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Othin Plays FE13!


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Lunatic KvK3? At LV40? My MU is at least at that level and he's not coming close to that in KvK1, as strong as he is.

Anyway, I was able to make it through KvK1, mainly using MU but getting plenty of Exp for other characters. As I suspected, I eventually had to use the terrain in the upper part of the map to protect my weaker characters, but it didn't really work as a chokepoint. Instead, I had to use flight and Rescue staffs to pull my team up to the cliffs that can't be reached by foot and just had them sit there while MU danced around Celice and his lackeys to set up a good opportunity for them to come down. Burned through several Rescue uses that way, but fortunately I didn't need them to get back down. At the end, I wound up luring out and killing the enemies around Sigurd one by one. Cheap, but it worked, and got plenty of Exp for weaker characters like Tiamo. Tiamo is particularly important, as she's approaching LV5, where she'll learn Speed Cry. I think it's no exaggeration to say that this will completely change how my team is able to fight. I also got several other important skills already: Sairi's Astra, Libera's Renewal, and Mariabel's Resistance Cry. Even if I wasn't getting as much Exp as I could've, I've still been getting plenty.

Next is KvK2. With a split team and lack of cover to use against the large enemy groups, this is going to be even trickier. I can use the bridges as chokepoints, but I'm not sure how well I could maintain that, especially with three points to block around the map and them not blocking off the FE1 team anyway. I do have Leaf now, though, and in addition to his other tricks, he can fight about as well as Sairi, one of my best characters. I can probably get away with leaving behind Sariya or Lucina to add him to my team; I'm leaning towards Sariya, but I'm not certain.

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Well, I am doubling with completely maxed-out characters and have a ton of all stats +2 manuals lying around so I throw them around like candy. That could easily make them fight like a level 50-60 character I guess. My main grinding map is actually RvB2, but I need to be level 50 to solo it even with all those bonuses.

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Othin, would you say that keeping Krom apart from his other potential partners for Krom x Olivia is unrealistic on Lunatic?

With a female MU, yes, absolutely. Not going to be able to keep them apart.

With a male MU, it's less certain, but I'm still inclined to say yes.

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It sounds like the only females he's using serious could potentially be MU. If MU was a guy, it sounds more possible than we thought.

aaand ninja'd

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Well, out of Krom's potential partners, I'm using Mariabel, but her only likely way of gaining support points with Krom is healing him, since she won't be involved in much combat or Double support. And there are other healers around as well.

I had him fight alongside Sumia a lot earlier in the game for her Spd boost, but there should be ways to work around that. The only other competition with male MU present is Soiree, who isn't good in Lunatic and is easy to keep away from Krom during the time you might use her.

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The way I assumed the marriages worked was that if you had a support level with someone, whoever had the highest level would be Krom's wife. Like, you didn't need an S rank. So A MU and B Sumia would end up with a MU x Krom Lucina.

And can't you hold off on achieving supports until you want to? Or is it automatic?

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I suppose so, but if one girl has something like a B support and the others have nothing, then support points don't matter as much.

Plus if you really wanted Krom x Olivia you could either kill the other girls (but that's really stupid) or I guess go grind skirmishes and pair them ahead of time.

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You can't do that, because Olivia is recruited in Chapter 12 and Krom is paired automatically at the end of Chapter 12, before you access the world map. You basically have just that map.

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Olivia joins at the start of Ch11, after exiting the prep screen, and Krom's pairing is set at the end of the chapter. There's no time for her to get any support levels with Krom and no grinding opportunity. So for this particular case, none of that works.

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Ah. I thought Lucina joined at the end of 13 or something and you only had 1 chapter.

In that case I guess you'd just have to go Male MU and pair all the other girls and avoid ones like Anna til later.

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NM LvD2 was hilariously easy to curbstomp with my nearly maxed-out team. Took just two turns. Great music, though; it was Ch3 from FE4.

In that case, isn't it optimal to go for FeMU on lunatic so that you get their S rank bonus while doubling?

Potentially, but it's not necessary. You don't get a whole lot more out of it than you would from getting the support bonus.

On the other hand, guaranteeing a good Lucina and an early and good Mark might both be helpful. Regardless, I'd never go for it because I've already made that pairing and I have so many other people to pair MU with.

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To each their own, I guess. I'd rather go for all the pairings hijinks on Hard or Normal. Speaking of which, how hard is Hard, anyway? Does it compare to say, Eliwood Hard?

(Lunatic seems crazy enough that I'd rather break the game in any way I can, first time through. Or maybe that's a better idea for Lunatic+. I don't know.)

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To each their own, I guess. I'd rather go for all the pairings hijinks on Hard or Normal. Speaking of which, how hard is Hard, anyway? Does it compare to say, Eliwood Hard?

(Lunatic seems crazy enough that I'd rather break the game in any way I can, first time through. Or maybe that's a better idea for Lunatic+. I don't know.)

For other characters, perhaps. But I have 47 pairings to make for MU. I see no reason to delay.

What's with all the EHM comparisons? Does anyone actually play that mode? All I can say is that FE13 NM is about equal to FE8 HM; I don't really play the other games in the series anymore.

Darn, I was hoping for Mila's Divine Protection as the map theme for LvD2.

What's the music for the battles?

Battle music is FE4's chapter boss music.

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Finally made it through KvK2 by attacking the FE1 team more aggressively so it would be out of the way by the time I had to run from the FE3 team. After having the room to deal with them, the FE2 team was easy enough once it got around to attacking the left side of the map. Funnily enough, this was another one of "those" maps: aside from the characters who started in the lower right and flew over to the left, my characters spent the whole map within the left quarter of the map. The map as a whole took 10 turns, as opposed to 33 on the first map, which was a refreshing change.

I don't think I'm going to be able to make it through KvK3 at this point, so I guess I'll just assemble whatever resources I have and try again at Ch18. Most importantly, Tiamo has Speed Cry now, so that should change things a lot.

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Can Mark (F) inherit Dark Blessing if her Mother is Inverse? Would be an interesting skill to have so she doesn't have to rely on the Sorcerer class to use Inverse's Darkness.

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