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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Helios was suspected by a few people during day 1 and didn't but out too many thoughts of his own. I don't really like that and i agree with paper. He's looking scummy as well as be inactive.

##Vote: Helios

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This is all stuff paperblade already stated but I'm just agreeing with the situation.

However since he is being partially inactive we should probably wait to see if he defends himself any more than the one post he already stated.

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Hey, an answer to my question.


Now, then, here's some of the reasons why Manix can fail:

1. Manix was hooked.

2. Manix tried to watch someone that was safeguarded.

3. Manix is lying.

I'm not going to discount the last possibility entirely. Yet.

Rapier's making a hell of a lot more sense than normal, and this makes me happy. Keep it up, and don't forget that a common mafia passive role is godfather.

WTF are you doing Shinori? You have no reason to say anything about hooked/not hooked/active/passive/whatever right now.

There's pitiful discussion going on. We need much more of it.

##Vote: Ether

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WTF are you doing Shinori? You have no reason to say anything about hooked/not hooked/active/passive/whatever right now.

The question was asked on if anyone else was roleblocker or not, I would assume to check one of two things:

A: If there is the chance of a second roleblocker.


B: If manix did actually hit a safeguard.

I was claiming that i don't BELIEVE that i was roleblocked. But i wouldn't know exactly.

Which is probably all that i should have said but i didn't want people to be confused by what i meant, however most people here would have easily understood that...so i guess the answer to your question is being legit stupid.

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Yeah. Unless you are a town roleblocker and blocked Manix for whatever reason, don't volunteer info like that. . .and even THAT information is questionable.

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I have a suggestion: Manix should tell us who he targetted last night. Let me explain why.

- He may be lying right now. Telling us who he targetted may help us discern if he's really a scum or a townie.

- By knowing who he targetted, we will know two things:

-> The person Manix targetted was Safeguarded and thus is scum.


-> Manix was roleblocked.

If the Cop investigates the player Manix targetted, we will know about his role. I believe we got nothing to lose from doing it.

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Hey all. Just checking in to confirm that I'm active, and replacing Helios to the best of my ability.

Prims, would you mind updating the OP to show it though? Sorry to be a bother.

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I think we can start a process of elimination here. Manix, who were the top 3 potential targets for you on N1?

What do you mean?

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Why would you wonder why Manix was blocked? If he's the watcher, one of the mafias could have blocked him because they thought there was a good chance Manix would inspect them during the nigh
I think we can start a process of elimination here. Manix, who were the top 3 potential targets for you on N1?

What do you mean?

Does this help? I'm asking Manix to explain who he might have picked to watch, so it would clarify which members would be paranoid enough to block him.

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I have a suggestion: Manix should tell us who he targetted last night. Let me explain why.

Yeah okay. I targeted Paper last night.

If the Cop investigates the player Manix targetted, we will know about his role. I believe we got nothing to lose from doing it.

Also, I'd love to, but I already did. And I got nothing. See above.

...oh wait, I claimed Watcher didn't I? Oh right.

Let me come clean. I'm actually the rolecop. I claimed Watcher to make sure the mafia didn't see me as a huge threat to them. It had to be done. But even then, I suspect they had a shot at me anyway, because Town!PR and all. And the doc was good enough to target me. Just a theory.

This is also why I suspect a hooker over a safeguard, because I doubt that Paper is scum anymore, hence shouldn't have been safeguarded.

And yes, I suspect you won't like me for this little plan of mine, but it was required.

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Yeah okay. I targeted Paper last night.

Also, I'd love to, but I already did. And I got nothing. See above.

...oh wait, I claimed Watcher didn't I? Oh right.

Let me come clean. I'm actually the rolecop. I claimed Watcher to make sure the mafia didn't see me as a huge threat to them. It had to be done. But even then, I suspect they had a shot at me anyway, because Town!PR and all. And the doc was good enough to target me. Just a theory.

This is also why I suspect a hooker over a safeguard, because I doubt that Paper is scum anymore, hence shouldn't have been safeguarded.

I think what I'm about to do is very stupid, but... I'm the Town Roleblocker. So that means Paper was protected by a Safeguard. And that means his scumbuddy protected him.

##Vote: Paperblade

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