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Is Wendy or Amelia Better?


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Amelia is very difficult to get to function without Tower/skirmish spam. Hence why peeps hate her. Shes actually my favorite trainee so i use her at times. I have no hate but i understand why peeps are all "eeehhh" at Amelia.

Wendy? Yeah shes pretty bad and hasnt the boon of grindspam and even a workable class.

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Knight are notoriously horible users of Arena abuse. All the ennemies have steel/Silver weapons...

FE8 is pretty easy, so it isn't that hard to train her. If she wasn't in FE8, she would be pretty horrible, but Tower/skirmishes exists, and conytraryto arena abuse are pretty easy to use. She's maybe the worst trainee of the game, but she's still pretty good.

You have to consider the game they are in, like you have to consider whenthey appears.

You already have Bors for many levels before, which is at least as good as her,and she appears on a pretty bad chapter for her.

Sure she needs babying, both needs, but Amelia is easier to train.

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Wendy's deployment is almost totally dependent on the deployment of the other two (not so) shitty Knights. She needs the Triangle Attack to gain exp and levels reliably, and fielding three knights just for this is a waste of three deployment spots. There are much better units available.

Amelia at least gets a horse and can rescue things and use two weapon types.

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amelia has both much wider chances in many fields (not so hard to grow, 48+ lvl ups , And a decent growths, also her job chance to be either paladin or general in the end.) but needs some patience

Wendy on the other hand, are a fragile armor knight and not to mention her barely knight def is all her capable of at all (and she was more like meat shield than a tank) stil, she'll make out fine if RNG gods is kind to her.. and you actually MEANT to train her.

long story short, amelia rulez :D

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Amelia is the most susceptible to being RNG screwed

Like DAT growth is so bad, Roy looks positively amazing in comparison

But being a knight that is killed by an Archer in her joining chapter is amusing

Conservely, she has the most chance to bre RNG blessed, and a bad level or 2 won't affect her as much as others. And she will at least gain 1 point in strength.

I think nobody will complain about Ross, and its stats are generally worth growth except in Strength and HP.

It's always a gamble, for sure.

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There are still something called probability

Amelia is probably a slightly superior Franz who joined later

That is not a good probability, and i actually mind betting on tough odds

Also Amelia is 2 Speedwings in Eir Route Tier. I think thats better than Break Walls tier

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  • 2 months later...

Amelia vs. Wendy? No contest. Amelia can turn out great if she gets lucky early, and she has the Tower if you want to grind her up (in fact, getting her and Ewan to Level 10/1 is the only thing I use it for). She also has functionality as a rescuebot or a tank, depending on which way you promote her. Wendy is a complete joke - come on, she's a Knight with no HP or speed, and puny defence - and the next few levels are axe country, so there's no viable way of training her. If you really want a Knight in SoS, Bors and Barth are both much better choices. And when you remember that both of them are fairly crap to begin with, that's saying something.

Of course, maybe I'm just saying this because on every SS playthrough I've done, Amelia has been insanely RNG blessed. :smug:

(I think I might be the only one on here who made Amelia a Knight. :blink: What can I say, she became a Knight with speed, which is utterly hilarious to me.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amelia is better. Amelia can be trained, can become mounted, and can end up as an actually solid fighter, and has multiple options for her promotions, each widely varied. She can be tough to train at first, but she CAN be trained to become decent, which is the key point. Heck, it's not even certain Amelia is the worst in FE8 (Ewan can be just as difficult to train and it can be argued that Paladin/Great Knight > Sage).

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Amelia is better. Amelia can be trained, can become mounted, and can end up as an actually solid fighter, and has multiple options for her promotions, each widely varied. She can be tough to train at first, but she CAN be trained to become decent, which is the key point. Heck, it's not even certain Amelia is the worst in FE8 (Ewan can be just as difficult to train and it can be argued that Paladin/Great Knight > Sage).

Wendy isn't clearly the worst in FE6, since Sophia exists.

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Wendy isn't clearly the worst in FE6, since Sophia exists.

iirc Toothache was able to efficiently train and use Sophia in efficient draft play. I really don't think Wendy can be used like that.

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She's also a magnet for status staves and she can actually evade them. FE6 AI is stupid, so it targets lowest def over lowest res for some weird reason.

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At this point, I think the best way to summarize this is 'Both suck for LTC, but when you're not playing for LTC Amelia can become good. Wendy can not.'

Depends on whom you ask and what their definition of 'good' outside of LTC is. Somebody can arenagrind Wendy to 20/20 at the first opportunity and then brag about being able to complete maps without taking any damage a la Sedgar. You particularly like challenging the weight we tend to give to movement in the game, so I wonder if this view I cited (which does exist among players) can be acknowledged as adequate by you.

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Even if we factor that in, Amelia has flexibility and ease of training as opposed to Wendy (since FE8 is very easy to train on). Wendy is stuck as a general. Amelia can be many different things (including a general).

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Even if we factor that in, Amelia has flexibility and ease of training as opposed to Wendy (since FE8 is very easy to train on). Wendy is stuck as a general. Amelia can be many different things (including a general).

Trouble is that most of the people that call Wendy good ignore the blood sweat and tears of training her in an arena. I'll agree with you that going to the tower to train Amelia has to be about a hundred times easier than arena-spamming Wendy. Save states alleviate the pain a little bit, though, with arena training but even then it's a lot of resetting. Which again, those people will ignore. Also, they LOVE general, so Amelia's flexibility to go to an actually good class is irrelevant as well.

Who has an easier time waltzing around taking no damage while General? Wendy or Amelia? I've obviously never done either so don't know.

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Trouble is that most of the people that call Wendy good ignore the blood sweat and tears of training her in an arena. I'll agree with you that going to the tower to train Amelia has to be about a hundred times easier than arena-spamming Wendy. Save states alleviate the pain a little bit, though, with arena training but even then it's a lot of resetting. Which again, those people will ignore. Also, they LOVE general, so Amelia's flexibility to go to an actually good class is irrelevant as well.

Who has an easier time waltzing around taking no damage while General? Wendy or Amelia? I've obviously never done either so don't know.

And knights are one of those classes who have it the worst in arenas.

Wendy isn't clearly the worst in FE6, since Sophia exists.

I dunno - joining right before axeland with unimpressive bases and 4 move is awful, especially because she also joins at the point in the game where the maps are starting to get bigger.

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Im always under the impression that Chapter 8x and 7 are not exactly..... massive, since you can flier hax the latter, while the former is.... weird

Chapter 10A(Echid) is the same deal

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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