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How should the series be advertised?


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There was a bit of discussion down in the "Mechanics that you want" how certain changes would make the game more accessible for newcomers though personally I don't really think these things make that much of the difference. After all as a potential newcomer you wouldn't notice those things unless you actually played the game or already and I think a few quirks or modes aren't going to change whether or not you demand your money back or enjoy and wait eagerly for the sequel. It simply doesn't change the core gameplay enough in order to influence these decisions.

This thought made me wonder: what Nintendo should do to advertise the series, to make people who have never played a game in the series before interested into it?

I'm also wondering how you think they handled that part so far. Maybe the fanbase would be a lot different if they handled things differently.

I have to be honest, I have very little idea how NoA even handles that aspect since I got interested into the series through Smash Brothers and have gotten my information through this very site since then.

I remember seeing this "What happened to Dorcas" commercial and don't like it at all. It looks like these pseudo-hardcore commercials I remember from my childhood which never connected with me at all despite me as a preteen male probably being the target audience. Except this one is even worse because to seemed to have forgotten to actually advertise a product. Do those things even work? I would seriously have no idea what they selling and as such no reason to spend a second thought on that game.

Why not actually show something from the game? To get a message across like: "You like RPGs or Strategie games? You might want want to check this out." You wouldn't need more then a few short scenes to get a message like that across. I remember back in the day reading a preview from a game called Spellforce which managed to catch my interest simply because of how more RPG elements it had then Warcraft III while still being a RTS and looking absolutely beautiful. That was all it needed yet a commercial like the above mentioned would have failed to create that interest because it didn't tell me anything about the game.

I think that Fire Emblem offers so much that it can easily appeal to lots of different audiences. The series variety in gameplay elements is it's strength and aiming for a wide audience would be the way to go.

Edited by BrightBow
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They just need to do more of this

It's funny and all but assuming you don't know anything about the series, what does it tell you that actually makes you want to buy the game? I think they really didn't do a good job with this one.

Edited by BrightBow
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It's funny and all but assuming you don't know anything about the series, what does it tell you that actually makes you want to buy the game? I think they really didn't do a good job with this one.

It has Pent in it.

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It's funny and all but assuming you don't know anything about the series, what does it tell you that actually makes you want to buy the game? I think they really didn't do a good job with this one.

It shows you killing is fun, and people will laugh with you if you do, so you should get games where you kill people 'cause it's fun and people will laugh with you if you do.

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I'm not sure how at the moment, but actually being advertised might be a good start. FE still gets TV commercials in Japan, but were there commercials in America after FE7?

Actually, FE is probably one of those games that's difficult to advertise on TV, given the slow-paced nature of SRPGs and that it's a RPG period. I think if the next Smash Bros. has FE characters in it, that's probably the best IS can do for now.

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There was an American FE9 commercial, but nobody believes me when I bring it up <_< It came on multiple times when i was in eighth grade!

I remember this commericial... It only came on once or twice though..

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It's funny and all but assuming you don't know anything about the series, what does it tell you that actually makes you want to buy the game? I think they really didn't do a good job with this one.

Have you watched commercials lately? They're all becoming ridiculous with the intention of being funny while not actually telling you anything about the product.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hear me out.

I think it should be like, live action. And they should maybe have a few of the cast's core characters sitting around a table. Like a meeting table, or even better, a dinner table. Yeah, a dinner table. That will be comforting to the viewer, as though we are being invited into their home life. They should be eating food and discussing strategy like most of us do on the forum, that would really connect the series to its playerbase. They should just be laughing and having a good time, but then tragedy strikes and everyone has a moment of silence only to continue the festivities afterwards. Because a life lost in Fire Emblem is not uncommon; it should show us that they are warriors who will not falter when a comrade is lost. They will have time to mourn when the battle is over and that characters' credits and life achievements roll by.

Well, that's just my idea anyway.

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More like, advertise time rewinding when a tragic event occurs to show how much newbies will be restarting.

And then throw in a segment that says "NO LONGER" because there's Casual Mode.

Now THAT will attract many of my friends who are put off by perma-death in FE.

Edited by skitarii
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It just needs a regular game commercial, I see no reason why Transformers could pretty much use it's trailer and then have some announcer say *Name of Game* *Price of Game* *Name of place to buy game*

I mean you want to act like advertisement is a difficult thing, but really it's simple as all hell.

Step 1: Make awesome opening CGI trailer

Step 2: inter-space with shots of gameplay

Step 3: Come up with an iconic catchphrase (Together We Fight, Together We Live)

Step 4: ???

Step 5: Profit!

Or just pull an SRW and start dumping a fucktonne of the budget into the attack animations

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Hear me out.

I think it should be like, live action. And they should maybe have a few of the cast's core characters sitting around a table. Like a meeting table, or even better, a dinner table. Yeah, a dinner table. *snip*

Oh, that gave me an idea. They could have it be live action (or animated in some form, doesn't matter too much) and have the characters in the war room, around the strategy map, discussing their plans for the upcoming important battle, and then cut to scenes of action on the battlefield, maybe portraying some kind of strategic strike, like fording a river under the cover of night to attack an enemy encampment or something. You get the idea. There's no reason it can't look cool while showing things that actually happen in the games.

Edited by Reikken
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Oh, that gave me an idea. They could have it be live action (or animated in some form, doesn't matter too much) and have the characters in the war room, around the strategy map, discussing their plans for the upcoming important battle, and then cut to scenes of action on the battlefield, maybe portraying some kind of strategic strike, like fording a river under the cover of night to attack an enemy encampment or something. You get the idea. There's no reason it can't look cool while showing things that actually happen in the games.

That'd be cool.

Like switching back and forth between the war room plan and the actual event happening on the battle field. I think it's work better in realisticish three-d animation.

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Hey, does anyone remember that old commercial for SSB? The first one, where they say something along the lines of "Something's gone wrong in the world of Nintendo"? I'd love to see an FE commercial kind of like that, where people dressed as FE characters try to act out the scenes in real life. Like ... standing around in a plain that has gridded lines likes the actual game, people dressed as various FE classes standing around, with red enemies on the field as well, and two of them engaging in battle.

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