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What extra features would you want in the game?


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What extra features would you want in the game?

I guess this is a somewhat random question, as I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if there was something like "Skirmish Missions", accessed from base, that had their own mini-stories and only lets certain characters in? Like the Info section of base, if one of the participants are dead then you can't do the mission. It'd probably be like a second-playthrough feature

For example, perhaps a skirmish in 1-4 would be like Edward and Leonardo hunting for gold, but encounter Begnion soldiers who strayed too close and found treasure? Then they end up finding gold. :B):

I'd like to hear some of your wants and needs! :newyears:

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Trial maps; unquestionably. Imagine how interesting it would be to have it where you could choose a map, level cap (tier 1 units, tier 2 or tier 3 units only) and let the computer generate the enemies, classes etc as needed. You could have normal looking maps (like the ones in FE9 for example) where its just a small group of like 6-8 characters and maybe include some massive defend maps holding like 20 unit slots and near constant respawning units that could include a nice mix of beorc or laguz (including lions, black dragons etc) just to give people a fun post game. Secondly adding in the ability to gain BEXP, a shop and gold for the trial maps so you could still modify your characters and get them 'up to snuff' would be awesome.

Secondly I would love to have seen the ability to turn off the "exactly 3 stat up" BEXP levels and maybe a 'fixed' mode like in FE9 so you could ensure the level ups and averages. It would make the entire thing a little more... controllable which would make drafts, tier lists etc a lot more useful. Generally small things like that would usually be enough to breath a small amount of life into the series and give it a post game which given how long people invest into the characters and training of them would make it a lot of fun.

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Support conversations.


And like the others said, a post-game thing. Be it a Creature Campaign (like clearing up all the rest of the Disciples of Order or some junk) or a bunch of trial maps.

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I'm all for (proper) support conversations and trial maps, maybe multiplayer. I know IS was planning two of those three.

I wouldn't want skirmishes, they'd just end up prolonging an already long game and you've already got the bonus exp system.

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Support conversations more then anything else. You can see the planned support pairs on the site, and there are some really interesting pairs. I would love to read the Micaiah x Soren support, or Haar x Volug... heh. Or the return of Volke x Bastian.

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- Weapon triangle in hard modes... -

Don't forget enabling movement range

I would like some sort of replay feature where you start off with everyone level 1 tier 1 (idk for laguz) and choose a lord and shit because that would be awesome and cool.

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A smaller game, more straightforward and less dependent on Micaiah. Something that feels like Path of Radiance (minus the anticlimactic finale) and yet keeps all the good aspects of the game, like Jarod and Ludveck and Yune/Ashera. Something with more balance as far as gameplay is concerned, without swappable skills and with more consistent recruitment times. A consistent localization staff who can bring the inferior portions of the writing up to par with the excellent writing of most of the other Maeda FEs.

Something I will suggest that many people would probably disagree with is more characters from PoR not being playable in FERD. Don't remove them entirely; everyone should get at least a Largo-style cameo. But there are simply too many units in this game with almost FESD-status screen time. Most of the Greil Mercenaries have dialogue constrained to one or two info conversations, and there are other examples where units just show up without purpose. Support conversations as others suggested might ameliorate this problem as well.

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A smaller game, more straightforward and less dependent on Micaiah. Something that feels like Path of Radiance (minus the anticlimactic finale) and yet keeps all the good aspects of the game, like Jarod and Ludveck and Yune/Ashera. Something with more balance as far as gameplay is concerned, without swappable skills and with more consistent recruitment times. A consistent localization staff who can bring the inferior portions of the writing up to par with the excellent writing of most of the other Maeda FEs.

Something I will suggest that many people would probably disagree with is more characters from PoR not being playable in FERD. Don't remove them entirely; everyone should get at least a Largo-style cameo. But there are simply too many units in this game with almost FESD-status screen time. Most of the Greil Mercenaries have dialogue constrained to one or two info conversations, and there are other examples where units just show up without purpose. Support conversations as others suggested might ameliorate this problem as well.

That's not an extra feature.

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special trial maps; the trial maps should actually tell a little story about after the final battle. they'd only give you the characters who'd logically be there.

for example:

Sanaki, Tanith and Sigrun with some allied pegasus knights and a few mages take on some leftover senators who are not willing to surrender.

the Daein army reaches their homeland again, only to find out the throne has been taken by bandits.

Skimir is having a festive fight for his crowning, Skrimir, Ranulf, Lethe and Mordecai against a lot of other beast Laguz.

Shinon wants to take over the GMs, Gatrie on his side. will Ike and Soren be able to convince him Ike is the better leader?

the LEA finds a senator whom still holds laguz slaves. help them free the laguz, by either staying unnoticed or by taking out massive forces.

the level and skills of the characters are those with which they ended part 4 endgame. this way it'd be horribly hard to get all trial maps done on the same file.

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special trial maps; the trial maps should actually tell a little story about after the final battle. they'd only give you the characters who'd logically be there.

for example:

Sanaki, Tanith and Sigrun with some allied pegasus knights and a few mages take on some leftover senators who are not willing to surrender.

the Daein army reaches their homeland again, only to find out the throne has been taken by bandits.

Skimir is having a festive fight for his crowning, Skrimir, Ranulf, Lethe and Mordecai against a lot of other beast Laguz.

Shinon wants to take over the GMs, Gatrie on his side. will Ike and Soren be able to convince him Ike is the better leader?

the LEA finds a senator whom still holds laguz slaves. help them free the laguz, by either staying unnoticed or by taking out massive forces.

the level and skills of the characters are those with which they ended part 4 endgame. this way it'd be horribly hard to get all trial maps done on the same file.

I couldn't agree more.

And also support. Heck, even if they didn't use it in the game, why can't IS just write down the support conversations that were originally supposed to be in the game, referring to this, so that one can at least get some more insight in the characters' personalities? I'm really curious here!!

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His luck is abysmal enough that he can never safely enter combat. That's his main flaw.

That being said, give me Isaiya any day. Veyona is totally overrated, purely because:

1. he has a throwaway line of dialogue where he disagrees with a senator, what gr8 characteter developement

2. he's a dark magic user

Nobody would give a shit about him otherwise.

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For me, I would like an option to go back to certain chapters, once you beat the game.

Plus, you would have all your units, and you can use anyone, in all chapters. Yes, I know, in like Part 1, Swamp Battle, using those like Haar, Elincia, Jill, Marcia, etc. Would make it incredibly easy to save the beorc in the swamp, but some players could just be like "I want an actual challenge, so I'll just use so-and-so."

And a swap-out option. With the exception of Endgame of Part 4. The reason being, is if I'm Boss Abusing characters, then I want to be able to abuse everyone, and not some characters.

Much like everyone here, I'm all for support conversations. Since I refuse to believe this game has them. I call them talking to each other.

Fourth, recruitable bosses. Now, again, there would be limits. For example, The Black Knight cannot be recruited. Dheginsea, Lekain, and Ashera cannot be recruited. As for Hetzel and Levail, I always feel bad killing them. Levail is optional, when I'm not using a Lance user, but I still do, since I want that damn Wishblade.

FIFTH, Event characters. What I mean is, characters with a skill that they can't normally use. For example, Nephenee with Aether. Yes, you can hack in "Aether" on Nephenee, and her battle animation simply does Impale, but what I'm talking about, is if Nephenee had Impale, she would do exactly what Ike does -- through the Lance in the air, catch it, and slam down on the opponent. :D

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