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Best Prf Weapon?


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Hector's wolf Beil could kick ass...And so does Armads, now that I think about it.

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It's either Wing Spear or Saphy's Repair Staff. Likely the latter as you need it for SSS ranking and speeding through the game.

I don't think staffs qualify as weapons though.

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Staffs have a weapon rank :p

However, you can't actually attack with them (well, you can counter-attack with them in FE10, but none of those are Prf weapons).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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They are nonetheless defined as weapons, regardless of their pref status or worth relative to other pref weapons. Sharlowe's Berserk staff would have to be called one, at least. Though it's more a fun alternative than a map-clearing Ragnell.

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I don't know if I could count the Wing Spear as a true Prf weapon since the only other character that can use it is Xane. But then again, the Braggi Sword's a Prf weapon that's usable by more than one person, so...

Anyways, anything that's anti-armor and anti-horse is okay with me. Wolf Beil, Reginlief, you name it. I'm not gonna deny the Wing Spear's the best of them, but the Mani Katti's not a slouch of a weapon either. Absolutely free to use, 20% base crit, and gets repaired after Lyn's story is over? Yes please!

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I don't know if I could count the Wing Spear as a true Prf weapon since the only other character that can use it is Xane.
yeah but only when Xane transforms into Caeda
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Like the original poster said, the RD version of Amiti: Infinite-use +3 Def/Res Brave Sword with 15 might. It's what makes Elincia an excellent fighter and counter the +2/1 Str caps that Trueblades have over her.

Close seconds for me are Pugi because of that Hit/Critical/Othin-only, Grafcalibur because it's Wind!Pugi with 20 less uses and better at everything else, and Dime Thunder because it's an Amiti-wanabee thunder tome. Third to all the powerful lord/lady professional weapons with effective bonuses (Wolf Beil, Mani Katti, Wing Spear, etc.).

I don't count weapons usable by others in other games as Prf, that's just unnecessary limiting.

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FFS, everyone, the correct answer is Wing Spear. Not only can you make it even stronger (to make Caeda a boss-killer for most of the game), but you can plenty of opportunities to replace it. Marth's Rapier, sadly, is almost always looking down WTD.

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Sword of Seals. How come no-one has mentioned this? 18 mt, 1-2 range, allows for self healing, and +5 def/res, not to mention effective against the most common endgame enemies. Oh, and no weight penalty

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Sword of Seals. How come no-one has mentioned this? 18 mt, 1-2 range, allows for self healing, and +5 def/res, not to mention effective against the most common endgame enemies. Oh, and no weight penalty

It only has all of 20 uses and is usable for about 3 chapters.

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FE11 has an endless stream of Cavaliers, Paladins, and Horsemen spewing out of all its orifices. And no shortage of Armored fiends either.

And unlike many other Prf users, Caeda/Sheeda/Shiida/Shitface/Vergilina can wield her special toy with 8/10 move + flight. And for the entire game no less!

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What about it? It's really heavy and only has 50 accuracy.

At least Shramm had a lot of fun perks.

Oh shit, 50 Hit? I forgot about that. Although I think the fact that I forgot about it just goes to show how unconcerned Shigen is about Hit. I mean, I didn't use it a whole lot, but... immortality, man.

Although Shramm and Sunflame pretty much give immortality while not being terrible otherwise, so they're probably better. I mean, my first TRS run ended with Vega and Rigel as the only two non-required surviving characters, so I think that says something about their and their weapons' longevity and effectiveness.

Maerhen also survived but that was just because he was too terrible to even bring as bait so fuck him.

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Here's a comparison of Personal weapons for Vega and Shigen.

Weapon		Might	Hit	Crit	Weight	Uses
Shramm		10	80	20	2	60
Dullahan	12	50	0	10	40

Each sword has a special effect, Shramm halves the received damage from enemy (think Lopto Sword), while Dullahan automatically revives the user when the HP reaches zero.

So... I think Shramm is much better than Dullahan.

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Here's a comparison of Personal weapons for Vega and Shigen.

Weapon		Might	Hit	Crit	Weight	Uses
Shramm		10	80	20	2	60
Dullahan	12	50	0	10	40

Each sword has a special effect, Shramm halves the received damage from enemy (think Lopto Sword), while Dullahan automatically revives the user when the HP reaches zero.

So... I think Shramm is much better than Dullahan.

Dullahan was one of my least favorite personal weapons by far. While the revive effect is rather nice, using the sword is practically a death sentence by itself. While it has nice power, it makes Shigen's base AS a whopping 4 and he only has 86 accuracy with it. While most enemies are slow, especially humans going very often in the negative attack speed, most monsters aren't weighed down by their weapons, and some of them are actually quite fast, and thus hard to hit, but fragile, and therefore don't require Dullahan's massive power. Shigen is restricted to Holmes' route, which actually fights most of the monsters in some of the most annoying chapters of the game.

I can see the sword being used in chapter 16 to avoid frustration against the army of Opuses, but I personally had no issues with Shigen using an Iron Sword or an Estoc instead since he keeps most of his speed and accuracy. Opuses are notable to have shitty HP and defense, but monstrous avoid, so he shouldn't need more than one well placed hit to kill them off.

Edited by Dio
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I mainly found myself using it in the Final so Shigen could run around the final boss killing the Opuses there and luring him into killing the rest with the splash damage. This cleared a path I needed, since the big four had already taken a lot of damage and couldn't risk taking more before they could quickly score the kill.

But then my endgame strategies had to be a bit unconventional for the above mentioned reasons.

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Actually, I was being impetuous and silly. I change my answer to FE9 Rolf's Bow.

Rolf becomes a complete murderous monster because of it. It's a good thing it is locked to 2-range, otherwise a separate Rolfskip tier list might need to be created.

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