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Rate the Unit, Day 27: Heath


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Heath used to be one of the most underrated units in the game.

Well, I'm going to put it bluntly: he's underleveled. But levels aren't everything, so let's look at his bases. Offensively, he's decent enough. 14str at base yields 21 atk with iron lance, which surprisingly 2HKO's everything except knights, WKs, and cavs, and with a killer lance, he gets cavs too(and has a 58% chance at base to ORKO knights with killer). To give an idea on how good his atk is, Fiora would need to be 20/1 to match/beat Heath's str base. And not too surprisingly, he has a 50% growth in it. Very wyvern like. However, he doesn't double most enemy types with a 9 speed base. Most enemies hover around 6-9 AS in C22 and C23, which means that Heath is reliant on his atk and his 45% speed growth/+2 spd promo gains to have an offensive game(Thankfully, he reaches the 14AS benchmark at 14/1.)

His durability is amazing compared to the pegs. 31HP/12def at base allows him to take 3 hits from lower end steel lance WK's in LL(which Fiora would get 2HKO'd by until 17/0 or 11/1) and overall get 4HKO'd or better from anything that isn't an archer, a mage, or a boss. Again, Fiora would need to be 20/6 on avearge to match his def base. And did I mention that he has 85HP/30def growths to maintain his durability lead over the pegs? As an example, 14/1 Heath has 41HP/14def, which allows him to get 5HKO'd by steel lance WK's in Chapter 26, while Fiora at the same level gets 3HKO'd. A huge difference, may I say.

And of course, the crap with the flying utility. I don't need to go in such detail about flying, but Heath joins right before a desert map, which is good since he ignores the harsh move-killing terrain like a boss. Also, he completely laughs at the lake in C25 and the Water Temple in C28x. And like Flo, Heath has low enough con that he can carry promoted Hector once he promotes(and can carry promoted Oswin before promotion)

Also, his hair is the best in the game... and it's better than Delmud's.

That being said, he's not without his flaws, which is still enough to grant him an


Edited by darkandroid125
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I know it's an aesthetic matter, but I really don't get the praise Heath's hair gets...

It looks superfine and soft. The rest of him's really sexy, too.

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Well, since all you can normally see is his face and rough outline from all the armor; his hair and face is all that sets him apart for the most part. I do like the white-streak in all that green.

He is really only special because he can fly. Otherwise, he is like any other mid-late-game FE unit that you have to baby a bit in order to level-up and be on par with the others and be useful.

6.85/10 - 7/10 feels a wee-bit too high, but 6.5 is too low.

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I just cannot bring myself tp rate him over a 7, even though I know his combat skills are quite suficient. I just dont approve of babying anyone at this point in the game


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Everyone's saying stuff about late entrance, but I thought it was supposed to be from the chapter they joined at?

Elieson started this thing, so I think he can vote pretty much how he likes. Some people have factored in join times to their score, however some people, like myself, are going by their usefulness from the moment they become usable and less so their join time. I think both methods are ok and in the end produce a fairly accurate score for the unit.

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Flies a dragon, has great Stats (HHM) and good Growths .

Also hes the best one to use Afa's drop on i kno Nino is better but lolnino but i still like her and- *shot* .

His only drawback is his rather low con .


Edit :

Nevermind this .

I should read the Opening post .

Edited by Schlafo Zobeni
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Good flier, good combat, needs a speedwing to double almost anything, needs some babying but once he gets going he's great. So he's FE6 Zeis with more playtime.

I'd prefer him from the Florina, rescue drop units bore me, but his speed issues bug me.

Oh yes, he really likes the tear drop, if he is in play you'll often put it on him.

Edited by 3-13Archer
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Elieson started this thing, so I think he can vote pretty much how he likes. Some people have factored in join times to their score, however some people, like myself, are going by their usefulness from the moment they become usable and less so their join time. I think both methods are ok and in the end produce a fairly accurate score for the unit.

Thank you for remembering ~

I noticed a reference in your FE10 draft rating thread too, so again, more thanks are on order for you.

And, my ratings are generally based around contribution upon arrival, where farther-in-game recruits have to earn a spot on a generally. Earlier units generally rank higher IMO, due to them helping more throughout the game, and also have less competition to slot themselves on a team.

I.e. my rating for Athos will be higher because he is forced in his chapter. If he wasnt forced, his rank from me would be slightly less.

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