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Rate the Unit, Day 20: Lucius


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He's, like, a dude. A dude I don't really like. A dude with some nice MAG, shitty weapon choices, good staff utility later, and the shittiest resilience approximately ever. And Erk exists, and I like Erk way more.



Wil: 1.86

Bartre: 2.8

Rebecca: 3.13

Dorcas: 4.1

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.63

Erk: 6.05

Lyn: 6.12

Matthew: 6.3

Serra: 6.3

Oswin: 6.7

Lowen: 6.75

Kent: 8.17

Hector: 8.3

Priscilla: 8.3

Florina: 8.43

Raven: 8.47

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.29

Edited by Integrity
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Lucius has LHM to fall back on for some reliable level-ups. However you're not really going to pitting him up against physical units unless it's player phase since he has some of the worst defense in the game. He does do very well against other magic units with high resistance and mag, making him very useful in certain later chapters.

Nice staff rank on promotion, and can be even more useful if promoted relatively early.

Supports with Raven.

But Light magic isn't exactly all that worth it - expensive and not very powerful.

Raven's rating: 73%

Edited by Razer
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Lucius has very sexy mag and res, so he's good for going against shamans especially and other magi in general, and he can bomb shit on player phase. He has LHM to get a few levels down his belt, and he promotes to having C staves. C is the rank when you can spam Barrier or Torch (in FOW) like crazy and hit B very quickly, allowing him to use Physic. Lucius's good mag allows him to heal a lot with Physic, with good range for it too. His speed is not shabby either.

But he's frail as fuck. I like to stick a robe on him so he doesn't die in two or less hits, but his durability is definite an issue. Still a good unit, though. Anima>Light, as well.

7.5/10. Granted I love this guy so I might've given him a few extra points but eh.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Everyone's favorite trap, though I knew he was a dude, because "Lucius" is a dude name. Ahem. He's got a lot of punch, but can't take hits. His good RES means that CoD sucks just a little less for him. His affinity means that he can gain some damage reduction, but he's not gaining as much evade or critical evade as I'd like. His support with Serra is hilarious, even if it takes forever and a day to finish. Also, he has a nice staff rank, and Nergal plays to most of his stronger points.


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Perfect choice for Aureola/Luce if you're not slapping it on Athos. Not to mention he's pretty reliable throughout the game. And C Staves after promotion make him a better staffbot than Erk/Nino. And he has better Mag than Serra/Priscilla.


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Great offence, instant C staves promoted for some reason, but... you don't want him taking hits, because he really can't. 7.5.

Also his name should've been Luca.

Edited by Furetchen
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He tends to lag behind units, especially pre-promotion, because he pretty much has to attack at 2 range to avoid a counter. Though that C staves is as sexy as his hair, I'm gonna go with a 7.

EDIT:: Made him a 7.

Edited by Aere
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Lucius is great. His MAG, especially, for his offense, and when he promotes, his C staves are pretty amazing, and actually have a chance to turn into something useful. The only thing that doesn't make him higher is his crappy durability.

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Meh.... I don't like his weapon type. Too expensive for my tastes and doesn't hit as hard as Dark or Anima which I like more. Why need him when Erk, Canas or Pent is around which I prefer more?

I'd slap Aureola/Luce on Athos; but I'm not likely gonna use those tomes anyways. I usually throw them offboard; dispose and don't use

Plus his freaking DEF and LUCK! Oh shit!


Edited by Frosty the Blizzardkitty
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