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9 minutes ago, Caster said:

Retribution is really useful on Maddening BL, because it has the most seige tomes. Doesn't make it any less annoying.

And then there was me, not knowing that Retribution existed, taking like 30 minutes of every map just running enemies out of their siege stuff with tanky enough units...
Yeah, I sucked at this game. Probably still do. XD

9 minutes ago, Caster said:

Maddening Endgame also has ambush spawn Seige tomes. That's fun.

That's exactly the kind of stuff that made me not want to even attempt it. Ambush spawns are like the antithesis of fairness. Sure, it may be realistic - I mean, why WOULDN'T armies ambush each other in an actual war? - but it makes for some incredibly garbage-tier game design.

9 minutes ago, Caster said:

In fairness, she never attacks the same person twice, and barely hits. Usually.

That's all fine and dandy until she attacks someone who has been weakened or is in general too weak to survive a hit from her and still be useful.
Poor Flayn and Mercedes. 😭

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45 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, I sucked at this game. Probably still do. XD

That makes two of us! I'm not great at strategy either, so you're not alone, there.

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Alright, so after pretty much completing XenoblaDE, I gotta say my order of favorites in terms of gameplay.

Xenoblade 2: Torna>Xenoblade 1/Xenoblade 2>Xenoblade X.

I think 1 and 2 both have their charms that make them both equal to me, but Torna easily takes the cake. I really think they outdid themselves with the gameplay overall. Also, as personal bias, Lora is my favorite Xenoblade main character, so there's that as well. X is great, but it's just lacking something to me. Although the amount of Tyrant's in game made fighting them really fun, I can give it that. Xenoblade 1 is great for the beginning. Fun gameplay that is only hindered by buggy programming. Also, some annoying things like gem crafting that takes an hour or two if you're lazy with it. 2 Really upped the gameplay speed, and having soooo many options available made it never dull. I never had to use the same setup every playthrough, which was amazing. They really outdid themselves with superbosses as well, and my favorite game to explore places was in 2. They were beautiful, no doubt about it, breathtaking.

As for Xenosaga it would be:

Xenosaga Episode III> Xenosaga Episode I > Xenosaga Episode II.

III just flows the best and doesn't take half hours to complete boss fights. I also like the attack animations and the character ability charts, makes them feel unique and all useful, which is neat. I is still really fun to me, I love the flashy attack graphics. And as a personal favorite, I love the animation of Jr.'s Coin Snap attack, it's stylish to watch. Then there's II... Thanks to @Armagon I realized how flawed this system is. The battles against generic enemies feel so slow and repetitive, and that's too bad. The battles aren't hard, just slow. The music isn't amazing, but I like some of them.

Anyone is free to weigh in, although i'm not sure how many have played the Xeno series.

Also, I won't be comparing Xenogears to anything, since it has no follow up games to compare to.

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Who wants to tell him?

8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Cosmetic gear! I'm glad that I can give my characters useful equipment without making them look silly.

Agreed. The new Prodigal Armor sets are overall my favorite armor sets in the game and i'm glad i can wear them without having to take in it's shit stats.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looking over the Wiki, if you wanted to use Collectibles to boost Affinity, then having Reyn give Dunban 250 Prairie Dragonflies would work. You can trade for them in Colony 9 at minimal Area Affinity requirements.

Slow I know. Even if you had Love Sources available, which you can't b/c inability to get 5* Colony 6 Area Affinity ATM, you'd need 50 of those.

I was hoping they added a "mass gift" option but nope. Still gotta gift individually.

Speaking of Affinity, i'm reminded of how much i hated Heart-to-Hearts being gated behind Affinity, ususally high-level. I appreciate them being recorded in the Event Theater but actually getting to see them is a different matter entierly. Hopefully the inevitable Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (the inevitable X2 will likely keep Affinity Missions, which is it's own thing entierly) takes the Xenoblade 2 route of allowing you to view Heart-to-Hearts the moment you find them.

5 hours ago, Caster said:

What do you mean kind of? That's the cutest damn support in the game!

The entire Support chain is just Felix teasing Annette and it's so wholesome. Definitly one of the best Supports in the game.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And then there was me, not knowing that Retribution existed, taking like 30 minutes of every map just running enemies out of their siege stuff with tanky enough units...
Yeah, I sucked at this game. Probably still do. XD

Don't worry, i didn't know Retribution existed either. Or the other Battalion that gives you an extra +5 move.

Sometimes, my strategy of "offense is the best defense" makes me miss certain strats.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

The battles against generic enemies feel so slow and repetitive, and that's too bad. The battles aren't hard, just slow.

And it really shows how bad it is during the second half of the game. I put up with it early on because i thought it'd get better but no. Episode II was a mistake.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, I won't be comparing Xenogears to anything, since it has no follow up games to compare to.

I'd still put it on the list personally. It's too important to the Xeno series to leave out of the rankings.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And it really shows how bad it is during the second half of the game. I put up with it early on because i thought it'd get better but no. Episode II was a mistake.

I'd still put it on the list personally. It's too important to the Xeno series to leave out of the rankings.

Please don't remind me, just please. At first, I really did like the game, I dont know why its lost something. almost done with I, but I think I'll skip to III this times then II. 

Well that's true, I was comparing to the similar games in their series, so I didn't think it was fair, but you have a good point! Welp, time to revise my list! 

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I think I'll skip to III this times then II. 

Honestly, i tell everyone who's looking to play Xenosaga the same. Play Episode I, watch Episode II's cutscenes and then play Episode III.

On the bright side, Episode II does have some sick cutscenes.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Honestly, i tell everyone who's looking to play Xenosaga the same. Play Episode I, watch Episode II's cutscenes and then play Episode III.

That sounds about right. Well, I would at least say to give II a try. 

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

That sounds about right. Well, I would at least say to give II a try. 

I do know someone who says that Episode II's combat is favorite out of the trilogy so someone being in the same boat isn't completely out of the question. But i don't think a lot of people would be willing to put up with it.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I do know someone who says that Episode II's combat is favorite out of the trilogy so someone being in the same boat isn't completely out of the question. But i don't think a lot of people would be willing to put up with it.

Well, it doesnt stand out at all to me, which I dont like. As I said before, I has flashy graphics and neat animations, III has character uniqueness and well done battle animations. II is somewhere in the middle.

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@Lightchao42 @lightcosmo @Interdimensional Observer

Not sure if any of you have seen this already (I did but I forgot to post it) but there's some new stuff here. Some of it we did already know but the biggest revelation ended up disproving a long-held theory in the series: the Bionis Shoulder was never intended to be in the original version of the game. The whole time, it was just a test map that they eventually worked into some cutscenes. And given nothing in the game is pre-rendered, that led people to think that the Shoulder was a cut area. But that was never the case.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Lightchao42 @lightcosmo @Interdimensional Observer

Not sure if any of you have seen this already (I did but I forgot to post it) but there's some new stuff here. Some of it we did already know but the biggest revelation ended up disproving a long-held theory in the series: the Bionis Shoulder was never intended to be in the original version of the game. The whole time, it was just a test map that they eventually worked into some cutscenes. And given nothing in the game is pre-rendered, that led people to think that the Shoulder was a cut area. But that was never the case.

Huh, well that explains alot. They did a good job fitting it in with the rest of Bionis. Will watch that when I can, though! I wonder if they had grander plans, but just didn't follow through with them?

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

On the bright side, Episode II does have some sick cutscenes.

I've never seen a cutscene from either Ep II or XS I&II, but this does leave me wondering how effectively Monolith was able to transfer the narrative's potency into, what I assume would be graphics like this:


This the one screenshot I've permitted myself to see of the game.

You can tell a good story on a DS, but going from 3D to 2D (with maybe a few seconds of 3D cutscenes) is an overall sacrifice in presentation.


33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not sure if any of you have seen this already (I did but I forgot to post it) but there's some new stuff here. Some of it we did already know but the biggest revelation ended up disproving a long-held theory in the series: the Bionis Shoulder was never intended to be in the original version of the game. The whole time, it was just a test map that they eventually worked into some cutscenes. And given nothing in the game is pre-rendered, that led people to think that the Shoulder was a cut area. But that was never the case.

There goes the idea of a lone surviving giant, I liked to imagine the very big house in the town was for one.

This means the magical water spout to the Eryth Sea, an oddity in an otherwise "natural" progression up the Bionis, was intended too.

On the "no leeway for more Bionis", maybe they're referring to the "fact" I heard that XC1 was sold on a single-layered disc in Japan, when a dual-layered disc would've allowed more stuff to fit in. Rather than running out of space, it probably means the usual time and money though.

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Ugh, that urnexpected at Mt. Batten. 1/8 chance my foot, no way I've repeated the same battle so many times without triggering the item drop by this point. The RNG is just not favoring me today...

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Not sure if any of you have seen this already (I did but I forgot to post it) but there's some new stuff here. Some of it we did already know but the biggest revelation ended up disproving a long-held theory in the series: the Bionis Shoulder was never intended to be in the original version of the game. The whole time, it was just a test map that they eventually worked into some cutscenes. And given nothing in the game is pre-rendered, that led people to think that the Shoulder was a cut area. But that was never the case.

When I saw that I was mentioned in this topic, I assumed you wanted to talk about this article (translated from this Spanish article) in which Takahashi says that he would like to make a smaller scale project, but for now would rather focus on increasing the value of the Xenoblade brand. This probably indicates that the new game that was worked on alongside XCDE is another Xenoblade game.

As for what you said, I was thinking earlier that if the Shoulder was meant to be a visitable location, it must have been cut early since it didn't seem that its absence affected the story in any way. It's unusual that the developers put so much work into an area that they never planned to include in the final game (compared to, say, Super Mario Sunshine's test level), but I'm not a developer so what do I know? I think people assumed that the Shoulder was meant to be visited between Makna Forest and Eryth Sea, since in the final game they're connected by a teleporter and not a direct path.

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“Regarding Okami, that’s actually the project she wants to make a reality the most. As long as she goes after it, she has a feeling the chances are pretty high that it might become a reality. After quarantine is over and the world becomes normal again, she is planning to make a visit to Capcom and propose the idea, but for her the most important thing is that if it would happen, she wants Kamiya-san to direct it again.”

Well this is a direct answer. May Capcom respond with a direct "yes".


“That’s been a hot topic lately! I’d be down for doing that! Of course, we’re all very excited to make new games, too. We’ll need to think long and hard about what the next Shantae adventure will be – but a remake isn’t outside the realm of possibility!”

The latest Shantae has been getting 8/10s on average recently, thats good news. And I do think remaking the fairly inaccessible and dated first would be a good move. I never grabbed it on 3DS. Show me the origins of the charm!


1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

This probably indicates that the new game that was worked on alongside XCDE is another Xenoblade game.

XCX- Wait, what about the unnamed fantasy vaporware?! Has it been titularly converted into Xeno as a precaution? The fantasy project sounds like it would've been a smaller title to me.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

've never seen a cutscene from either Ep II or XS I&II, but this does leave me wondering how effectively Monolith was able to transfer the narrative's potency into, what I assume would be graphics like this:


This the one screenshot I've permitted myself to see of the game.

You can tell a good story on a DS, but going from 3D to 2D (with maybe a few seconds of 3D cutscenes) is an overall sacrifice in presentation.

I know the DS remake had a lot of CG stills, which is common in lower-budget JRPGs but that's the extent of my knowledge.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This means the magical water spout to the Eryth Sea, an oddity in an otherwise "natural" progression up the Bionis, was intended too.

Now knowing that the Shoulder was never intended, this makes the magical water spout stand out more like a sore thumb. On one hand, i think it's really cool how you can see Eryth Sea from Makan Forest (i like to think that when it rains, it's actually the water of Eryth Sea passing through whatever barrier holds it in place) but on the other hand, it kinda sucks how it breaks up how connected the areas are a bit.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

When I saw that I was mentioned in this topic, I assumed you wanted to talk about this article (translated from this Spanish article) in which Takahashi says that he would like to make a smaller scale project, but for now would rather focus on increasing the value of the Xenoblade brand. This probably indicates that the new game that was worked on alongside XCDE is another Xenoblade game.

I actually found out about that like two hours ago haha.

I do wonder if that "smaller scale project" refers to that M-rated game Takahashi said he wanted to make. It'd be Nintendo's first M-rated game if that was the case.

As for increasing the value of the Xenoblade brand, that doesn't surprise me but it's nice to hear.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wait, what about the unnamed fantasy vaporware?! Has it been titularly converted into Xeno as a precaution? The fantasy project sounds like it would've been a smaller title to me.

We still don't know. It could be the smaller scale project. Heck, we know they are working on another game. It could be that.

But, to limit some expectations, remember that Monolith put up similar concept art for a fantasy game on 3DS that came to be. Currently undecided if the fantasy IP we saw in 2018 would meet the same fate, if it's what became of the 3DS project or if it became a new "Xeno".


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30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We still don't know. It could be the smaller scale project. Heck, we know they are working on another game. It could be that.


Whatever it is. I'm on board with it!

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With the addition of Future Connected and the Bionis' Shoulder, i decided to recreate my Xenoblade areas tierlist. Though of course, some areas are spoilers so i had to obscure them. But if you've played through the game(s), you know what they are.


In the Land of Morytha's case (had to abbreviate, otherwise it wouldn't fit), the name itself doesn't spoil anything but the screenshot definitly does.

The only legitamtely bad areas on this list are the ones in "No" tier.

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9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Really, my opinion on Silver Snow isn't the best, either, because when I played it for the first time, it was just Verdant Wind without Claude, without my favorite battle in the game, and a crappy final boss that is zero fun to fight.
But I do like that Seteth and Flayn, two of the best characters in Three Houses in my opinion, get more spotlight in that route. And "A Funeral of Flowers" is the best final map theme in the game for me, even if the final battle itself is craptastic, especially in comparison to Verdant Wind's (speaking purely from a gameplay perspective here).
I also associate this theme with the route, which probably helps.

That is the case on Normal or Hard, too.
There is such a thing as "too many siege weapons".

Also, whoever thought it was a good idea to make a boss with 30 f***ing range able to attack twice in one turn is a sadist of the highest order.

Golden Deers's final map was actually the worst but also the most fun. Worst because it's the easiest by far because it has no reinforcements and the boss is pathetic, but fun at the same time since you can take your time.

Black Eagles's final map was my favorite in terms of design and not too hard either with rescue strategies on Edelgard. 

Silver Snow's "problem" is Seteth because chapter of 13. He's a cool guy, but a crappy unit. At least his bases leave to be desired.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

yup. 100% Felix C support

Well done!



I played a bit more World of Light yesterday evening. I bought Kyra for the first time. It's a really cool bossfight honestly. Of course not as epic as Tabuh in terms of design and music, but the fight was incredibly tough. It has some of surprising attacks, so it's very hard to learn its patterns. I should be able to finish it till the end of this week, so I can continue with XenobaldeDE.

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And so, Blue Reflection joins the ranks of games that make me feel like a wimp. Reveals and stuff happened that made my tearducts go "commence opening of floodgates". That makes three games now, I believe.

And then this thing showed up:
Not pictured here is the fact that this... whatever it is is mounted on a spider-walking humanoid figure... that has its own face, because of course. Eldritch Abomination indeed.


New CYOA part will probably be sometime today. I'm feeling kinda sick right now and thus I'm not entirely able to focus on such things. But it will come, that much I promise.

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