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[FE4] Rate the Unit V

Caliban of Sycorax

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Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

- Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc.

- Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

- Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

- Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST.

Units and Ranking

Sigurd: 9.96

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Ardan: 1.39



Sexy Lex. I'm giving +1 for the look right now.

Besides that, Lex is one of your best units. He's on horseback and has exclusive access to the Hero Axe. He is also a mounted tank, has Minor Neir, and has Elite. He'll be one of the first to promote, and that will make him tankier. I'm pretty sure that most enemies will 10+HKO Lex. While he has hit issues, he could easily claim the Skill Ring.

Lex is also one of the best fathers for melee. He gives amazing defense and Elite. Despite not passing anything down, he turns most of the Second Generation kids into massive tanks. He's best with Ayra because of making the Swordtwins indestructable. He also fathers a great Arthur (but lollevin!arthur) and is pretty good with the others. Lex can't fuck up a kid. Even Lex!Corple would be awesome. Just not as awesome as Lex!Swordtwincest.

He gets a 9.5/10 before biased, because he's not Sigurd.

So with Biased he'd get 10.5/10, which doesn't work.

So 10/10 for Lex from me~

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He owns, but the lack of Pursuit can occasionally cause issues. Very occasionally. 8/10 for being the good axe user of Gen One and having more or less exclusive access to the Hero Axe (Lachesis or promoted Ardan could take it but... really?).

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Wrecks things with his (essentially PRF) Hero Axe. Oh, and you really can't go wrong with Elite. Makes an amazing dad with his skills as well. yaranaika 9.5/10.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Incredibly durable, great skills (that help get rid of the less than perfect start), amazing offense with Hero Axe, mounted and one of the best dads. The only thing he's missing is a great start and his dad's axe, but that's not much to complain about. 9/10

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Makes a pretty good foil for Sigurd, and his doubling issues are mostly fixed by Hero Axe. He also gives two ridiculous skills to his kids.

8/10. He loses a point both for NotSigurd his weakness to sword users and no Pursuit, and not having any fast pairings that don't waste his inheritance on swordlocked footies.

Edited by Baldrick
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Solid offense once he gets the Hero Axe and very durable once he gets going. He's not too bad in the first two chapters, but his low avoid and lack of pursuit can hurt at times. Once the axies disappear and get replaced by lances, he generally does better. He's not too fast but the kids like Elite and Ambush, and most of the kids he'll father can cope without inheritance. Well, maybe except Arthur.


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7/10. If he didn't have the Hero Axe, he'd be garbage. As it is, he has god awful avoid and is really only useful when better characters like Fin, Cuan, and Ethlin leave your party. But he's still better than most of Gen. 1, so 7/10 it is.

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Hero Axe, Elite, and Ambush is damn nice with both of those things. He can be especially terrifying with the Pursuit Ring, if he's passing it to Delmudd or someone. 9/10

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Lex has an almost exculsive weapon which he's likely never getting rid of. His defense is godly, and Elite makes that EXP rank easier, especially in Gen 2. He's probably the best father, despite not giving any inheritance (unless he gets an enemy drop) and he's tanky. Also he is good from the start and doesn't require tons of training.

9/10 plus one for being hot so 10/10

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Amazing unit yes, but he has a little of a slow start, which is why the -.5 (that is until he gets the hero axe in chapter 1, then he dominates). Elite skill and high defense are very beneficial to him. Also, because of elite, he makes a good father (I just tried Lex/Adeen and Lester was actually one of my bestt characters :blink: ).

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Makes a pretty good foil for Sigurd, and his doubling issues are mostly fixed by Hero Axe. He also gives two ridiculous skills to his kids.

8/10. He loses a point both for NotSigurd his weakness to sword users and no Pursuit, and not having any fast pairings that don't waste his inheritance on swordlocked footies.

Just as a point of order, I don't know if people are talking about his inheritance in terms of his stats or his weapons or what, but there aren't any children who can inherit Axes. Lex (and promoted Ardan) will always waste his inheritance in terms of weapons. You get the Hero Axe right back in ch6 so it's not some huge deal, but it's not like Lex fathering the sword twins is some gross misuse of the Hero Axe inheritance since it literally cannot be inherited and will be recovered ten seconds after you've recruited Johan or Johalva.

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Lex has an almost exculsive weapon which he's likely never getting rid of. His defense is godly, and Elite makes that EXP rank easier, especially in Gen 2. He's probably the best father, despite not giving any inheritance (unless he gets an enemy drop) and he's tanky. Also he is good from the start and doesn't require tons of training.

9/10 plus one for being hot so 10/10

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Hero Axe takes quite a lot of turns you're never going to get back. But if you don't care about that, Lex is a solid 8.5/10. Not really worth anything more since before the Hero Axe, he's actually not that great.

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Probably objectively an 8, but Lex is kind of a dick, and has a habit of being rabidly over-rated, so I'm exercising my right to deflate slightly here. I think all of the pertinent details have already been discussed. Great father, despite item inheritance, Elite meaning that if you can force him through the arena he's solid on XP. Trouble is, the arena is pretty hard for him, and even worse without the Hero Axe. His durability is decent but by no means invincible, and he is outclassed by Cuan in this respect until Lex manages to build up a substantial level lead (2-3 levels). This probably won't happen until sometime mid-Chapter 2 at the earliest.

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He'll need to follow very closely behind. Lex only has two move in the forest compared to Sigurd's 3. In a draft, it typically takes Sigurd 11 or so turns (from the previous castle) to get to the castle and seize. I haven't had my hands on Lex for a while but I'm not certain that Lex can get through the forest (taking 1.5 times long than Sigurd) and reach the Hero Axe. However, in ranked play, it's not going to matter too much, since the turn requirement isn't that strict.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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He'll need to follow very closely behind. Lex only has two move in the forest compared to Sigurd's 3. In a draft, it typically takes Sigurd 11 or so turns (from the previous castle) to get to the castle and seize. I haven't had my hands on Lex for a while but I'm not certain that Lex can get through the forest (taking 1.5 times long than Sigurd) and reach the Hero Axe. However, in ranked play, it's not going to matter too much, since the turn requirement isn't that strict.

Are we killing off Jamka? I can't exactly see how you can recruit him any faster than lex gets up there anyway. Eddin has 2 move in the forest as well. If Jamka gets recruited, it seems to me that Lex can be close enough that the hero axe shouldn't cost more than 1 or 2 turns, if it costs at all. I guess it would help if there's a video I could watch that shows Jamka recruited and Sigurd capturing so quickly that Lex can't get anywhere near the axe.

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lex is a guy

a guy who can do stuff

what did I give the other characters? He's better than Noish and Alec both, so I think I'll just give him a 9/10 since I'm not really biased for or against him.

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