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Final boss was pathetic either phase, even without using brave orders at all. It got one turn in the first battle.


The end......... no comment from my side for good reasons.

If someone thought Cold Steel II had a big cliffhanger, seriously it's not nothing compared to III's one.


I'm.......... crying

Edited by Falcom Knight
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@Hawkwing Happy birthday!

Project get everyone to level 999 status report: The non-DLC characters (with the exception of K-Sha, IF, and Compa, because I initially forgot to put game discs with Learning on them. Ooops) have all passed level 325. The strongest character is the bigger Neptune at level 335 (why is she the highest level? I have no clue). DLC characters (Umio, Nepgya, Nitroplus, Million Arthur, and God Eater) are on their way to 320. Only 670 levels to go!
... This is going to take a while, isn't it?


A series going off the rails and starring a character in a harem title... Falcom be like: Hold my beer!

14 hours ago, Armagon said:
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It does feel like a Star Wars ship/station/etc, doesn't it? What with all the blatant saftey hazards. Though i had watched Wall-E like last week so some of the enemies in the World Tree felt like deadlier Wall-E robots.

On my first playthrough, i never would've guessed that the World Tree was actually a man-made tower and it wasn't until i got to the Land of Morytha that i was like "shiiiiiiit, this is where things are going now". One of my favorite areas in the game because of it, even if it is more of a dungeon than an open area. And of course, the music.


Speaking of, something funny happened to me. There was a Unique Monster on a balcony and I somehow managed to throw him over the rail of said balcony, which instantly won me that fight. I was just preparing to go for a Blade combo with Rex, when the thing suddenly (and quite literally) flew off the rails. I spent a good while laughing after that.

On that note, I kinda like Rex' great lance arts. They charge pretty fast, have a decent hitbox, and do quite a bit of damage, too.

14 hours ago, Armagon said:
Yeah, they can be pretty annoying. They were one of the more annoying enemies in the no-Blade summon run because my lack of Dark Blades meant i couldn't seal their reinforcements. It doesn't help that they can also restrict your Blade abilities. Some Blade Shackle and Affinity Down Resist Aux Cores will help.

I did not know that they could do that. Shame on me.
Kassandra, Perceval, you're in!

14 hours ago, Armagon said:
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They look pretty cool but they are the reason why i said to look into some Topple Resist stuff. They will Topple you and it can get pretty annoying when there's several of them spamming their Topple Arts.


Luckily, I heeded your advice, so their Topple stuff is a non-issue. The only annoying part is that they have an attack that makes them move across the battlefield really fast, which means my characters have to spend some time repositioning to hit them.

11 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

>Ribbon of Lust

Oh my god

The other CPUs get accessories like Ribbons of Envy, Hat of Sloth, and D-Clips of Pride.
You can also put sunglasses on a fish.
Because reasons. XD

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

The end......... no comment from my side for good reasons.

If someone thought Cold Steel II had a big cliffhanger, seriously it's not nothing compared to III's one.

It's a pretty big one that initially left me shocked (and admittedly more than a little hyped), too.
A few weeks and a bit of reflection later, and I'll say that shock doesn't last long when you have time to piece together what happened and what all of it means going forward.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


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Speaking of, something funny happened to me. There was a Unique Monster on a balcony and I somehow managed to throw him over the rail of said balcony, which instantly won me that fight. I was just preparing to go for a Blade combo with Rex, when the thing suddenly (and quite literally) flew off the rails. I spent a good while laughing after that.


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Luckily, I heeded your advice, so their Topple stuff is a non-issue. The only annoying part is that they have an attack that makes them move across the battlefield really fast, which means my characters have to spend some time repositioning to hit them.


It's a pretty big one that initially left me shocked (and admittedly more than a little hyped), too.
A few weeks and a bit of reflection later, and I'll say that shock doesn't last long when you have time to piece together what happened and what all of it means going forward.

Fair enough if I take 


Crow's "death" in Cold Steel II into account.

Falcom is really stingy with character's death.


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Just now, Falcom Knight said:

Fair enough if I take 

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Crow's "death" in Cold Steel II into account.

Falcom is really stingy with character's death.


Yup. Crow coming back felt cheap as hell, to be honest. He should've stayed dead.

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Is anyone here a Mega Man fan?

I also picked up Dragon Quest XI, after my grandmother felt bad we hadn't done anything in a while, so she bought me a game.

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Well, we've got a longer listen to it now. Definitely the biggest improvement in regards to the remastered soundtrack but now it sounds like a Kingdom Hearts song rather than a Xenoblade one. And yeah, it's still the weakest Xenoblade battle theme by a large mile.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of all the things not to correct- this. They must know how terrible it is, the level curve is the worst thing about the combat. It's waaay too easy to get overleveled and turn everything into a missfest on you. Though, I did do a second run of XC1 once and I minimized the questing and exploring I did to conserve the EXP and SP for the later recruits. From what I remember, Prison Island's boss fight stayed challenging this way. And Sword Valley is always a difficulty spike, partly due to the absence of quests for once.

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and maybe they aren't as strict as they were before because, well, no one has outright stated it but with all the "combat is pretty much unchanged" stuff i'm hearing, it's safe to assume the level penalties in place and likely just as strict as it was before.

Honestly, i've somewhat expected this ever since the March trailer. We see an underleveld Reyn and Riki missing everything and the same trailer had confirmed that there is no dexterity stat. Your hit-rate and evasion are determined by your agility stat once again.

Honestly, i think XenoblaDE just has a minor case of remake syndrome where the stuff that should've been changed isn't because it's a remake.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

There was a Unique Monster on a balcony and I somehow managed to throw him over the rail of said balcony, which instantly won me that fight.

Unironically, this is a valid strat. The enemies suffer fall damage just as you do (i don't think they do in X because that game doesn't have fall damage) so if you're ever in a situation where you can exploit that fact, you should try to go for it.

Of course, if the height is too great, the enemy might just fall out of range which will end the battle and i don't think you get anything out of it.

1 hour ago, Caster said:

Is anyone here a Mega Man fan?

I played Mega Man 2 and the Mega Man Zero collection on the DS. Fun games.

But if we're looking at Mega Man-like game, the Azure Striker Gunvolt series is my best pick.

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After several arduous hours and defeating Diamond Weapon, I now have a Gold Chocobo and Knights of the Round. I don't plan on annihilating the rest of the game with it, so I might just save it for Sephiroth or something. The hardest part was getting a blue and green Chocobo of different genders; eventually I gave up on getting a male green Chocobo and decided to breed for a green female and blue male instead.

I also visited the Sunken Gelnika in the meantime. Even though most of the enemies there could one shot all of my characters, I still got every item aside from the Megalixirs with my unbeatable strategy (i.e. running away). Emerald Weapon was "nice" enough to park itself right outside when I was done, though I surfaced to avoid fighting it as I presently don't plan on being one-rounded by it. I do plan on defeating Ultimate Weapon before confronting Sephiroth, though Ruby and Emerald will have to wait until later. After FFVII, I'll probably fight the true final boss of Dragon Quest XI to finish the main plot before XCDE releases.

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Oh, I remember how Emerald would pull that troll move. Sunken Gelnika is the best place to farm stat up items, although I've yet to actually do that.

Speaking of, I've never beaten Emerald nor Ruby. Perhaps if I ever play VII again, I'll actually do it this time. Actually, I still have the saves of my last one. Could try it there.

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Wasn't expecting to see tiddy halfway through King Kong Lives, even if it was for like two seconds.

The movie was PG-13 btw. I guess the 80s were a different time.

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King Kong Lives is very bad. A sequel that didn't need to exist of a remake that was pretty bad. 

After this, only King Kong Escapes, the other Toho-produced King Kong movie, is left. And then i'll have watched every single King Kong movie. 

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I'd say, I'm only really familiar with the first Battle Network game.

Oh, and the anime adaptation, when it aired on TV over here... which I'm pretty sure it did, since it was in Spanish and all...

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, I'm only really familiar with the first Battle Network game.

Oh, and the anime adaptation, when it aired on TV over here... which I'm pretty sure it did, since it was in Spanish and all...

The first one is quite rough around the edges, as I understand. The oldest one I have is 2.

I heard the anime was pretty weird. I think there's a point where the universe disintegrates and Mega Man just sorta...says no, so the universe comes back.

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Just now, AnonymousSpeed said:

The first one is quite rough around the edges, as I understand. The oldest one I have is 2.

I heard the anime was pretty weird. I think there's a point where the universe disintegrates and Mega Man just sorta...says no, so the universe comes back.

Admittedly, can only say I've watched up to when it was the adaptation of the second game. Don't think I watched beyond that. I think.

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33 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

If your talking about MMBN, I'm a huge fan!

I haven't gotten to BN or SF yet. I've played like everything else. I was just curious in general around here.

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And now I'm done with Civ VI for a long while with an English Eleanor of Aquitaine Culture Victory (Pangaea map with high sea levels- Eleanor's best setup) where I made the Ottomans, Greeks and Mapuche all being wiped off the map from the power of the Court of Love. Dido was on the map, so I stood no chance of conquering the entire world without firing a single shot, hence the turn to a Culture win, but it was a fun way to play. The glowing pink crown- the mark of betrayal any empire should fear.:D:

A second Domination Victory on King rounded out my current addiction. The very long version of it:


After several resets, I got a Twisted Axis map that had a good start for me as Hungary. No geothermal fissures anywhere on the map, but I was able to build three great early cities along rivers to utilize Pearl of the Danube's production boost. I was debating whether to try Diplomatic or Domination, but Japan made that decision for me, it was not unexpected as I had blocked Japan ability to settle outside of tundra, I had settled no more than 11 tiles from the capital of Kyoto, and I didn't build any walls. I had bait dangling before Hojo's eyes, and he took it.

When I could see the approaching army preceding the declaration of war, I put Matthias Corvinus to the test. To get the most out of Hungary, I had raised the City-State count to 18, and was fortunate enough to have Palenque and Mexico City near the main target of Hojo's coming aggression. I attained suzerainty over both of them and before Japan's declaration offered up my entire treasury to levying the two City-States to bring their large armies to my defense. Hojo suddenly got cold feet and didn't start a war, a pity, because I would've felt guilty going Domination if I had to strike first blood. I spent the time building my economy for future levies. Though the levies had yet to expire, Japan at last tried to attack me. And heroically my hired forces swept back the Japanese, well, except for them getting out Samurai when I was marching on Kyoto, those were too strong for Archers and Warriors. Instead, I had to settle for peace, during which I continued to grow my economy, got some Iron to improve my hired help, and increased my Culture for the Civics-provided Envoys and the Monarchy government so I could build the Foreign Ministry. When Japan restarted the war, I had Crossbows and Swordsmen, with which I easily repelled the approach on two of my cities and then conquered Kyoto, but nothing else because I'm merciful when I dominate.

With one capital seized, I had another six to go. At this point, it became too easy. The Ottomans were my second conquest, and they had never expanded north towards me along the fertile plains of the coast, their empire was stuck being small in the south, partly because it lost a city to the Zulu, whose army was nearly nonexistent as I saw it. Palenque, Mexico City, Jerusalem, and Kumasi provided me with all the manpower I required for taking Istanbul, and afterwards I conquered Ankara which the Zulu had stole, and I claimed another city of theirs before I got their capital. Akkad, Kabul, Muscat,  La Venta, and Ngazargamu were all in my suzerainty too, but Akkad was taken from me and had no soldiers, Kabul was too far away to be too useful most of the time, and Nagazargamu I had to liberate from the Zulu so it never provided me with a single soldier.

Beyond this, I took the time to get to some Niter at last for Bombards and Musketmen, and fought short and easy Protectorate Wars on the Ottomans and Japanese. On a joint war Pericles talked me into (he posed no threat to my suzerainty besides stealing La Venta early) I sailed over icy water and took Aleppo from a very weak Arabia which Persia had further ruined, I razed Mecca when I didn't need to as well. Persia happened to be at war with Arabia by sheer coincidence, and when Cyrus stole the Cairo I had weakened, I declared war on him. Persia got flanked by me because of Geneva suzerainty, which I didn't realize at first was a much easier way to take Pasargadae than from Cairo, two Musketmen and one Bombard swiped the undefended city for all his military was up north.

With suzerainty over Antioch and Nasca, and dragging my veterans from the Japan-Ottoman-Zulu campaign, I could rush to Ottawa and dominate Canada through its soft underbelly. Canada ended up being the hardest foe I faced, many units of good quality and overlapping city defense and Encampment ranges made meant I had to scrap a rush. I pulled back, constantly rotated my two dozen or so troops so they could heal, and whittled away Canada's large military just beyond the defensive crossfire, while upgrading a Bombard to Artillery and squeezing in the EXP for a 4 promotion and +1 attack range. Ottawa was sniped out of its defenses taken and another two cities to clear the way to the west coast for my final campaign against Greece were arranged.

Greece was invaded via the northern Nan Madol backdoor I got last minute suzerainty over (but, with 1000 Culture per turn, I had Gunboat Diplomacy so I didn't need it). Genevans, Vilinusians, Antananarivoans, and some others who had made the trip from Cairo were its participants. With Coal reserves on hand, I made upgraded into a fleet of four Battleships who with two Artillery shelled one city and one Encampment letting me safely creep around to Athens and besiege it into surrender and thus a finished Domination Victory in less than 230 turns. Pericles had worse walls than Laurier, maybe two soldiers to defend himself, and five unemployed Great Artists/Writers/Musicians. 

The short of it, is that I never built eight combat units myself, and yet had maybe 30-50 soldiers at my disposal.

That is the beauty of Matthias Corvinus, you can seize the world without wasting time on creating an army yourself. You suzerain the city-states with sizable armies, levy them, upgrade the mercenary hordes for next to no cost, and set them loose on the world. Between Raven King and the Foreign Ministry, they will all have +9 Combat Strength and +2 Movement for forever, it never wears off. You can't form Corps and Armies out of these hired hands, but you don't need that.

There is so much that can go wrong here: a rival swipes your suzerainty when you need it most, a city-state depletes its army and never rebuilds it, all the city-states get gobbled up by the city-state-hating AI before you can get to them. But when it all comes together, it feels indescribably sublime.

Reading Matthias Corvinus's Civ VI historical bio, can FE please get a character based on the dude? The man seems perfect for FE, you don't need to invent stuff to make him interesting. He has many of the components for being an awesome character already.


13 hours ago, Caster said:

Is anyone here a Mega Man fan?

I've played Classic 1-6, and most 7. Never got far in 8 because JUMP! JUMP! SLIDE! SLIDE!

I did complete X1 on the Wii U Virtual Console too, but I never bought 2 or 3 or got past a single boss in X4 which I had bought for a dollar on my PS3. I needed restore points for Sigma in X1, and I did use some restore points in Classic Legacy Collection as additional mid-stage checkpoints. I tried not to cheese too much on the platforming or bosses however (exceptions existed- Yellow Devil).

I got the DS X collection, I regret it, Easy Mode Scenario only for me, otherwise too hard.

Got BN1 on the Wii U Virtual Console, I got far I think, but I never finished it. The action is harder than I would've expected for a game whose supposed target audience would be young kids, some restore points in the middle of the Internet were called for from time to time.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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