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Rate the Unit, Day 9: Neimi

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Despite all of my bawwing, I'm not going to give her a superb rating.

She's chip. That's about it, forever. She even stops being chip because she just stops doing damage.

BUT, the early archers almost always jive well with me for whatever reason, netting her a 3. THEN I use my God-given BIAS POWER to raise her to a 4/10.

Edited by Integrity
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What? Sure she isn't Generic McGeneric but all she fucking does is cry.

No development, nothing. Besides that damn mirror, which mostly only holds significance in support conversations.

Neimi basically exists to reinforce the stereotype that women are overly dramatic and cry in the face of everything. She makes Florina look like a well written and well-rounded character by comparison.

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Florina actually has development in her support conversations. She actually matures. Neimi still cries in almost all of her A supports. I think Gilliam may be the one support that doesn't make Neimi be a total whiny bitch.

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Neimi is this archer who cries even when someone takes a dump.


Chip damage so others can move in for the kill.

Super fast support with Colm.

Has no competition for that Orion's Bolt.

Not completely hideous as a Ranger.


Weaksauce bases.

Strength is ass.


Shit personality.

She smells pretty bad. I admit, i use her because Tower abuse, but really, shes not very good. Even when leveled. 3/10. Biased rating: 5/10. She can be useful but to get her there is...time consuming.

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Neimi is basically better than Rebecca as a character but gets stuck in a game where it's even harder to raise early archers than FE7. Let me explain both claims:

Claim #1: Neimi has almost identical growths as Rebecca, but gains 5% RES and 5% STR growth in exchange for 5% HP growth -- a favorable exchange, in my books. In addition, Neimi (and this is important) gets a GOD DAMN HORSE AND SWORDS on promotion. So now you have a unit with at least D swords (which means you get Steel Swords with 2 AS loss -- a joke, with 60% SPD growth and FE8's enemies -- and can reasonably hit Killing Edge range by game's end), C or B bows, 7 MOV, and 45% STR/60% SPD growths. Post-promotion, pretty much loses no AS from bows except from Steel (-1 AS) and Brave (-4 AS, but will still likely double regardless later on). Pretty much starts off like Rebecca does, but in a game where enemies won't rape her as hard as in HHM to start with, and ends like Rebecca would if she was smart enough to steal Rath's pony.

Claim #2: FE8 is basically rout maps and thinly veiled kill the boss rout maps. This means, all of a sudden, turn counts in efficiency hit the floor. In FE7, even in HHM, it's easy as piss to raise any character on efficiency (it is, and you all know it), so long as their name isn't Serra or Priscilla -- there tend to be multiple routes to the throne or multiple points of attack, and it's not hard to send MarcTor one way while you snatch experience from another. Hell, I started a FE6 LTC run and I've easily gotten Wolt to level 4 by C3 (hey, at least he doesn't get whacked in the face for half his health because he fails so hard he can't finish off a brigand with a goddamn iron sword)! In FE8, it's not like that -- everything has to die, and if you're not having Seth do it (or Franz), you're probably doing it wrong. So now all of a sudden, Franz is stealing so much experience, it's hard to get Neimi to promotion, so it's hard for her to go hulk mode because it's hard for her to get the necessary levels. So Neimi ends up as a whiny Bruce Banner with tits, which isn't as awesome as a hulk with tits.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Neimi: Yes. But, I can't keep crying. I have to be strong and keep going.

Though, you'll basically never see it, since there's so little reason to use her, while Javelins (and Hand Axes) exist. Being an archer with bad bases is not the way to become the best unit ever.

In a Javelin/Hand Axe-less run, she gets 5/10. Suddenly her range becomes useful in not eating counters on the PP, and she has limited use on the EP. Still pretty mediocre though.

In other runs, 2/10 because she at least gets a horse and 1-range eventually.

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Hmm ... I don't hate Neimi as a unit. Her character is rather annoying, but as a unit ... I like to promote her into a ranger, just because I like nomad/ranger type units. But anyway ...

Neimi's an archer. Her bases aren't terrific, and she's likely to be 2HKO'd in early maps, if you accidentally misplace her. Needs a few speed level-ups to start doubling, and her strength isn't very good, so she's not doing very good chip. Still, chip is chip, and sometimes even that little chip could help someone defeat an enemy without eating a counter. Especially since javelins make Vanessa's speed go way down, Ross is a trainee with a hatchet, and Garcia and Gilliam aren't exactly the most accurate. (And Seth is banned in drafts.) If you can actually get Neimi to promotion, she does well as a ranger since she gains 1-range and a mount. But she's still not very defensive and it takes her a while to get anywhere near promotion. At least she doesn't compete with anyone for the Orion's Bolt.

3/10, because while I was originally thinking of giving her a 2 she has SOME potential. Plus, she has an ultra fast support with Colm, who may be used as a combat unit since he has good growths and a promotion option that's not late.

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Ross is a trainee with a hatchet, and Garcia and Gilliam aren't exactly the most accurate.

You know hatchet is not a PRF, right? It's been a while since I played but isn't Garcia + Hatchet at least as accurate as Neimi?

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Yeah, I know the hatchet isn't a PRF weapon, but if you're using Ross AND Garcia for whatever reason, you'd probably want to let Ross have the hatchet. If you're using Ross but not Garcia, well ... maybe that would fix Garcia's accuracy issues a bit. Not sure by how much, though.

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Niemi sucks forever. But at least she recruits herself unlike Ewan, Marisa, and Amelia.


Edited by Knuckles
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Garcia + Hatchet is more accurate than Neimi, the hatchet has the same hit as an Iron Bow, and Garcia has better base skill.

All right, it's just been a while since I used Garcia to compare him. Actually ... it's been a while since I used Neimi, too.

Edit: Whoo! Sigrun! Not a horse anymore. :P

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3/10 - Has potential as a Ranger but her garbage earlygame means she's getting left behind even in casual runthroughs without heavy favoritism. Not as bad as Amelia, Ewan, Marisa and the like because she actually joins at a reasonable time.

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Actually, I'm going to raise eimi by .5, because I just remembered she has no competition for a promotion item (By competition I mean no other archers use the Orions Bolt, the only "competition" is your funds) and it's super easy to get.

Edited by Knuckles
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Hmmmm. . .

Neimi cries more often than the newborn next door. Her damage output is forever suspect, but she's got a ridiculously fast support with someone that'll help her shoddy offense. No one else wants her promotion item, so whee.

2.5/10 (-1 because I hate her character)

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Earlygame she can help less shitty units not be countered by loldiers and zombies and do other chip stuff maybe. Then bench, because when I have to put qualifiers before the word "chip" you're not going anywhere fast. She gets a horse later, but by then your team is full of horses. With stats.


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I'm not going to go on how bad Neimi sucks.

She's basically Rebecca, the only difference being that Rebecca is in a game where at least she has a chance of getting better without abuse. Not so much here. Neimi has some of the worst offensive bases out of the units that can actually fight, with only Ross having worse. 6AS is worse than what Garcia has, which means that the only things she's doubling are like soldiers, zombies, and stuff that literally everyone else doubles. Granted, it does improve with a 60% growth, but during earlygame, it hurts. Not only that, her str base is the same as Eirika's, which adds up to 10 atk with Iron. In other words, her damage sucks, and it takes a while before her decent 45% growth kicks in.

Her durability is even more horrid: 17HP/3def is barely any better than base ROSS, and her 55HP/15def growths basically ensure that her durability will be fit for the shitter. She has earlygame chip FWIW, but she's 4HKOing and she doesn't escape this hole unless you painstakingly feed her kills that other people deserve(READ: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Garcia)

So you've buckled down and decided to use Neimi in spite of her awful bases and lack of enemy phase? In any case, good luck getting her the required exp to even get to Lv10 in a reasonable time frame due to Franz gobbling up half the enemies(assuming no-Seth here as Seth would kill everything), and Eirika/Vanessa/Ross/etc taking the other half. At least she gets a pony and sword access when she promotes(assuming you use Ranger. All Sniper gives is a skill that is retroactively useless as Neimi generally has perfect hit against most things anyway.)

In short, I'd rather train Ross than even attempt to train Neimi.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In my recent playthroughs Franz sucked balls so I tried Neimi. And she was pretty cool. Her personality... well look at the vid and go to 1:17 for my reaction. Gameplay: 7/10. Personality: negitive infinity.
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