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[FE10] Rate the Unit According to Draft Performance


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Zihark's average is 8.1.

Next up is:

Day 13: Tauroneo

Pros: Great bases for his jointime. Is practically invincible in 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 unless you can somehow get him killed like Silver Harpoon. Great weapon ranks so he can use good axes and lances from base. Can be fixed through BEXP and promotion in 3-12 and 3-13. He can handle the enemies down the ravine in 3-12 near his deployment slot. Decent 3-13 too. Resolve!caiah is possible because of him lol (not counting this but its true).

Cons: He leaves after 1-6-2, not showing up until 3-12 again...thats terrible availability right there. He is locked to Hawk Army in Part 4. Mediocre growths.

I give Tauroneo a 5/10

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Zihark's average is 8.1.

Next up is:

Day 13: Tauroneo

Pros: Great bases for his jointime. Is practically invincible in 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 unless you can somehow get him killed like Silver Harpoon. Great weapon ranks so he can use good axes and lances from base. Can be fixed through BEXP and promotion in 3-12 and 3-13. He can handle the enemies down the ravine in 3-12 near his deployment slot. Decent 3-13 too. Resolve!caiah is possible because of him lol (not counting this but its true).

Cons: He leaves after 1-6-2, not showing up until 3-12 again...thats terrible availability right there. He is locked to Hawk Army in Part 4. Mediocre growths.

I give Tauroneo a 5/10

Its totally possible to kill him without much fuss. He barely survives if he gets hit by the hammer dude in 1-6-1, and then the other reinforcements finish him off.

Then again, I believe this happened in hard mode, so uh, maybe there's less chance in normal mode? dunno.

Oh yeah, my rating: 6/10. He's pretty good and helps a lot in 1-6. His growths are pretty good too, being all-round and all. Still, availability. >.<

Edited by Marth
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Bad availability, but when he is around he is a decent unit. He is a good, near last round choice. He helps 3-12 and might even be easier to get something like a 2 turns (theoretically, i'll try on my other run hopefully if my wii works or somethng :/) or something.


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Good bases in part 1, 1-2 range and that's about it. Availibility that almost makes the LEA's look good. He's strong in 1-6, but probably won't speed up your completion of those chapters by much. Needs a crown for 3-12. He's solid there. 3-13 he can 2-turn the map, but giving the boots to Tauroneo? Ewww. 4-2 is meh, those I guess he wouldn't actually be that slow if you gave him the boots for 3-13. 4-5 he's not helping a 1-2 turn. Endgame is poop.


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He does make 1-6-1 easier, but I can 4-turn it without him. He's baws in the chapters that he exists in but he has trouble existing so derp.

What were the story reasons why he wasn't available for endgame again?

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Zihark's average is 8.1.

Next up is:

Day 13: Tauroneo

Pros: Great bases for his jointime. Is practically invincible in 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 unless you can somehow get him killed like Silver Harpoon.


wait a minute what the hell

Mediocre growths.

How can you call Zihark's growths "good" despite Tauroneo's being better? The only one that might bite him is his Str growth, but that's fixable.

Its totally possible to kill him without much fuss. He barely survives if he gets hit by the hammer dude in 1-6-1, and then the other reinforcements finish him off.

Then again, I believe this happened in hard mode, so uh, maybe there's less chance in normal mode? dunno.

It's easier to get him killed in HM because of WTD.

I never used Tauroneo, so I'm not rating him.

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Tauros's bases aren't so mediocre...they're just like, "...o.O?!wtf is this?!" His growths are similar to Fiona's. His bases are good for P1 but not as good for a lv. 14 General, lol 21 def :facepalm: . He fails due to availability, he has nothing special for someone draft him with urgence and neither he does something really special. Lol, he has innate Resolve and it's given to Miccy or another Sage hahaha, poor Tauros. At least he has capped weapon levels.

1-6-1: He may help with reinforcements.

1-6-2: Shove Sothe lol.



3-12: Go down the gap and kill enemies.

3-13: Luna Ike in 4 turns considering no Boots.

4-2: Play with reinforcements.

4-5: Play with kitties.

Endgame: Lol.


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Decent for a while, then his bases suck later on.

Not high priority for drafting.

And, I really did get him killed once.....

Unequipped and with no resolve, or vulns.

Proves my idiocy 3 months ago.


He helps out, but fuck his availibility.

Weapon ranks are good though.

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Sorry. I fell asleep. I knew I had to update this but I couldnt. Lets just do Fiona and the next one.

Tauroneo's average is 4.6.

Day 14: Fiona and Day 15: Tormod


Cons because they are easier to list when it comes to fiona: Joins severely underleveled. Takes forever to get her up to par with the other DBs even if she is your only unit. Several DB maps hinder her move or just plain dont let her move like 3-6. Inaccurate. Meh offensive growths. She doesnt exist in 1-8 just like Jill (not like she would help there since shed take too long to leave the island). BEXP severely favors spd and her defenses. Abandoning hp str skl.

Pros: She joins with a savior that you can take off her. Is at least meh in 3-12 and Part 4. Bulky and speedy. Can hit 34 speed in endgame.

I give Fiona a 2/10. Experience hog, comes too late and on top of that, too much work to get her to work.


Pros: Joins as a level 5 mage with great offense. Helps a lot in 1-8. Is decent in 1-E and can snipe a mage in 1-7 to allow sothe to keep moving. Is salvageable in NM 4-4 with all the BEXP you get. He can be made a decent combatant with paragon, BEXP, a spirit dust and probably a wing. He can Meteor generals from afar in 4-4, he can handle the west room and can get to Ike with Rafiel's help to help him with Oliver's room. Decent offense in 4-E-1 and he can also be really good for 4-E-5 for what that is worth if you draft Nasir and he has capped spd.

Cons: TERRIBLE availability. Low mag growth for a mage. TERRIBLE availability. And, terrible availability.

I give him a 5/10

He's good when you have him, but that availability...

Edited by PKL
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Fiona: 1.5/10

If you are forced to use her heavily, you're going to be kind of screwed. If she'd your only DB pick, prepare to take penalties/take a LONG time doing things. She also fails to grow out of her suckage.

Tormod: 4/10.

He's not that bad, but like said... DAT availibility...

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At least she may eventually have something to offer.

Unlike Lyre

But, I tried to use her once, and she was average.

But costs a crapload of resources. Like a ton of energy drops, skill books, and Forges. And bexp.

34 speed is good for endgame if you have Nasir.



Where'd he go?

Apparently Calill and Muarim never taught him the term "availibility"

He'll turn out decently if you can burn bexp on him later on.

His strength growth is the same as Ikes....

His teachers better, way better imo.

At least she has several more chapters to grow.

But he doesn't have that goddamn bellyshirt that Sothe has. If he had, I'd give him a -9/10

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Pros: Joins as a level 5 mage with great offense.

*Sage *o*

I give Fiona a 1, because she can't even promote in my game without crashing it. If I was unbiased, I'd still give her a 1.

Tormod gets a 4, because, despite being useful when he's around, he only has 4 chapters before Endgame. I'd give him more if he had actual availability.

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Tormod gets a 2/10 from me I can't see him being a better choice than Vika or Muarim when both of them beat him in Part 1 & 4 due to high move + resources. It sucks that he's stuck in Ike's route otherwise he'd be more useful in Miccy's, he needs BEXP.

Fiona gets a 4/10 from me, she has a horse and I need someone using javelins or axes for Hawk team and she's usually picked very late. She's one of the worst DB choice but can still turn out useful, needs BEXP.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Valiant Lady of Marado

It's a shame getting a Lv.09 Lance Cav with such terrible bases, yet, her growths may help her, somehow. Her Part 1 sucks, she'll be needing bunches of BEXP, a drop, a book and a shield, (a robe also comes handy) and one or two forged lances. She's useless in 3-6 and receives move reduction in 3-13 so, derp. She has nothing special to offer in P4, yet, she might be useful in the Hawk Army with forged Javelins, still, there are plenty of other units that may do what she does in much a better, and, perhaps, efficient way.



Nice spd, decent bases, yet, he may leave alive some bandits in 1-8 so he'll need a forged Fire or a level up. He'll need plenty of training in 4-4, BEXP and maybe Resolve for better performance. Lol his availability, why isn't he available in P3 if Rafiel tells Ike everything about the fatass senators and he's with Nailah and the LEA? Oh well...


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Fiona 0/10

I have never had any desire to draft her and there is no real reason to do so. You are better off just letting her be at base. Unless for some reaosn everyother DB was taken. She takes a crapload of resources only to end mediocre at best. And to whoever say Lyre is useless, Lyre atleast uses the BEXP well, unlike fiona who even with it is still crap.

Tormod 4/10

He's a good second unit part 1 choice. After that you never hear from him again until halfway through part 4 where he comes underleveled. :/. He can be made into a decent unit, from there, but it takes some BEXP, and resources to help him cap and a master crown. Good last second to last round pick.

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Fiona: 1/10. In addition to being massively underleveled with terrible bases and having her usefulness insanely reduced by the maps she's available for, she eats resources that your main DB member probably wants.

Tormod: 4/10. His shining moment is 1-8, especially if your DBer is Jill. Unfortunately, there are rumors he may have some availability issues... :dry:

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Fiona's average is 1.6...wow not even queen elincia's rating could save her from her doom xD. Tormod's average is 4.

Day 16: Muarim

Pros: Is absolutely insane when you get him. Makes a great bosskiller with high movement too. Helps a lot in 1-8. Salvageable in 4-4 NM iirc. Costs no resources to ORKO bandits in 1-8 unlike tormod who needs a forge for some.

Cons: Just like Tormod: AVAILABILITY. Doubling issues when he rejoins. Bad caps for endgame. Transformation issues. Might have more trouble handling a side of 1-8 than Tormod due to having to wait like 2-3 turns for grass. No 2 range.

I give Muarim a 3.5/10. IMO, hes a worse choice than Tormod but still decent. Just dont expect him to do much after he rejoins. That .5 is probably bias speaking because he was clutch in a recent NM draft I played :p.

Also, I added placings to the OP.

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