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Thats not at all what that sentence means but you know what, vote me, everyone, if i'm going to die anytime soon might as well do it now. I'm the only "100% confirmed" mafia, so do it. Go right ahead, and may be that way you'll fucking open your eyes that i'm not stupid enough to claim a role that would put me in danger of being lynched if for some reason mafia teams decides to cancel and i'm mafia. Do you people really think that I would be so retarded as to do that? Really? I'm seriously being understimated here. I may not be the greatest mafia player, but i know what the fuck would get me lynched immidiately or if there is things against it. Also, do you really think my teammate would let me claim that and then have me say nothing about it on day 2?

1. 'bout time you got into character.

2. You're right, I should lynch scum more useful than you. All you can do is sit by and watch. I'll be MORE than happy to push a Kaoz/Bal lynch.

That it has no clues? Yeah, so what?

It means that quoting your role flavor to try to get out of the fact that mostly everyone was stopped on N1 is a terrible idea.

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Bizz. <3

Kaoz, since you decided to show up, I'll ask the same question I asked Slayer:

Who do you think is Scum, and who town?

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Sorry about that confusion, by the way, but I had no idea that would be misunderstood. I add commas where they belong, usually. You guys should know me better. ))):

Ugh, being dead sucks. I hate being dead. I hope you all die so you know how it feels.

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@Strawman: 2

By that logic, town should NL until something better comes up; after all, one can't mislynch if there's no lynch to begin with, and it'll save an innocent townie from being lynched~! That's horrible logic, and we both know that.

Because those two are the same thing, right? Try comparing it to lynching someone confirmed town by the Cop and we might get somewhere (a townie is confirmed town to himself via his role pm).

When you lynch X, you don't know whether he'll flip town or mafia beforehand, hence it's a good idea to get info. When you already know X is town, lynching him is a terrible idea. Basically, from an outside pov, lynching Shinori was a great idea. From his own pov, as confirmed townie, it's a horrible one.

##Vote: eclipse for horrible logic and being unable to read Slayer's role.

Also, Slayer for likely town.

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Well see your poem grabbed me at the start with the racist comment, but then it quickly just became a slightly edited scientist joke, you nailed the opening, but acts 2 and 3 were a disappointment.

Excellen's was curious, while not rhyming and picking up slowly, it completely blew me away with the ending, the revelation that the man with the tennis racquet shoes and ice fishing might in fact not be a man, but a woman, just floored me. Like holy shit, 10/10, 5★, recommended reading, would read again.

Biggest plot twist since Luke being Darth Vader's uncle.

He had to win, just on the merit of the ending alone.

But not only are beginnings more important than endings, my beginning was better than his ending. Especially since with his poem, we don't actually KNOW that the eskimo is now a woman. He just leaves it up to you to decide at the end. Which means that his poem tells you nothing! Mine warns of the dangers of being bad at chemistry, WHILST ALSO being more politically correct. And besides, Inuit can be scientists too!

Also, I'll stop posting now.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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And if Eclipse is actually mafia, I'm going to cry. She's not completely confirmed and claimed the wrong role name, but I figured the latter was intentional and otherwise she's been mostly town on my radar.

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Bizz, I claimed both, since Haze informed me that my role name changed at the beginning of N1. . .but forgot to tell me until the end of D2. ;/

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Bizz, want to share that radar? Not that you need to, since great minds think a like. 8) If Eclipse is actually mafia, I'll be sad, too. :(

I remember Shinori, Eclipse, Elieson, Blitz, and Balcerzak. Only Eclipse claimed. I had another claims from people who didn't make it public that they were claiming, but I won't out them, and Blitz claimed in the thread.

STRAWMANNNNNN, whenever you come back, can you state how many of these people that didn't claim to Bizz actually claimed to you? KTHX.

Kaoz, can you please, please, please talk about your own wagon, first? ;/

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Bizz, I claimed both, since Haze informed me that my role name changed at the beginning of N1. . .but forgot to tell me until the end of D2. ;/


All right, thank you for telling me. by the way I know I still owe you cm4!flavor, I didn't forget

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Bizz, want to share that radar?

Do you want a colorful Vibes Chart™?

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##Unvote (Slayer)

##Vote: Kaoz

I think Bal is kind of better, personally, but apparently my opinion doesn't really mean too much right now. w/e

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##Vote: Balc

I actually think balc is a better target as well with the info stated by people here. He also hasn't been around much lately, but I think he stated that he's been busy with life stuff.


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##Vote: Balc

I actually think balc is a better target as well with the info stated by people here. He also hasn't been around much lately, but I think he stated that he's been busy with life stuff.




Anyways is Slayer tomorrow's target?

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Thank you for shopping; we hope you enjoy your COLORFUL VIBES CHART™--DELUXE GHOST EDITION

From most town to least town:















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Anyways is Slayer tomorrow's target?

No. Whoever of Balcerzak / Kaoz that doesn't get lynched, you know, since they're useful scum.


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