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Rate the Unit, Day 47: Douglas

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Dat Rules

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0800 and 0900 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- Characters should be rated for their performance on all possible routes (A/B / Sacae/Ilia) but should not be penalized for routes they physically cannot exist on (z.B Juno in Sacae).

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


WENDY!: 0.19

Sophia: 0.45

Bors: 1.14

Cath: 1.48

Barth: 2.07

Wolt: 2.16

Ward: 2.61

Fa: 3.02

Dorothy: 3.17

Garret: 3.36

Lilina: 3.53

Merlinus: 3.53

Roy: 3.54

Geese: 3.70

Ray: 4.04

Hugh: 4.15

Treck: 4.66

Oujay: 4.80

Fir: 5.08

Lot: 5.40

Gonzales: 5.45

Cecilia: 5.61

Sue: 5.64

Zeiss: 5.70

Igrene: 5.73

Ellen: 5.73

Lugh: 5.98

Bartre: 6.00

Noah: 6.13

Chad: 6.42

Klein: 6.53

Astohl: 7.17

Saul: 7.18

Echidna: 7.27

Shin: 7.42

Zealot: 7.56

Clarine: 7.78

Tate: 7.89

Dieck: 7.94

Thany: 8.01

Alan: 8.52

Lance: 8.59

Marcus: 8.77

Lalam: 8.78

Elphin: 9.00

Percival: 9.60

Rutger: 9.61

Miredy: 9.88

at least his beard is pretty cool

and he's kinda lalam's dad

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He joins at an annoying chapter; ugh... those stupid falling stars and Purge/Bolting tomes paired with Berserk tomes everywhere!

His MOV hurts him; and Mages bites his ass hard, otherwise... Most things will go "TINK" on him!


Edited by Frostbite
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Good weapon ranks. Very durable. Very crappy at basically everything else. I'm not sure what the point is of a General with 8 base SPD. If you thought the rest of the Knights in this game were bad... well Douglas is still bad, but at least he's marginally less bad in a few areas.


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Good weapon ranks. Very durabe. He is this games' Duessel. The problem is that enemies are much more powerful than their future incarnations. Still, just use him as a TANK, and he is the best tank in the game - give him a couple of dracoshield and he is unbeatable, minus by armoslayers and magic.

Slow and unprecise, but a good filler to me, and he has a fast support with Percival, a top tier unit. This guy is low-middle to me. Usable, but with caution.


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It's a real shame he doesn't get HM bonuses. That would well have boosted his average up. Even at base, he has 20 defence and 19 Str, so if this guy's going to be used anywhere, it's Sacae route, where nearly everything will ricochet off his armour. Good weapon ranks means that despite getting doubled by nearly everything, he can use Silvers to hit hard for as long as his 13 skill allows it, and Javelins to retaliate during enemy phase. However he does have low move and 17 con, which basically means he is forever locked to his 5 move because nobody else has the aid to scoop his bulky ass up and drag it elsewhere on the map. But again, he will fit in quite well with a team which likes to take their cautious sweet time through maps.

Really not so usable through Ilia's maps, so I'll be docking 10% for that.


Edited by Raven
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Its time for the only "good" general to take the field.

He has that extremely manly 46 hp, 19 strenght and 20 DEFENSE! The rest of his stats aren't that great though.

He's a great unit in Sacea and a bit of a filler unit outside that. 5 move hurts and his speed is crap which makes his durability less then it should be. Still has A weapon ranks all around and he can hurt something pretty well.

He gets a 5.5 from me. 5 points as a unit and 0.5 points for the beard.

Edited by Sasori
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What other people said. 46 hp/19str/20def YAY

5 move/17con/What speed NAY

Usable, anyway, if you aren't going turbo. Not particularly good though.

Edit: I did this when I woke up cut me some slack and dropping his score some


Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Chapter 16x ought to be played. There's no valid excuse or complaint not to. That said, Douglas is still a pain to recruit if only because you have to put up with his self-righteous crap in chapter 16 and the sleep staff's effect only lasts so many turns per use.

5 move/17con NAY

Don't forget his speed sucks, too.

May well be the best of the horrible units, never mind knights/generals. Terrible class for this game and sub-par stats for the most part but somewhat acceptable (though still not extraordinary) defense. * / ****! That is, strong C- or weak C deployment material. Or rather......


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He's still more useful than the 3 Knights combined, thus his score should be better than the 3 knights' scores combined, no?

Not really. I mean, I'm better than 3 Inui's combined, but I'm worth less than 1337/10.

I think.

I mean in all honesty Douglas is going nowhere in Ilia and the only reason he has some worth in Sacae is because he can be used as a shield. He's late joining, his Con is stupidly high, and his Mov makes dead babies cry.

Edited by Colonel M
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Um... ew. Douglas. It's not that he looks bad but... ew. 8 base SPD. 30% growth. Um, yeah. He is a 5 MOV General though, and the obvious intention is to use him as a lategame tank. He has 20 base DEF, which serves him well for some time.

The problem is, Douglas has the usual issue with armors; horrendous MOV. He has some situational tanking uses, but he simply will not be keeping up with everybody else, who are pretty much confirmed to be 6 MOV+. He comes with an A in both axes and lances, which I guess serves him well in combat purposes, as he can immediately use silvers. The thing is, that 8 SPD means enemies laugh at him so hard he becomes too depressed to kill them. I guess he can pack something of a punch with his 19 base STR, which is fairly impressive, and 13 SKL means he'll be hitting okay. You better hope for a lot of OHKOs, though.

There's not much else I can say about Douglas. He's kind of like what Barth might be like if you actually bothered wasting a Crest on him and trained him to 10/8. And then gave him magical juice that transcended his weapon ranks. But LOL using Barf. Thus, LOL using Douglas.


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Damn it I was going to use the Boots in my review.

Okay, Sirius rating time. Douglas has 46 HP and 20 Def, which is almost like an instant nose-bleed. I think the only way Douglas can be harmed is if he wields an Axe and the Nomadic Troopers use Steel Sword. 19 Str is also worthy of causing a nosebleed. Then again, we come back to earth and realize Douglas's "other" stats.

8 Spd, which is borderline getting him doubled. More so by the promoted caliber of units. Then there's 5 Res, which means he'll take a serious pounding to Magi; especially if he's doubled. His 17 Con is gigantic - not even Thany can carry his wide ass around. Finally, his 5 Movement hinders him from being anything worthwhile.

I think the only thing really notable about him is being able to block a choke point. And that... is useful... when again? I don't really know of many chapters that really requires it. Maybe Final to help Tiki Fa, but Douglas still takes a pounding from Dragons. I think Mamkutes borderline double him, and they pack over 40 Atk. I guess he could sort of sit there provided one doesn't double him, he keeps a weapon unequipped, and heals himself with someone healing him every once in a while (I mean come on over 20 damage is going to add up fast).

1/10. I think that's generous enough.

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Not really. I mean, I'm better than 3 Inui's combined, but I'm worth less than 1337/10.

I think.

I mean in all honesty Douglas is going nowhere in Ilia and the only reason he has some worth in Sacae is because he can be used as a shield. He's late joining, his Con is stupidly high, and his Mov makes dead babies cry.

Actually I retract my previous statement. Barth is underrated. Seeing people's reasonable scores for Douglas makes me wonder why Barth scored so little on average. Here's my argument:

Barth comes at Lv.9, just 1 away from promotion. He has sufficient defence to absorb blows and retaliate to earn experience to reach level 10, might even take a kill here or there. With his growths, on average, he would have 26 hp, 10.6 str, 6.25 skl, 5.2 spd, 2.2 lck, 14.4 def and lol 1.02res. This could easily be achieved in his joining chapter.

What's this in one of the chapter's chests? A Knight crest! Use it on Barth.

You now have yourself a Lv.1 General with a B in Lances and E Axes, with 30 hp, 13.6 str, 8.25 skl, 8.2 spd, 2.2 lck, 18.4 def and 4.02 res on chapter 8.


Compare this to Douglas' Lv.8 bases: 46 hp, 19 str, 13 skl, 8 spd, 11 lck, 20 def, 5 res. He's better than Barth, assuming you promoted Barth as soon as possible and used him. A level 10/8 Barth is beating Douglas in defence and speed, but losing out to everything else.

Bear in mind Barth joins in Chapter eight - a full 12 chapters before Douglas even joins, including the Gaiden chapters. His usefulness as the midgame shield could prove invaluable in many chapters, however this does come with downsides, such as he will be taking the first Knight Crest, and that retracts other units such as the cavs from not being able to promote until the end of chapter 13. But still, Barth's score is a mere 2.07, while Douglas is receiving scores of up to 5.5 and will undoubtedly end up above Barth in the rankings, and I don't think that's right. I think my score of 4 is far too generous. Time to edit it.

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Doesn't have the CON to wield axes

Getting him is a PITA. Once he's on your side, he's forever playing catch-up with your team (at least an unpromoted Gonzo can be carried around by Thany). Zeiss is one point of Speed away from doubling him, and he got ripped for his crappy Speed, so. . .


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He joins at an annoying chapter; ugh... those stupid falling stars and Purge/Bolting tomes paired with Berserk tomes everywhere!

His MOV hurts him; and Mages bites his ass hard, otherwise... Most things will go "TINK" on him!


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You know, I was deliberating whether or not to bench Bors, and this topic just helped me make up my mind. I have a speedwings and boots that I was going to use on him, and since he's level 10 he is promotable, but I think I'll be wanting Douglas more than him, particularly since he comes with good weapon ranks.

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Douglas is extremely bad. No offense forever no matter what and unusable move. I do think he's marginally better than Bors and Barth (I originally typed Bars and Borth...), but he's still saddled with most of their problems. Armors really are inherently bad in FE6, as they are in most games.


Edited by Duff Ostrich
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Bors is wank.

The only things he's got going for him is his speed and luck growths, at 40% and 50% respectively.

My Level 10 Bors with 5 Speed says hi.

I know personal experience isn't everything, but in this case, it's enough to tip the scales in Douglas's favor.

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My Level 10 Bors with 5 Speed says hi.

I know personal experience isn't everything, but in this case, it's enough to tip the scales in Douglas's favor.

Well yeah. Every single normal run is totally dependent on the 'there and then', so to speak. A unit could have like 70% growth in something and still get royally screwed, just like a unit with 30% growth in something could get blessed.

I'd drop that Bors too. Drop it like a sack of shit into a shit bin.

Edited by Raven
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Bors is wank.

The only things he's got going for him is his speed and luck growths, at 40% and 50% respectively.

I would consider Bors worth using at base if he had a speed growth of 300%. Even then it'd be pretty tough though. His speed wouldn't be notable until chapter/level 5, where he'd probably out-speed Dieck (if he got one level per chapter, which would be very generous).

The unfortunate thing for Bors is that bases are more important than growths even in chapter 1. I think Lance is great because of 8 AS out of the box with good growths. With bad growths he'd simply be okay. With bad bases he would be useless. Though an argument can be made that 5 base strength isn't especially great to begin with.

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