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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Avalon made her forever 15

I was not aware of that. She didn't look 15 in the anime versions I've watched, so I always assumed she was older than that.
But that's anime ages for you, I guess. XD

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I was not aware of that. She didn't look 15 in the anime versions I've watched, so I always assumed she was older than that.
But that's anime ages for you, I guess. XD

Yeah, totally understand you lol. Then again the armor she wears...

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9 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Bravely Second was that bad that the producer called it a mistake? whot?


5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

B-But I loved Bravely Second...

Asano mentioned, as translated by DualShockers:


“Before getting more into Bravely Default II details in this interview, I’d like to apologize to the fans about Bravely Second. There were parts of that game that didn’t meet the many expectations fans had. The development team deeply reflected on Bravely Second‘s problems and it showed in all our following projects.”


Not sure what they meant here.

  • No Revo b/c too busy to work on the soundtrack is only one dashed expectation. And the soundtrack wasn't bad even without him, not below average at least.
  • Narratively, BS is a lot smoother, the highs aren't as high as BD, but the lows don't sink to BD's Marianas Trench wretched low of the second half of the game. It's a bit more lighthearted than the first, but not to the point of being shorn of all seriousness.
  • Character-wise, I can see things to criticize: Magnolia needed to Yew's lover less and be more strong and proud Baal Buster (Baals themselves suffered midgame plot irrelevancy).  Edea had too many mrgrgrgrs. Too much casual conversation about food. Yew overuses the word "gravy". But none of these things are worth seriously apologizing for.
  • Gameplay imbalances weren't so big as to be worth apologies either, even if there were things like: Monk was too weak and came too late. Bishop/Wizard obsoleted White/Black Mage. Merchant got neutered without Low Leverage. And what dimwit thought turning Meteor Rain into 4x4 = 16 hits was a good idea?! Any and almost every game is going to have some imbalances.
Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I was not aware of that. She didn't look 15 in the anime versions I've watched, so I always assumed she was older than that.
But that's anime ages for you, I guess. XD

Are you sure you're prepared to try the series out?

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So i just finished Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Man, that purchase was worth it. I'm going to say it right now, Tropical Freeze is peak 2D platforming. Donkey Kong Country Returns was really good and Tropical Freeze took everything good about that game and made it even better (much like Super Mario Galaxy 2 took everything about Galaxy 1 and made it even better). Level design is top-notch with a decent challenge. A 2D platformer where the water and ice levels are actually good (the latter was definitly important in a game called Tropical Freeze). At first i thought the constant lives you get was gonna get in the way of that but i later learned that that was the game being fair. You will appreciate all those lives you amass. Soundtrack was absolutely fire, as i've talked about before.

The only really negative thing i can say is that some of the bosses drag. All of them take the same number of hits to beat but the times you can hit them is what's different. I also do wish the buddy Kongs were more balanced. Because Dixie is objectively better than Diddy in this game and Cranky gets very few oppertunities to shine. But that's more nitpicky, as any level can be beaten solo.

Anyways, Tropical Freeze gets welcomed with open arms into my prestigious 10/10 club as it's fourth member. It's that good of a game, i highly recommend (though perhaps wait on a sale, it shouldn't be $60 anymore but we all know how Nintendo is).

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1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tropical Freeze is on sale for 40 on Spring Sale.

Same goes for Breath of the Wild, Astral Chain and some other games.

I haven't played the other two games tht you mentioned, but Breath of the Wild is an amazing game and I'd reccomend it to anyone. I personally prefered Skyward Sword, but that's actualy only for two things, one of them being the motion controls, which are universlly reviled.  

Breath of wild has almost no faults in my opinion. I love it. It's also good since it's lockdown time and it's a game worth investing a lot of time into.

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I haven't played any of these, and I can't say I'm really interested in any of these.

I watched a few parts of Tropical Freeze. It looks fun, but it seems to be a really tough platformer, typical for Donkey Kong actually. Since I don't have the skills for platformers anymore, this game could cause frustration, I don't resist to.

Breath of the Wild might me praised as best game for the Switch by everyone, but Zelda never ever has been my cup of tea, and never will, especially 3D ones. I could beat one Zelda game, and this only with much help.

I can't say anything about Astral Chain aside it has been brought up in this thread.

Kirby Star Allies is also on sale, but from playing the demo I can't really see it could become as great as Return to Dreamland or Triple Deluxe were. I'm conflicted, but I tend not to buy it.

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Done with chapter 1 in Azure.

I noticed two things:

  1. Ememies are more dangerous because they have status ailments from the beginning on.
  2. Allies are nerfed. Godly crats like Elie's CP-restore requires 50% more CP than in Zero and can't target herself anymore. Though its range seems to be a bit larger now.


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2 hours ago, Caster said:

Are you sure you're prepared to try the series out?


3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Asano mentioned, as translated by DualShockers:


“Before getting more into Bravely Default II details in this interview, I’d like to apologize to the fans about Bravely Second. There were parts of that game that didn’t meet the many expectations fans had. The development team deeply reflected on Bravely Second‘s problems and it showed in all our following projects.”


Not sure what they meant here.

  • No Revo b/c too busy to work on the soundtrack is only one dashed expectation. And the soundtrack wasn't bad even without him, not below average at least.
  • Narratively, BS is a lot smoother, the highs aren't as high as BD, but the lows don't sink to BD's Marianas Trench wretched low of the second half of the game. It's a bit more lighthearted than the first, but not to the point of being shorn of all seriousness.
  • Character-wise, I can see things to criticize: Magnolia needed to Yew's lover less and be more strong and proud Baal Buster (Baals themselves suffered midgame plot irrelevancy).  Edea had too many mrgrgrgrs. Too much casual conversation about food. Yew overuses the word "gravy". But none of these things are worth seriously apologizing for.
  • Gameplay imbalances weren't so big as to be worth apologies either, even if there were things like: Monk was too weak and came too late. Bishop/Wizard obsoleted White/Black Mage. Merchant got neutered without Low Leverage. And what dimwit thought turning Meteor Rain into 4x4 = 16 hits was a good idea?! Any and almost every game is going to have some imbalances.

The only true problem I had with Bravely Second from a writing standpoint was that it tried to shoehorn in


Edea showing romantic interest in Ringabel in an endgame sidequest, which came right the hell out of nowhere and, given their relationship at the end of Bravely Default, made no sense whatsoever. It was also never brought up again after said sidequest, so it was more of a Big-Lipped Aligator moment for me.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Internet really has ruined the word "sans" hasn't it?

That it did. That it well and truly did. The poor French.

Undertale is one of those examples of a thing where the sheer exposure and omnipresence completely turned me off of it. I remember around the time that game released, it was Undertale 24/7 and it got really annoying. And to be completely honest, I kinda feel the same way about Jojo these days (though it has thankfully died down a little). And non-"nerd" culture related (and worse, because unlike internet-stuff like Undertale and Jojo, you can't escape it irl): football/soccer. 

That meme still got a chuckle out of me, though.

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28 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Breath of the Wild might me praised as best game for the Switch by everyone, but Zelda never ever has been my cup of tea, and never will, especially 3D ones. I could beat one Zelda game, and this only with much help.

Ah. Well then, maybe get a different game; BOTW is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge game, so it's probably not worth it if you're not certain you'll want to explore the world.

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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


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Best girl


19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


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I've never played nor seen Undertale nor listened nor dealt with any fan memery of it, I don't look and the game doesn't interest me. Reading the Wikipedia story synopsis, the twist seems clever, and a bit thought-provoking.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The only true problem I had with Bravely Second from a writing standpoint was that it tried to shoehorn in

Yeah, I agree with this criticism. I didn't care for that moment one bit, even if the pair being together makes sense. 



After more than a month or two of delay, I vanquished the final boss of DQXI. I was right in front of its door, I just hadn't fought it. It's an old, terrible fault of mine to drop games right at the very end for absolutely no good reason- it just happens and it bothers me to no end.

The boss itself was easier than a bunch of things to come before it, and a mere two not very epic phases? Anti-climatic. Tis' nothing compared to the likes of IV and VII, going off of memory. I was overleveled I think, and no Draconian settings, but again, I had experienced tougher stuff earlier in the 2nd half of the game that actually put me on the precarious defensive.

Finishing the final boss makes me feel better, the credits rolled alongside some cutscenes- an enjoyable move because it meant the ending wouldn't drag forever. Yet the game clearly is looking to have some, hopefully substantial, postgame content, and that makes me feel less than fully satisfied. But because it's postgame, I don't feel quite as forced to play it. And I don't need to get into a perfect Zen mindset which I obsessively desire to have going into a story-centric game segment to fully appreciate it, a mindset that I feel I too easily get taken out of via the distractions of Internet and TV.


Now, I need to find two or three Zen concentration sessions to finish my other most pesky (but not only other) albatross- Luigi's Mansion 3, I have just two floors left. And I think I'll aim to get all the Boos too. A play session or two for that, and another for the final floor/boss, and I'll be good with this.

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Historically, the Children's Crusade was a failure. In-game, however, it was able to amass a force of almost 100K men... the Abbasid stood no chance, pft. They barely had a third of that. The target of that crusade was Jerusalem. Though it seems the event troops disappear upon done, since the now King of Jerusalem only had about 3K on call. Egypt promptly declared war to make them a tributary state. Would be interesting if someone there forms the Empire of the Outremer, though who knows...

On that note, I decided to wrestle the Maghreb from the Abbasid as well. I'm not incorporating that into my empire. I'm gonna let them go as the Kingdom of Maghreb (after putting a Catholic on the throne first), the main objective here was weakening the Abbasid further. Although... I am keeping Tangier, securing that entry to the Mediterranean for when it becomes more relevant. Like say, in EU4, once I ever get that game. That said, the Abbasid only had most of the Maghreb. The rest is in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. Hmm...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Now give her Dragon Wings to complete the unholy transformation




3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Undertale is one of those examples of a thing where the sheer exposure and omnipresence completely turned me off of it. I remember around the time that game released, it was Undertale 24/7 and it got really annoying. And to be completely honest, I kinda feel the same way about Jojo these days (though it has thankfully died down a little). And non-"nerd" culture related (and worse, because unlike internet-stuff like Undertale and Jojo, you can't escape it irl): football/soccer. 

I'm not even into Undertale at all (i wasn't into it for the same reason as you) but Sans is an exception. I don't associate Sans with Undertale, to me, he is just this anomaly that shouldn't exist yet it does.


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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


I'm scared.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Now I'm terrified.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, I agree with this criticism. I didn't care for that moment one bit, even if the pair being together makes sense.

Which to me, it doesn't, honestly.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I'm not even into Undertale at all (i wasn't into it for the same reason as you) but Sans is an exception. I don't associate Sans with Undertale, to me, he is just this anomaly that shouldn't exist yet it does.

Same with Nepgya.
That meme you made is still funny/utterly terrifying.




Which manga does she mean, I wonder?

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Godzilla vs Biollante is so stupid and I love it. You have Godzilla fighting a giant plant monster made from his own cells. Meanwhile, you have you have a Middle Eastern spy agent trying to steal anti-nuclear bacteria from Japan while Japanese agents try to get it back.

My new favorite Godzilla movie.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


Is that kid Estelle?
... Ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved peak adorable. It gets kinda crowded on the throne of adorableness, though... We might need a bigger one soon.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

90% of the manga in existence xD


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