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I forgot how terrible the plot in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory is. Holy crap.

It's way too dark, even for a Digimon plot (have you watched Tamers? Think about... fifty times darker than that), which on its own isn't necessarily a bad thing, but after a while it's just Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy at its finest. Two out of the three main plotlines make next to no sense, don't have ANY satisfying resolution and/or don't really go anywhere, despite starting off pretty cool and mysterious in one case.

To elaborate on this a bit: The main character, Keisuke, gets his EDEN account stolen (EDEN is a virtual reality that replaces the internet in that universe, using an avatar system to have people move around in cyberspace. Also, your mind is uploaded to the internet, meaning your EDEN avatar is a digital version of your mental data) by some hacker and his goal is to get it back. To that end, he joins up with a Hacker team known as Hudie (Chinese for "butterfly") and becomes friends with them over the course of the game.
And there's a mysterious masked individual named "K" who feeds him with information on the perpetrator who stole his internet identity. That's an interesting setup, isn't it?
Well, it WOULD be, but it turns out that "K" is an assumed identity of Keisuke's best friend Yu (who is absolutely in love with Keisuke - the romantic kind of love). AND it turns out that said "best friend" was the one who stole Keisuke's account (and later uses it for himself to make himself appear as Keisuke in the virtual world, thus giving him an identity crisis for a while) and also fed him false information while pretending to help him out as Yu. An attempt is made to make Yu seem like not so horrible of a person in that it turns out that he was controlled by a random Matadormon the entire time, who amplified Yu's fears of Keisuke replacing him with other friends (because the little shithead believed Keisuke belonged only to him and no one else, you see) and drove him to want to BECOME Keisuke himself. 
Now, traumatizing your best friend, deceiving your best friend, almost KILLING your best friend on more than one occasion using dangerous monsters, trying to become said best friend via virtual identity theft all seem like pretty serious things that deserve some kind of retribution, right?
Yu never suffers any consequences for any of what he does as "K" and after their final confrontation (which doesn't even happen at the very end of the game) it's just never brought up again.
I swear, Yu is the single worst character in this game. And that's saying something, honestly.

The second plot point concerns the appearance of a very awesome, very disturbing and very powerful Digimon known as Arkadimon. For those unaware, Arkadimon was the main focus of the old Digimon manga, Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 (It's a good read, by the way. Give it a shot sometime), and the first Super Ultimate Digimon to ever grace the series. The Super Ultimate level is an evolution stage even beyond what was supposed to be the strongest previously: the Mega level (Ultimate level in Japan. And yes, Pokémon stole this). The thing can eliminate anything it touches, kill Digimon several evolutionary levels higher than itself and turn entire battlefields into nothing but ones and zeroes without even so much as a glance. And the game was advertised with the appearance of every form of Arkadimon. This sounds like an awesome final boss in the making, right?
Wrong again.
The thing appears out of nowhere during the second half of the game, wrecks some minor s*** and then not TWO chapters later, it's quite unceremoniously killed off after reaching its "wtf is THAT thing?" Super Ultimate form (see here) and... you guessed it! Never. Mentioned. Again. Meaning the very being whose appearance was supposed to be a SELLING POINT (it's Super Ultimate form is even on the game's cover for Pete's sake!) served no purpose beyond making the story even darker than it already was.

Then there's the fact that, due to Hacker's Memory being a side story to the original Cyber Sleuth, retcons more than a few plot points and some of the character development in the first game. Like, in Cyber Sleuth, everyone looked at your character funny when Digimon are brought up in conversations. In Hacker's Memory, Digimon are just part of everyone's daily lives and nobody is even the slightest bit suprised when they see one, even if they had no idea they existed before.

The only interesting plotline, which the Arkadimon thing is rather sloppily connected to, is the relationship between the different members of Hudie. And even THAT is poorly done, as it's not nearly shown enough. Only a few scenes actually deal with that and it could have been developed so much more. With the way the game presents it, you get the constant feeling that Hudie as a group was doomed from the very beginning.

Speaking of doomed from the start, there's Erika. Probably the most tragic character this side of Conquest Route Nepgear, she suffers from an illness that makes her brain overload from time to time and the only treatment is periodically backing up her very consciousness to the internet to lessen the burden on her body. And the game tries its damndest to utterly ruin her life (this is where the Darkness Induced Audience Apathy thing I mentioned above comes into play). It's like the writers for this game absolutely hated her. The most insulting part? Of ALL the characters in the game, SHE does not get a happy ending, as the game ends with her fused with a Digimon in the Digital World (the world where Digimon live) and nobody but Keisuke even remembering she existed in the first place, with Yu of all people taking her place in what once was Hudie.

I'm glad they decided to include all the new Digimon from Hacker's Memory in the original Cyber Sleuth.
Not that the original Cyber Sleuth didn't have its own problems, mind you (looking at you, Nokia), but it's miles better than... whatever this is.

Damn, that got a whole lot more ranty than I intended. My apologies for that.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


How're the hit rates in Vestaria? Any extreme bs RNG moments so far?

Especially with 1RN i don't wanna deal with sub 70 Hit rates

I've missed a few 90s while being hit by sub-40 hit-rates. Hasn't happened too much but i think Vestaria is running on 1 RN. Not too sure on that. There's also Support bonuses to keep in mind (but no Support Convos, even though regular convos do exist). 

But overall, i can't say i've had an extreme RNG. 


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Don't remind me.

Honestly, though, by itself I don't mind the short-hair design. It's just that... well, a long-hair one exists too; and knowing that, a preference is born.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'm still stuck in a Civilization VI fix. I finished a successful Religious Victory as Saladin (although I formally picked Sikhism as my religion) on Warlord on a lakes-only map. Saladin was picked so I could be certain of getting a Great Prophet, but I didn't that help it turned out.

I got lucky and Yerevan was the first city-state I encountered, its suzerainty made me able to churn a ton of Apostles with Debater, enabling them to 2HKO or even OHKO enemy Inquistors, and I made a few others with whatever negates foreign religion pressures when spreading your religion.

Yet again, I got stuck with Montezuma as an enemy, and yet again, he attacked me. A ginormous amount of Ancient-Medieval soldiers coming right at one city of mine, with a few more at a second city of mine one of his city-state allies controlled. I expected as much, and yet I needed reinforcements. Running Theocracy as my government let me purchase about a dozen of Arabia's Mamlukes for a mere 270 Faith each when my per-turn Faith generation was about 300 and I like 7000 in reserve. Strong, high move, and healing every turn? Mamlukes are awesome.

Pedro II declared war on me twice as well, but his first was countered with Mamlukes. And the second happened very late, while I had Missionaries and Apostles in his territory, their deaths could have cost me a lot of time. Yet, two turns into the second war, I converted the last city in China I needed to, and thus won my Religious Victory.

Montezuma's war had Holy War as its Casus Belli, and Philip II put a up a theological fight. But thats why I sent a squad six Apostles and two Gurus at him as my first order of business, Spain had to be cleansed of its chosen Confucianism, and I did precisely that, making absolutely sure no Inquisitors remained to undo my hard work. But Spain never declared a formal war on me, and Pedro didn't use Holy War as a Casus Belli, both were surprise attacks. Alexander yet again remained utterly peaceful, and Victoria, TR, and Qin Shi Huang never complained of my religious activities either.


Last to come is a Domination Victory. I tried doing one on a fractal map, but that was too easy so I gave up before even attacking Harold Hadrada and his lone weak city. I feel I'm going to have to pick who I'm up against and not leave it to randomization. Even though they're only pixels, it'd feel wrong to attack some of the characters, could I really bring myself to fight Victoria or TR well yes, hello late 1800s racism! or John Curtin or Gandhi?

Domination sounds like it could be fun, but at the same time, this game with its peaceful options for victory makes me question if Domination is truly the right course of action for my virtual humanity to take.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

When you find out Vestaria Saga has ambush spawns


Ayup. I was looking through the reviews and saw ''ambush spawns''

Me: Let's wait for sale.


On other notes, the amount of Paralogues for BL wew. So many paralogues. Alteast i get some really good stuff from them.

And i am pretty sure Felix had a 50% Crit chance today and not a 10% chance. He critted on every follow up attack. Every single last one of them.
Tbf though, so many low hit attacks connected in general. By me and enemy xD

Edited by Shrimperor
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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ran out about stuff to say about Cyber Sleuth? XD

I still want to play those...

I didn't exactly run out of stuff to say. I could go on about the good things for hours on end, because there's a lot to say.
I just felt the need to vent some frustrations, is all, but then my brain was like "wtf are you doing, man?", hence the follow-up post. XD

Also, I apologize for going into full on spoiler territory with my post. I figured I could rant freely since nobody is exactly interested in the games, anyway.

But if you want to play them, go right ahead! They're still great games, despite the story in the second game being... well, not great, especially when compared to the first. Still better than any Pokémon game in recent memory.
And even with all the bad stuff, Hacker's Memory still has its good points, which makes the bad stand out so much more, sadly.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


+5 MOV

And we all know mov means victory xD

Ah, yes. Good old Stride.
My favorite gambit in the game, because I finally have an excuse NOT to use mounted units. XD

Edited by DragonFlames
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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I didn't exactly run out of stuff to say. I could go on about the good things for hours on end, because there's a lot to say.
I just felt the need to vent some frustrations, is all, but then my brain was like "wtf are you doing, man?", hence the follow-up post. XD

Also, I apologize for going into full on spoiler territory with my post. I figured I could rant freely since nobody is exactly interested in the games, anyway.

But if you want to play them, go right ahead! They're still great games, despite the story in the second game being... well, not great, especially when compared to the first. Still better than any Pokémon game in recent memory.
And even with all the bad stuff, Hacker's Memory still has its good points, which makes the bad stand out so much more, sadly.

Bah, don't worry about spoiling me! That's what makes me want to play them more!

Anyway, I'm currently in mind to get Survive first, once it gets released. Though afterwards, perhaps...

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Bah, don't worry about spoiling me! That's what makes me want to play them more!

Anyway, I'm currently in mind to get Survive first, once it gets released. Though afterwards, perhaps...

Oh good! That's a relief.

I'm rather optimistic when it comes to Survive, actually. Very much looking forward to that game!

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22 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, yes. Good old Stride.
My favorite gambit in the game, because I finally have an excuse NOT to use mounted units. XD

The main reason i love that one so much is that i can player phase engage the enemy right from the start, and not waste a few turns waiting and baiting. Increases the game Pace by alot.

Also, ponies are freaking pitiful in that game xD

It wouldn't have been that bad, if Wyvern's didn't have such a high speed as well. Seriously, Wyverns should've been as slow as ponies. Spd should've been Falco's thing.


Also, after Effie/conquest i though IS understood how they can make armor knights useful, but wow are they usesless. + 10 def won't help me when everyone is running around with 50+Atk and the -6 Spd ensures they double, thus ded <.<

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8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ayup. I was looking through the reviews and saw ''ambush spawns''

I will say it wasn't as bad i expected it to be. My previous post was more reactionary. The ambush spawns have only been on one chapter and it was one of the easiest defense chapters i've ever played.

Vestaria lets you save every five turns which is a great middle ground between the exploitable Turnwheel and FE4 saves and the restrictive mid-chapter saves of the DS games. Though Vestaria also has 99 save slots so it still leans to the more exploitable side.


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Well, I guess I have to replay FE5 all over again... 

Apparently there are more Mareeta and Ronan fans in the forum than I thought.

I mean this playthrough's purpose was to include all recruitments, so I should also keep my word and take the consequences.

Kinda bad that I have to go back to work next week, so my free time for playing and updating will be heavily restricted (technically only on weekends).

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12 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, yes. Good old Stride.

My favorite gambit in the game, because I finally have an excuse NOT to use mounted units. XD

You don't need to use Stride for that. It's almost crazy to say this about a FE game but horse units (except for BK) are really bad in 3H.

Edited by Strullemia
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53 minutes ago, Strullemia said:

You don't need to use Stride for that. It's almost crazy to say this about a FE game but mounted units are really bad in 3H.

How so? My thoughts:


High-tier Hussars:

  • Wyvern Riders/Lords are undisputed top-tier. Strong, durable, fast mobile, they can salvage almost anyone physical.
  • Bow Knights the best arrow shooters around, although more restrictions/Maddening should make Snipers relatively competitive due to the increased difficulty of doubling and decreased accuracy from afar.


Mid-tier Mounties:

  • Cavaliers aren't great, they're balanced.
  • Paladin is fine if slightly underpowered, the negative Spd modifier isn't too harsh and serves to balance them in some way.
  • Dark Knight is rather balanced against Dark Bishop and Warlock. Fewer spell uses is a fine tradeoff, since you'll actually make it to the combat zone much more often. Turtling/playing it slowly does mitigate this advantage- it's a matter of playstyle.


Meh-tier Mamlukes

  • Great Knight is bad b/c slow, but thats what it gets for being armor-related, not so much because it has a horse.
  • Holy Knight is bad, because White Tomefaire is junk and they kept increased healing/White Magic uses away from it to keep Bishop worth using. 
  • Pegasus and Falcoknights are bad, Darting Blow aside, because Wyverns lost any notion of Speed weakness. 


At the end of each of my three Hard Classic playthroughs, my armies were ideally mostly mounted units. Wyverns, Bow Knights, Edel went Wyvern, Dimitri Paladin, Claude had his personal class, and of course there was Death Knight. The only people who weren't mounties were my magic users, a token War Master, and Byleth who had very poor proficiencies and stuck to being an Enlightened One. And, my mages felt the brunt of not having steeds as they often seemed to be left behind.

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Speaking of Star Wars, I saw Rogue Squadron on Steam. 

I had so many great memories with the game on the N64 (completed all missions with platinum medal).

Though I have heared the PC has to fulfill certain requirements since it is an already more than two decades old game which might not run without certain programs anymore.  

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12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

The main reason i love that one so much is that i can player phase engage the enemy right from the start, and not waste a few turns waiting and baiting. Increases the game Pace by alot.

Enemy Soldier 1: "Hey, guys. Look at that Mage. She could kill us, but... *snort* 4 Move!"
Enemy Soldier 2: "Bwahahahahaha! See you in too many turns, you slow scrub!"
Enemy Soldier 3: "Um... guys, I think you might want to double check that..."
Enemy Soldier 1: "Double check what?"
Mage: "Hello there!"
Enemy Soldiers 1, 2 & 3: "Damn you, Striiiiiiide!!!" *ded*

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, ponies are freaking pitiful in that game xD

The only good Paladin I used in Three Houses was Dimitri during my first playthrough... until he got his personal class, that is. At which point I ditched the horse.
Everyone else (Lorenz, Ferdinand, Sylvain, Leonie) was always better off as something else entirely, so I'm inclined to agree.

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, after Effie/conquest i though IS understood how they can make armor knights useful, but wow are they usesless. + 10 def won't help me when everyone is running around with 50+Atk and the -6 Spd ensures they double, thus ded <.<

You say that, but Dedue's ridiculous tankiness as a Fortress Knight saved my butt in my first Blue Lions run more times than I want to admit. XD

4 hours ago, Strullemia said:

You don't need to use Stride for that. It's almost crazy to say this about a FE game but mounted units are really bad in 3H.

Cavalier, Paladin, Great Knight, Dark Knight and Holy Knight are bad (read: I couldn't get much use out of them that would justify me going into those classes again).
Meanwhile, Bow Knights are busted due to their ridiculous range, Wyverns are OP, Falcon Knights are still great.

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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How so? My thoughts:


High-tier Hussars:

  • Wyvern Riders/Lords are undisputed top-tier. Strong, durable, fast mobile, they can salvage almost anyone physical.
  • Bow Knights the best arrow shooters around, although more restrictions/Maddening should make Snipers relatively competitive due to the increased difficulty of doubling and decreased accuracy from afar.


Mid-tier Mounties:

  • Cavaliers aren't great, they're balanced.
  • Paladin is fine if slightly underpowered, the negative Spd modifier isn't too harsh and serves to balance them in some way.
  • Dark Knight is rather balanced against Dark Bishop and Warlock. Fewer spell uses is a fine tradeoff, since you'll actually make it to the combat zone much more often. Turtling/playing it slowly does mitigate this advantage- it's a matter of playstyle.


Meh-tier Mamlukes

  • Great Knight is bad b/c slow, but thats what it gets for being armor-related, not so much because it has a horse.
  • Holy Knight is bad, because White Tomefaire is junk and they kept increased healing/White Magic uses away from it to keep Bishop worth using. 
  • Pegasus and Falcoknights are bad, Darting Blow aside, because Wyverns lost any notion of Speed weakness. 


At the end of each of my three Hard Classic playthroughs, my armies were ideally mostly mounted units. Wyverns, Bow Knights, Edel went Wyvern, Dimitri Paladin, Claude had his personal class, and of course there was Death Knight. The only people who weren't mounties were my magic users, a token War Master, and Byleth who had very poor proficiencies and stuck to being an Enlightened One. And, my mages felt the brunt of not having steeds as they often seemed to be left behind.

Whoops, I meant to say ponies instead of mounted.

- Cavaliers, Paladins and Dark Knights are fine but even they get nerfed in a lot of maps whereas fliers don't have an issue in those maps. (Think about the Lava maps or the exclusive Crimson Flower map) and from those three classes Dark Knight is the only master class.

- Holy Knight is bad because you're putting in a lot of riding and Lance rank in order to promote to a class that doesn't heal as well as the bishop class. (but you already mentioned this).

- Bow Knights are still really good that's true.

But all of those classes pale in comparison to the god class that is the Wyvern Class. So yeah your ranking is correct.


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