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Bad characters you just can't stop using


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Ronan! I don't care if your strength and defense never go up! Just activate continue and remove! Actually my current Ronan isn't too bad. His magic hasn't overtaken his strength yet.

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Edward in Hard Mode. So maybe he's decent, but I just love using Edward. Oh, and I also like using Soren but I guess he's ok. I also like using Rhys because his animation looks cool.

I also like using Rath, Ross, Rebecca(though I've recently stopped using her), Fin. Maybe few others, but I can't remember. Well, Ewan can make it into this group too.

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Oh god where to start!

FE7: Rath, Nino (sometimes), Bartre, and Matthew (as a combat unit loool).

FE8: Neimi, Amelia, The other Trainees, Moulder, L'Arachel (some have a beef with her..).

FE9: Soren (still dont get all the hate, mang.)

FE10: dohohoho!! Fiona, Sigrun, Mordy, Vika, Ilyana (sometimes), Soren (again...the hate..do not even...), Tanith, Astrid, Makalov, ALL THE BAD UNITS EVER except Lyre, Kyza, and Brom.

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FE10 Ilyana. She's bad, right? I just use her because she's pretty, and I think she's funny.

I like using Lilina too. She always gets just enough speed to double for me even on Hard, and the super accurate Fire was good enough for her thanks to her ridiculous Mag, so she worked for me.

I have a soft spot for FE9 Lucia as well.

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all of these, they have all been said already.

of course, I don't actually think they are bad.

It doesn't make a difference if they've been said already or not. It's possible for different people to enjoy using the same bad character(s). ._. Wait, I think I misunderstood what you were saying. Ignore me.

While I'm here I'd like to mention FE7 Bartre, Renault, and Wallace. I can't believe I forgot them the first time.

Edited by Gustave
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FE10 Sothe and Micaiah on the ToG. Sothe's only useful for guarding casters/archers, at least when he's underleveled. Micaiah can barely survive a hit and besides she's a mere staffbot on 4-F-3.

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Tinny (FE4) - I've used her with Azel and Levin as parents. She has a slow start but ends pretty good.

Marty (FE5) - Odo and Sety scrolls make him a monster. Early promotion for great gains make him even better.

Selfina (FE5) - Early Brave Bow access is probably her one saving grace, but what can I say, I like her a lot.

Lilina (FE6) - I always use her. Never imagined she was actually considered bad.

The Dawn Brigade on Hard Mode (FE10) - These are my favorite guys in the Tellius universe and I still remember that time I managed to use Eddie, Leo, Nolan, Laura and Aran all in one HM playthrough. Felt good man.

Norne (FE11) - Probably qualifies as bad since she requires to sacrifice two dudes to unlock, but she's so pretty I'm willing to do that.

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