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Don't you think we can be a little harsh on new users as a community at times?


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Indeed. I don't believe you had any intention of making her feel bad, but her reactions to your sound advice was laughable.

New members should be given some sort of chance, but some people pull on that elasticity so hard and for so long it snaps. Ignoring them in that situation is quite hard when you're the one being told you're wrong, when all you're doing is trying to help.

Kudos for keeping your cool, eclipse.

Thanks. I tried to keep it level, but I know my temper slipped a bit towards the end.

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There are some older people on here who still haven't matured. But I do agree the older members are definitely usually more mature than the younger members.

Even though I was new to the internet I wasn't nearly as hardened as I am now, but I still didn't think that much about people who are rude to the new members. Although, back when I joined SF was all new and actually had some decency left in it and hadn't gained all the rude people yet. It was definitely much nicer staying here back then than it's gotten to now. Not that everyone is like this though, there are probably very few who act like this.

I am naturally very defensive for other people though, so I could easily agree that this place is pretty harsh and I see no reason for it. But I think my opinion is quite biased because of how defensive I am for those who are being treated rudely, so idk how much my opinion could be worth. So you can just ignore my views if you wish XD

Otherwise, there are definitely people who I kinda look at and think "why so sirius serious?" and people who just couldn't take a joke at all to the face. For them I'd say lighten up, but that's not often the case.

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I try to make points clear, I suppose. Like ... if I stick up for a person who's getting a hard time from most of the other members, I'll only do so if I feel that the person who's being picked on has a valid point that the others are choosing not to see or being condescending about. But I usually try not to jump in unless I actually do have something to contribute.

You know, on FF.net, it is really difficult to find people who can give you proper critiques. I was working on an FE7 story where Lyn becomes the Caelin marquess, and I had to literally ask people for good criticisms, to really point out my mistakes. I found one or two people who did, but FF.net is not a good place for people want to be taken seriously.

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She previously left because of some pairings discussion that had much disagreement with her beloved "Ike x Elincia". She's too sensitive.

... Wow, I don't remember her being THAT sensitive on the FF.net forums.

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... Wow, I don't remember her being THAT sensitive on the FF.net forums.

Maybe you should take a look at her threads yourself, if you haven't done so already. The links are in my post before last.

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There are some older people on here who still haven't matured. But I do agree the older members are definitely usually more mature than the younger members.

Even though I was new to the internet I wasn't nearly as hardened as I am now, but I still didn't think that much about people who are rude to the new members. Although, back when I joined SF was all new and actually had some decency left in it and hadn't gained all the rude people yet. It was definitely much nicer staying here back then than it's gotten to now. Not that everyone is like this though, there are probably very few who act like this.

I am naturally very defensive for other people though, so I could easily agree that this place is pretty harsh and I see no reason for it. But I think my opinion is quite biased because of how defensive I am for those who are being treated rudely, so idk how much my opinion could be worth. So you can just ignore my views if you wish XD

Otherwise, there are definitely people who I kinda look at and think "why so sirius serious?" and people who just couldn't take a joke at all to the face. For them I'd say lighten up, but that's not often the case.

The forums are better now than they were even when I joined, I can't imagine they were any better in 2008 :P:.

Also it looks like someone linked to this thread elsewhere.

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The forums are better now than they were even when I joined, I can't imagine they were any better in 2008 :P:.

Also it looks like someone linked to this thread elsewhere.

Elsewhere, as in, outside of SF on another forum or in a chat, like MSN or Skype?

I think the high activity here is because it's a pretty... interesting... topic.

Unless there's like loads of guests viewing, then yeah.

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She previously left because of some pairings discussion that had much disagreement with her beloved "Ike x Elincia". She's too sensitive.

Yeah I was there in her spriting thread so I know just how sensitive she is...

The forums are better now than they were even when I joined, I can't imagine they were any better in 2008 :P:.

Also it looks like someone linked to this thread elsewhere.

I particularly remember 09 where I started to realize it seemed to be getting bad XD

It's actually better now than it was in 2010 I think.

All I can remember of who would pick on people was hika XD A lot of what I remember was just people having fun or joking around with each other though. Not saying that there weren't some people back then that were picking on each other but it was definitely not as bad as now.

Oh and I think what I'm mostly thinking of is... at least more than just the introductions....

I think I've been going off topic XD

Edited by Freohr Abr Datia
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... Wow, I don't remember her being THAT sensitive on the FF.net forums.

Perhaps there was never a discussion that became as ridiculous in FF.net forums. Either way, she wasn't new on both occasions and not as bad as some others I've seen, disagreements being handled well enough to prevent any negative outcomes are quite rare though so I'm not too surprised. Whether a user is new or not, disagreements are bound to lead to unpleasant scenarios from time to time.

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(sigh) Well ... I found one thread where she kind of freaked out because apparently she didn't handle criticism all that well. Unfortunately, some people never will handle criticism well. For example, I found one AtLA story that was quite literally endorsing an abusive relationship. What really scared me was that most of the reviews this person got were GLOWING praise, and the few criticisms that the writer got, s/he just brushed them off, saying that "if you really loved someone you would stay with them."

... Yeah. I wish people wouldn't take themselves so seriously. Personally, I love constructive criticism (but I have a hard time finding people willing to give it) and I think if more people listen to advice we'd have less stuff like Twilight out there.

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That's kind of the danger of hugbox forums; criticism is sacrilege, and so the members will marinate in that mentality. When they actually taste real criticism, they often start throwing tantrums.

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Elsewhere, as in, outside of SF on another forum or in a chat, like MSN or Skype?

I think the high activity here is because it's a pretty... interesting... topic.

Unless there's like loads of guests viewing, then yeah.

Most definitely a chat :P:.

Yeah I was there in her spriting thread so I know just how sensitive she is...

I particularly remember 09 where I started to realize it seemed to be getting bad XD

It's actually better now than it was in 2010 I think.

All I can remember of who would pick on people was hika XD A lot of what I remember was just people having fun or joking around with each other though. Not saying that there weren't some people back then that were picking on each other but it was definitely not as bad as now.

Oh and I think what I'm mostly thinking of is... at least more than just the introductions....

I think I've been going off topic XD

I'm not very impressed with a lot of the "old" members to be honest. Considering what happened during the FESS merge I can't believe it was any better back then :P:.

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Oh shit missed a small shitstorm.

I'm not 100% sure exactly what Camtech does, but I'm pretty sure he's not saying old members should have more "rights" or priviledges than new members, or anything else. I believe what he's saying is that you can't use "I'm new" as an excuse in every situation, because in a lot of situation's it's not valid.

I treat a lot of people harshly, but not many of them are new members, and that seems to be the same amongst a lot of the better parts of the userbase. I'm sure there are, as there used to be, people who think they're better because they've been on an internet forum for longer, but I find for the most part, if somebody is an asshole to someone else, they'd do it whether the person was new or not.

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I'm not very impressed with a lot of the "old" members to be honest. Considering what happened during the FESS merge I can't believe it was any better back then :P:.

Yeah I can definitely understand how that'd be hard to imagine =o

Maybe it could have to do with them becoming inactive by the time you joined, or maybe you just didn't get to know them as well as you've gotten to know the other people now.

There were a lot of ridiculous things going on though, back then XD

Maybe what I'm mostly thinking of is how now you really have to watch what you say around members here because they're more... picky? I'm sure I remember some who would bash people on doing something the wrong way or following certain views (or actually opinions were likely always a problem), but I definitely remember people were much more lax if someone made some kind of "mistake" or anything of the like before now. I'm doing horrible at finding the right words XD

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Yeah I can definitely understand how that'd be hard to imagine =o

Maybe it could have to do with them becoming inactive by the time you joined, or maybe you just didn't get to know them as well as you've gotten to know the other people now.

There were a lot of ridiculous things going on though, back then XD

Maybe what I'm mostly thinking of is how now you really have to watch what you say around members here because they're more... picky? I'm sure I remember some who would bash people on doing something the wrong way or following certain views (or actually opinions were likely always a problem), but I definitely remember people were much more lax if someone made some kind of "mistake" or anything of the like before now. I'm doing horrible at finding the right words XD

I don't really think we're that harsh, but some people here are just dumb and do stupid shit sometimes. Honestly, it was a billion times worst in the past because the unnaccepting people were also completely unreasonable and in the majority, but that didn't stop us.

Of course, I wasn't around 4 years ago, but yeah.

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I'm not 100% sure exactly what Camtech does, but I'm pretty sure he's not saying old members should have more "rights" or priviledges than new members, or anything else. I believe what he's saying is that you can't use "I'm new" as an excuse in every situation, because in a lot of situation's it's not valid.

I don't see them using it as an "excuse" though. Not as one of a veil to hide behind, but a more innocent usage as someone else put it; they don't honestly think that "I'm new" will fix everything, because they don't honestly know what they're talking about or the fact that they don't know what they're talking about.

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Of course, I wasn't around 4 years ago, but yeah.

Maybe it could be I always interpreted it as poking fun or something? Hmm... Or maybe it just had to do with how I had to go about doing things in the past compared to now? Maybe I just assumed that's the way it worked for everyone else...

I can definitely agree with the unreasonable part though xD

I could go into detail about what I've noticed between the past and now but I still can't help but think that this may still be derailing the topic slightly...

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Four years ago was a really fun time for me on here. It's still all right now, but it has lost that thing it originally had... That sense of craziness and immaturity which was actually pretty awesome. I think that's what it was anyway.

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I don't see them using it as an "excuse" though. Not as one of a veil to hide behind, but a more innocent usage as someone else put it; they don't honestly think that "I'm new" will fix everything, because they don't honestly know what they're talking about or the fact that they don't know what they're talking about.

But what I mean is this:

"I'm new" is a totally valid excuse for some things. For example, someone who's knew cannot realistically be expected to know certain things, be they the arguments behind the placement of characters on a tier list, the general feel of the board or personalities of certain members, the history behind much of Fire Emblem hacking, or a bunch of other stuff.

However, if someone posts asking about a question that is answered in, say, a tutorial section or nearby stickied thread, has someone say "It's in the tutorial section/stickied thread", and then says "Don't be rude I'm new", that really has nothing to do with being new. Whether it's intended as an excuse or not, it's irrelevent; your experience in a community shouldn't effect that type of thing.

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That's generally what people who've been on a forum for a long time think, yes.

However, if someone posts asking about a question that is answered in, say, a tutorial section or nearby stickied thread, has someone say "It's in the tutorial section/stickied thread", and then says "Don't be rude I'm new", that really has nothing to do with being new. Whether it's intended as an excuse or not, it's irrelevent; your experience in a community shouldn't effect that type of thing.
But is it still a reason to flip out or be condescending? Not really, because honest mistakes can happen and different people take things differently. Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Four years ago was a really fun time for me on here. It's still all right now, but it has lost that thing it originally had... That sense of craziness and immaturity which was actually pretty awesome. I think that's what it was anyway.

Was it perhaps that that I am mostly remembering then?

This place was just goofy and had such silly people back then. Now everything is just more serious. It's also kinda sad seeing how some other people kinda evolved along with that.

But of course this has nothing to do with the rudeness.

I guess I just don't know anymore. =_= *sigh*

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Was it perhaps that that I am mostly remembering then?

This place was just goofy and had such silly people back then. Now everything is just more serious. It's also kinda sad seeing how some other people kinda evolved along with that.

But of course this has nothing to do with the rudeness.

I guess I just don't know anymore. =_= *sigh*

It's alright Freohr. We've still got eachother. We will take on these harsh times together, and emerge victorious. We can get through this!

On a serious on-topic note, yeah... I believe it has changed. But you know, I think that is because of the explosion in the number of active members. A smaller memberbase means less problems are likely to arise, such as what this topic is highlighting. It's really not something that can be proactively moderated, which is why a good moderating team is needed to provide sufficient reactive responses to such cases, amongst other member-based problems. It's all so interesting when you learn about this sort of stuff in your lectures. I love it.

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Oddly enough, when I first joined it was specifically because I was told it was just a wacky place- I'd dug myself a little hole at another forum (15ish at the time?), where I'd cared so much about what people thought of me that I'd let it affect what I chose to say, and often kept quiet otherwise. I made an account at SF thinking I would deliberately care as little as I could about what other people thought of me, even if whatever I said was more abrasive at times than how I'd want to really be in a perfect world. Now I've found I'm still here for another reason entirely, being that you guys can really be worth listening to.

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