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So bloody cold


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The bastard boiler's on the fritz and the house has been cold all weekend. My bedsheets are barely keeping my feet warm, and I'm wearing socks.

Fuck the landlady for being a lazy tight bitch who won't pay for a new boiler. This thing's ancient and we've had this problem before. And the gas bill is an estimated £500. 5 of us living here, but regardless, £100 each just for gas? With the boiler so old, It'd be reasonable to assume a new boiler would have been a lot more efficient in terms of saving money on the gas. They can go fuck themselves.

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Considering the price of the gas bill vs the electric bill, it's a very reasonable alternative. If it comes down to it, I'll be getting myself one of those halogen heaters.

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You people have no idea how insulted I always feel when people say "I want something bad to happen to me"

So wait I have to go through something I hate and people act as if they understand how awesome it really feels? D=

And if they actually thoroughly enjoy the cold, well then here you goooo~

But I just don't like it when people pretend to understand that they know how something feels when I have to experience it and not enjoy it at all =[

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I miss the cold.

Well, it is pretty chilly today, but not cold.

I miss the snow, I miss Indiana, Muncie moreso.

I want snow.

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I miss the cold.

Well, it is pretty chilly today, but not cold.

I miss the snow, I miss Indiana, Muncie moreso.

I want snow.

It snowed last night <_<

But it's melted now =3

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You people have no idea how insulted I always feel when people say "I want something bad to happen to me"

So wait I have to go through something I hate and people act as if they understand how awesome it really feels? D=

And if they actually thoroughly enjoy the cold, well then here you goooo~

But I just don't like it when people pretend to understand that they know how something feels when I have to experience it and not enjoy it at all =[

You're just too silly, Freohr

But seriously, I'd rather deal with cold weather than with hot weather.

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During the day it isn't too bad you can just put on a metric shit-ton of jumpers and socks and a duvet as a cape.

Also it probably helps that I learned the secret to being warm from Richard Kruspe

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You're just too silly, Freohr

But seriously, I'd rather deal with cold weather than with hot weather.

agreed at least you can do something about it.

Edited by SlayerX
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So I'm sitting here, I can't really type properly because my fingers are stiff from being so cold, and I can see my breath.

The guy came and had a look at the boiler, stated the fan inside is fucked, and then disappeared.

It's a coincidence my grandparents are coming over to visit tomorrow, I will phone them now and ask them to bring a heater with them for me to use. Saved. But not tonight.

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