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[FE10] Rate the Unit According to Draft Performance


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Raifel is undoubtedly the best heron in the game in most aspects. He's the best performance of all herons, because he doesn't need to transform to perform better. Singing Galdr to all adjacent units is just awemazing, yet his movement is sacrificed (I think) in exchange of such ability.

Of course he's frail but there's no logical reason for a player to place such treasure in risk, that's like having an archer wait in front of a bunch of enemies (unless they're tigers or cats and this archer has Beastfoe+Crossbow XD).

1-8: He's useful in vigoring a unit going to the west, yet it's a map to be cleared quickly.

1-E: Godly useful in vigoring 2 units rushing to the throne room for a 5-6 turn clear.

4-1: More help, watch out for reinforcements and the falconknight at the beginning.

4-4: He can vigor someone to help Ike in Oliver's room for a 7 turn clear.

4-E-1: 3 turns clear thanks to his natural gift.

4-E-2: Not useful, yet, watch over him.

4-E-3: Vigor a diamond of units for a 1 turn clear on Dheg.

4-E-4: Can vigor a unit that can ORKO Sephiran with Parity.

4-E-5: An easy 2 turn clear with strong units that can kill consistently the cunning auras. He'll need to be over lv.30 (BEXP leveling up) to resist Ashera's first turn attack.

I'll give a 10/10, if not a 11/10 :awesome:

Edited by Quintessence
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Rafiel's average is 9.5.

Day 20: The Black Knight

Pros: God unit. 1-2 range monster that never dies. Can be ferried by Nailah or Volug to make the Throne Room a cakewalk while Sothe carries Miccy. The 4 turn 1-9 strat wouldnt be possible without him.

Cons: Tends to arrive late to the party. 6 move. Terrible availability.

I give him a 6/10. He is useful in 1-9 and 1-E but thats about it for me. In 3-6, he joins when the map is ending -_-.

Edited by PKL
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In 1-9 Micaiah's resolvekilling the majority of everything and the BK's just killing Jarod and other shrimps. He's useful in 1-E but only if you have someone who can rescuedrop him, otherwise he's gonna be left behind. He comes too late in 3-6 to do anything that my draftee couldn't have done already.

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He's a staple to clear out 1-9 in a remotely efficent manner and/or without an absurdly luck based strat. He can clear out the entire upper area near Jarod in a single enemy phase, and then blast him the the next turn. 3-6 he shows up too late, admittedly, but he's still unkillable and can help you get those last few kills in. I think he's worth a solid 7.5/10.

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He's a staple to clear out 1-9 in a remotely efficent manner and/or without an absurdly luck based strat. He can clear out the entire upper area near Jarod in a single enemy phase, and then blast him the the next turn. 3-6 he shows up too late, admittedly, but he's still unkillable and can help you get those last few kills in. I think he's worth a solid 7.5/10.

This made me reconsider. He's right. The 4-turn strategy with Micaiah requires her to be Spd-blessed and it's kinda risky. An average Micaiah won't be able to pull until lvl 19. With that in mind, BK is the one doing all the work at 1-9. He's also a great help at 1-E, helping Micaiah get to the throne quickly.

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BK's average is 5.6.

So, that ends Part 1's units. Now for Part 2:

Day 21: Elincia

Pros: Is one of the only ways to 1 turn 2-E. Those who dont draft her either have to rely on Nealuchi or Marcia dropped Brom in order to complete that map without penalty in a reasonable amount of turns. She is also incredibly good in the Hawk Army. Able to traverse quickly through 4-2 and kill things with Tempest Blades and Storm Swords (and of course, Amiti). And she has Rescue for 1 turning 4-5. Shes a pretty damn solid choice for a draft. Her only drawback is availability. She also has great growths. High move. Flight. Canto. Staves. Good combat all in one awesome package.

Cons: Availability. Bad bases for a Tier 3 unit. Her offense in her first map is lol due to only having a Slim Sword.

I give her an 8/10.

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Lack of availability is a drawback. Add that to the fact she has mediocre stats when she comes back and you don't want to BEXP her because it trashes her stats.

Awemiti + CEXP + average-good lv. ups = :awesome:

She's peaceful and likes to be diplomatic. Remove lolMercy and have her as a killing machine X.X. Fliers are awesome by their own.

EDIT: 7.5/10

Crimean units availability suck.

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Saves you 4 turns flat out in 2-E. (assuming you didn't already draft Nealuchi/Marcia) Flying is amazing for completing the Hawk chapters fast. Bexp, paragon and amiti exist to counteract somewhat low stats in part 4. Oh yeah, and rescue, which allows you to do some rather ridiculous things coupled with Rafiel in endgame.


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Where is the obligatory 10/10 for Elincia by Queen Elincia? -_-

Anyway, her average is 7.4.

Day 22: Oh boy, its my favorite, Marcia!

Pros: Sprite is beatiful. Flight. Canto. Good growth total (though they couldve been distributed a bit better). Shes amazing and beautiful. Promotes in 3-9 and 3 turns it like a boss. Then, she keeps being useful by ferrying Ike in 3-11 for a 4-5 turn (realistically, a 5 turn). And then, shes ridiculous in Part 4, being good in any route u put her in. Though her flight will probably be more appreciated in Silver Army.

Cons: Her str lags sometimes, good thing there is BEXP for that. Bad bases for a level 5 unit. Average availability. Her growths could be better allocated...

I give her a 10/10 err, I mean an 8.5/10.

Edited by PKL
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Where is the obligatory 10/10 for Elincia by Queen Elincia? -_-

Anyway, her average is 7.4.

Day 22: Oh boy, its my favorite, Marcia!

Pros: Sprite is beatiful. Flight. Canto. Good growth total (though they couldve been distributed a bit better). Shes amazing and beautiful. Promotes in 3-9 and 3 turns it like a boss. Then, she keeps being useful by ferrying Ike in 3-11 for a 4-5 turn (realistically, a 5 turn). And then, shes ridiculous in Part 4, being good in any route u put her in. Though her flight will probably be more appreciated in Silver Army.

Cons: Her str lags sometimes, good thing there is BEXP for that. Bad bases for a level 5 unit. Average availability. Her growths could be better allocated...

I give her a 10/10 err, I mean an 8.5/10.

I'm sure you are not biased towards this rating....

Also, 7/10.

Sounds like she does a LOT, but I have yet to try her.

appears to be a great 3rd round pick.

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3rd round pick? She is easily 2nd with all her values. I'd pick her over Elincia.

8. 3-turning 3-9 and being great for the Silver Route is my main reason drafting her.

Which is why you said that she was a prime pick for fe10.

LolFlight in CRK chapters.

Now, if she joined alongside Haar, Neph and Heather....

Also, her only cons are availibility and lowish strength grwth

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