauna category, they are the only things in it other than the two online Yggraliths and Telethia Plume.
  • Telethia is the protector of Mira, supposedly never defeated in combat. While the Yggralith according to their Enemy Index entry are interstellar beasts that stuck planets dry of all life before moving onto the next source of nourishment.


Looking at them statwise:









Melee Attack


Melee Accuracy


Ranged Attack


Ranged Accuracy






Ground Detect


Skell Detect

Sight, Sound


PhysicalResIcon BeamResIcon EtherResIcon ThermalResIcon ElectricResIcon GravityResIcon
50 50 50 50 50 50









Melee Attack


Melee Accuracy


Ranged Attack


Ranged Accuracy






Ground Detect


Skell Detect



PhysicalResIcon BeamResIcon EtherResIcon ThermalResIcon ElectricResIcon GravityResIcon
50 50 50 50 50 50

Looks like Pharsis is actually stronger, but slightly less HP and Evasion (which you do have to spec for if you want to actually hit Telethia). Pharsis can heal itself, while Telethia will force you to miss ~100 hits because of Soul Read (Telethia Plume has basically Endbringer's arsenal I think, but toned down), so both have stall tactics to drag out your victory and ensure their success.

It's close enough on this front I could see myself losing to both. But perhaps I'll find Telethia easier, I need to.


And if you need a visual for Pharsis, here is one and a video (a success on foot I can't possible achieve without more farming).:




I'm pretty sure a human could fit just perfectly into its mouth. And yes, this is inside the big sphere that glows green at night in Sylvalum. Pharsis is what lurks inside.

Most other superboss contenders are:

  • Gradivus the Headless Emperor- which has the highest HP in the game- 100 million. But it has 2000 less in the Attacks than either of the top two.
  • Leva'el, the Terminus. A Xern with double Luxaar's Xern's HP, the ability to spawn allies, and a countdown insta-death.
  • Nardacyon, the Shadowless is a Ganglion Skell with probably the most Evasion of any enemy in the game.
  • Vortice, the Deific Blast has the level and stats, albeit not really any tricks.
  • Luciel has its Topple obsession.

All of these are intended for Skell, though you can win against all of them on foot if you have the setup.


Dadaan, the Strongest Prone is actually pretty easy. But since it only appears after Chapter 12 and drops Reflect augments (something only superbosses do- all but Nardacyon, Vortice, and Luciel of the above names drop them), it should count. While you can if you kill it fast use a Skell to win, it is intended to be fought on foot, because he'll warn you if you're in a Skell and use Absolute Demolisher 2056 to insta-kill your Skell seconds later.

Lugalbanda, the Wanderer-King is also exclusively for on-foot fighting because it hides in a narrow cave. The path to it is marked with a trail of Suid (think XCX's replacement for Armus) corpses. I only won against it by going hyperoffensive and killing it with one Blossom Dance, since it is very strong and can easily win if you let things go on. Lugalbanda drops Reflects and appears post-Chapter 12 too, and this SPOILERS should make it clear why:



"The only chimera to escape the Lifehold Core. Being a hermaphroditic organism, it roams the planet in search of ample nourishment to facilitate its reproduction."


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tfw you go to a lecture and there's only 5 people there, professor included...

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

And Waifu Pope suspicous af
and Jeralt speaks of her like one would speak of a bad ex

Welcome aboard the Three Houses train!

Also, Waifu Pope is voiced by Plutia. Make of that what you will.

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I meditated this morning by turning on XCX and then watching all its panoramic opening sequences, which consist of, randomly arranged, but never repeating themselves:

  • Primordia
  • Noctilum, the southern and smaller half.
  • Noctilum, the northern and larger half (although it seems to sometimes include the Divine Roost, but other times excludes it).
  • Oblivia
  • Sylvalum
  • Cauldros
  • NLA
  • The Ma-non Ship in NLA.
  • Chapter 12's location under assault from outside.
  • The Samaarian/Ganglion battleship approaching the Pioneer Plaque from the opening.
  • The Samaarian/Ganglion and Ghost clash over Earth with the White Whale escaping and the Earth being blown up from the opening.
  • The White Whale slowly and intact moving in the atmosphere over Mira.
  • The White Whale being attacked by the Ghost and crashing onto Mira, with a few seconds of the original Ares piloted by the Lone Hero fighting the Ghost.

After the game went through all of these, my meditation was finished, and I manually flew from NLA to Noctilum in a matter of three minutes for the grand finale of Miran conflict- Telethia, the Endbringer.

I set the time to night, for in the darkness the wing tips of the Ruler of Fates glow, and the Divine Roost itself takes on an ambiance worthy of the majestic creature. It circled in the sky overhead at the highest I could go, it was slow, it was graceful, yet it was fast than my Ares so I could not chase after it. Waiting at the lone northern peak, I let it come to me. For all its fury, for all its might, it would not harm me on its own. I had to pull the trigger, to challenge the incarnate god Guardian of Mira. Aghasura Cannon, named after a Hindu demon, fire.


On the first try it was done, Telethia has been slain!

Though it was by no means assured. It had me down to a few hundred over 1000 HP of 41000 at one point, healed back to 9000 by some chance Soul Voices. One more attack not of Ether, and it would have destroyed my Skell, and with it my chance of victory. It did use Soul Read, which took what I think was a few minutes to cut through even with an Agni Gatling (12 Hits) whose 40 seconds cooldown had been slashed by 68%. It had a minor amount of healing, and one point where it Toppled me for a bit, and another where it landed Sleep, but none of it held me back. I might have died had I not set up the two Attribute Resistance Probes in Noctilum, which gave me an extra 15% in all Attribute Resistances.

So, Telethia is still the culler of the impure and weak, only the strongest are fit to take it on indeed! 

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

tfw you go to a lecture and there's only 5 people there, professor included...


Well, tbf, that's quite normal in higher courses


Also, finished Ch2 Black Eagles
My units except Edel/Byleth are getting Stat screwed yay!

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42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

none xD
Want all routes to be recruitless first

then on further runs i shall see

You'd have to be really, really masochistic to do that...

6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Waifu Pope is voiced by Plutia. Make of that what you will.

The presentation contains my reaction.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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