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Top 5 Units You Love


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fuck y'all i'm going over 5


1. Reyson - Fuck yeah. My favorite refresher in the series.

2. Innes - I love him. I tend to really like pre-promoted snipers so I always always use Innes.

3. Percival - Fuck yeah. Also, fuck yeah. Those bases, dude.

4. Sirius - Fuck yeah. I tried playing maniac on FE12 the other day and he saved my ass.

5. Pent - Fuck yeah. And also white hair is hot. It's even more hot when you're hot. How could I not use him? >:3

6. KLEIN - He's Pent's fucking son, why the fuck not.

7. HAWKEYE - Berserkers are sexy, and he's shirtless and has a ponytail.

8. FORDE - He's not that good for me, but I use him in every non-draft playthrough because he has a ponytail and he's pretty.

And also Naesala, but it's FE10 so I pretty much always use him anyway in the desert and shit.

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1.Mareeta fe5 She's a complete badass

2. Laura fe10 I don't really know why i just like her

3. Mia fe10 blah reasons everybody likes her

4.nanna fe4 , fe5 charisma and earth sword

5.Clarine fe6 she's so bitchy it's cute .

Honorable mentions include

Harr fe10

Gaggles fe11 and 12


Marth who is actually my favroite lord

Geoffrey fe9, fe10

Oscar fe9 fe10

Azel fe4


And tiki the loli goddesses fe11 and fe12

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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1.) Kieran - YES YES DAT PERSONALITY! I WANT DAT HUMOR! Plus he wrecks through shit and is manly to get to even hit by weapons even on his CRANIUM!

2.) Thany - IDK what's up with her proc-ing STR on me; but that's PEMN! Anyways outside of that RNG-blessed madness; it's fun to ferry units and to laugh at WTA hit rates like a boss!

3.) Cain - Going Dracoknight is simply a result of my fanboyish biases running in my nerves again. But still; even as a Paladin, he's GGRRREEEAAATT!

4.) L'Arachel - Funny and dodgy in one package; I like that...

5.) Pent - Ridiculously good immediately right off the bat!

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5. Ilyana. need I say more?




3. Ross is like his father only WORSE but he CRUSHES SHIT HARDER eventually

4. Garcia is like Ross except he can CRUSH YOU all the sooner. He's also better from a practical standpoint.

(why are the four above all axe-wielding Magvellians)

5. Wallace will BREAK YOUR WEAPONS using ONLY his FACE

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5. Boyd (FE9): Because he's a fighter that doesn't suck. Plus, his personality is kickass!

4. Wil (FE7): I dunno, I just always found Wil really cool. Sure, he's not the best unit in the game, but I've always liked using him, and Wil/Rebecca OTP.

3. Fin (FE4/5): Such a freaking boss. Great unit all around, tons of availability, gets an awesome weapon very early, and has a pretty chill personality.

2. Sylvia (FE4): Dancer that can defend herself? Aw yeah! It sucks that she doesn't' do much damage, though. Other than that, her personality is cute, she has hilarious lines, and she's attractive.

1. Priscilla (FE7): She's the main reason I'm a troubadour fanboy. She's a great unit to have around, and I love her personality. I really don't get why I love Prissy so much...she's pretty, has an interesting past, has a likeable personality, is a great unit...yeah. :lol:

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Soren (both games). Because Magic Spam and extreme bias powers! Srsly ive never done a run without him...ever...

Florina (FE7). Because yes! Shes so cute and kicks a lot of arse when leveled. FLORINA WITH AN A IN SWORDS IS GLORIOUS! :awesome:

Forde (FE8) is a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything.

Oscar (FE9) likes to roflstomp. Yeeees.

Marcia (both games) because pegasus knight. I love pegasus knights and shes my favorite next to Florina!

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1. Shiva, a terror with Sun Sword and 4 PCC.

2. Parn, Sun Sword, 5 PCC, stealing and 25% remove? Yes please.

3. Eyrios, between Prayer, Sun Sword and good defensive stats, I really like him as a bulky mobile mage.

4. Salem, I like to give him Ambush and a Pure Water, than Rewarp him around with Yostmung equipped. The results are typically priceless, and he ends up being able to use Fenrir for novelty and fun.

5. Sara, kinda like Salem, but with Wrath and Prayer instead of Ambush. Then there's the whole idea of having a 14 year old loli solo maps, which is also pretty hilarious.

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2. Not Fin

3. Not Fin

4. Not Fin

5. Not Fin

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1. Hector: Best Lord in the FE GBA games hands down. Strength, bulk, and his speed honestly isn't that bad.

2. Ike: Best Lord I've played with (FE6-10, plus half of 11). Everyone complains about mono-swords (with good reason), but at least his sword is 1-2 range, powerful, and light enough for him to use.

3. Ross: I've always been blessed with this little guy, and he's a really helpful unit on my squad, especially when he hits Berserker.

4. Pent: Helped me a ton the first time I played FE7, and he's been doing well ever since. Noobs always talk about how you shouldn't use prepremote units, but even Pent is an exception to that.

5. Jaffar: I love Assassins why can't they have more strength though. Jaffar is my favorite Assassin, and he doesn't even need a Killing edge to be a beast.

Honorable Mention:

Stefan: For being a cool ass character.

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3. Ross: I've always been blessed with this little guy, and he's a really helpful unit on my squad, especially when he hits Berserker.

I have to say, even when your Ross is ridiculously cursed (I've had two consecutive Rosses that entered level 1 fighter with base speed and skill) it's just as hilarious. Fights vs. mercenaries are always interesting...

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Just 5? I have alot so thats a tough one ;A;

5: Micaiah- Overall I dislike lords excemptions being Eliwood, Eirika, and Miccy. Honorable mentions to Eirika and Eliwood ;3; but Miccy is my favorite lord. I love watching Miccy thani bomb things and I find her likeable and tolerable unlike RDIke ^^'.

4: Edward- He's so kawaii o3o and he turns out into an excellent fighter. I like the entire DB but my favorites are easily Edward and Miccy.

3: Fiora- My favorite unit in FE7 o3o there is never a PT where I don't train her. ^^'

2: Vanessa- Syrene used to be my favorite before I played drafts ;3; but after playing drafts its Vanessa. I love them both though and Tana too so honorable mentions to them but Nessie is so gr8mazing ;3; best FE8 character ever! Nessie > Seth & Franz ;W;

1: Elincia- My favorite character in the series ^^' she's so graceful and has a really nice personality. She's a very memorable unit to me and I love that she stands for what she believes in and is a humble girl even though she's incredibly rich :^_^:.

honorable mentions to: everyone in my sig and Anna

One of my FEA pts will be an Anna solo ;W;

Edited by Queen_Emelina
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5. Jake(FE1,3,11,12) and probably tied with Beck too(FE1,FE3,FE11,FE12)

4. Eirika(FE8), Ike(FE10) (Tied) I like Eirika's character in general, and Ike's a monster in FE10.

3. Camus/Zeke/Sirius(FE1,2,3): I haven't played FE2, but from what I've heard he's a cool bro. He's pretty awesome eitherways. Tied with the Black Knight/Zelgius.(FE10, but I've heard he's more awesome in FE9)

2. Edward(FE10): I lke how cocky and naive he is, lvoe training him and using him, especially wth such broken stats, Nolan support and Caladbolg. xD

1. Cain and Sheeda(FE1,3,11,12): Cain has clicked for me almost every time I've used him. He was awesome in my recent draft. I also like his nickname, it sounds so awesome. Oh yeah, Sheeda?Well she looks real beautiful and Wing Spear is pretty awesome.

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5. Mia(RD) My best unit from Radiant Dawn

4.Seth(SS) Best pre-promote ever, in my opinion

3.Hector(BS) Despite my Eliwood ending up better I always used Hector because I love his character.

2. Lute(SS) I could always count on her to have really good stats and she usually ends up being the one to beat the final boss.

1. Eliwood(BS) I find him fairly interesting and in all my playthroughs he actually turns out better than Hector.

Edited by Saleth
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1. Hector: Best Lord in the FE GBA games hands down. Strength, bulk, and his speed honestly isn't that bad.

5 SPD base with a 40% SPD growth seems quite good to me actually! It's like a mixture of Dorcas' SPD base + Bartre's SPD growth.

Not to mention Hector is better than the two of them in almost every way imaginable, but that's an argument for another day.

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Edward, Ross, Lute, Matthew, and Fin(watching him decimate enemies with his brave lance and prayer is fun.)

Honorable mentions to Marty, Vika, and Arden. I don't know why but I have a soft spot for Marty and Arden.

Edited by Austin LePurple
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As far as units go.

5. FE11 Caeda. She never manages to disappoint with that Wing Spear of hers. Being a flyer doesn't hurt either.

4. FE11 Merric. Automatic Excalibur tome means he has little trouble being an anti-flyer guy.

3. Levin. I always did like him more than Azel as a unit. His personality doesn't hurt either.

2. Hector. I like his character, and he may have had ups and downs as a unit, I don't think I could do an FE7 run without him. (And Hector X Lyn OTP.)

1. Lyn. Obvious gender differences aside, read Hector.

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5. Gerik (SS) His strength, HP, skill, speed, and defense are all great, and his resistance isn't that bad. I don't care about luck when someone has good skill and speed. I always respect Ogma's, and he put up with Innes, which is very impressive. His back-story is pretty cool too.

4. Rath (BS) (No pun intended) He'll have great speed and good strength, skill, and HP. His resistance isn't even that bad, and his luck doesn't matter because of his skill and speed. His horsie helps his defense, and after he promotes, his sword helps him fight close range. I respect his silence, and he got kicked out by his dad when he was what, 3? And he still made it! If that's not awesome, than other than the rest of the stuff on this list, I don't know what is.

3. Hector (BS) He has insane strength, defense, and HP, decent skill, and even his resistance isn't that bad. I don't really care about luck, and after promotion, he can double ore one hit almost all enemies without getting scratched. His loyalty and the fact that he's an axe-using lord make up for his being a bit of a bully.

2. Cormag (SS) He'll have great stats, move, and con, and a cool color scheme and scar. His personality is the second most awesome out of all of them, next to my number 1. Also, he's just a boss.

1. Ike (RD) His stats are the best in of any beorc/human FE history in my opinion. He also has the Ragnell, which is amazing, and he went from mercenary, to general, to GODDESS-SLAYER! His loyalty, honesty, honor, and determination make him even more awesome. He is also just a complete boss in everything he does, plus he puts up with Shinon.

Edit: I fogot the honorable mentions. In no order in particluar, Volke (RD) , Raven, Edward, Nino, Dart, Seth, Kyle, Sain, Haar (RD), Ephraim,Aran, Gatrie (RD) and Sothe (RD).

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